Sunday, May 7, 2017


INTRODUCTION: Read Psalm 56, 1 Samuel 21:10-15, 22:1&2

Fear is natural. David knew it. We all know it. Hotly pursued by the Philistines, David was understandably afraid. In a downward swirl of events, at the lowest moment of his life, he found himself running, feigning insanity and in a dark cave. Overwhelmed, trapped, depressed, lonely and anxious. Yet in the midst of it all, David never lost sight of God. In his cries out for Him for deliverance, his hope and trust were renewed.

"When I am afraid, I will trust in you. I God whose word I praise. I God I trust; I will not be afraid. What can mortal man do to me?" Psalm 56:3&4

Have you felt that afraid? Can you understand David's despair and anxiety? God is asking you to TRUST HIM too. He may not take away the situation that is causing your fear, but he does promise that if you bring it to Him, like David did, He will give you the strength to come through it.

"Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God which transcends all understanding will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus." Philippians 4:6&7


David may have wanted to be alone in the cave to spend time with God, but God had other ideas. Trusting God means HIS PLANS AREN'T ALWAYS OURS! The cave would no longer be an `escape hatch' for David, but a `healing and training ground' for other men who needed it - men who would later become `David's mighty men of valor'. (C.R Swindoll)

"All those who were in distress or in debt or discontented gathered around him, and he became their leader. About four hundred men were with him." 1 Samuel 22:2

David was not going to let fear and despair defeat him - `what can mortal man do to me?' These men needed him - discipline, character, direction - and he would provide it. He would become their leader.
The Philistines were still there, and TRUSTING THEIR LORD, David and his new army set out to defeat them.

THE BATTLE CONTINUES - Read Psalm 56:1-8

The battle continues! Just when you think you have overcome it, the devil comes back to attack! He reminds you of your inadequacies, your failures and your FEARS! But what can humans do? When you have a GOD TO TRUST IN!

David was bringing his fears and tears before God. He knew God remembered all the trials that had gone before, but He also knew all his TRIUMPHS!

Louisa M Stead became a Christian at age 9 and had decided then that she would be a missionary. She made plans to go to China, but illness changed those plans. Instead she got married and had a daughter. Later she lost her husband in a drowning accident. It was through these difficult times that she wrote the hymn, "TIS SO SWEET TO TRUST IN JESUS". Finally she made it to Africa and served as a missionary for 15 years.

David knew that God would direct his steps, but he also knew he would not be easy. He knew from experience that if he trusted God to help him win the battles - like the Philistines - God would be there with him. Battles continue - but GOD IS OUR VICTOR!

GOD ON MY SIDE - Read Psalm 56:9-13

These verses are different to those spoken by David earlier, though they sound very similar. David has changed. He was honest to admit when he was hurting and needed God's help; and he was humble enough to learn from God. David now calls `God' `Lord' - the name his servants and friends use - he TRULY BELIEVES that God is going to help him.

In Verses 12 and 13 we read of the special promise David made to God. God had kept him alive and David vowed to serve God as the King of Israel. But he would not do it alone, for now he TRULY BELIEVED that God would always be by his side.

We to, can TRULY BELIEVE - have a TRUST in a faithful God who will never let us down. Not just because of what we know He has done in David's life, but what He has done in our own lives. God sent his Son Jesus to die on the cross, so that we could have salvation. He continues to keep us alive so that we can serve him.  That's what we TRULY BELIEVE!!

"I can now walk in Your presence, O God, in your life giving light." Psalm 56:13

"For God so loved the world He sent His only Son that whoever believes in Him will have EVERLASTING LIFE."  John 3:16

CHURCHYARD,Gordon, 2001,`', Wycliffe Associates
LUCADO, Max, 'He Chose the Nails', Thomas Nelson
SWINDOLL, Charles R, 1997, `David - A Man of  Passion and Destiny,' Zondervan.