Thursday, March 24, 2022


 INTRODUCTION - Read Psalm 101, Psalm 37

David was the author of this Psalm and "aside from a temporary slump in disobedience", he understood that God had a plan for his life. Most of the time he served God faithfully and "was a man after God's own heart".

"After removing Saul, he made David their king. God testified concerning him: "I have found David, son of Jesse, a man after my own heart; HE'LL DO EVERYTHING I WANT HIM TO DO."
                                                                                                                 Acts 13:22 (NIV)

David was "no saint" but neither was he "a monster". He was a "complex, complicated leader", but we have much to learn from his life.

"For every Goliath in the story, there was a Bathsheba around the corner. For every soul David showed compassion to, there were hundreds he was responsible for slaughtering. ....David caused a devestating plague and caused the execution of his enemies on his deathbed." Mark Rutland

Yes, David failed at times, but being "a man after God's own heart", meant he endeavoured  to live by God's will and timing and "the statement of his faith" was in short, "I'M YOURS, AND I WILL TRUST IN YOU," even when he failed and went off course.

"The Lord makes firm the steps of the one who delights in Him. Though he may STUMBLE, he WILL NOT FALL, for the LORD UPHOLDS HIM WITH HIS HAND." Psalm 37:23&24 (NIV)

The first 4 verses of this Psalm are David's godly resolutions he endeavours to live by: 

* HONOUR (Love and Justice)

* INTEGRITY (A Blameless life)

* HONESTY (Faithfulness and truth))

* PURITY (Rejecting perverse ideas)

In verses 5-8 David "makes a declaration for his house", his government officials, and all who served in his Kingdom. These were behaviours he didn't like and would prefer they had or didn't have:

* SLANDER of neighbours.

* PRIDE (conceit, haugty eyes)

* FAITHFULNESS -  of his companions to dwell with him. 

* BLAMELESS  (above reproach ) - to serve and minister to him.

* DECEIT -no one will dwell or serve in his house

* LIEING (speaks falsely) -  in his presence

*WICKED (evildoers) - not allowed in his city. 

Do you, like David choose to be a person "after God's own heart", having made a decision to follow the Lord and His Son Jesus? Then you need to commit yourself to SERVING WITH POSITIVE VALUES. Choose to be a person, like David, who was COMMITTED TO GOD'S WILL AND PURPOSE.

"TRUST IN THE LORD AND DO GOOD; dwell in the land and enjoy safe pasture. Take delight in the Lord; and He will give you the desires of your heart. COMMIT YOUR WAY TO THE LORD; TRUS IN HIM and He will do this." Psalm 37:3-5

AS FOR ME: DAVID'S STATEMENT OF FAITH Read Psalm 101:1-4; 1 Samuel 16, 18:1-16,19:1-10; Psalm 51 & Proverbs 21

In these first 4 verses David tells us how committed he was to God's will and purpose, and to following GOD'S VALUES in His life. He lists these 4 qualities:


"I will sing of your LOVE and JUSTICE, Lord. I will sing YOUR PRAISE." Psalm 101:1 (NIV)

LOVE and JUSTICE define who GOD IS and they are guiding values for us to live by.
LOVE is represented by our UNSELFISHNESS, MERCY, KINDNESS and LOYALTY. In the New Testament we are reminded of GOD'S GRACE and FORGIVENESS.

JUSTICE helps us live PEACEFULLY. In our government we would hope it would "denote a civil, orderly administration."

"David resolves to make these  two diving qualities the song of his life. He is committed to letting them animate every decision and every relationship." Charles Swindoll

"The Lord has told you what is good and what He wants from you: Do what is right to other people. Love being kind to others. And live humbly, trusting the Lord." Micah 6:8 (ICB)

"Whoever pursue righteousness and unfailing love will find life, righteousness and honour." 
Proverbs 21:21


"I will be careful to live a BLAMELESS LIFE - when will you come to help me?" Psalm 101:2

David wanted to be a witness of  "public integrity" and truth - living a "blameless life" in his home and Kingdom. His people needed, not only a strong warrior, they needed someone with an "authentic heart" as their Ruler.

David wasn't the smartest or strongest man in his kingdom. He made mistakes! But he knew that a RIGHT RELATIONSHIP WITH GOD was a KEY TO INTEGRITY, and he always sought forgiveness for his failures. 

