Saturday, January 9, 2021


INTRODUCTION - Read Psalm 84; Numbers 3:13-32; 4:1-20; 16

Psalm 84 is a pilgrimage hymn, attributed to the Sons of Korah. It has often been set to music, and is a regular part of the Jewish, Catholic and Anglican liturgies. It has often been sung as a Thanksgiving Song in Protestant Churches for the dedication of new buildings.

Who Are the Sons of Korah?

The story of the Sons of Korah begins in Numbers 3 when God set aside their ancestors as Levites, ordained as "doorkeepers" to take care of the implements in the Tabernacle and the Ark of the Covenant. They often disdained this task, and began to challenge their right to Priesthood. As we read in Numbers 16, Korah started an uprising which nearly ended with his demise. 

When we later discover the "Sons of Korah", it is the time of David, when they have been given the important role in the the Thanksgiving Services, "taking charge of the music when the Ark of the Tabernacle came to Jerusalem". These young men were great choral singers and used orchestral music. With their instruments and voices they were able to prophesy the Word of God, bringing hope to the Israelites. They reminded them of God's omnipresence, not just while they were in the Temple, but in their everyday lives.

"They ministered with song before the Tabernacle of the Tent of Meeting, until Solomon built the house of the Lord in Jerusalem. They performed their duties according to the regulations laid down for them." 1 Chronicles 6:31&32 (NLT)

Their Psalms, including this one, Psalm 84, expresses a spirit of gratitude and humility, to an awesome and omnipotent God, with a deep devotion and longing to a God they loved.

"As the deer pants for streams of water, so my soul pants for you, O God." Psalm 42:1 (NIV)

"God is our refuge and strength, an ever present help in trouble." Psalm 46:1 (NIV)

"How lovely is your dwelling place, O Lord Almighty." Psalm 84:1a (NIV)

A Psalm of Peace

According to the well known theologian and writer, Charles Spurgeon, Psalm 84 should be called, "The Pearl of Psalms", for not only is it joyful and praiseworthy, but "it is the most sweet of the Psalms of Peace."

Not only did the Sons of Korah love to worship in God's House, but they loved to be in His Presence.

"My soul longs, yes, even faints for the courts of the Lord. My heart and my flesh cry out for the living God." Psalm 84:1b

Our peace in God comes from gathering in "sacred worship" and finding refreshment on our journey, as we travel with the Lord. This year has certainly been a long journey - many of you have lost jobs, in lockdown, away from family and may have even lost love ones - but it is my hope and prayer that through your struggles, you have found some good times and been blessed by God's love and peace.

"When God's ways are in our hearts and our hearts are in His ways, we are what and where we should be, and hence shall enjoy the divine approval." Charles Spurgeon

"Don't worry about anything, instead PRAY ABOUT EVERYTHING. Tell God what you need, THANK HIM FOR ALL HE HAS DONE. Then you will EXPERIENCE GOD'S PEACE which exceeds anything we can understand. His PEACE WILL GUARD OUR HEARTS AND MINDS IN CHRIST JESUS." Philippians 4:6&7

GOD'S HOUSE - A LOVELY PLACE TO DWELL - Read Psalm 84:1-4; Verse 10

Recently Mark and I had the joy of returning to Church again and what a "lovely place it was to dwell in." Oh we enjoyed our online services and sharing communion together, but there is nothing like fellowshipping with friends and worshipping in God's presence "in His courts". 

The Sons of Korah envied the Priests who were able to live and serve in the tabernacle every day. I have to confess, even though I know the Lord has called us to other `service', I too often envy those who work full time in ministry in the Church. I had a vision many years ago to be a `seed planter' in the world, and I know it is God's will that all are to be saved and "no one be perished". Still, I often, don't think I do a very good job sharing the Good News, and I have to ask myself, "Can I contribute more to His Kingdom somewhere else?"

But it does seem that Mark and I are still called to travel with the Circus. When you walk with Jesus long enough, and read God's Word, like Paul, you develop a passion for His will. 

"But my life is worth nothing to me unless I use it for finishing the work assigned me by the Lord Jesus - the work of telling others the Good News about the wonderful grace of God."
                                                                                           Acts 20: 24 (NLT)

This morning when I woke it was a beautiful Sunday, but I felt a little "teary eyed". Maybe I was just a little tired, and overwhelmed by everything. But as I started to walk over towards the Foyer Tent to another day with my new job as "watchkeeper" for the Jumping Castle, I really had to start to hold back the emotions. I was missing my family in NSW, and being with my Father in His House. 

The Sons of Korah even envied the sparrows who made their home in the Temple. The Church is not only a house for us to worship and celebrate being in God's presence, but it is a 'nest' for our children so they can be nurtured; so they can share in the same "great blessing" that we do.

Psalm 84:10 was made into a popular 'chorus' by Matt Redman in 1995. It was one of my favourites. I used to loving singing it, for it was released in a time when "all the earth's pleasures could not compare with the time I was serving God in His House." 

Like the Sons of Korah whose job as "doorkeepers" and "worship leaders", it was an honour and a blessing to serve every week in Church. I don't have that opportunity anymore, but the Lord showed me this morning that I can still serve Him, and I thank Him for that encouragement. 

