Saturday, December 12, 2015

PSALM 44 - God's Glory - Our Salvation

INTRODUCTION - Read Psalm 44

Psalm 44 is another Maskil from the Sons of Korah, written to teach and encourage us.With their faith and hope renewed, they now wanted to share God's glory with others.

I will often go back and read my International Children's Bible that I used in my Kid's Club Leading days, as I enjoy it's simple lessons. For example:


In times of trial and what may seemed like persecution, I can think back and remember when these simple things have been very reassuring.

In Psalm 44 the writer begins by remembering back to the past victories of their ancestors, where ultimately the power and the glory of the Lord was seen. We too can look to GOD'S GLORY as we continue to TRUST IN HIM.

"Dear friends, do not be surprised at the fiery trial that has come on you to test you as though something strange were happening to you. But rejoice in as much as you participate in the sufferings of Christ, so that you may be overjoyed when His GLORY HIS REVEALED. If you are insulted because of the name of Christ, you are blessed, for the SPIRIT OF THE GLORY OF GOD rests on you." 1 Peter 4:12-14 (NIV)


Like most of the psalms and our prayers, we are reminded that we need to begin with adoration and praise for our great God. Looking back, the writer knew the victories his people had were all done not in their own strength, but with God on their side.

 "It was not by their sword that they won the land, nor did their arm bring them victory. It was YOUR right hand, YOUR arm and the light of your face, for YOU LOVED THEM."   Psalm 44:3

As I struggle with another bout of depression I have gone back to the Word - this time to the book of Philippians, for my main desire is to get back that `joy' that seems to be so missing in my life, and which I has always been my `trade mark'.  I have to conclude, as my friend Charles Swindoll has, that Paul's joy and confidence came in his confidence in the knowledge that God was in control of everything.

This is what the psalmist and his ancestors also knew, that `God was not a distant deity, but a very present help whenever they needed Him'.  My joy and confidence also come from my personal relationship with my omnipresent Father and His Son,  who are WITH ME  and watching over
me always.



When we watch television at the moment or listen to the radio and hear that our world seems to be falling apart, it is easy to see why people might feel rejected by God. Jews are still being persecuted for their faith, as are people of other faiths. We as Christians have been known to ask ourselves - "why is this happening to me?"

Gordon Churchyard, the author of, a Bible Commentary gives us two reasons:

1. `To make us strong'.
2. `To keep us believing in God'.

I have a third, which came to me recently when I saw I saw a photo on Facebook.  As Islamic Mosque had been blown up at an important time when the Islamic people needed to pray; so the local Jewish community had offered them their Temple, and they prayed together.

3. `So we can come to `COMPLETE UNITY' '.

"My prayer is not for them alone. I pray also for those who will believe in me through their message, that ALL OF THEM MAY BE ONE, Father, just as You are in Me and I am in You....... I in them and You in Me - so that they may be brought to COMPLETE UNITY."  John 17:21&23 (NIV)

                                        "WE ARE HERE TO HEAL, NOT HARM.
                                           WE ARE HERE TO LOVE, NOT HATE
                                    WE ARE HERE TO CREATE, NOT DESTROY.'
                                                                              A.D Williams

It doesn't seem right, but the believer must have times of temptation, affliction and discouragement and the church must have seasons of persecutions; but then we need to look beyond these to God, knowing that our worst enemies have  NO POWER against Him.

"You dear children, are from God and have overcome them, because the one who is in you IS GREATER than the one who is in the world."  1 John 4:4 (NIV)


           "Rise up and help us; rescue us because of your unfailing love." Psalm 44:26

"In afflictions, we must not seek relief by any sinful compliance; but should continually meditate on the truth, purity and knowledge of our heart searching God. The church of God cannot be prevailed on by persecution to forget God; the believer's heart does not turn back from God.........None that belong to Christ shall be cast off, but everyone of them shall be saved, and that's forever. The mercy of God, purchased, promised and constantly flowing forth, and offered to believers, does away with every doubt arising from our sins; while we pray in faith, REDEEM US FOR THY MERCIES SAKE." Matthew Henry

This is the "teaching" I was brought with, in the Church and in my home  Some may think of them as old fashioned, but I thank my Dad and my Pastors for teaching to me. I would not be alive today if not for these truths.

This doesn't mean I haven't failed and fallen, and at times have found `doubt arising' in this times. But it is because of the triumphant death of God's Son, Jesus Christ on the cross, and our consequent salvation, that we can continue to pray in faith, and trust in the blessings of our GRACIOUS, MERCIFUL and LOVING GOD.

International Children's Bible
Holy Bible, New International Version - Gordon Churchyard
ChristNotes - Matthew Henry's Commentary

"Laugh Again, Hope Again" (1992) Charles Swindoll

"Even When it Hurts" - (2015) Hillsong United (You Tube)

"At the Cross" - Chris Tomlin (2014, Passion)  (YouTube)


Saturday, October 24, 2015


INTRODUCTION - Read Psalm 42 & 43

It is believed that Psalms 42 & 43 were originally written as one Psalm. They are a Maskil from the Sons of Korah; though some theologians have them written by David. Whoever the writer's were, we can see that they were seeking two things:

1. A closer relationship with the Lord - something every child of God longs for.
2. To share their story with others, in the hope that others would be blessed (a Maskil).

"Why am I discouraged? Why is my heart so sad? I will put my hope in God! I praise Him again - my Saviour and my God."  Psalm 42:5;  Psalm 43:5. (NIV)

I have always believed God's promises are true; from the time my dad would sit us on his knee and read us "Little Stories From God". I entitled my first BLOG: "ruthspromisesfromgod"; so I could share His promises with others.

Through my years working through depression and anxiety - grief, loss of work, failure - I would be reminded of these passages in these Psalms and my hope in His promises would be renewed, and again my `thirst would be satisfied'.

