INTRODUCTION - Read Psalm 42 & 43
It is believed that Psalms 42 & 43 were originally written as one Psalm. They are a Maskil from the Sons of Korah; though some theologians have them written by David. Whoever the writer's were, we can see that they were seeking two things:
1. A closer relationship with the Lord - something every child of God longs for.
2. To share their story with others, in the hope that others would be blessed (a Maskil).
"Why am I discouraged? Why is my heart so sad? I will put my hope in God! I praise Him again - my Saviour and my God." Psalm 42:5; Psalm 43:5. (NIV)
I have always believed God's promises are true; from the time my dad would sit us on his knee and read us "Little Stories From God". I entitled my first BLOG: "ruthspromisesfromgod"; so I could share His promises with others.
Through my years working through depression and anxiety - grief, loss of work, failure - I would be reminded of these passages in these Psalms and my hope in His promises would be renewed, and again my `thirst would be satisfied'.
"Every believer in Jesus Christ must ultimately come to a place where he is going to trust God's Word completely before He can completely experience consistent victory." CHARLES R SWINDOLL
SONS OF KORAH - Read Numbers 3,4 & 16
The Sons of Korah is a tale of two fathers and two destinies. In the time of Moses God set aside the Levites from the tribe of Israel as his full time servants. They were ordained to take care of the Tabernacle and the Ark of the Covenant. Only the descendants of Aaron, however, were allowed to serve as priests."The 3 sons of Levi were Gershon, Merari and Kohath. Kohath under the care of Eleazar, the Son of Aaron, was responsible for the care of the sanctuary, its implements, the lamps, the curtain and the ark." (Numbers 3:17, 27-33) (ICB)
The Korathite had to carry these items, wrapped in special coverings by the priests, but they weren't allowed to touch them or they would die. It was an arduous burden and the Korathites began to disdain their task and to covet the task of the priests.
Korah was a grandson of Kohath and began to run with some rebels who challenged the rights of the priests. Then a remarkable and terrifying event happened.
"Moses said: "This is how you know I have been sent to do the things that I have done - for I have not done them on my own. If these men die a natural death, or if nothing unusual happens, then the Lord has not sent me. But if the Lord does something entirely new, and the ground opens its mouth and swallows them all and all their belongings and they go down alive into the grave, then you know that these men have shown contempt for the Lord, He had hardly finished speaking the words when the ground suddenly split open beneath them. The earth opened it's mouth and swallowed the men, along with their households and all their followers who were standing with them and everything they owned. So they went down alive into the grave, with all their belongings. The earth closed over them, and they all vanished from the people of Israel." (Numbers 16:28-33) (NLB)
Although this clearly meant the end of Korah; his sons were saved. He still had a purpose and plan for the Sons of Korah. They became doorkeepers and custodians for the tabernacle and joined David in many military exploits. They won the reputation of being expert warriors.
"Of course the the most remarkable thing that we note about the Sons of Korah is that during the time of King David they became great leaders in choral and orchestral music. Heman, the Korahite was an important singer. These men played an important role in thanksgiving and pagaentry, when the Ark of the Covenant was brought into Jerusalem. About 25 of the Psalms, starting with these Poetic 42 & 43 are attributed to the Sons of Korah." (Got Questions Org.)
THIRSTING FOR THE LORD - Read Psalm 42:1-2
Our fantasies deceive us. They tell us that if everything went our way we would be satisfied.
As I sit here and watch my husband sleeping, I think to myself: "Oh, if I had a bigger caravan, with separate rooms, I could do my writing and not worry about my every move waking Mark up" (He is a very light sleeper). Last night, I thought to myself, "Oh, if we had a bigger caravan I'd have to go to bed early to watch T.V, then I would fall asleep and not get my work done". NEVER SATISFIED!
Higher pay! A bigger caravan! None of these would really quench my true thirst!
Jesus said: "Everyone who drinks this water will be thirsty again. But those who drink this water I give them will never be thirsty again. It becomes a fresh, bubbling spring within them, giving them eternal life." John 4:13&14 (NLB)
He invited us, just like the writer of this Psalm, to come and drink from the `refreshing streams of water like the deer". These refreshing streams are also like the praise and adoration that come with our worship, which like songwriter Martin Nystrom discovered when on on a spiritual camp, getting away from it all to pray and fast; he went down to a river and saw a deer drinking, and was reminded that his needs could met by the `Living Water'.
Our worship need not end here, with the singing of songs. The more we yield to God - stop in the busyness of our day to tell God we need to `drink' and rely on Him - the more He will reach our souls - quenching them with the `living water' we need. Just like an athlete needs to stop to gulp down his favourite brand of instant refreshment.
Our bodies need water, as our souls thirst for God, as we take time to `worship' in His presence.
"And so dear brothers and sisters, I plead with you to give your bodies to God as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable. This is truly the way to worship Him." Romans 12:1 (NLV)
One of the symptoms of Chronic Depression is that you have your good times and your bad times. When reading this Psalm, it seems the writer is going through these stages:
* The tears - uncontrollable - DOWN!
* Leading God's people in worship. - UP!
* Sad and Upset - DOWN!
* Putting his hope in God - UP!
* Remembering the times God was with him - UP!
* Troubles, like waves crashing around him - DOWN!
* God showing His love - singing, praying in worship - UP!
* Sadness & troubles - insulted by enemies, feeling like God had forgotten him. - DOWN!
* Sadness, depression - DOWN!
* Hope,praising God - UP!
