INTRODUCTION- Read Psalm 119
Do you wake up in the morning with a desire to read your Bible? I DO! Does memorizing Scripture excite you? I TRY VERY HARD! But I realize this is not the case for everyone. Praying and reading the Bible may not seem to best use of your time. BUT IT IS!
As we draw closer to God and His Word, our hearts and lives begin to change for the better. The more we understand His Word, the more eager we are to LOVE HIM, and then we want to READ HIS WORD even more.
As we PRAY OVER IT, READ AND STUDY IT and MEMORIZE IT, it will "saturate" or thinking and help us to solve problems that may exist in our life. We need to filter our decision making through the Word, and don't let a day go by without spending time in it.
"Oh, how I love your Law. I meditate on it day and night." Psalm 119:97 (NIV)
Psalm 119 is the longest Psalm. In fact, it is the longest chapter in all the Bible. There are 22 sections, each with 8 verses, beginning with a "successive letter of the Hebrew alphabet." Although we don't who is the Author of this Psalm, I agree with many commentators that it is likely to be David. Why? The more I read it, the more I can see him in it:
* His desire to follow the Lord in good times and bad.
* His desire to follow God's Will in his life.
* His desire to live a righteous and pure life.
The one theme of Psalm 119 is the WORD OF GOD. Made up of the writer's PRAYERS, PRAISES AND PROTESTS (facts and opinions), it shows us that he was a godly man with a sincere faith. We see how David applied himself to PRAYER AND MEDITATION, when endeavouring to UNDERSTAND GOD'S WORD. The WORD OF GOD governed his lifestyle and conduct, giving him hope and peace.
We too can be challenged in our OBEDIANCE, LOVE and JOY of God's Word. We can live a truly blessed and pure life, "deeply rooted in reverence" to the WORD - "the written TRUTH". It provides "nutrition for us" as we a GROW AND MATURE spiritually, as Christians. With the indwelling of the Holy Spirit, the WORD OF GOD can transform our lives.
"Let the message of Christ dwell in you richly as you teach and admonish one another with all wisdom, with songs, hymns and spiritual songs, singing to God with gratitude in your hearts."
Colossians 3:16 (NIV)
Matthew Henry, the great 18th century Bible commentator was introduced to Psalm 119 by his father. Philip Henry, at an early age. He told his son to read one verse every morning. He said it would develop on him, "a love for the rest of the Scriptures."
"There is no Psalm like 119. It is like none of the rest. It excells them all and shines brightly in the constellation" Matthew Henry
"Other Psalms have been mere lakes, but Psalm 119 is the main ocean. It contains sacred thoughts, every inch of which is a fertile garden of the Lord." Charles Spurgeon
These are found in over 50 verses, talking about "God sovereign revelation" and omnipotence. It gives authority to GOD'S ORDERS and establishes an edict for JUSTICE AND RIGHTEOUSNESS.
"Blessed are those whose ways are blameless, who walk according to the LAW."
Psalm 119: 1 (NKJV)
"I will study YOUR COMMANDMENTS and reflect on your ways. I delight in YOUR DECREES; I will not neglect Your Word." Psalm 119:15&16 (NKJV)
These are instructions, usually spoken of by leadership - particularly from THE LORD. 42 verses both these names, engraved and inscribed. They are the FAITHFUL, ETERNAL and FIXED TRUTH.
"You have laid down PRECEPTS which are to be fully obeyed. May my way be firm in the observance of YOUR STATUES." Psalm 119:4&5 (NKJV)
23 verses witness loyalty to God's covenant, "solemnly decared to the world."
"Blessed are those who keep His testimonies and seek Him with their whole heart." Psalm 119:2 (NKJV)
GOD'S SPOKEN WORD is mentioned 24 times, as a written declaration. Anything that God has expressed is FAITHFUL AND TRUE.
"How can a young man keep his way pure? By OBEYING YOUR WORD." Psalm 119:9 (NKJV)
"Sustain me, my God, according to YOUR PROMISES, and I will live; do not let your hopes dashed." Psalm 119:116 (NIV)
God promises his providence - walking in the ways of justice and righteousness. Discerning of knowledge and wisdom, to regulate the order of GOD'S WAYS AND WORKS.
