Friday, August 30, 2013



Read Psalm 16

This Psalm would have to be one of my favourites. You may have deduced by now that the `omnipresence' of God - not only the knowledge, but my experience - are what have given me peace through many a trial and kept my faith from being shaken.

"I know the LORD IS ALWAYS WITH ME. I will not be shaken, for HE IS RIGHT BESIDE ME." Psalm 16:8  (NLT)

Like David, I have made many `blunders', and probably upset the Lord at times, but one thing we know from reading David's story again and again, and his thoughts and meditations in the Psalms,  is that David's trust and reliance on God never wavered.

"Keep me safe, O God, for I have come to you for refuge. I said to the Lord, `You are my MASTER! EVERY GOOD THING I HAVE COMES FROM YOU."  Psalm 16:1&2 (NLT)

Another truth David was sure about was where he would be spending eternity. We too can share this hope for our future, for when Jesus died on the cross and rose again, he secured for us a HOPE IN HEAVEN, where we could live with Him forever.

"You will show me the WAY OF LIFE, granting me the joy of your PRESENCE and pleasures of LIVING WITH YOU FOREVER."  Psalm 16:11 (NLT)

1. Is your hope secured in the omnipresence of the Lord and your eternal salvation?
   How do you know this?

If you are not sure, read on and find how David knew this hope.


Read Chronicles 13-16; 2 Samuel 7 

When David told Samuel to anoint a new King in Israel he said he wanted `a man after his own heart'. God chose David, and we can see this in these few chapters in 1 Chronicles (also summarized in 2 Samuel 5&6) that David did indeed seek to honour God in humble worship and prayer throughout many areas of his life.


"So David asked God `Should I go out and fight the Philistines? Will you hand them over to me?'  The Lord replied.  "Yes, Go ahead, I will hand them over to you........ `God did it', David exlaimed........ Once again David asked God what to do."  1 Chronicles 14:10,11 &14 (NLT)

I like the way that God gave David specific instructions for the battle, and that David acknowledged God as the VICTOR. God may not give us the directions we want and we may not feel see God as our victor in the midst of our battles, but if we seek Him,  we can be assured of  His peace.


David sought to honour God by bringing the `Ark of the Covenant' to Jerusalem - so the people could share in God's presence. Things didn't go too well at first, as David did things his way. He learnt his lesson though. The second time around he dressed for the occasion and made sure he followed God's instructions for carrying the ark.  He continued to dance and enjoy his worship.

"On that day David gave Asaph and his fellow Levites this song of thanksgiving to the Lord:
`Give thanks to the Lord and proclaim His greatness.
Let the whole world know what He has done.
Sing to Him, yes sing His praises.
Tell everyone about His wonderful deeds.
Exult His holy name, you who worship the Lord.
Search for the Lord and for his strength; continually seek Him."  1 Chronicles 16:7-11 (NLT)

We too can be encouraged by David's words to the Levites, for we now have the honour of being in the Lord's presence always. We are `priests' who can worship with other believers, then go into the world and tell other believers.

When David's wife saw him laughing and enjoying his worship she was not happy.  People will not always be happy when we share with them about God's wonderful deeds. But God will be happy if we are obedient to Him and are honouring Him by `continually seeking His presence'.


"When King David was settled in His palace and the Lord had given Him rest from His enemies, the King summoned Nathan the prophet. `Look, David said, 'I am living in this beautiful cedar palace, but the ark of the God is out there in a tent'.   Nathan replied, `Go ahead and do whatever you have in mind, for the Lord is with you." 2 Samuel 7:1-3  (NLT)

Things had quietened down a bit. David spent this time with Nathan, his spiritual advisor and mentor, for His heart was still on God.  More important to him than his own well being, was making sure that God had a`real' place to dwell. God spoke to Nathan, and Nathan later put David's mind at rest.

God was happy, as long as He was dwelling with His people. He wanted to remind David that more important than a `house' was a dwelling place in his heart. One day there would be a temple where God's people would come and worship Him, but this was not for David to worry about. At the moment David was to concern himself with following God's will in his everyday life.  It may not always be easy, and there may be a little bit of disciplining along the way, but if David continued to trust God, David's throne would be `secure forever'.

I encourage you, if you haven't already to find yourself a mentor. someone who can help, encourage you, and to whom you can be accountable to.  Are you struggling in your faith? Has the Lord given you rest from your battles? Acknowledge this, and use this time wisely by getting into the Word and reaching out and finding someone who can help you in your spiritual development.


This passage in 2 Samuel 7, continues with David's prayer of thanks. David often sought these times alone with the Lord. Through this prayer we see that David truly believes in God promises, that what He says will come to pass. He again acknowledges Him as the Saviour and Redeemer of His people, and His faithful, OMNIPRESENT LORD.


This time in the Lord's presence was where he gained strength to fight those `battles' at home, for we know that David's wife wasn't always happy with everything he did. His children were likely a bit of a handful too.
We also know he had a darker side to his personality - an `adulterous and rebellious nature' - we can't take these lightly, but we do know David sought forgiveness.

