INTRODUCTION - Read Psalm 77
Where is God? How do we know He is real? Many people ask this question, especially when faced with tragedy. Recently my son's best friend died in a tragic car accident, leaving behind his partner and seven young children. He was on 34 years old, and when seeking compassion and encouragement, this was the first question she gave to me: "If there was a God how could he take away such a perfect, young man". I could only give her the answer that I found, like Asaph, in this Psalm:
"I remember what the Lord did.......I think about what He has done." Psalm 77:11&12 (NIV)
How do I not only know that God is real, that He is a loving and merciful Father. How can I trust Him, even when I feel let down and alone? Because of the evidence of His creation, and the experiences of His promises in the past. Where do I find renewed courage - only in the WORD!
It is not always easy, especially in those times of grief, but "is there anything more equitable and powerful, more reliable, more true than God." (Joseph Stawell)
"The Lord is gracious and merciful, slow to anger and rich in love. The Lord is good to all; He has compassion on all He has made." Psalm 145:8&9 (NIV)
"No God is as great as our God. God, your ways are holy." Psalm 77:13 (ICV)
THE PSALMIST'S GRIEF - Read Verses 1-9
This psalm begins with Asaph's sorrowful complaints in a time of grieving. They were personal, sincere thoughts that troubled him deep down in his spirit. We have a real description of what a Christian or anyone in the grips of depression and grief might feel.
When you are suffering depression, especially in a time of grief, don't get your answers from alcohol, drugs or other addictions. The best way to gain relief is through PRAYER.
I am not talking about Clinical Depression - that is a whole different matter - but even then, I know from experience, that God is the `waymaker' to specialist help.
Asaph also knew the first place to go when `in distress' was to his Heavenly Father.
"I cried out to God for help; I cried out to God to hear me. When I was in distress I sought the Lord."Psalm 77:1 (NIV)
Asaph's grief didn't cease even in his sleep. How true it is for us too. Like Asaph, we are not always in the mood for comfort and encouragement from other people, or even the Lord; but we need to be careful not to focus our thoughts on just our selfish needs. If we are troubled by the confusion of these thoughts we tend to `bottle them up', and we risk `falling deeper'. We will have even more trouble sleeping and talking to other people. It is important though - even if we can't talk to others or even have trouble talking to God, that we to find at at least one friend, a pastor, or if necessary a doctor or may be able to help us.
"When I remember God, I become upset. When I think, I become afraid. You keep my eyes from closing. I am too upset to say anything. I keep thinking about the old days, the years long ago."
Psalm 77:3-5 (NIV)
Reflecting on the past can be good or bad, depending on how or where you let your memories take you. Again, if you are grieving or depressed, like Asaph, these may lead to spiritual doubt:
* He feared God's anger.
* He feared the loss of God's love and mercy.
* He feared that God would turn him away and he would be alone.
Fortunately, Asaph stopped his negative thoughts and reflections with the word SELAH. He encourages us to take a break, and to think about our reflections and thought patterns, before we "stop them from rising further".
"In Asaph's dark depression his attention is held by the power of God rather than on his own weaknesses. Though it seems that God may not be helping him immediately he can at least rest himself in God's mighty works of the past, trusting that God will work again for him in the future." Kevin Swanson
One of the best ways I have found in the past and and still do in my times of depression and grief, is to reflect on the Scriptures.
"So God has given both his promise and his oath. These two things are unchangeable because it is impossible for God to lie. Therefore, we who have fled to Him for refuge can have great confidence as we hold to the hope that lies before us. This hope is a strong and trustworthy anchor for your souls. It leads us through the curtain of the God's inner sanctuary." HEBREWS 6:18-19 (NLT)
"Such things were written in the Scriptures long ago to teach us. And the Scriptures give us hope and encouragement as we wait patiently for God's promises to be fulfilled." ROMANS 15:4
"Remembrance of the works of God are a powerful antidote to distributing His promises for HE IS A GOD WHO DOES NOT CHANGE." Matthew Henry
The last verses in this Psalm are a great encouragement, and we can be strengthened as Asaph was as he recalls the greatness of God in displaying his "power" when "redeeming the descendents of Jacob and Joseph."
God has a holy purpose in everything He does. He acts according to His promises, for the good of His people. His ways are like "deep waters that cannot be fathomed.".
"And we know that God causes everything to work together for the good of those who love God and are called according to His purpose." Romans 8:28 (NLT)
God brought the Israelites out of Egypt, but this was only the beginning of His mercy. He took them under His guidance and protection. He chose many great leaders, starting with Moses and Aaron, but they could only led them with the Lord's help.
"You led your people like a flock of sheep. You led them by using Moses and Aaron."
Psalm 77:20 (ICB)
His greatest act of mercy has of been sending His own son Jesus - not only as a Shepherd and Saviour and Redeemer for His people the Israelites, but also for us - His children and his sheep. If we come to Him, we can also find compassion in our time of grieving and depression.
"But ALL WHO BELIEVED AND ACCEPTED HIM, He gave the right to become CHILDREN OF GOD." John 1:12 (NLT)
"For this is how God loved the world HE GAVE HIS ONE AND ONLY SON, that EVERYONE WHO BELIEVES IN HIM will not perish but have eternal life. GOD SENT HIS SON INTO THE WORLD not to judge the world, but TO SAVE THE WORLD THROUGH HIM." John 3:16&17 (NLT)
How do we know that we can trust in a real, faithful and merciful God? How do we know that God is great and will always be with us?
"Holy Bible", New International Version" (2011), Biblica, Inc
"Holy Bible", New Living Translation" (2015) Tyndale Publishers.
"Magnify, "International Children's Bible - Psalms and Proverbs" (2006), Thomas Nelson
Henry, Matthew; Manser, Martin H (2002) "The New Matthew Henry Commentary", Zondervan.
Stawell, Joseph, "The Upside of Down" (1991), Moody Press.
Swanson, Kevin, "The Book of Psalms - The Heart of the Word."