Friday, January 7, 2022


 INTRODUCTION - Read Psalm 97

Psalm 97 is another of the ROYAL PSALMS written by David, but unlike Psalm 96 and 98 its theme is more related to that of GOD'S KINGLY RULE rather than the coming of His Son Jesus. 

"The effects of His judgement are declared. His adversaries are destroyed, His glory is revealed and His people are filled with joy." G. Campbell Morgan

Like many Psalms used for Jewish Religious Festivals, Psalm 97 is a CALL TO WORSHIP our God who reigns over all, as we consider His GOODNESS, JUSTICE, POWER AND SOVEREIGNTY. But what exactly  is WORSHIP? David definition is to:

"Magnify the Lord and to let us exalt His name together." Psalm 34:8

We often have big worries, questions and problems; and we need to "draw near to God" and "enlarge our vision of Him".

"Draw near to God and He will draw near to you. Cleanse your hands you sinners and purify your hearts you double minded...... Humble yourselves in the sight of the Lord, and He will lift you up."                                                                                                    James 4:8&10 (NKJV)

Next time you are in Church or in a place you worship,  allow the songs, the music, the prayers and devotions to transform you into the person God wants to be - HIS RIGHTEOUS CHILD, FILLED WITH HIS LIGHT AND JOY, JUST LIKE YOUR FATHE GOD AND GREAT KING.


Like Psalm 93, this Psalm begins suddenly and wonderfully with a declaration of GOD'S ROYALTY. He's not a useless idol, but and OMNIPOTENT GOD who CREATED ALL THINGS. He is "HOLY and IRRESTIBLE". 

"The LORD REIGNS, HE IS CLOTHED WITH MAJESTY; the Lord is clothed, He has girded Himself with strength." Psalm 93:1 (NJKV)

"RIGHTEOUSNESS AND JUSTICE are the foundation of His throne." Psalm 97:1 (NIV)

"We know that in His government there can be no departure from RIGHTEOUSNESS, no deflection OF JUSTICE. This should be the inspirational of perpetual songs and worship." Morgan

The lightning flash and the melting wax seem to be a representation of GOD'S DELIVERANCE and the TRIUMPH OVER EVIL and He SAVED HIS PEOPLE.


Those who worship idols and not their ROYAL GOD should be ashamed. We need to praise and extol our God far above all else. The reason for Zion's joy is God's rule and instruction.

The Psalmist David instructed His people in righteousness and justice just like his Father God has done. He had preserved the souls of His children who were upright, and protecteded the lives of those who were willing to obey Him. 

"Let those who love the Lord hate evil, for He guards the lives of the faithful ones, and delivers them from the hands of the wicked." Psalm 97:10 (NIV)

David describes many ways that God blesses His people:

* God cared for His peole.
* He delivered them from the wicked.

"They are very dear to Him. He preserves them, very safe to His bosum" Charles Spurgeon

* He sent a light for their path.
* He gave them gladness.

"Let the light and goodness be faithfully cultivated till their whole body shall be full of light and the whole soul full of happiness." Adam Clarke

"Light shines on the righteous and joy on the upright in heart." Psalm 97:11 (NIV)

CONCLUSION - Read Verse 12

"Rejoice in the Lord, you who are righteous, and praise His holy name." Psalm 97:12 (NIV)

Let your joy be full in God and be expressed in praise and thanksgiving, as we remember His holiness. 

Saturday, January 1, 2022


 INTRODUCTION - Read Psalm 96, 2 Samuel 6,                          1Chronicles 14&16

This Psalm is a song that David and God's people, the Israelites, sang, when the Religious Leaders of the time brought the Ark of the Covenant back to it's "rightful place", in the city of Jerusalem. They kept the Ark in what they believed to be the Sanctuary of God's presence, where they could again worship Him. Later when David died, his son Solomon placed the Ark in the Temple he built - "God's permanent place"

The loss of the Ark, many years before in the time of King Saul, meant that God's people had, they believed, been "deprived of God's presence", since it was the holiest of holies. The Israelites had let the Ark "gather dust", seven miles away from Jerusalem. It had been neglected and ignored, along with their faith in God.