"They do not compromise with evil, they do no wrong, but FOLLOW HIS WAY and walk only in HIS PATHS." Psalm 119:4 (NIV/NLT)
"I will praise you with a sincere heart and I study your righteous judgements." Psalm 119:7 (NIV)
ALEPH/PE: OBEDIENCE TO GOD'S WORD - Read Psalm 119:1-8, 129-136
"Blessed are those whose ways are blameless, who walk according to the LAW OF THE LORD. Blessed are those who KEEP HIS STATUES and seek Him with all their heaert." Psalm 119:1&2 (NIV)
The word "KEEP" means "DOING" not only HEARING THE WORD. We must diligently STUDY GOD'S WORD and KEEP HIS PRECEPTS, obedient to His Word. The "whole heart" is vital and we will "know the Lord" when we seek Him wholeheartedly.
"Do not merely listen to the Word, and so deceive yourselves. Do what it says!" James 1:22 (NLT)
"I have tried hard to find You, don't let me WANDER FROM YOUR COMMANDS. I have HIDDEN YOUR WORD IN MY HEART that I may not sin against you." Psalm 119:10&11 (NLT)
In these verses the Psalmist declares his dedication to God, but also his weakness; admitting that he had times of disobedience when he would "wander" from God's commandments. This sounds like David. We can be assured that before he "hid the word in his heart", he received it in his mind. The greatest benefit of knowing and obeying God's Word was his developing relationship with his Father God.
"His heart had gone after God Himself. He had not only desired to OBEY HIS LAWS, but to COMMUNE WITH HIS PERSON." Charles Spurgeon
May the mind of Christ my Saviour
Live in me from day to day.
By Hos love and power controlling
May the WORD OF GOD dwell richly
In my heart from hour to hour.
So that all may see I triumph
Kate Wilkinson (1925)
Kate Wilkinson, the composer of this hymn combines two passions in her life: her ministry to girls and her love for God's Word. (Keswick Deeper Life Movement). She believed a Christian's growth resulted from OBEYING GOD'S WORD. Like David, she wanted to be renewed in MIND AND SPIRIT, by GOD'S WORD. They both knew this would not come easily, but for the moment it took COMMITTMENT.
"I will study Your commandments and reflect on your ways. I will delight in Your decrees and not forget Your Word." Psalm 119:15&16 (NLT)
"Your LAWS are wonderfu. No wonder I OBEY THEM." Psalm 119:129 (NLT)
David again "declares his wonder" of GOD'S WORD. His "abiding delight" in His Word prompted a greater OBEDIENCE. There was more than "outer actions", but the "inner obedience of the soul." He wanted God "direct his feelings and lusts", so he would not be overcome by evil and sin. Unchecked, sin can have dominion over our live s and we don't want to live in bondage to it. If we allow ourselves to be directed by the WORD OF GOD we will be FREE from sins dominion and bondage.
"Make my steps firm in the WORD.....Brethren, we can overcome sin in the power of the Lord. Sin is strong but GRACE IS STRONGER. Satan is wise but GOD IS WISER. The Lord is on OUR SIDE!"
Charles Spurgeon
BETH: LIVING A PURE LIFE THROUGH GOD'S WORD Read Psalm 119:9-16; Romans 6.
"How can a young man keeps his mind PURE? By living according to YOUR WORD."
Psalm 119:9
This is a question many Christians have asked themselves - men and women. God's answer is: "if you are going to live with me" you are not to live with the world. You must begin at the earliest possible age - as a YOUNG PERSON. Even though we may have the desire for "moral purity", there are still many temptations when you are young:
*Youthful energy that leads to CARELESSNESS.
* Lack of wisdom that leads to BAD CHOICES.
* The desire to GAIN INDEPENDENCE.
* Physical and sexual IMMORALITY.
* MONEY and the freedom it brings.
* The desire to be ACCEPTED BY PEERS.
From the heartfelt prayers in this Psalm, we can see that this "young man" is probably David, for he was indeed "a man of prayer" who desired a righteous life, and a personal relationship with God. The foundation for a morally pure life is found in GOD'S WORD. It shows us how to be righteous and wise, and to make changes in our life. Conduct yourself in a HOLY AND PURE WAY, so that you can be a witness to others, as David was.