"Have mercy on me, O God, according to your infailing love; according to your great compassion, blot out all my transgressions. Wash away my iniquity and cleanse from my sin.......Do not cast me from your presence or take your Holy Spirit from me. Restore to me the joy of your salvation, and grant me a willing spirit to sustain me." Psalm 51:1,2, 11&12  (NIV)

"You can be a PERSON OF INTEGRITY, a "man after God's own heart", if you SEEK HIM WITH YOUR WHOLE HEART AND SOUL." Mark Rutland


"I hate what FAITHLESS PEOPLE do. I will have no part of it all." Psalm 103:3 (NIV)

David's predecessor King Saul was a "weak, dishonest man", both spiritually and mentally. Because of his failures, "God withdrew his anointing"and although David was anointed the new king, he had to wait, and meanwhile, it could be said "he was stripped of his childhood".  Saul fell into a "denomic nightmare". He summoned David to play and sing for him. This would have been a frightening time for the young lad, and something he would never forget. 

"When David came to Saul, he began to serve him. Saul loved David very much. David became the officer who held Saul's armour. Saul sent a message to Jesse, "Let David stay and serve me, I like him." When the evil spirit from God entered Saul, David would take his harp and play. Then the evil spirit would go out of him. He would feel relief. He would feel better again." 
                                                                 1 Samuel 16:21-23 (ICB)

When David grew into a young man he became one of the best soldiers in Saul's army and a favourite with everyone. Saul became very jealous of him, and David could no longer trust him.

"The next day an evil spirit from God entered Saul with power. And He prophesied in his house. David was playing his harp as he usually did. But Saul had a spear in his hand. He raised the spear and thought, "I'll pin David to the wall". But David got away from him two times. The Lord was with David and had left Saul. Saul was afraid of David." 1 Samuel 18:10-12 (ICB)

David knew that one day he would be king, but he also knew that he needed to wait on God's timing. He needed to learn the values that would make him a GOOD KING. David "resolved to avoid" and reject the behaviours he had seen in his predecessor King Saul, for they were definitely NOT HONEST.


"I will reject the PEVERSE IDEAS and stay away from evil." Psalm 101:4 (NLT)

We all know that David made mistakes when it came to PURITY. But we also know that when faced  with the consequences of his actions he sought FORGIVENESS from his FATHER GOD. If there was a time that was emphasized his "weakness" most in David's life it was his "adultery with Bathsheba" and the "murder of her husband". God was certainly displeased with David's behaviour . How can a "man after His own heart" COMMIT ADULTERY, MURDER, IMPURITY, CONSPIRACY and CORRUPTION?

Yet, we can see by David's response in Psalm 51, that he knew that he had done wrong. He confessed his sins, repented and accepted the consequences. From this time on David resolved to "know no evil" and he struggled with the "impure memories". But for the sake of his family and his Kingdom, he would now endeavour to live a PURE LIFE.

"For I know my transgressions, and my sin is always before me. Against You, and You only have I sinned and done what is evil in your sight; so you are right in your verdict and justified when you judge." Psalm 51:3&4 (NIV)

"My sacrifice, O God is a broken spirit; a broken and contrite heart, You, O God, will not despise." 
                                                                                  Psalm 51:17

A PURE LIFE is a "spiritual investment" and we cannot emphasize how important this is. David realised that a "perversed heart" would lead to a weakening of his spiritual life, and was determined to follow God's will, not his own. 

"How can a young man keep his way PURE, by OBEYING YOUR WORD." Psalm 119:9 (ICB)

"Those who are TRULY GOOD will live. But those who chase after evil will die. The Lord hates those with evil hearts, but He is pleased with those who are INNOCENT." (ICB)

AS FOR MY HOUSE - WHAT I WOULD LIKE  TO SEE:                   Read Psalm 101:5-8; Luke 12:13-21, 16:1-14 &                       1 Chronicles 21:1-17

David no longer "LOOKS WITHIN" he "LOOKS AROUND", at the people in his home and Kingdom, and the 7 types of behaviour they exhibited:


"I will not tolerate people who SLANDER THEIR NEIGHBOUR." Psalm 101:5a (NLT)

David would not "tolerate the slanderer", he would "silence them" by stopping their "smear campaigns" and "backstabbing". 