"Every believer in Jesus Christ must ultimately come to a place where he is going to trust God's Word completely before He can completely experience consistent victory." CHARLES R SWINDOLL

SONS OF KORAH - Read Numbers 3,4 & 16

The Sons of Korah is a tale of two fathers and two destinies. In the time of Moses God set aside the Levites from the tribe of Israel as his full time servants. They were ordained to take care of the Tabernacle and the Ark of the Covenant. Only the descendants of Aaron, however, were allowed to serve as priests.

"The 3 sons of Levi were Gershon, Merari and Kohath. Kohath under the care of Eleazar, the Son of Aaron, was responsible for the care of the sanctuary, its implements, the lamps, the curtain and the ark." (Numbers 3:17, 27-33)  (ICB)

The Korathite had to carry these items, wrapped in special coverings by the priests, but they weren't allowed to touch them or they would die. It was an arduous burden and the Korathites began to disdain their task and to covet the task of the priests.

Korah was a grandson of Kohath and began to run with some rebels who challenged the rights of the priests. Then a remarkable and terrifying event happened.

"Moses said: "This is how you know I have been sent to do the things that I have done - for I have not done them on my own. If these men die a natural death, or if nothing unusual happens, then the Lord has not sent me. But if the Lord does something entirely new, and the ground opens its mouth and swallows them all and all their belongings and they go down alive into the grave, then you know that these men have shown contempt for the Lord,  He had hardly finished speaking the words when the ground suddenly split open beneath them. The earth opened it's mouth and swallowed the men, along with their households and all their followers who were standing with them and everything they owned. So they went down alive into the grave, with all their belongings. The earth closed over them, and they all vanished from the people of Israel." (Numbers 16:28-33) (NLB)

Although this clearly meant the end of Korah; his sons were saved. He still had a purpose and plan for the Sons of Korah. They became doorkeepers and custodians for the tabernacle and joined David in many military exploits. They won the reputation of being expert warriors.

"Of course the the most remarkable thing that we note about the Sons of Korah is that during the time of King David they became great leaders in choral and orchestral music. Heman, the Korahite was an important singer. These men played an important role in thanksgiving and pagaentry, when the Ark of the Covenant was brought into Jerusalem. About 25 of the Psalms, starting with these Poetic 42 & 43 are attributed to the Sons of Korah."  (Got Questions Org.)

THIRSTING FOR THE LORD - Read Psalm 42:1-2

Our fantasies deceive us.  They tell us that if everything went our way we would be satisfied.

As I sit here and watch my husband sleeping, I think to myself: "Oh, if I had a bigger caravan, with separate rooms, I could do my writing and not worry about my every move waking Mark up" (He is a very light sleeper). Last night, I thought to myself, "Oh, if we had a bigger caravan I'd have to go to bed early to watch T.V, then I would fall asleep and not get my work done".  NEVER SATISFIED!

Higher pay! A bigger caravan! None of these would really quench my true thirst!

Jesus said: "Everyone who drinks this water will be thirsty again. But those who drink this water I give them will never be thirsty again. It becomes a fresh, bubbling spring within them, giving them eternal life." John 4:13&14 (NLB)

He invited us, just like the writer of this Psalm, to come and drink from the `refreshing streams of water like the deer". These refreshing streams are also like the praise and adoration that come with our worship, which like songwriter Martin Nystrom discovered when on on a spiritual camp, getting away from it all to pray and fast;  he went down to a river and saw a deer drinking, and was reminded that his needs could met by the `Living Water'.

Our worship need not end here, with the singing of songs. The more we yield to God - stop in the busyness of our day to tell God we need to `drink' and rely on Him -  the more He will reach our souls - quenching them with the `living water' we need. Just like an athlete needs to stop to gulp down his favourite brand of instant refreshment.

Our bodies need water, as our souls thirst for God, as we take time to `worship' in His presence.

"And so dear brothers and sisters, I plead with you to give your bodies to God as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable. This is truly the way to worship Him." Romans 12:1  (NLV)


One of the symptoms of Chronic Depression is that you have your good times and your bad times. When reading this Psalm, it seems the writer is going through these stages:

* The tears - uncontrollable  -    DOWN!
* Leading God's people in worship. -   UP!
* Sad and Upset -  DOWN!
* Putting his hope in God -  UP!
* Remembering the times God was with him -  UP!
* Troubles, like waves crashing around him - DOWN!
* God showing His love - singing, praying in worship -  UP!
* Sadness & troubles - insulted by enemies, feeling like God had forgotten him. - DOWN!
* Sadness, depression - DOWN!
* Hope,praising God - UP!

As I read through these `points', it describes my year, and in some ways, my life. My year began on a high, with a real desire to lead God's people in praise and worship.  New people were joining the circus - a group of Christian Catholics.  But for different reasons, over the next few months they gradually left; and my group did not get together.  There was only one guy left and then he told me he too was leaving, which was understandable - he missed his wife and daughter in Brazil too much.

I continued hoping in the Lord, but then troubles `like waves came crashing' - my fall, my hospital stay, and then the Circus moving to the Northern Territory and Western Australia - away from family.  I returned to the Circus, but things weren't the same - I had no Church, no family and I also felt like a "bad teacher".

This is where I am at the moment - maybe not as far along as the Psalmist; but from experience I know my condition is temporary. Because I do have HOPE IN GOD, and I know HE LOVES ME;  eventually the feelings of overwhelming sadness and depression, and feeling unloved and accepted by others, will turn to victory.

But for this to happen, I must surrender my emotions to God and trust Him, believing He will fulfill his promise of healing. When you are depressed it is possible to find your renewed hope and love in God, to find new peace and happiness - but it may take time!

GOD IS OUR..... Read Psalm 43

Having been written at the same time as Psalm 42, the writer continues on the same theme of seeking HOPE IN GOD. He wants to find salvation from his enemies, restoration to a worshipful lifestyle and a `stillness of the turmoil in his spirit', with JOY, HOPE AND PEACE.


He sees God as his JUDGE and he pleads his case against his enemies.