"Blessed is the person whose disobedience is forgiven and whose sin is pardoned. I made my sins known to you and did not cover my guilt. I decided to confess to you, O Lord. Then you forgave all my sins." Psalm 32:1&5  (GWT)

David endeavoured to show his family that he was a man of God who never denied that God was His Saviour and His omnipresent Lord, and His faith was always SECURE in this.

"Then all the people went home, and David went home to bless His family." 1 Chronicles 16:43 (GWT)

2. Where do you need to seek God presence most? 


Read Psalm 16: 8-11;  Acts 2:14-38

Some writers see this Psalm of  David's as a prophecy of the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ.

Peter used these words in his first sermon, after Jesus' death and resurrection, to show the people of Israel that even their great hero David knew that Jesus would rise from dead.   With great enthusiasm and conviction he tells the people that Jesus is this omnipresent Lord whom David said is `before me always', `close by my side'.

This is the same Lord that gives us assurance in our faith. As `death could not hold Him down', we can be assured that our LIVING, OMNIPRESENT GOD will bless us, encourage us and give us peace.

 David also said, `I am glad and I will rejoice'.  I have to honestly say, I haven't always felt this gladness, but I am still able to rest in the other promise of this psalm, which I think the King James Version actually puts it best:

"Thou wilt not leave my soul in hell"...... "Thou wilt show me the path of life". Psalm 16:10&11 (KJV)

I don't think it can be anymore simpler. When I gave my life to Christ 42 years ago, He said to me `Come child, into my eternal presence. I will be with you forever on your journey in the world, where, as my seed planter you may not always find it easy. But in those times, rest in me, and remember, I have a home for you in Heaven.

"For God so loved the world He gave His only Son, that whoever believes in Him will never die, but will have eternal life."  (NIV)

"Don't be troubled. Believe in God, and believe in Me.  My Father's house as many rooms. If that were not true would I have not told you that I am going to prepare a place for you? If I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again. Then I will bring you again into His presence so that you will be where I am. You know the place where I am going."  John 14:1-3 (NLT)

God has a home for you too. He wants to be with you on your earthly journey as he was with David.  He wants you to have the joy that David had when he thought about the path of life that lay ahead for him.  Why? Because of his unwavering TRUST IN HIS OMNIPRESENT LORD.

"The Bible", New Living Translation (NLT), 1996, Tyndale Publishers
"God's Word Translations (GWT), 2003, Green Key Publishers

New International Version (NIV)
King James Version (KJV)

New Matthew Henry Commentary, Edited by Martin H Manser

Thursday, August 8, 2013

Psalm 15 - Living in Integrity and Righteousness


Read Psalm 15

Psalm 15 is one of David's liturgical psalms. After meditating on the coming Redeemer and the joy He would bring to His people, David wanted to be certain the people of Israel were following God's ways and living a righteous life.

This righteous life was not one of piety, but a life of truth and justice and a real passion for goodness and holiness. These are what would give God a `happy heart'. As a teenager, in Youth Group, I had the reputation of being a `goody goody'. I had this verse in Psalm 15 highlighted in my bible, as it was a priority in my life to be obedient to God and to live in integrity and righteousness.  It didn't make me a lot of friends, but it kept me safe in the arms of God, and gave me strength to face some difficult times ahead.

"Who may stay in your tent? Who may live on your holy mountain? The one who walks in integrity, does what is righteous, and speaks the truth within his heart." Psalm 15:1&2  (GWT)

"Seek first His Kingdom and His righteousness and all these things will be given to you as well."
 Matthew 6:33 (NLT)

1. What is the difference between living a `pious life' and a life of `integrity and righteousness'?


Read Psalm 1:1

What does it mean to stay in God's `holy tent', to live on his `holy mountain'? Does it me literally that if we are good enough we can go to Church, or as it was in David's time, in the `sanctuary of God's presence'?

In the time of David the `holy tent' was indeed a place where the people of Israel would go to meet with the Lord.  The holy mountain was where David hoped Solomon would build a temple for the Lord. Both of these places represented a meeting place for God and His people.

For us today, some people still believe they can only meet God in the Church building or sanctuary. But it is God's desire that we meet Him anywhere and at anytime - in our homes, at school, at work, maybe when we are taking a walk and simply enjoying God's creation. What He wants from most of us is that we simply SEEK HIS PRESENCE.

I like the New Living Translation Version and the The Message has an interesting take on it too:

"Who may WORSHIP in your sanctuary Lord? Who may enter your PRESENCE on your holy hill? Psalm 15: 1 (NLT)

"God, who get's invited to dinner at your place? How do we get on your guest list?" (THE MESSAGE)

Worship and communion are two opportunities we have to be in the special presence of the Lord, but this doesn't always have to be in the confines of a Church building on Sunday.  We can worship and commune with God in His presence every day - He is always WAITING FOR YOU.