"I will not endure CONCEIT and PRIDE." Psalm 105b (NLT)

David could not tolerate arrogant people, who had "HAUGHTY EYES and a PROUD HEART"; although this is something he did struggle with later in his reign, and it prevented him from listening to wise counsel. But he was accountable to His Father God, and he wanted his people to learn that GOD's WAY not MAN's WAYS were truly the right ones.

"He learnt a difficult lesson in a very painful way." Jimmy Evans

"Haughty eyes, a proud heart and evil actions are all sin." Proverbs 21:4 (NLT)


"I will search for FAITFUL PEOPLE to be my companions." Psalm 101:6a (NLT)

David longed to dwell with FAITHFUL PEOPLE in his land. Faithful people supported his vision to follow the WAYS OF THE LORD. 

"Without FAITHFUL PEOPLE to fulfill their roles, leadership cannot succeed." Charles Swindoll

"Many claim to have unfailing love, but a FAITHFUL PERSON who can find?" 
                                                                       Proverbs 20:6  (NIV)

Jesus told a lot of parables about FAITHFULNESS, for He knew it was one of the most important "fruits of the spirit." 

"But the fruit of the spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, gentleness, FAITHFULNESS and self control." Galatians 5:22&23 (NIV)

"Whoever can be TRUSTED with very little, can be TRUSTED with much. Whoever is dishonest with very little is dishonest also with much." Luke 16:10 (NIV)

"The Lord answered: "Who then is a faithful and wise manager, whom the master puts in charge of his servants to give them their food allowance at the proper time? It will be good for that servant whom the master finds doing so when he returns." Luke 12:42&43 (NIV)

Faithfulness is 'STEADFASTNESS, TRUTHFULNESS and CONSISTENCY". A faithful person is LOYAL TO THEIR DUTY, showing ALLEGIANCE TO THEIR LEADER. This is what David would have wanted. He wanted soldiers, government officials, priests, family and friends he could COUNT ON and he wanted them to know that they could COUNT ON HIM and THE LORD.

"God will NEVER let us down. He is ALWAYS FAITHFUL. Faithful to YOU and faithful to HIS PROMISES." 2 Thessalonians 3:3 (NLT)

"We inherit our FAITHFULNESS from our HEAVENLY FATHER." Kenneth Copeland


"The one whose WALK IS BLAMELESS will minister to me." Psalm 101:6b (NIV)

David admitted that he needed certain people to MENTOR HIM - to SHEPHERD, COUNSEL and SERVE HIM. They would be "BLAMELESS PEOPLE/ABOVE REPROACH". 

One of these men would have been Samuel the prophet, whom God chose to anoint David as the new king. David struggled to have a relationship with his children. This was probably because his father Jesse had not included him in the gathering of his sons, until Samuel specifically asked for him.

 Nathan was another prophet who was sent to confront David when he had "sinned against the Lord."  After repenting and receiving forgiveness from God, David would have needed to face the consequences of his actions.  But Nathan would have stood by him, to encourage him until "he chose to put his focus back where it needed to be - ON THE LORD."

"For lack of guidance a nation falls, but victory is won through many advisors."
                                                                              Proverbs 11:14 (NIV)

"David was not a great king because he had it all together, nor did he know how to handle every situation. He relied on others who understood his strengths and could fill the gaps when he was weak."  Jimmy Evans

Joab was another of his counsellors, a wise advisor, whom David listened to most of the time. One day, however, David decided to do things HIS OWN WAY. He wanted to "demonstrate his strength rather than God's". He did this by taking a census, counting all his soldiers. Joab urged David to reconsider, but PRIDE prevented David from listening to WISE ADVISE, and he learnt a painful lesson.

"Satan rose up against Israel and incited David to take a census of Israel. The king's word overruled Joab's; so Joab left and went through Israel and then came back to Jerusalem. This command was also evil in the sight of God; so he punished Israel......Then David said to God, "I have sinned greatly by doing this. Now I beg you to take away the guilt of your servant. I have done a very foolish thing" David said to God, "Was it not I who ordered the fighting men to be counted? I, the shepherd, have sinned and done wrong. What have they done? Lord my God, let your hand fall on me and my family, but do not let this plague remain on your people." 1 Chronicles 21:1,4,7&8, 17

We need to have someone in our life to mentor and guide us, to keep us accountable, and from whom we can seek wise, blameless counsel. The greatest of these is the LORD GOD HIMSELF.