"Vindicate me, O God and plead my cause against an ungodly nation; rescue me from deceitful and wicked men." Psalm 43:1 (NIV)

Recently I have felt my greatest `enemies' have been my colleagues, and at times even my husband, who just don't understand my need to be a godly and committed Christian, full of integrity, and committed to my work as a teacher.

"Present yourself as living sacrifices, holy, acceptable to God, not conformed to this world, but transformed, with renewed minds...........In bodies that are temples of the Holy Spirit.................
No longer living for me, but Christ living through me."  (Romans 12:1&2, 1 Cor 6:19, Gal 2:20)

"Godly women live as a `priest for God', with guarded tongues. They are spirit controlled in all areas of their lives. They are reverent in their speech and behaviour, including not given to much wine."  John Barnett: Senior Pastor - Calvary Baptist Church.  `Being a Titus 2 Woman'

I would have to confess I need a lot of practice - especially with this first one. Here are three ways I definetely need to change:
                                          * THINK FIRST.
                                           * TALK LESS.
                           *  ENRICH EACH OPPORTUNITY TO SPEAK.

The most important type of godly behaviour for me is spiritual integrity - being `teachers of good things' with VISIBLE integrity.  In other words, `live what you teach'. Place your life under God's control. Paul always stressed that he was preaching and teaching what he was already living.

"Teach the older men to exercise self control, to be worthy of respect and to live wisely. They must have a sound faith, and be filled with love and patience. In the same way, teach the older woman to live in a way that honours God. They must not slander others or be heavy drinkers. Instead they should teach others what is good."  TITUS 2:2&3

"Keep a close watch on how you live and how you are teaching. Stay true to what is right for the sake of your own salvation and the salvation of those who hear you." 1 TIMOTHY 4:16


"You are God, my stronghold." Psalm 43:2a

We gain our strength from God. If we try to defend ourselves we will continue to feel rejected and oppressed. It may take time, but your joy and strength will return if you TRUST in Him.

"Do not strive in your own strength, cast yourself at the feet of Jesus, and wait upon Him in sure confidence that He is in you and works in you. Strive in PRAYER. Let your FAITH fill your heart - so you will be STRONG IN THE LORD and IN THE POWER OF HIS MIGHT." Andrew Murray - Pastor


"There I will go to the altar of God, to God - the source of my joy. I will praise you with my harp. O God, my God." Psalm 43:4

God will lead us as He did the writer of this Psalm to the holy hill, to God's dwelling place; to our place of worship and praise, He will lead us with our TRUTH AND LIGHT - His Son Jesus Christ. We will one day sit with David as he plays his harp at Jesus feet, along with our family members and friends, around the altar of God in Heaven.  Imagine the worship and praise! Imagine the joy and delight!

"Then I looked and heard the voice of many angels, 1000 times 10. They encircled the throne with living creatures and the elders. In a loud voice they sang: `Worthy is the Lamb who was slain, to receive power, wealth and wisdom, strength, honour, glory and praise." Revelation 5:11&12


"Why am I discouraged? Why is my heart so sad? I will put my hope in God! I will praise Him again - my Saviour and my God!"  Psalm 43:5

Finally, as we usually do when depressed, the Psalmist begins to argue with himself: "Why am I feeling this way? Why am I feeling so downcast and discouraged?" For the third time he finds his answer.

                                          "PUT YOUR HOPE IN GOD."                   

                         "I WILL PRAISE HIM, MY SAVIOUR AND MY GOD."

Depression and anxiety is an illness and it needs treatment. But you can get relief, by putting your hope in God.  He will send you a Saviour, who will walk beside you, and lift you up when you need it.

There have been times I have needed to see Psychologists, and even short times I have been able to go off my medication, but ultimately I know my true relief can only be found in God's Word (the TRUTH) and His Son Jesus (the LIGHT).

We ultimately have to come to a place where we can TRUST THE TRUTH and FOLLOW THE LIGHT completely if we can experience ultimate freedom and victory. But as  my favourite song little song says, this only happens, `IN HIS TIME'.

"Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him and He will direct your paths."  Proverbs 3:2&3

Holy Bible,  New International Version,

New Living Translation,

Children's, International Children's Bible

"Wisdom for the Way", (2001) Charles R Swindoll, Countryman
"Ready to Win Over Depression" (2010) Thelma Wells, Harvest House Publishing
"Being a Titus 2 Women" (2015) John Barnett, Calvary Baptist Church - Bible Study
"New Matthew Henry Commentary (Edited By Martin H Manser)
"Prayer Life" , Andrew Murray. 

"As the Deer" - Martin Nystrom, Marantha (2007) (YouTube)

"In His Time" - Maranatha (2008) (YouTube)

Sunday, September 20, 2015

PSALM 41 - Trusting God Through Illness

INTRODUCTION - Read Psalm 41

David had been ill, and he believed this was due to his disobedience of God's commands - his adultery, murder, arrogance and pride. (2 Samuel 11) 

His "friends" had come to visit, but they weren't much of a comfort; for actually they were hoping that he was actually dying. They wanted a new king - his son Absalom.  Even his best friend, Ahithopheh had turned against him - he had become very unkind to David.

"Even my close friend, whom I trusted, he who shared my bread, has lifted up his heel against me." Psalm 41:9

This is the verse Jesus repeated about Judas before he died; so you can imagine how David felt about this man.

But David had a special friend, a visitor who was still with him.  Yes, in his old age and sinfulness, he had "fallen out of touch with God", and had felt he needed to be accountable to no one accept himself.  Fortunately though, God had not "fallen out of touch with David".  As God visited Him, David was soon reminded of this TRUTH:

"Blessed is He who has regard for the weak; the Lord delivers Him in times of trouble.The Lord will protect Him and preserve His life; He will bless Him in the land and not surrender Him to His foes. The Lord will sustain Him on His sickbed and restore Him on His bed of illness."
                                                                                                            Psalm 41:1-3

This is what God will do for men and women of faith, those `after God's heart'. who are willing to `fall back into the hands of God'.

DAVID'S STORY - Read 2 Samuel 11-18. 

