INTRODUCTION - Read Psalm 65
Psalm 65 is one of David's less known "songs of praise". Little is known about the occasion of this psalm, but because the theme is one of thankfulness, particularly for flocks and grains, it is likely to have been used for Harvest Festivals, perhaps the Feast of the Tabernacles. Like many other 'praise psalms' it began as a prayer, with David reminding us that God always answers us when we confidently come to Him in faith.
"You are the God who answers prayer; all of humanity comes before you with their requests"
Psalm 65:2
"Call to me and I will answer you and tell you great and unsearchable things you do not know." Jeremiah 33:3
David also shared with us His personal experiences of God, as MERCIFUL, FAITHFUL, OMNIPOTENT, RIGHTEOUS AND OMNIPRESENT. David was a great inspiration of hope, joy and confidence for his people, and he wanted them to take hold of the truth that God would take care of their every need - big or small - even the simple things like food and water.
"In the Kingdom of Grace, He hears our prayers, pardons our sins, satisfies our souls, protects and supports us. In the Kingdom of Providence, He fixes the mountains, calms the seas, preserves the day and night, and makes our earth fruitful." Matthew Henry."
GOD'S GLORY - IN PRAYER - Read Psalm 65:1-4; Matthew 6:8-13
These first five verses of Psalm 65 are very similar to prayer that Jesus gave to disciples, generations later.
"Our Father in Heaven, hallowed be Your Name,
Your Kingdom come, Your will be done,
On earth as it is in Heaven.
Give us this day our daily bread.
Forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors
And do not lead us into temptation, but deliver us from evil."
Matthew 6:8-13
It began with silent praise, in awe of a great God; for David wanted to give his Father all the glory. He then went on to remind us that "GOD ALWAYS ANSWERS OUR PRAYERS".
"God comes first, and only then can we receive our daily bread. If you don't get that priority straight, you'll never have power in prayer" (Bible Study Tools, 2018)
One of the other reasons people don't always have their needs met is "they don't ask". "You deny yourself when you don't ask, for prayer is the key that unlocks Heaven's treasury." (Bible Study Tools, 2018)
Though we are overcome with sins (debts), this is a good time to come before the Lord in confession, for David again reminds us, "HE WILL FORGIVE THEM ALL." Because of God's great mercy and the ultimate sacrifice of His Son Jesus' life on the cross for our sins; we can have VICTORY over our temptations and be delivered from the evil one.
The Holy Courts or Holy Temple are representations of God's Heavenly Sanctuary - the Kingdom of God - where God has "power and glory" and we can again bring our praise in His presence.
"Seek first His kingdom and His righteousness, and all these things will be added unto you."
Matthew 6:33
While looking at the glory of God we can't go by the wonders of His creation and His omnipotence.
1. He "established the earth" and "by His own strength He made the mountains". He "set them fast" and "still keeps them". We can still have that same strength and courage if we put our trust in our Father God.
2. He "stills the sea" and it is quiet. The sea can be very noisy and threatening, especially when there is a storm; but when God pleases, He can still the waves and calm the storm. Remember when Jesus gave proof of His divine power and "commanded the winds and the waves and they obeyed Him. Do you want this same calm in the storm of your lives? Reach out and touch the hand of the Father and His Son.
"The child of God in seasons of trouble should fly at once to Him who stills the sea: nothing is too hard for Him." Charles Spurgeon
3. He "renews the morning and evening", providing our daily occupations, daily comforts and communion with God. He helps us with our morning and evening worship.
GOD'S GLORY - MEETING OUR NEEDS - Read Psalm 65:9-13
4. He waters the earth and makes it fruitful. Nothing is more reviving than the rain, refreshing the grass, plants and crops.
5. Out of the earth comes our bread that God has prepared for us. The valleys are stocked with animals - cattle are well fed in the pastures.
GOD HAS IT ALL UNDER CONTROL! There is no greater joy than the `joy of harvest' and we can give all glory to God.
"God is going to meet all our needs according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus."
Philippians 4:19
One very important encouragement that comes from this Psalm 65 is the truth that everyone has access to their Heavenly Father. We can all be saved from our sins, we are loved and accepted by a powerful God, and He wants us all to be blessed with good things.
When David wrote this Psalm he wanted to remind us of God's glory, but he also wanted us to believe in our hearts that we are CHILDREN OF GOD and that we can live in GOD'S KINGDOM.
"But Jesus called the children to Him and said, "Let the little children come to me and do not hinder them, for the Kingdom of God belongs to such as these. Truly I tell you, anyone who will not receive the Kingdom of God like a little child will never enter it." Luke 18:16&17 (NIV)
Most of all, David wanted to remind us that God was SOVEREIGN in our lives, and through each and every day, if we put Him first in our lives and praise Him for his blessings we will live a life in His will.
The Holy Bible,2011 "New International Version", Biblical
Holy Bible, 2007 "New Living Translation", Tyndall House
Simmons, Dr.B, 2017, The Passion Translation, Broadstreet
Bible Study, 2018
Guzik, David, 2015, "Psalm 65 - In the Temple, In the Earth.", Enduring
Henry, Matthew, "Commentary on Psalm 65", Blue Letter
Spurgeon, Charles.H, "Treasury of David", Bible Study