INTRODUCTION - Read Psalm 58
David had been spending a long time with God in the cave, but there were still those enemies waiting for him outside. His courage was welling up inside of him - but was he ready to go home? What about the leaders and judges in Jerusalem? They weren't all fair and just. In fact, when it came to helping him in a time when he really needed help, whose side were they on? Would they really be there for him when he needed them?
David no longer felt overwhelmed by his enemies, for He knew that God was on His side. He had his supporters - though few, but they were loyal to him. He wanted to make sure that God would take care of these loyal people, and that they knew that they could trust in a righteous judge - the one and only loving and faithful God.
God truly does care for His people, and He will reward those who live a righteous life of service for Him. But He will also bring the unrepentent to justice.
"There truly is a reward for those who live for God, surely there is a God who judged justly here on earth." Psalm 58:11 (NLT)
HUMAN JUDGES - Read Psalm 58:1-9
Human judges were bad people. We can see by David's description that they were wicked and corrupt, and it seemed, wanted nothing but to hurt people. There were two ways they did this:
- By keeping quiet. David believed that the judges in Jerusalem should have stood up for him, when Saul was against him. Instead of depending him, and his position in Saul's court, they kept silent.
"Can it be so? Is it possible? Are you silent; you whose office is to speak for God against the sins of men." (Alexander, cited in Spurgeon)
- These judges, like all humans, were corrupt from birth. It was in their nature. Especially in their words, which were as 'deadly as a cobra's venom'.
"These wicked people are born sinners; even from birth they have lied and gone their own way." Psalm 58:3
"To be untruthful is one of the surest proofs of a fallen state and since falsehood is universal, so also is human depravity."
(Charles Spurgeon)
(Charles Spurgeon)
David prayed that God would take vengeance on these dangerous judges, for he knew he couldn't rule if they were still around. David asked God to take away their 'deadly bite', for 'if they had no capacity for good', they needed to be deprived of their 'ability for evil'. (Spurgeon - cited by David Guzik).
David had confidence on God's judgement over these earthly judges, he knew that his judgment would come quickly, 'like a flash of fire', then the righteous would be victorious. (D.Guzik)
“He will wipe them out quicker than a pot can be heated by setting thorns on fire." Psalm 57:9 (CEV)
THE TRUE JUDGE - Read Verses 10&11
"The godly will rejoice when they see injustice avenged...... at last everyone will say, 'THERE TRULY IS A REWARD FOR THOSE WHO LIVE FOR GOD; surely THERE IS A GOD WHO JUDGES JUSTLY HERE ON EARTH." Psalm 58:11
With this realization came two choices:
1. A continued lifetime of guilt and fear, as you await the judgement day; knowing that you, like all humans beings have sinned.
1. A continued lifetime of guilt and fear, as you await the judgement day; knowing that you, like all humans beings have sinned.
“For everyone has sinned; we all fall short of God’s glorious standard.” Romans 3:23 (NLT)
2. Or, a glorious peace that comes after you have sought forgiveness from our Lord Jesus Christ. Our Lord Jesus Christ, who took away your sins, and sacrificed his life on the cross for you, cleansing you from all guilt. On judgement day, you will stand fearless, for you know you have been freed.
2. Or, a glorious peace that comes after you have sought forgiveness from our Lord Jesus Christ. Our Lord Jesus Christ, who took away your sins, and sacrificed his life on the cross for you, cleansing you from all guilt. On judgement day, you will stand fearless, for you know you have been freed.
“Yet God, in his grace, freely makes us right in his sight. He did this through Christ Jesus when he freed us from the penalty for our sins. For God presented Jesus as the sacrifice for sin. People are made right with God when they believe that Jesus sacrificed his life, shedding his blood. This sacrifice shows that God was being fair when he held back and did not punish those who sinned in times past."Romans 3:24&25
"This can be your experience today, as you turn in faith to Christ and give your life to Him. Don't let another day go by without committing your life to Christ?" Billy Graham - cited by Max Lucado, Devotional Bible.
God is truly our righteous judge and he cares for people who try to live a life that is set apart for His service. We have all sinned - we are human, and He will bring the unrepentant to justice - eternal death; but for the repentant, we will have ETERNAL LIFE, by His side in Heaven.
“God loved the people of this world so much that he gave his only Son, so that everyone who has faith in him will have eternal life and never really die.”John 3:16 (CEV)
Holy Bible, New Living Translation, 2007, Tyndall House Publishers
Guzik, David, 2015, "Psalm 58:Words Against the Wicked Judges", Enduring
Lucado, Max, 2003, Devotional Bible, New Century Version, Ebook, Thomas Nelson.
Spurgeon, Charles, 1869, 'The Treasury of David", Bible Study Tools Com. (2017)