Saturday, October 18, 2014

Psalm 36: David - A Servant of the Lord.

INTRODUCTION - Read Psalm 36

According to the International Children's Bible, David was a `real super hero'. He had many `responsibilities as a shepherd, soldier and king', and his life was filled with many `exciting duties and adventures'. But most importantly, David was known as being `a man after God's own heart', a man with a `deep passion for God' 1- A SERVANT OF THE LORD.

At the same time David was guilty of some of the worst sins possible, allowing him to become overcome with fear, pride and lust - which led to those mentioned in Psalm 36 - `wicked lies', and the making of `evil plans'. So how could he still be thought of as a lover and A SERVANT OF THE LORD.

Whether David obeyed God, as we saw many times throughout his life story, or he sinned; David stilled trusted God to forgive him and take care of him. He simply kept his eyes on God.

"And now, O Lord God, I am a SERVANT. Do as you have promised concerning me and my family." 2 Samuel 8:25 (NIV)

1. What do you know about David from his story so far?


On Tuesday my husband and I went on one of our date nights to the Movies. We went to see `Into the Storm'. It wasn't the most popular of movies; in fact, we were the only people there. Maybe this was because, as well as all the excitement, there was also a bit of a `moral' at the end.

It could be that I have been reading a lot about `sin' lately, or maybe as my husband always says, `you always find a lesson in every movie you watch'; but somehow this storm reminded me of just how destructive sin can be in our lives. The actors in the movie seemed to have no fear of the storm and made no attempt to turn away from it, until it was too late.

This is similar to the description that David gives us of sin in the first four verses of Psalm 36,

"Sin whispers to the wicked, deep within their hearts. They have no fear of God at all....... they make no attempt to turn from evil." Psalm 36:1&4 (NIV)

2. From David's description and your own understanding, how would you summarize sin?

GOD, SO GRACIOUS AND GOOD - Read Psalm 36:5-9

At the end of the movie, the devastation of the storm was complete. A number of people had died, but for others, LOVE had overpowered the storm and families were ready to rebuild.

My husband also said to me after the movie: `You squeezed my hand really tight during that movie." You see when I am faced with a sin (storm) in my life, I usually face it `head on' - with the guilt, the consequences,  the seeking God for forgiveness and then the endeavour to `clean up the mess' my sin may have caused.   It is what my parents taught me from an early age, and it's not easy, and usually means lots of humility and often weeks and at times,  years of tears, before I can forgive myself - but when the healing and `clean up' from the `storm' is done, and I am ready to rebuild, it is these next 5 verses of Psalm 36 that I am reminded of:





We too, like David, should take time to meditate on these attributes, so we too can stand up against these `storms'.

"Lord, your LOVE reaches to the Heavens, your FAITHFULNESS to the skies. Your GOODNESS is as high as the mountains, your JUSTICE is as deep as the great ocean. Lord, you protect both people and animals. Your LOVE is so precious. You PROTECT people in the shadow of your wings." Psalm 36:5-7 (NIV))

3. What attributes of God help you the most when struggle with sin?

4. Have you had an experience when you have had to face the `storm' head on? How have you rebuilt?


Read Psalm 36:10-12

In these last three verses of his psalm David prays for his people and himself - the upright in heart - that they may be preserved in faith and integrity.

In his book, "Praying and Getting Results", Bob Gass, tells this story of a man in Belfast who used to rise up every Monday night at the Church prayer meeting and pray, `Lord, we ask you to remove the cobwebs in our lives.' This continued for many years, until one night, after he'd prayed, a lady stood up and said, "Lord, just kill the spider."

The moral to this story: If you truly are struggling with sin in your life, GET REAL WITH GOD. Go `into the storm' and look at the real condition of your heart. Like David, meditate on our gracious, loving God and seek His full forgiveness.

If you truly want to be a SERVANT OF THE LORD you don't need to be perfect, but you do need to have the courage to be humble and honest with yourself and God, to take time for prayer and confession, and seek preservation of your faith and integrity.

"Like a refiner of silver He will sit and closely watch as the dross is burned away...... refining them..... so that they will do their work for God with pure hearts." Malachi 3:3 (NIV)

If you are facing the `storm' or in the `fire' today, remember, "God is holding you, He will never let you go. He will not take His eyes off you even for a moment and when He's finished you'll reflect His likeness",  2 a true SERVANT OF THE LORD.

4. What is a true servant of God?

1. `International Children's Bible' (2006) Thomas Nelson

2. `Praying and Getting Results' (2001) Bob Gass, Bob Gass Ministries

Holy Bible, New International Version