We all know the story of David and Bathsheba, and how their adulterous behaviour led to the murder of her loyal husband Uriah.  But what about all the other consequences of this sin: the death of their unborn son, the rape of David's daughter by his older son Amnon, whose actions were then avenged by another son Absalom, whose arrogance and pride, led to a wild takeover bid for his father's kingship, and Absalom's ultimate death.

David's guilt turned into grief ; and it is no wonder he was suffering both physical and mental illness.

"O my son Absalom! My son, my son Absalom! If only I had died instead of you - O Absalom, my son, my son! The King covered his face and cried aloud. "O my son Absalom O Absalom, my son, my son!" 

GOD'S PROMISES - Psalm 41:1-5

David encourages himself through his illness by TAKING HOLD OF GOD'S PROMISES. This is something I have done in the past, and I encourage you to the same.

Lift up your heart in prayer and leave all your pain, both physical and mental in God's hands. Take your spiritual and physical weaknesses and trust them into God's mercy.  God's HELP, STRENGTH AND MERCY are there for those, who like David, God knew would again care for the weak and poor.

"Free me from the trap that is set for me; for you are my refuge. Into your hands I commit my spirit; redeem me, O Lord, the God of truth."  Psalm 41:4&5


David knew that even though his enemies seemed cruel, GOD WOULD GRACIOUS. This is why he needed to share these complaints he had against his enemies.

* "they spoke evil against me".
* "they want me dead"
* "they criticize me and whisper together against me."

The hardest part to cope with was that his best friend, Ahithopheh, whom he had trusted with all his confidence, had turned against him. Has this ever happened to you?  All he knew he could do was leave all his hurt and anger in God's hands.

It is not wrong to `complain' when someone hurts you or `stabs you in the back'.  As long as you give it to God, show them mercy and then LEAVE THEM THERE IN GOD'S HANDS.

"But I trust in you, O Lord; I say, `You are my God'."My times are in your hands; deliver me from my enemies and from those who pursue me."  Psalm 41:14&15

"Therefore confess your sins to one another and pray for one another and you will healed. The prayer of a righteous man is powerful and effective." James 5:16

DOXOLOGY - Psalm 41:13

David finishes off his 1st Book of Psalms with a Doxology of Praise. These are usually sung but can also be spoken. They teach us that God is the Alpha and Omega, the Beginning and the End of every good work.

"Praise be to the Lord, the God of Israel, from everlasting to everlasting. Amen and Amen."
 Psalm 41:13

"I am the Alpha and Omega, says the Lord God, who is, and who was, and who is to come, the  Almighty." Revelation 1:8

The Bible, New International Version

"The Life of David as Reflected in His Psalms" - Alexander McLaren (9th Edition)Butler & Tanner

Saturday, June 20, 2015


INTRODUCTION - Read Psalm 40

This Psalm, written by David, was in a time when he was overwhelmed by some great trouble and temptation; but the LORD had SAVED him. He was RESCUED by the POWER and GOODNESS of God,

Through this time David learnt:

1) How to TRUST in the OMNIPOTENT GOD.
3) How to be a WITNESS of the MERCIFUL GOD.

David had been humbly waiting on the Lord and He had heard his plea. He expected no other relief, and had no doubt it would come from God. From previous experience, he knew God would come and `lift him from his slimy pit'.

I am in one of those times, like David, overwhelmed by, not so much a spiritual depression; but a physical depression. Mental illness brought on by something I haven't experienced before - ongoing physical pain and weariness. I trust in God's greatness and I know how to praise God, for I know He is always with me.  I have witnessed before His goodness in my life, so I know He will lift me from the pit again.  I just need to keep reminding myself of this promise, as David did:

"I waited PATIENTLY for the Lord. He turned to me and heard my cry. He lifted me out of the pit of destruction, out of the sticky mud. He stood me on a rock and mad my feed steady. He put a new song in my mouth, a song of praise to our God. Many people will see this and worship Him. Then they will trust the Lord."  Psalm 40:1-3 (NCV)


"Trust in the Lord with all your heart and don't depend on your own understanding. Remember the Lord in all you do and He will give you success." Proverbs 3:5&6(NCV)

"But the person who trusts in the Lord will be blessed. The Lord wll show he can be trusted. He will be strong, like a tree planted near water that sends its roots by a stream. It is not afraid when the days are hot; its leaves are always green. It does not worry in a year when no rain comes, it still produces fruit." Jeremiah 17:7&8

These are two of my favourite verses about TRUST.  Why? Because they remind me that although there is something I need to do, there is a PROMISE that God will be FAITHFUL too, The same is true in these verses in Psalm 40.

David reminds us that we need:


If we trust in God, He will in turn:

* Continue with your MIRACLES and PLANS FOR OUR LIVES.
* COME, as He has promised in the HIS WORD,

David was lost in wonder, love and praise at the miracles and greatness God had worked in His life and that of his people. He realized, as Paul did, that true worship is not sacrifices and burnt offerings of lambs, but giving their TRUE SELVES.

"So brothers and sisters, since God has shown us great mercy. I beg you to offer your lives as a LIVING SACRIFICE to Him. Your offering must only be to God and pleasing to Him, which is the spiritual way for you to worship."  Romans 12:1 (NCV)

"You do not want sacrifices and offerings, but you have made a hole in my ear to show that my body and life are yours.  You do not ask for burnt offerings to take away sins. Then I said, "Look, I have come, It is written about me in the book. My God, I want to do what you want. Your teachings are in my heart." Psalm 40:6-8 (NCV)


For David it seemed that telling people about God's goodness and mercy just came naturally; but for others, although they believe it and feel it in their heart, it may not be so easy. No matter how much we want to share our faith, we may simply be SHY.

So firstly, KEEP YOUR EYES ON JESUS. Remember, He is the centre of your faith, the reason for your forgiveness and salvation. David knew that although sometimes he lost his courage, it was the Lord's mercy and faithfulness that had protected him from his enemies.