"No on who PRACTICES DECEIT will dwell in my house" Psalm 101:7a (NIV)

The word  "dwell" literally means "to sit". David didn't want anyone in a place of responsibility in his government or to serve in his home who was a "hypocrite" or "deceiver". Deception means "keeping back the real story" or simply "not telling the truth" - anyone who would hide the motive behind their actions or cause anyone to be misled. DAVID FELT VERY STRONLY ABOUT THIS. This was probably due to the "number of spears his father in law, King Saul, had thrown at him".

"But an evil spirit from the Lord came on Saul as he was sitting in his house with his spear in his hand. While David was playing his lyre, Saul tried to pin him to the wall with his spear, but David eluded him, as Saul drove the spear into the wall. That night David made good his escape."
                                                                                      1 Samuel 19:9&10 (NIV)


"LIARS will not stay in my presence." Psalm 101:7b

King David had a policy: "Anyone caught telling a lie (speaking falsely) would not keep his position in authority." Charles Swindoll

Relationships are built on TRUST. You cannot maintain TEAMWORK when there is a LIAR in the group. You have a CHOICE - you can either pursue the TRUTH or "pattern yourself after a lie". What would be the way of Christ?

"To the Jews who had believed Him, Jesus said, "If you hold to my teaching, you are truly my disciples. Then YOU WILL KNOW THE TRUTH, AND THE TRUTH WILL SET YOU FREE." 
                                                                         John 8:31&32 (NIV)

"Jesus answered: "I AM the way, THE TRUTH and the life. No one comes to the Father, except through me." John 14:6 (NIV)

Pattern yourself after His Word. Let your words reflect the HEART OF GOD - CHOOSE THE TRUTH!

"Kings take pleasure in honest lips; they value the one who speaks what is right." 
                                                                          Proverbs 16:13 (NLT)


"Every morning I will put to silence ALL THE WICKED in the land. I will cut off EVERY EVILDOER from the city of the Lord." Psalm 101:8 (NIV)

David resolved to rid his Kingdom of all criminals - "to cut off and put an end to all evil and wipe out wickedness." David promised to assemble an honest government and administration with a high "moral conduct", with which he could hold himself accountable. 

He would also follow the WILL OF GOD, "after God's own heart". We too want to do the same, having as our motto: "I'M YOURS, AND I WILL TRUST YOU, NO MATTER WHAT."


David says in Psalm 101 that he doesn't want to be near things or people that he know would tempt him. He wants to define himself by God's FOUR PRIMARY VALUES: HONOUR, INTEGRITY, HONESTY AND PURITY. He wants to rid his home, work and His Kingdom of all negative influences, and most of all he wants to GROW IN HIS FAITH IN THE LORD - following His will and purpose for His life.

Most people remember David as a GIANT KILLER, a WARRIOR and a KING, but his greatest desire was to WORSHIP GOD. He is the only king God describes "as a man after His own heart". So what does this mean?


* We are to GIVE HIM THE RELATIONSHIP HE WANTS, not based on money, position or power.



We acknowledge God's RIGHTFUL POSITION in our lives. Our life depends on HIS PRESENCE AND HIS POWER. Without GOD, WE DON'T STAND A CHANCE. THERE IS NO HOPE! But it as simple as WORSHIPPING HIM every day, when you wake up in the morning.

"Ascribe to the Lord the glory due His name; worship the Lord in the splendour of holiness." 
                                                                                         Psalm 29:2 (NIV)

"Come, let us bow down in worship, let us kneel before the Lord our Maker; for He is our God and we are the people of his pasture, the flock under His care." Psalm 95:6&7  (NIV)

"The Holy  Bible, New International Version", 2011, Biblica

"The Holy Bible, New Living Translation", 2015, Tyndale Publishers

"The Holy Bible, International Children's Bible", 2015, Tommy Nelson

Copeland, Kenneth, "Walk in the Fruit of the Spirit: Faithfulness",2022, Kenneth Copeland Ministries (You Version)

Evans, Jimmy, "I am David - Devotional", 2020, Gateway Publishing (You Version)

Jackson, Vance K, "Do Not Bear False Witness", 2022, (You Version)

Rutland, Mark, "David the Great", 2001, Charisma House (You Version)

Swindoll, Charles, "Living the Psalms", 2011, Worthy Publishing

Friday, March 18, 2022


INTRODUCTION - Read Psalm 100 

Psalm 100 is a SONG OF CELEBRATION. It helps us restore a SPIRIT OF THANKFULNESS and JOYFUL GRATITUDE. It was written "for all the earth" to WORSHIP and PRAISE the Lord.