When David took over the throne he realized his people needed a place for worship and spiritual growth. His first priority as King was to put this "piece of sacred furniture back where it belonged". David was determined to being it back so it could have "pride of place in God's sanctuary". 

In  2 Samuel 6:12-20 and 1 Chronicles 15:25-28 & 16 we read of David's rejoicing, celebrating and worshiping of the Lord, as the Ark was brought into God's holy city, Jerusalem. There was loud music, singing and dancing. This time, no one would die because of their disobedience. They would carry the Ark according to God's directions - lifting it on poles, on their shoulders; not touching it with their hands. They would not hurry, stopping to make sacrifices, worshipping and dancing before the Lord. 

"David danced before the Lord with all His might, wearing a priestly garment" 2 Samuel 6:14 (NLT)

"When he had finished his sacrifices David blessed the people in the name of the Lord of Heaven's Armies." 2 Samuel 6:18

""I was dancing before the Lord who chose me above your father and all his family. He appointed me as leader of Israel, the people of the Lord, so I celebrated before the Lord." 2 Samuel 6:21

David celebrated God's presence  and he knew that he and his people would now never be alone. This Psalm is David's SONG OF CELEBRATION of GOD'S SALVATION, HIS GREATNESS, JOY IN CREATION AND HIS JUSTICE. It is also one of the "Royal Psalms" for we are introduced to the COMING MESSIAH, "who judges all people with equity"

"Tell the nations "The Lord reigns!" The world stands firm and cannot be shaken. He will judge all people fairly.....Sing for joy before the Lord for He is coming! He is coming to judge the earth. He will judge the world with justice and the nations with His truth." Psalm 96:10&13 

SING TO THE LORD AS GOD'S WITNESS - Read 96:1-3;          1 Chronicles 16:8&9, 23&24

As David was singing this Song of Praise he was encouraging the Israelites to to share with others about all that the Lord had done for them. We too are encouraged to do the same, for like David and the Israelites, we too are God's children, and we want to LOVE, SERVE AND OBEY our Father God. He has created us, kept us safe and protected us, and as the New Year begins, we can trust Him to continue to do these "marvellous deeds among His people".

"How beautiful upon the mountains are the feet of those who bring GOOD NEWS, who proclaim PEACE, who bring GOOD TIDINGS, who proclaim SALVATION, who say to Zion, "YOUR GOD REIGNS." Isaiah 52:7 (NIV)

"Give praise to the Lord, proclaim His name, MAKE KNOWN AMONG THE NATIONS WHAT HE HAS DONE. Sing to Him, sing praise to Him; TELL OF ALL HIS WONDERFUL ACTS."
                                                                                           Psalm 105:1 (NIV)

PROCLAIM GOD'S GREATNESS - Read Psalm 96:4-6,                1 Chronicles 16:10-12, 25-27

We know that GOD IS GREAT - greater than any "idols" we may worship. He is the King of Kings, with SPLENDOUR, MAJESTY, STRENGTH & GLORY. So what should we do with this knowledge - definitely not keep it to ourselves. We should:

*  PRAISE HIM - "telling Him how great He is".
* Have a 'HEALTHY FEAR" of our Lord; worshipping and honouring Him above all else.
"BOW BEFORE" our Royal, Sovereign King.
* Live and work with an understanding of  GOD'S OMNIOTENCE and the strength and power that God has given us.
* Remember, GOD IS BEAUTIFUL, so we too have His beauty in us, for we too are made in His image. 

"So God created mankind in His own image, in His image of God He them; male and female He created them." Genesis 1:27 (NIV)

"Great is the Lord and most worthy of praise, in the city of our God, His Holy Mountain." 
                                                                                      Psalm 48:1 (NIV)

"Honour and majesty surround Him, strength and beauty fill His sanctuary." Psalm 96:6 (NLT)

WORSHIP THE LORD - Psalm 96:7-9; 1 Chronicles 16:29-31

When the Ark of the Covenant came back into Jerusalem, the Israelites were afraid. God was so awesome and holy that to touch the Ark meant certain death. Today, though, because of the death of His Son, Jesus Christ, God is a lot more approachable for His children. But He is still the same HOLY, SUPREME GOD, and is worthy of our deepest respect, and we need to have a "heathy fear".