"I do not hide your goodness in my heart. I speak about your loyalty and salvation..... Lord do not hold your mercy from me; let your love and truth always protect me."  Psalm 40:10&11 (NCV)

Then, REMEMBER HOW GOD HAS ENCOURAGED YOU. How has God provided for YOU in your life, what have YOU learned from His Word and what Has God been doing in YOUR life. Sometimes I get into trouble from my husband for sharing too much about myself on FACEBOOK; and he is probably right at times, but sometimes this is the only opportunity I have to write, and I have found that some people have been encouraged and blessed, by what God is doing in my life. At times it is my only witnessing!

"So do not lose the courage you had in the past, which has a great reward. You must hold on, so you can do what God wants and receive what He has promised." Hebrews 10:35&36 (NCV)

"God began a good work in you, and I am sure he will continue it until it is finished when Jesus Christ comes again." Philippians 1:6 (NCV)

Finally, DON'T WORRY ABOUT SAYING ALL THE RIGHT THINGS. The Holy Spirit will be speaking for you. When you talk about God's goodness others will be drawn to Him by the Spirit.

"If you love me, you will obey my commands. I will ask the Father and He will give you another Helper to be with you forever - the Spirit of Truth." John 14:15  (NCV)

"When the Spirit of Truth comes He will lead you into all the truth. He will not speak His own words, but will speak only what He hears and He will tell you what is to come. The Spirit of Truth will bring glory to me, because He will take what I say and will tell it to you." John 16:13&14 (NCV)


Yesterday I was watching a show on the ABC about the Sri Lankin workers who have come to Australia to work in our orchids. It was interesting to watch how they started each day singing praise songs together to the Lord. They continued throughout the day as they picked, bringing joy to each other, and it seemed, to their employers.

I could imagine my Dad doing the same. He was a great man of praise. I try to do the same, Oh, I don't always sing - it might cause problems with my neighbouring caravaners, but I do play my praise and worship music. When I go over to the classroom, I start each day playing my children's worship music, and I try to be like Pollyanna and play the `Glad Game' as much as I can.

Singing is a fun response to God's goodness, but you can also worship without saying anything. True praise begins in your heart and mind. As you think about the omnipresence of God, the rhythm of praise effects your step. Soon the sound of your heart praise comes out in your conversation and attitude. It glorifies God just as much as singing a song!

"I keep the Lord before me always. Because He is close by my side, I will not be hurt." Psalm 16:8 (NCV)


God lifts us up and establishes our feet on a stable rock. He changes our attitudes by giving us a new song to sing.  He helps us witness by showing our trust in the Lord. God performs wonders, He has made plans and His wonderful deeds are numerous,

God doesn't want burnt offering, He wants our obedience to His will. He wants us to show His love, and He will show His saving love and faithfulness to us. He will renew our courage with His mercy and protection,

God is our helper and Saviour. He will rescue us from our enemies. We can have the ultimate joy and gladness, because of the sacrifice that Jesus made for us, Jesus took joy in doing the will of His Father for us, David took joy in doing the will of God, and we can be LIFTED UP as, we too follow the will of God in our lives - as we TRUST GOD, PRAISE GOD and WITNESS of His MERCY AND LOVE.

The Devotional Bible, New Century Version,  (1991) Max Lucado, Thomas Nelson.

Wednesday, April 22, 2015

PSALM 39 - David Overcomes His Weariness


Sitting in my hospital bed surrounded by both young and older people who are healing so quickly and then are going home, it makes me feel so old and weary. Most of the nurses have been really good, but now and then you will come across one that is a little incompetent and lacks empathy. They make life even more depressing.

Although, not in hospital, David was feeling in a similar way when he wrote this Psalm. The long shadows of age and pressure are beginning to fall on David. He has lived a fall life and experienced the highs and lows. He was weary, or as some Bible versions say: "he was exhausted".

David also recalled the punishment and consequences that he experienced when he turned from away from God: the grief of losing two sons, a 3 year famine that had struck his land, and finally they were back at war with his old enemy, the Philistines. Now I am not saying that my fall and my time in hospital is necessarily a `punishment or consequent for turning away from God', for He promised us back in Psalm 37:

  "The steps of a good man are ordered by the Lord, and He delights in His way. Though he fall, He shall not be utterly cast down; for the Lord upholds him with his hand."  Psalm 37:23&24

But lately, I have been so busy with work and rushing around I feel I have put God `second' in my life. Sometimes `illness' is the only way God can slow us down to remind us as He did David, to `put our hope' in Him.

In these last days, David continues to cry out to the Lord. The tears are not totally gone, he is still weary at times.  But what he wants most now is to be able to `smile again'.

DAVID'S STORY - 2 Samuel 21-2

"Once again the Philistines were at war with Israel. And when David and his men were in the thick of battle, David became weak and exhausted."  2 Samuel 21:15

 These chapters in 2 Samuel are the beginning of David's ill health. He was `weak and exhausting', beginning to collapse under the pressures of leadership. During the famine he had made what it seemed to be some terrible decisions and now he was `thick in battle'. But then he remembered four promises:

1. When things are tough, GOD IS OUR SECURITY.

"The Lord is my rock, my fortress and my Saviour; my God is my rock, in whom I find protecton."  2 Samuel 22:2-3

2. When days are dark, GOD IS OUR LIGHT.

   "O Lord, you are my Lamp. The Lord lights up my darkness." 
                                                                        2 Samuel 22:29

3. When our walk is weak, GOD IS OUR STRENGTH.

  "God's way is perfect. All the Lord's promises prove true. He is a shield for all who look to him for protection. For who is God except the Lord? Who but God is a solid rock? God is my strong fortress and he makes my way fortress." 2 Samuel 22:31-33

4. When our future is foggy and fuzzy, GOD IS OUR HOPE.

 "You have given me your shield of victory; your help has mad me great. You have made a wide path for my feet to keep me from slipping."  2 Samuel 22:36 & 37


My `friend' Charles Swindoll, says that he has noticed that as we get older "the future becomes more significant than the present." We begin to wonder - will we live long enough to be able to do all those things we believe God wants us to do?