2. Do you currently have this kind of experience of fellowship with God? 

3. Is there anything that is keeping from having this joyous fellowship?


Read Psalm 15:2-5

How does one walk in integrity and righteousness?

1) It starts with a SINCERE FAITH and a DESIRE TO LIVE A LIFE OF INTEGRITY AND RIGHTEOUSNESS.  There are two songs that have touched my life this week. They were written by a young man who is endeavouring to live his faith, at times like Stephen, who was willing to take a stand and to give his life as he takes a `STAND' for Christ.  (Acts 7).    And then at other times, he just lives his life of integrity and sincere faith and others see it and want to know more. He tells them He is `SAVED AND FREE'.

"I'm saved and free, saved and free
By His grace and his glory, I'm saved and free.
Doesn't matter the trial, doesn't matter to me,
By the precious blood of Jesus, I am saved and free."
       (2 Corinthians 6:1, Galatians 5:1)     (Denver & the Mile High Orchestra)

Stephen: "I will stand for you because you died for me
             I'll lay down my life for the world to see.
             That your power is real, that your love is true
              You died for me, Jesus you died for me, I'll stand for you."

Jesus: "I will stand for you because you died for me.
           I'll open the heavens for the world to see.
           That my power is real, that my love is true.
           You died for me, Stephen, you died for me, I'll stand for you."

Denver: "In the midst of persecution, when it means that I must stand alone,
              If I'm worth dying for, then you're worth living for.
              So I give you my heart, I give you my soul.
              Will you give Jesus you heart, will you stand?"  (Acts 7)
                                        (Denver & the Mile High Orchestra)

2) BE HONEST, JUST AND FAIR in you dealings with all people, especially when it comes to business. Put a good concience above the desire for wealth and any unjust practices. Our activities are to be clear of compromise, not merely law abiding, but above reproach.

"Such people speak the truth from their hearts and do not tell lies to others. They do charge interest on money they lend and do not take money to hurt innocent people." Psalm 15:2b & 5  (NCV)

3) DO GOOD TO YOUR NEIGHBOURS AND FRIENDS. Do not listen to or spread gossip. Think the best of everyone and the worst of no one.

* Is it confidential?  If so, never mention it.
* Is it true? This may take some investigation.
* Is it necessary? Do many words are useless.
* Is it true? Does it serve a wholesome purpose.
                                       Charles Swindoll. 

"Those who refuse to gossip or harm their neighbours or speak evil of their friends." Psalm 15:3 (NLT)

"They keep their promises to their neighbours even when it hurts." Psalm 15:4b (NCV)

"Watch the way you talk. Let nothing foul or dirty come out of your mouth. Say only what helps, each word is a gift." Ephesians 4:29 (The Message)

4) VALUE PEOPLE BY THEIR GOODNESS AND GODLINESS, not by how they look to the world. On Sunday I had the blessing of being able to pray with a man who had a severe mental illness - a man who the world, and at first, because of fear, I may have shunned. But through circumstances of my own, not only could I now reach out with empathy, but I am now able to love unconditionally.

"We must honour those who honour the Lord." Psalm 15:4b  (ICB)

"Don't judge by his appearance or height, for I have rejected him. The Lord doesn't see things the way you see them. People judge by outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart."  
1 Samuel 16:7

For the sake of evangelism, though we will at times cultivate friendships with non-Christians, but we need to discern whether such a friendship will effect our own walk with the Lord, for `bad company" can "corrupt good character". (1 Corinthians 15:33)  Because we tend to emulate those we spend time with, we need Christlike friends.

4. If you feel secure in knowing you SAVED AND FREE, how will this effect the decisions you make in your everyday life, in regard to relationships with others?

5. Is there a situation where you need more courage to STAND up for your Christ?


God's promise at the end of this Psalm was:

"He who does these things will never be shaken." (V5)

Living a life of integrity and righteousness may seem difficult at first, and the Hebrew meaning for `shaken' actually means `insecurity' , which your may feel, especially when we remember that we are sinners by nature. But remember, you are also SAVED AND FREE - and it is because of this salvation and through the power of the Holy Spirit now in you that you have the freedom to live these new lives.

Not only that, but because of this salvation and freedom, we have a deep desire to WANT to live a life of integrity and righteousness - to make a STAND to live and walk as Jesus did. Well I know I do, and I know you too, will want to join me in His presence as we worship and commune in His `holy tent' and on His `holy' mountain', and to bring others into His presence too.

Maxi Lyrics: "Saved & Free", "Stand" (2006) Denver Bierman
You Tube . 

God's Word Translation (GWT), (2003) Green Key Publishers
The Bible, New Living Translation (NLT), (1996), Tyndale House Publishers
The Message, (2002) Eugene H Peterson, NavPress
Holy Bible, New Century Version,(NCV) (2003) Max Lucado, Thomas Nelson
International Children's Bible (ICB), (2006) Thomas Nelson

"Living the Psalms" (2012) Charles R Swindoll, Worthy Publishing"
"New Matthew Henry Commentary" , Edited by Martin H Manser.