As I read through these `points', it describes my year, and in some ways, my life. My year began on a high, with a real desire to lead God's people in praise and worship. New people were joining the circus - a group of Christian Catholics. But for different reasons, over the next few months they gradually left; and my group did not get together. There was only one guy left and then he told me he too was leaving, which was understandable - he missed his wife and daughter in Brazil too much.
I continued hoping in the Lord, but then troubles `like waves came crashing' - my fall, my hospital stay, and then the Circus moving to the Northern Territory and Western Australia - away from family. I returned to the Circus, but things weren't the same - I had no Church, no family and I also felt like a "bad teacher".
This is where I am at the moment - maybe not as far along as the Psalmist; but from experience I know my condition is temporary. Because I do have HOPE IN GOD, and I know HE LOVES ME; eventually the feelings of overwhelming sadness and depression, and feeling unloved and accepted by others, will turn to victory.
But for this to happen, I must surrender my emotions to God and trust Him, believing He will fulfill his promise of healing. When you are depressed it is possible to find your renewed hope and love in God, to find new peace and happiness - but it may take time!
GOD IS OUR..... Read Psalm 43
Having been written at the same time as Psalm 42, the writer continues on the same theme of seeking HOPE IN GOD. He wants to find salvation from his enemies, restoration to a worshipful lifestyle and a `stillness of the turmoil in his spirit', with JOY, HOPE AND PEACE.
He sees God as his JUDGE and he pleads his case against his enemies.
"Vindicate me, O God and plead my cause against an ungodly nation; rescue me from deceitful and wicked men." Psalm 43:1 (NIV)
Recently I have felt my greatest `enemies' have been my colleagues, and at times even my husband, who just don't understand my need to be a godly and committed Christian, full of integrity, and committed to my work as a teacher.
"Present yourself as living sacrifices, holy, acceptable to God, not conformed to this world, but transformed, with renewed minds...........In bodies that are temples of the Holy Spirit.................
No longer living for me, but Christ living through me." (Romans 12:1&2, 1 Cor 6:19, Gal 2:20)
"Godly women live as a `priest for God', with guarded tongues. They are spirit controlled in all areas of their lives. They are reverent in their speech and behaviour, including not given to much wine." John Barnett: Senior Pastor - Calvary Baptist Church. `Being a Titus 2 Woman'
I would have to confess I need a lot of practice - especially with this first one. Here are three ways I definetely need to change:
The most important type of godly behaviour for me is spiritual integrity - being `teachers of good things' with VISIBLE integrity. In other words, `live what you teach'. Place your life under God's control. Paul always stressed that he was preaching and teaching what he was already living.
"Teach the older men to exercise self control, to be worthy of respect and to live wisely. They must have a sound faith, and be filled with love and patience. In the same way, teach the older woman to live in a way that honours God. They must not slander others or be heavy drinkers. Instead they should teach others what is good." TITUS 2:2&3
"Keep a close watch on how you live and how you are teaching. Stay true to what is right for the sake of your own salvation and the salvation of those who hear you." 1 TIMOTHY 4:16
"You are God, my stronghold." Psalm 43:2aWe gain our strength from God. If we try to defend ourselves we will continue to feel rejected and oppressed. It may take time, but your joy and strength will return if you TRUST in Him.
"Do not strive in your own strength, cast yourself at the feet of Jesus, and wait upon Him in sure confidence that He is in you and works in you. Strive in PRAYER. Let your FAITH fill your heart - so you will be STRONG IN THE LORD and IN THE POWER OF HIS MIGHT." Andrew Murray - Pastor
"There I will go to the altar of God, to God - the source of my joy. I will praise you with my harp. O God, my God." Psalm 43:4
God will lead us as He did the writer of this Psalm to the holy hill, to God's dwelling place; to our place of worship and praise, He will lead us with our TRUTH AND LIGHT - His Son Jesus Christ. We will one day sit with David as he plays his harp at Jesus feet, along with our family members and friends, around the altar of God in Heaven. Imagine the worship and praise! Imagine the joy and delight!
"Then I looked and heard the voice of many angels, 1000 times 10. They encircled the throne with living creatures and the elders. In a loud voice they sang: `Worthy is the Lamb who was slain, to receive power, wealth and wisdom, strength, honour, glory and praise." Revelation 5:11&12
"Why am I discouraged? Why is my heart so sad? I will put my hope in God! I will praise Him again - my Saviour and my God!" Psalm 43:5
Finally, as we usually do when depressed, the Psalmist begins to argue with himself: "Why am I feeling this way? Why am I feeling so downcast and discouraged?" For the third time he finds his answer.
Depression and anxiety is an illness and it needs treatment. But you can get relief, by putting your hope in God. He will send you a Saviour, who will walk beside you, and lift you up when you need it.
There have been times I have needed to see Psychologists, and even short times I have been able to go off my medication, but ultimately I know my true relief can only be found in God's Word (the TRUTH) and His Son Jesus (the LIGHT).
We ultimately have to come to a place where we can TRUST THE TRUTH and FOLLOW THE LIGHT completely if we can experience ultimate freedom and victory. But as my favourite song little song says, this only happens, `IN HIS TIME'.
"Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him and He will direct your paths." Proverbs 3:2&3
Holy Bible, New International Version,
New Living Translation,
Children's, International Children's Bible
"Wisdom for the Way", (2001) Charles R Swindoll, Countryman
"Ready to Win Over Depression" (2010) Thelma Wells, Harvest House Publishing
"Being a Titus 2 Women" (2015) John Barnett, Calvary Baptist Church - Bible Study
"New Matthew Henry Commentary (Edited By Martin H Manser)
"Prayer Life" , Andrew Murray.
"As the Deer" - Martin Nystrom, Marantha (2007) (YouTube)