* With my one good ear, I was able to listen to a woman who told be how her husband had died last year, and the last thing he had done was gone to the Circus - he couldn't stop talking about it. It reminded me why everyone comes to the Circus - it brings them so much joy. 

* With my understanding of special needs, a gift the Lord has given me, I was able to encourage a young boy and his mother, by giving him some special time on the jumping castle, "by themselves". It was an encouragement to me too, as I just love seeing the joy on children's faces. 

"And over all these virtues, put on love.....whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through Him." Colossians 3:14&17

PILGRIMS ON A JOURNEY - Read Psalm 84:5-7

Mark and I often feel like pilgrims on a journey. In the past 6 years in our life with the Circus, we have travelled all over Australia, both over mountains and valleys, both physically and spiritually. It is only because of our love and trust in the Lord that we have had the strength to get through those difficult times. It is our prayer that we will go from strength to strength.

Strength and endurance are not merely important traits of a disciple, they are sure giveaeways that a disciple's faith is real. This year ahead you may be looking ahead to to even more mountains you need to climb and the valleys you will go through. But remember, your true strength and endurance will only come from God and wherever you are in your journey, GOD WILL ALWAYS BE BY YOUR SIDE!

"No matter what lies ahead, He'll be with you everyday. Now that's something to celebrate." Bob Gass

The disciples spent time with Jesus and if you want to go from strength to strength you need to WALK AND GROW WITH JESUS. If you want to develop Jesus' strength and endurance, you need to spend time in God's Word.  When you make this your top priority in your life,  you will "go from strength to strength, and one day will appear with with Him Zion."

"The man who finds His strength in God is the one "whose heart is set on a pilgrimage". He does not rely on self or on the world for strength but considers himself a visitor, a traveler, a pilgrim in this world. His true strength and treasure are in the world to come." David Guzik

Finally, you can find strength in worship. Lately, Mark and I have been able to unite in worship with friends, and by doing this "our duties" during the week, "though difficult" have been "less painful". To watch Church Online and share communion together has given us both strength, for PILGRIMS NEED TO BE UNITED IN FAITH.

THE GIVER OF GOOD THINGS - Read Psalm 84:8,9 & 11

God always has our best in mind. When we continue to pray to Him, believing in His blessing, we can thank Him for being the GIVER OF GOOD THINGS. God is also identified in this passage as the sun - "a light to show our way" and a shield -  "to ward of peril".

Everywhere we look, we see the beauty of God's love shining toward us. He says plainly in His Word that "He gives us kindness and glory", not holding back back His goodness.

"The Lord is like a sun and shield. The Lord gives kindness and glory. He does not hold back anything good from those who are innocent." Psalm 84:11 (ICB)

We can continue to pray for grace in our time of need and then pause and meditate on God's love.

When we pray to God, He listens! Our voice matters in Heaven. He takes us seriously. When we enter His Presence, we have no fear of being ignored. Our prayers on earth activate God's power in Heaven. We don't have to understand the mysteries of prayer, all we need to know is that "when we speak, God hears." Even when there are times we cannot gather together in Church - "the gathering together of saints" - we can still speak to our Father. 

The Sons of Korah has an important role in Temple, though sometimes they felt inadequate compared to the Priests. They had a "sacred and honourable place" in God's service in God's service and their words had power in God's sight. They prayed for David and Solomon - their leaders; and they encouraged the people of Israel, by looking forward to the coming of the Messiah - Jesus Christ - for then they knew they would be truly "anointed with grace".

Blessed are we when we receive grace in abundance. We have the free gift of salvation and we can also look forward to His glory, when returns again.  What more can we receive or desire!

"Therefore, since we have been justified through faith, we have peace with God, through our Lord Jesus Christ, through whom we have gained access by faith into HIS GRACE in which we now stand. And we rejoice in the HOPE OF THE GLORY OF GOD." Romans 5:1&2

"For IT IS BY GRACE YOU HAVE BEEN SAVED, through faith - and this is not of yourselves, it is a GIFT OF GOD - not by works, so that no one can boast." Ephesians 2:8&9

CONCLUSION - Read Psalm 85:12

Finally, we have the key to this Psalm: God's greatness and goodness lead the Sons of Korah to experience and declare the blessings that come from TRUSTING GOD. God's ways are always best and true. All we need to do is "trust His heart". Thank Him for being the giver of all good things. We can only, as in true worship can have faith in the true God, a life of true service in His House and a relationship with His Son. 


"The Holy Bible: New International Version", 2011, Biblica

"Psalm & Proverbs, Magnify: International Children's Bible", 2006, Thomas Nelson

"Gass, Bob, 1996, "Best of the World Today", Bridge Logos Foundation

"Lucado, Max, 1997, "The Great House of God - The Home of Your Heart," Thomas Nelson

Guzik, David, 2020, "Psalm 84 - The Pilgrims Love and Longing for God's House",

Reding, Tom, 2021, "Psalm 84", Wikepedia

Spurgeon, Charles, 2020, "The Treasury of David: Charles Spurgeon Commentary",

Redman, Matt, 1995, "Better is One Day", You Tube

Sons of Korah, 2014, "Psalm 84", You Tube