The Psalm was written as a "poetic hymn" by David, following a style of "meter" and "beat". Each verse has a "distinct message", with a final verse summing up God's character of GOODNESS, LOVE, and FAITHULNESS - giving us a reason for our WORSHIP, PRAISE & THANKS. 

CHOOSE JOY - Verses 1&2

"Shout to the Lord all the earth. Serve the Lord with joy. Come before Him with singing"
                                                                                                Psalm 1001&2 (NCV)

"Shout for joy, all the earth. Worship the Lord with gladness; come before Him with joyful songs." 
                                                                                                      Psalm 100:1&2  (NIV)

We are to first "shout joyfully to the Lord" and then to "serve(worship) the Lord with gladness, and then finally, "come before Him with joyful songs." These are three ways as happy people we can come into the Lord's presence. JOY and WORSHIP are choices that we make. "It does our heart good and it is truly contagious."

"The essence of worship is relating to God Himself. It is all about HIM, not just the SONGS themselves. Express your willingness to worship God in TRUTH , as well as in our SPIRITUAL SINGING." Matt Redman

"But the time is coming - indeed it is now here - when TRUE WORSHIPPERS will worship the Father in SPIRIT and in TRUTH. The Father is looking for those who will worship Him that way. For GOD IS SPIRIT, so those who worship Him must worship in SPIRIT and TRUTH."
                                                                                                 John 4:23


"Know that the LORD HIMSELF IS GOD. It is He who made us and WE ARE HIS; we are His people and the sheep of His pasture." Psalm 100:3 (NIV)

"Know that the LORD IS GOD. He made us and WE BELONG TO HIM; we are His people and the sheep He tends." Psalm 100:3 (NCV)

Knowledge of God is PERSONAL, not merely theological; and we should develop a RELATIONSHIP WITH HIM. 

1. He is our SOVEREIGN GOD, and has dominion over us. He is OUR CREATOR. When we understand this, we are no longer anxious about the life we live, but WE HAVE PEACE AND JOY. 

2. We can have a PERSONAL RELATIONSHIP with God -  this is an experience like no other - as we TRUST HIS DECISIONS on our lives. He is our FATHER and we can have FAITH in HIS WORD and PROMISES. We become confident, people living in JOY and PEACE.



Psalm 100:4a (NIV)


What was in the Psalmist David's mind when he spoke about the "gates and courts"?

1. He could have been referring to the "stronghold of a ruler"- a judgement seat, where he held court - "deciding cases and granting favours". In this case, when you enter HIS GATES AND COURTS, you would meet with the righteous and just judge, who would have MERCY and GRACE upon you.

"So let us come boldly to the throne of our gracious God. There we will receive mercy and we will receive grace to help us when we need it most." Hebrews 4:16 (NLT)

2. In David's day, the tabernacle was the place where the "people of God approached Him". The city of Jerusalem had gates and courts, and only the Priests has access into God's presence. Today we can all approach God in PRAYER with THANKSGIVING AND PRAISE. 

"When the Priests came out of the Holy Place, a thick cloud filled the Temple of the Lord. The priests could not continue their service because of the cloud, for the glorious presence of the Lord filled the Temple." 1 Kings 8:10-11 (NLT)

'One cultivates a personal relationship with the God by LISTENING TO HIM and HE SPENDS TIME WITH HIS LOVED ONES. How much quality time do you spend with the Lord, accomplishing His work, showing love to others?" Charles Swindoll




"Give Thanks" in Hebrew means "to confess, praise, acknowledge, extol and thank". This is more than just thanking Him for His blessings. It literally means "we don't say enough about Him and what He does for us". 

In Scripture the idea of GIVING THANKS is not just suggestion; Jesus actually modelled it in His PRAYER LIFE. God has already given us everything we need, particularly, GRACE and MERCY. We now need to channel these to others. We need to create a "Thank You List" and tell a story of GOD's GOODNESS and FAITHFULNESS in our lives. 