David reminds us in these 4 statements that God will indeed take care of us forever. We have no need to fear the future, or the present. Most of all we can thank the Lord for being our only HOPE, SECURITY, LIGHT and STRENGTH.

The Holy Bible:  New Living Translation.


Saturday, March 21, 2015

Psalm 38 - David Calls on the Lord.

Introduction - Read Psalm 38

This next part of David's life has been hard for me to study. You see David was my hero - a young man after God's own heart. He loved God and was committed to serving Him from his youth. I have read this story of David and Bathsheba many a time, but I could never see how he could be tempted in this way - and then to go on to try and cover up his sins with `murder'. Well, we'll find out a little bit more about what happened to our `hero' later!

The exciting thing is, that David, overwhelmed by guilt and sickness because of these sins was able to write this and many other psalms.  He was in anguish,  broken and exhausted as he faced the consequences of his sins. Although he felt the anger of the Lord's rebuke and discipline, he is also knew the Lord's LOVE, MERCY and GRACE were greater.

His family and friends had left him, his enemies were still around him, and he was "on the verge of collapse", but in this Psalm 38 we see what David did:


We too know the Lord's LOVE, MERCY and GRACE, as he sent his only son Jesus to die on the cross for us. Psalm 38 tells us, we have a Saviour, who will give us full forgiveness and freedom from our sins.  Like David, all we need to do is SEEK HIM.

                   "Come quickly to help me, O Lord my Saviour." Psalm 38:22

                  " For God did not send His Son into the world to condemn the world,
                     but to save the world through Him."  John 3:17


Read 2 Samuel 11:1-27

David was known as a man after God's own heart. He wrote songs of praise, he loved and served the Lord from a young shepherd boy. So what happened to make David commit two of the worst sins possible?

1) David wasn't where he was supposed to be.  Yes, he was a King; but he was also a soldier and a father. He was supposed to be defending his country or spending time with his family. Instead, he was just `wandering around the palace'. 

2) David was looking at what he shouldn't have - another man's wife.  The devil knew David's weakness and temptation was being placed there in front of him. 

3) David took what didn't belong to him - another man's wife. He then tried to cover up what he knew was a sin, with another sin - murder! 

David really isn't any different to any of us. Even the most devoted Christian can be tempted by sin and can make mistakes. Oh it may not end up in adultery and murder, but there are another 8 commandments that can be broken when we are disobedient to God's will.

Remember the old children's song, which is still very popular with performers today:

"Be careful little eyes what you see....
"Be careful little hands what you do.....
"Be careful little feet where you go......

God warns us that Satan is always looking for a way to trick and destroy us, by tempting us with wrong choices; and we will have to face the consequences for these choices. The good news is:

"The Father up above is looking down with love......"

As this song and David's psalms remind us, God's help is always available to us during these times of temptation, when we fall, and when we have to face the consequences. For our God is LOVING, MERCIFUL and FORGIVING!!

                  "In my anguish I cried to the Lord and He answered by setting me free,
                    The Lord is with me; I will not be afraid. What can man do to me?
                    The Lord is with me, He is my helper. I will look in triumph on my enemies."
                                                                                                        Psalm 118:5-7

1. Has there ever been a time when you have felt you might have made a wrong choice, and the consequences have not been so good?

NATHAN'S STORY - 2 Samuel 12

How would you like to tell a king how sinful he was? Nathan had to, Nathan was a prophet and if God asked him to do something, he would do it, even if he knew it might be unpopular.

Nathan had to confront David with his sin of adultery with Bathsheba and the consequent murder of her husband. He used a parable to help David understand what he had done. David finally realized who Nathan was talking about. He turned to God, acknowledged his sin and repented.

In this Psalm 34, David had began his prayer of confession, letting God know how the consequences of his sin were making him feel.

             "The Lord is close to the brokenhearted, He rescues those whose spirits are crushed."
                                                                                                Psalm 34:18

In this place of prayer, David was overwhelmed by God's presence. David's guilt was removed, God's grace was revealed and David's health was restored.

Nathan was truly USED BY GOD!  If you hear God speaking to you, LISTEN and OBEY! You never know how God can USE YOU!

2. Have you heard God talking to do? Take the step - be courageous, you may be surprised at how God will use you.

DAVID'S SUFFERING - Psalm 38:1-12

After Nathan had left David, his healing didn't happen automatically. Although he had acknowledged his sin and God had forgiven him, he still had to face the consequences for his actions. He still did not have total freedom!

David knew that God had been angry with him and although he knew that God's LOVE AND MERCY were greater, he still felt like he was dying under the consequences of his sin. His family and friends had left him alone; and his enemies who had told lies about him were still trying to kill him.
             'I am convinced that nothing can separate us from God's love. Neither death nor life,
              neither angels nor demons, neither our fears for today nor our worries about tomorrow -
              not even the powers of hell can separate us from God's love." Romans 8:38

His heart "beat wildly"and he was losing the "light in his eyes". His strength was failing. From experience these symptoms sounded very much like those of depression and anxiety.

SEEKING GOD'S HELP - Psalm 38:13-22

David now knew how easy it was `slip' and even `fall'. He did not want to make mistake, not only because the consequences were devastating, but because of how it effected his relationship with the Lord.

              "For I am waiting for you, O Lord. You must answer me, O Lord, my God......
                Do no abandon me, O Lord. Do not stand at a distance, my God." Psalm 38:15 &21

Instead he went to the Lord and sought HIS HELP! He was not too proud to admit that he had done the wrong thing, and he was seeking the help of His SAVIOUR.

               "But I confess my sins; I am deeply sorry for what I have done." Psalm 38:18

               "Come quickly to help me, O Lord my Saviour." Psalm 38:22

This psalm speaks clearly of the Lord our Saviour. In David's time, it was God they called on for forgiveness and salvation. But we now have Jesus Christ as OUR SAVIOUR, who died on the cross so that we could have TOTAL FREEDOM from our sins.