"PURIFY YOURSELVES for tomorrow the Lord will do great wonders among you." Joshua1:5 (NLT)
"GOD'S WORD is wholly sufficient for GODLY LIVING. By grasping its powerful message we can be PURE." Max Lucado
Psalm 119 is a complete expression of GOD'S TRUTH AND VALUES. Why is SOUND DOCTRINE necessary for HOLY and PURE living? It relates to our CONSCIOUSNESS, CONVICTIONS AND CONSCIENCE. Agai, these can only be PURE, when we read and obey GOD'S WORD.
CONSCIOUSNESS involves KNOWLEDGE, something we need before we can FOLLOW GOD'S WILL and COMMANDS. When we read GOD'S WORD (LAW) we gain a consciousness of sin, which leads to an acceptance and understanding of RIGHTEOUSNESS.
"But thanks be to God. Though you used to be slaves to sin, you have come to OBEY FROM YOUR HEART, the pattern of TEACHINGS that has claimed your allegiance. You have been SET FREE FROM SIN and our now SLAVES TO RIGHTEOUSNESS." Romans 6:17&18 (NCV)
God's Word teaches us sound doctrine and sharpens these by GODLY CONSCIOUNESS. Now we can move beyond our CONSCIOUSNESS TO CONVICTION.
"It is one thing to be AWARE that a certain action is right; it's another to have CONVICTION about it." R.C Sproul
A CONVICTION is the setting of God's will and laws in our hearts. It goes beyond our brain and penetrates our CONSCIENCE.
"I am using an example from everyday life, becaiuse of our human limitations. Just as you used to offer yourselves to impurities and ever increasing wickedness, so now offer yourselves as slaves to RIGHTEOUSNESS. RIGHTEOUSNESS LEADS TO HOLINESS."Romans 6:19 (NCV)
Our CONSCIENCE is an inner voice that "governs our behaviours", making excuses or excusing us. It monitors our good and bad behaviours. For our CONSCIENCE to function in a GODLY WAY, it needs to be influenced by GODLY CONVICTIONS, which we find in GOD'S WORD.
"CONSCIENCES must not be trusted without the light of the WORD OF GOD." Charles Bridges
We must pray: "Teach me good judgement and knowledge". Again, this is something we often forget and are too ready to "trust our own hearts."
"I believe in Your commands, now teach me GOOD JUDGEMENT AND KNOWLEDGE."
Psalm 119:66
"All Scripture is inspired by God and is useful to teach us what is TRUE and makes us realize what is wrong in our lives. It CORRECTS US WHEN WE ARE WRONG and TEACHES US TO DO WHAT IS RIGHT." 2 Timothy 3:16 (NCV)
GIMEL/TSADE: GOD'S WORD IS TRUTH - Read Psalm 119:7-14, 137-144
"Open my eyes to see the wonderful truth in your instructioins." Psalm 118:18 (NLT)
THE TRUTH - GOD'S WORD gives us a "different perspective." You are the Lord's "personal project". He wants us to grow into mature Christians, for "we are the tools in His hand." David knew that GOD WAS JUST AND FAITHFUL. His word is displayed in His character. It is indeed true!
"Your justice in eternal and your INSTRUCTIONS ARE PERFECTLY TRUE." Psalm 119:142 (NLT)
It is common today for people to believe that there is NO "REAL TRUTH" in the WORD OF GOD.
The Biblical Message is "fundamentally true"- it depends on how we receive and allow it to work in our lives. David declared the WORD OF GOD TO BE THE TRUTH; not only TRUE, BUT ETERNALLY TRUE.
"Your righteousness is everything and YOUR LAW IS TRUE." Psalm 119:42 (NLT)
"Yet, you are near Lord and ALL YOUR COMMANDS ARE TRUE." Psalm 119:151 (NLT)
"I have chosen the way of FAITHFULNESS. I have set my heart on Your laws." Psalm 119:30 (NIV)
David chose the "way of faithfulness" (truth) and was in a close relationship with God. Trusting in "God's Voice" goes above "any reproach and disapproving voices" from the world. We believe in Jesus and all He has done for us. The "WORD OF TRUTH" was in David's mouth. He had "HOPED IN GOD'S WORD" in the past and had not been disappointed. He not only believed God's promised, he received them WITH FAITH.