"Cultivating a THANKFUL HEART is no small issue with God." Charles Swindoll

When we are "Praising (Blessing) His Name" we are showing honour to God. "His Name is Higher than any other Name." We affirm HIS POWER AND GOODNESS, and commit ourselves to following Him. 

GIVING THANKS AND PRAISE has special significance for the believer, but it doesn't always come naturally. It does, though, "develop a bond of friendship" and helps us to "pledge allegiance to Jesus Christ".

"PRAISE AND THANKSGIVING open up our hearts and cause JOY to well up in OUR SPIRITS. We can now open up the doors into His courts and into His presence." Max Lucado


"God is GOOD and HIS LOVE ENDURES FORVER" Psalm 100:5a (NIV)

"The Lord is GOOD. His LOVE IS FOREVER." Psalm 100:5a (NCV)

God is a the ONE AND ONLY Creator and Sovereign Lord. His commands are for OUR GOOD and He has "loving motives in every word and deed". 


1. His covenant promise given through Moses to His people, requiring obedience and committment.

2. No greater love through Jesus Himself, who gave His life for us.

3. The salvation and  freedom we now have

"Praise the Lord  who has given rest to His people Israel just as He promised. Not one WORD HAS FAILED ALL HIS WONDERFUL PROMISES He gave through His servant Moses."1 King 8:56

"For GOD SO LOVED THE WORLD that He gave His only son, that whoever believed in Him, will not perish, but will have everlasting life." John 3:16

"I mean that you have been SAVED BY GRACE through believing. You did not save yourselves; it was a GIFT FROM GOD." Ephesians 2:8

"HIS FAITHFULNESS continues to all generations." Psalm 100:5b (NIV)

"HIS LOYALTY goes on and on." Psalm 100:5b (NCV)

Our God is fair and FAITHFUL, but not only to us, He was also "faithful to our ancestors", and will also be "faithful to our children and grandchildren"in the future. The PROMISES IN HIS WORD apply throughout "time", to all people! "He never changes and is consistently faithful"!"

"For the Word of the Lord HOLDS TRUE and we can TRUST everything He does."
                                                                                                Psalm 33:4 (NLT)

"Thank you Lord that you are unchanging and because of your FAITHFUL PROMISES, we can always COUNT ON YOU." Charles Swindoll

"Understand therefore, that the Lord your God is indeed God. He is the FAITHFUL GOD who keeps His covenant to all generations and lavishes His unfailing love on those who love Him and obey His commandments". Deuteronomy 7:9 (NLT)

"The FAITHFUL LOVE OF THE LORD never ends. His mercies never cease. GREAT IS HIS FAITHFULNESS, His mercies begin afresh every morning." Lamentations 3:22&23 (NLT)


At some time in our life we have to decide what is "our highest joy". Are we going to live life based om POSSESSIONS OR EXPERIENCES or will we live like the CHARACTER OF GOD. Jesus tells us that the "highest joy" should be to "see God" and to "trust Him". 

Our God is FAITHFUL, LOVING, MERCIFUL, KIND AND GOOD. We too need to be like Him and t WORSHIP and PRAISE HIM. We need to be a witness and encouragement to others. 

"Let us hold tightly without wavering to the HOPE WE AFFIRM, for GOD CAN BE TRUSTED TO KEEP HIS PROMISES." Hebrews 10:23 (NLT)

"The Devotional Bible - New Century Bible", 2003, Thomas Nelson

"The Holy Bible -  New International Version", 2011, Biblica

"The Holy Bible - The Living Translation", 2015, Tyndale House Publishers

Alexander, Pat & David, "The Lion Handbook to the Bible", 2009, Lion Hudson

Lucado, Max, "Before Amen", 2014, Thomas Nelson

Lucado, Max, "The Devotional Bible - Experiencing a Heart of Jesus", 2003, Thomas Nelson

Swindoll, Charles, "Living the Psalms - Encouragement for the Daily Grind", 2012, Worthy Publishers

Wiersbe, Warren, "Live Like a King", 1983, Moody Press

Heavenly Worship, "What a Faithful God Am I", 2014, YouTube

Moen, Don, "God is Good all the Time", 1995, YouTube: DonMoenTV

Redman, Matt, "Heart of Worship",  2009, https/

Smith, Henry. "Give Thanks" 1978, Integrity, Hosanna Music  (youtube:DonMoenTV)