3. Do you need total freedom and salvation from sin? Seek God's help now. Jesus, your Saviour, is the only one who can give it to you.


Psalm 38 and David's Story in 2 Samuel 11&12 cover a wide range of themes on temptation, sin, consequences and forgiveness; but in the end we have the most important - FREEDOM AND SALVATION!

New Living Translation Bible (1996), Tyndale Publishers

The Life of David As Reflected in the Psalms, Alexander Maclaren, Butler & Tanner.

"God Help Me", Gordon Churchyard,

Friday, January 9, 2015


INTRODUCTION - Read Psalm 37

Why is it that when it comes to the big things - the real problems and struggles, that I have no difficulty trusting God; but when it comes to those little everyday things that I really could need a hand with, I always seem to want to solve them myself.

"Yesterday a mother came to see me in tears. She had no money for petrol and she couldn't get home. I had just spent the last hour listening to her talk about her depression and maybe I was an easy target. But I gave her my last $20. I now had no money to get home myself on the bus, and what about my lunch tomorrow. Pay day was two days away and food and money were low. But at the time I didn't think about any of that - I saw a woman in need, and I gave."   (`In the Hands of God', 2000)

Most people think I am stupid when it comes to money, especially my husband. But I was always brought up to believe that God promises to bless me, if I am willing to TRUST him. Maybe I am wrong, and do make silly mistakes especially when it comes to money, but I just enjoy `giving'.  Oh there are times when I `envy' the wealthy and desire that new, bigger caravan to make life a little more livable. When envy takes hold you tend to forget about TRUSTING in and RELYING on GOD. This is when you want to be able to do everything yourself.

Psalm 37 is one of my favourite psalms, for in it we find 3 of God's special promises related to TRUSTING GOD.   With them, though, come some challenging COMMITTMENTS:

"TRUST in the Lord and do good; dwell in the land and enjoy safe pasture." (Verse 3)

"DELIGHT yourself in the Lord and He will give you the desires of your heart."  (Verse 4)

"COMMIT your way to the Lord; trust in Him and He will do this."  (Verse 5)

David believed that God would help him because he TRUSTED in and was DELIGHTED in the Lord, and because he COMMITTED his way to the Lord. There did come a time in his life though, when he lost his way,

In 1st Samuel 27, we read how David had hit a really hard time in his life, and he'd had enough of running away and hiding from Saul. Instead of turning to the Lord like he had always done in the past,  he turned away from Him. Instead of TRUSTING and COMMITTING his life to God, he made up his own plans - he went and lived and fought with Saul's enemies, the Philistines.

If we read earlier in 1st Samuel 17, when David was fighting Goliath he made it clear: "This is the Lord's battle, and he will give you to us!".  Then later in 1 Samuel 23, before he went out to battle he would always ask of the Lord, "Should I go and attack them".  In the past, David had always called on the Lord for guidance, and during these times he also did a lot of praying and playing music through his psalms.

He lived there for a number of years, while living and fighting with the Philistines,he had no contact with the Lord, he played no music and he wrote no psalms.

Later though, we read, how when he lost his family and his friends were about to stone him, he decided it was time to 'find strength in the Lord' again. This was when he called for the priest, and sought the Lord's guidance. "Should I chase after this band of raiders? Will I catch them?"

Are you tired, worn out and stressed? Don't make the same mistake that David made and I have made in the past too.  Don't turn away from God, don't stop praying and worshipping Him. Continue to TRUST and DELIGHT in and COMMIT yourself to God, and you will find 'find strength in the Lord'. Seek His guidance, not your own, and you will find rest in the Lord.

 "Trust in the Lord with your heart and lean not on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will direct your paths?" Proverbs 3:5&6

"Come to me all of you who are weary and carry heavy burdens, and I will give you rest." 

Matthew 11:28

1. Are there any situations in your life at the moment that you need to hand over to God rather than try to handle on your own? 

HOW TO KEEP ENVY AWAY - Psalm 37:1-5

The other night I was watching an episode of `Call the Midwife'. Jenny's boyfriend Alec had just died, and in mourning, she sought comfort from the nuns. They gave her a promise that God was watching over her. Jenny however bears her soul, admitting that she couldn't see how God could exist.

I certainly didn't envy her in this circumstance. In fact, the nuns felt for her, and I wished I could have shared with her what I knew.  Matthew Henry reminds us that we need to `take care of our souls', so we never want to envy those who don't.

"Don't worry about the wicked or envy those who do wrong. For like grass, they soon fade away. Like spring flowers, they soon fade away." (Psalm 37:1)


I have fed on God's promises for most of my life and I can trust Him to take care of me; even if the circumstances don't seem to turn out the way I plan.

"For I know the plans I have for you, says the Lord, they are plans for good and not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope."  (Jeremiah 29:11)


I love the Lord and made a commitment to serve Him when only just a child. He is truly my heart's delight, and that love for Him grows more and more each day, when I grow and learn more about His love for me.

"See how much our Father loves us. for He calls us His children, and that is what we are." 
(1 John 3:1)

"This is real love - not that we loved God, but that He loved us and sent His Son as a sacrifice to take away our sins."  (1 John 4:10)


I have tried to commit everything I do to the Lord in prayer. But sometimes I do forget and my pride gets the `better of me' - I start to `give the orders'. It is usually in these times that things don't usually go well. I am learning to submit to God's infinite wisdom, believing that God works everything out for good. 

"We know that God causes everything to work together for the good of those who love God and are called according to His purposes."  (Romans 8:28)

2. Do you have any favourite verses than remind you of God's infinite wisdom and love for you, that help keep your faith and hope strong? 

WHY TO KEEP ENVY AWAY - Read Psalm 37:7-20

People call me a `goody, goody'. But I have to confess `envy and jealousy' are two sins that have kept me from living a godly life. I don't so much envy evil, but there are other things that can bring us down. And, I can see how easy it is to fall into that trap. 