This should be a "life experience" for every Christian. We are oibligated to our Father God as the One who gives us life. We need to trust an respect Him as our OMNIPOTENT, OMNIPRESENT AND OMNISCIENT GOD. He is our "designer" and knows what is best for us.
"Don't let your hearts be troubled, TRUST IN GOD, TRUST ALSO IN ME." John14:1 (NLT)
"Never take the WORD OF TRUTH from my mouth; for I HAVE PUT MY HOPE IN YOUR LAWS."Psalm 119:43 (NIV)
"No trouble will pull us from our LOVE OF THE TRUTH. You may pull the tongue out of my head, but not the FAITH OUT OF MY HEART." John Trapp (a quote from a Christian martyr.
"It may be uncomfortable to see the unresolved pain in the book of Job; but it brings us right to the HEART OF HOPE - even in pain and despair, HOPE FLOURISHES." Benjamin Windle
Nothing would take away DAVID'S FAITH or make him FORSAKE THE WORD OF GOD. He would cling to it in "good times and bad". He had known God as "A REFUGE" in troubled times, and a "HIDING PLACE" where his HOPE WAS SET. We too can know God's protection. He indeed will KEEP US SAFE.
"You are my refuge and shield. I HAVE PUT MY HOPE IN YOUR WORD." Psalm 119:114
HE/TETH/AYIN: LOVE FOR GOD'S WORD - BEYOND RICHES - Read Psalm 119:33-40, 65-72, 121-128, Numbers 22; Acts 5
"The LAW OF YOUR MOUTH is more precious to me than thousands of pieces of gold and silver."
Psalm 119:72 (NIV)
"Because I LOVE YOUR COMMANDS MORE THAN GOLD, more than pure gold."
Psalm 119:127 (NIV)
David LOVED THE WORD OF GOD and he knew that he needed to follow God's Will, and to walk in His Path, rather than his own selfish one. We too need God's empowering. When God is working in us, we can have the power to please Him.
"Turn my eyes from worthless things (covetousness). Give me life through YOUR WORD. Give me eagerness for YOUR LAW, rather than a LOVE FOR MONEY (selfish gain)."
Psalm 119:36&37 (NLT/NIV)
David knew that COVETOUSNESS (GREED) was a threat to walking in GOD'S WAY. The Bible tells us that greed (covetousness) can ruin people. The story of Balaam and the Donkey, in Numbers 22, tells us how Balaam's greed led him to disobey God. In Acts 5, we read the story of Ananias and Sapphira. They "lied to the Holy Spirit", and gave only half the "sales of their property" to the disciples to share with people in need.
"They commit adultery with their eyes and their desire for sin is never satisfied. They lure unstable people into sin and they were all trained in GREED. They live under God's curse. They have wandered off the right road and followed Balaam, who loved to earn money by doing wrong." 2 Peter 2:14&15 (NLT)
"The next morning Balaam got up, saddled his donkey and started off with the Moabite officials. But God was angry that Balaam was going with them, so he sent an angel of the Lord to block his way......Then Balaam confessed to the angel of the Lord, "I have sinned. I didn't rea;ize you were standing on the road to block my way. I will return home if you are against my going." Numbers 22:21, 22 & 34 (NLT)
"Then Peter said: "Ananias, why have you let Satan fill your heart? You lied to the Holy Spirit and kept half the money for yourself. The property was yours to sell as you wished; and after selling it, the money was also yours to give away. How could you do a thing like this? You weren't lying to us, but God." Acts 5:3&4
David also knew that some things were "worthless". They are of no value in eternity and little value in our present age. Many lives are wasted because they are unable to "turn away from worthless things".
They be thought of to be worth, but really, they:
* Do NO GOOD and do NOT LAST.
* Don't build up our HOPE, FAITH and LOVE.
* They distract us FROM GOD and our SERVICE for CHRIST JESUS.
"For the love of money is the root of all kinds of evil. Some people, craving money, have WANDERED FROM THE TRUE FAITH and pierced themselves." 1 Timothy 6:10 (NLT)
GOD'S WORD has helped us see through our SURFACE PROBLEMS. Regular "interaction with Scripture" may not "transform your environment", but YOU WILL BE CHANGED. GOD'S WORD IS FOR YOU! There is no situation you cannot face if you spend time in GOD'S WORD.