Having a "healthy fear" is another word for "awe".  We have an adoration of God's OMNIPOTENCE, GLORY AND HOLINESS. GLORY means "God's wonder and shining presence"; HOLINESS means God is "very, very good" and righteous, "having never done anything wrong." Finally, OMNIPOTENCE is the "greatness of God".

"Tremble before Him, all the earth." Psalm 86:9b (NIV)

"Ascribe to the Lord glory and strength. Ascribe to the Lord the glory dur His name; bring an offering and come before Him. Worship the Lord in the splendour of holiness." 
                                                                             1 Chronicles 16:28&29

There was no Temple when David originally wrote this song of celebration in 1 Chronicles 16; but many Theologians believe that Psalm 96 itself was rewritten during Solomon's rebuilding of the Temple, when the Ark was placed in God's "permanent place of worship".

WORSHIP means to "honour the glory, holiness and greatness of God". Also you are expressing your love for Him. Some people worship with music and song, others get down on their knees or flat on their face. David loved to dance and offer sacrifices. Today, we like to raise our hands.  Paul also reminds us that true worship can be in our service too our Father God.

"Therefore, I urge you brothers and sisters, in view of God's mercy, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God - this is your true and proper worship." Romans 12:1 (NIV)

JESUS - OUR COMING KING AND JUDGE -                          Read Psalm 96:11-13, 1 Chronicles 16:31-33

The final part of this Psalm talks about the Lord as our King, and the coming of His Son, Jesus, as the Messiah, to rule and judge His people. He will be a great and "fair judge", deciding who has done right and wrong. 

"Tell the nations, "THE LORD REIGNS". The world stands firm and cannot be shaken. HE WILL JUDGE ALL PEOPLES FAIRLY." Psalm 96:10 (NLT)

"The Lord reign forever; He has established His throne of judgement. He rules the world in righteousness and judges the peoples with equity. The Lord is a refuge for the oppressed, a stronghold in time of trouble. Those who know Your Name trust in You, for You, Lord, have never forsaken those who seek You." Psalm 9:7-10 (NIV)

Those who have right have LOVED, SERVED AND OBEYED the Lord. They have ACCEPTED JESUS AS THEIR LORD AND SAVIOUR. The wrong have done the opposite. Not only have they denied the existence of the true God and His Son Jesus Christ, but they have in many respects, "worshipped the ways of the devil". We have a choice of which path we take!

"Dear children, do not let anyone lead you astray. The one who does what is right is RIGHTEOUS, just as HE IS RIGHTEIOUS. The one who does what is sinful is of the devil, because the devil has been sinning from the beginning. The reason the SON OF MAN APPEARED was to destroyed the devil's work. No one who is BORN OF GOD will continue to sin, because God's seed remains in them; they cannot go on sinning, because they have been BORN OF GOD. This is how we know who the CHILDREN OF GOD are and who the children of the devil are: Anyone who does not do what is right is not God's child, nor is anyone who does not love their brother or sister." 1 John 3:7-10 (NIV)


What choices are you going to make:

* Are you going to accept the Lord Jesus as your Lord and Saviour?
* Do you believe He is a fair Judge and King of Kings?
* Are you going to sing and proclaim His love and greatness to others?
* How will you worship and serve your Father and King?
* Are you going to shout for joy  and dance in His presence?

My prayer is that you may make the RIGHT CHOICES for there is nothing more special than being a CHILD OF GOD and LIVING EVERYDAY IN HIS PRESENCE.

                                                  "GOD IS WITH US!
                              THAT'S REASON TO CELEBRATE!"
                                                      Max Lucado

"Psalms & Proverbs, Magnify - International Children's Bible, 2014, Tommy Nelson

"The Holy Bible - New International Version", 2011, Biblica

"The Holy Bible - "New Living Translation", 2015, Tyndale House Publishers

Alexander, Pat & David, "The Lion Handbook to the Bible", 2009, Lion Hudson

Churchyard, Gordon, "Psalm 96 - Sing a New Song: The Third Royal Psalm", 2002,

Lucado, Max, "Facing Your Giants - God Still Does the Impossible", 2006, Thomas Nelson

Charles  R Swindoll, "David - A Man of Passion & Destiny", 1997, Thomas Nelson