1) When you are young and seek to be accepted it is easy to be tempted by `evil'. I have seen what `evil' temptation has done in relationships. It is hard not to get angry or tempted by evil; but if we do, we can trust God to help us. 

       "Stop being angry! Turn from your rage! Do not lose your temper - it only leads to harm." 
                                                                                                           Psalm 37:8

2) It is also easy to envy wealth and prosperity, especially when things aren't going well. We may have lost our job and feel like we are bringing shame to our family and maybe even to God. But according to Matthew Henry: "a good person's life is better in every way and a lot more desirable."
If we feel envy of those with wealth and prosperity, do something to help others, or go out and enjoy what God has given you. 

        "It is better to be godly and have little than to be evil and rich." Psalm 37:16

3) Finally, as evildoers, pride and arrogance will bring their own destruction and judgement from the Lord.  So, we don't want to envy the evil, who want to do things their own way. We want to follow the Lord Jesus Christ, and His will for our lives.  When we leave this world, we have a great inheritance to look forward to, one promised us from the Lord - our eternal life with Him. 

        "Day by day the Lord takes care of the innocent, and they will receive an inheritance
          that lasts forever." Psalm 37:18

        "For God so loved the world He sent His only Son that whoever believes in Him will
          not perish, but will have eternal life." John 3:16

3.  What is the greatest problem you have with envy? Pray about this and ask God to help you work through it with Him. 

DAVID'S BEAUTITUDES - Read Verses 37:21-33, Matthew 5:3-11

In these next verses David has set out some "Beautitudes" (Blessings) similar to those that Jesus gave us early in His ministry on the Sermon on the Mount. 

1. We must make sure we live humble, righteous, honest and just lives. 

"The wicked borrow and never repay, but the godly are generous givers". Psalm 37:21

"God blesses those who are humble for they will inherit the whole earth. God blesses those who hunger and thirst for justice, for they will be satisfied." Matthew 5:5&6

"The Lord has told you what is good and what He requires of you: to do what is right, to love mercy, and to walk humbly with your God."  Micah 6:8

2. We must be kind and generous examples of the goodness and mercy of Christ. 

"Turn from evil and do good and you will live in the land forever." Psalm 37:27

"God blesses those who are merciful, for they will be shown mercy." Matthew 5:7

3. We must use our tongues to build others up. 

"The godly offer good counsel, they teach right from wrong." Psalm 37:30

"Don't use foul and abusive language. Let everything you say be good and helpful, so that your words will be an encouragement to those who hear them." Ephesians 4:29

"God blesses those who work for peace, for they will be called children of God." Matthew 5:9

4. We must follow the will of God, living pure lives, obedient to His word, not doing things our own way.

"They have made God's law their own, so they will never slip from His path." Psalm 37:31

"God blesses those whose hearts are pure, for they will see God." Matthew 5:8

5. Just as David assured His people of God's blessing, comfort and joy; Jesus reassured us, even through persecution.

"God blesses those who are persecuted for doing right, for the Kingdom of Heaven is theirs." Matthew 5:10

4. Memorize the Beautitudes in Matthew 5, and remind yourself why the Kingdom of Heaven belongs to you.  Then write in your journal some things that you may need to work on. 

Read Psalm 37:23&24

       "The Lord directs the steps of the godly. He delights in every detail of their lives. 
       Though they stumble, they will never fall, for the Lord holds them by the hand." 
                                                          Psalm 37:23&24

I have given these 2 verses a section by themselves, because they would have to be one of the promises God has kept most in my life. 

I am known to be quite a clumsy person. When I trip, my brain doesn't give my body the right messages. I fall straight to the ground. EMBARRASSING AND PAINFUL!

The same can be true in our spiritual life. Godly people do sin - we do fall; but the grace of God will always lift us up and restore us through repentance and forgiveness.  For a time we may lose our `balance' - part of the joy of our relationship with the Lord, and we may be in pain,  but God will continually be holding us in his arms until we feel safe again. 

Godly people may face difficulties, their spirits may feel low; but God will not let us fall down completely.  There have been times when I have struggled with sin, but the Lord has always stopped me before I have fallen too far.  I struggle with depression and anxiety.  I have my good times, then I will fall with a `thud'. But again, the Lord is there to pick me up. 

The same is not true for everyone, I know. I am one of the very blessed. But this is why I can thank the Lord for these verses, and after a difficult few months, I can again take the Lord's hands, seek His guidance - as He lifts me up, I can MOVE ON in the knowledge that HE IS WITH ME!!

5. Say this verse over a number of times and replace with your name and personal pronoun `I' - until it feels true to you!!

Read 37:34-40

David concludes this Psalm with some final encourages:

"Put your hope in the Lord. Travel steadily along His path." Psalm 37:34

"Look at those who are honest and good, for a wonderful future awaits those who love peace."
                                                                                                     Psalm 37:37

"The Lord rescues the godly, He is their fortress in times of trouble." Psalm 37:39

"The Lord helps them, rescuing them from the wicked. He saves them and they find shelter in Him." Psalm 37

Yes, there will be times when, like David, we have had enough, and we may go astray.  But remember God has not left you.  He is waiting for you to return to him.  He is waiting to lift you up again.  He is waiting for you to ask: "Should I go and attack them".... 

In Revelation 21 we read about a the `Holy City, the  New Jerusalem'  that God is preparing for those who want to join with David as one of God's victorious warriors. What a FUTURE we have to look forward to, as we TRUST, DELIGHT and COMMIT ourselves to our Lord.

"God himself will be with them. He will wipe every tear from their eyes, and there will be no more death and no more sorrow or crying or pain. All these things are gone forever." Revelation 21:4

"All who are VICTORIOUS will inherit all these BLESSINGS and I will be their God, and they will be my children." Revelation 21:7

"In the Hands of God" (2000) Ruth Cheater

New Living Translation Bible (1996), Tyndale Publishers

The New Matthew Henry Commentary - Matthew Henry, Zondervan, Gordon Churchyard