"It is good for me that I WAS AFFLICTED, that I may LEARN YOUR STATUES.
Psalm 119:71 (NASB)
"If YOUR LAW had not been MY DELIGHT, then I would have PERISHED IN AFFLICTION."
Psalm 119:92 (NASB)
David prayed and prayed because he was experiencing GREAT TRIAL AND TRIBULATION. He had known:
* Persecution and fear for his life.
* Seasons when he didn't feel spiritually renewed.
* Loneliness, rejection and abandonment.
In the midst of suffering he wanted to LIVE. His "soul was heavy" and so he prayed for STRENGTH.
This came from MEDITATING ON GOD'S WORD. He understood that even though trouble may come to him, GOD WORD WAS MORE VALUABLE.
"YOUR INSTRUCTIONS ARE MORE VALUABLE TO ME than thousands of pieces of gold and silver." Psalm 119:72 (NLT)
"It is one thing to say, "God has the right to do with me as He pleases". It is more important to say, "His judgements are right. In His faithfulness He has afflicted me." David Guzik
This is the place Job, Eli and the Shunamite woman came to in their afflictions.
"He said, "Naked I came from my mother's womb and I will be naked when I leave. The Lord gave me what I had, and the Lord has taken it away. Praise the name of the Lord!"Job 1:21 (NLT)
"So Samuel told Eli everything; he didn't hold anything back. "It is the Lord's will," Eli replied. "Let Him do what He thinks best." 1 Samuel 3:18 (NLT)
"Run to meet her and ask her: "Is everything alright with your husband and your child?" "Yes", the woman told Gehazi, "everything is fine." 2 Kings 4:26 (NLT)
These godly men and this woman prayed for an understanding of GOD'S MERCY. By staying close to God and His Word, they received His tender mercies. When David recalled GOD'S LOVE, MERCY AND FAITHFULNESS, he found comfort in the midst of his affliction.
"Remember YOUR WORD to your servant, in which you have given me hope. I depend on it. When I am HURTING, I FIND COMFORT. YOUR WORD has revived me, and YOUR PROMISES lead to life." Psalm 119:49&50 (NASB/NCV)
Again, in these verses, David is speaking of "how he is mocked for his faith". Yet he still continues to TRUST IN GOD'S WORD. When we remember God at night, WE GAIN STRENGTH IN THE DAY. The power of COMFORT AND STRENGTH comes from GOD'S WORD. "ideas and theories", they come from FAITH.
"In the dark of night, when tears and anxieties rush in upon us, we can find COMFORT in the name of the Lord." David Guzik
"May your lovingkindness COMFORT ME, according to YOUR WORD to Your servant. YOU LOVE ME, just as You have promised." Psalm 119:76 (NASB/NCV)
David enjoyed VICTORY because he knew the WORD OF GOD. He doesn't claim perfect obedience, but a life lived in FAITHFULNESS. We too are reminded that we are rescued in times of tribulation. God put His Spirit within us as "our helper and guide". He loves us as a Father who has adopted His children.
"When we understand the GOOD THAT ADVERSITY BRINGS, it causes us to lean into the difficulties of life. BE REAL, BE AUTHENTIC and allow yourself to BE HUMAN..... Be the BROKEN YOU. Be the FLAWED YOU. Be the IMPERFECT YOU. The light shines through the brokenness. It's the cracks that let the light in." Benjamin Windle
"So you see, the Lord knows how to rescue the godly people from their trials, even while keeping the wicked under punishment until the day of final judgement." 2 Peter 2:9 (NLT)
"When the Spirit of Truth comes, he will guide you into all TRUTH. He will not speak on His own but will tell you what He has heard. He will tell you about the future." John 16:13 (NLT)
"For His Spirit joins with our spirit to affirm that we are God's children.....And I am convinced that nothing can seperate us from GOD'S LOVE, Neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither our fears for today or our worries about tomorrow - not even the powers of hell can seperate us from GOD'S LOVE." Romans 8:16 & 38 (NLT)
Finally, David shows us a sense of desperation and "fainting affliction". This is the idea of "life coming to an end". His soul aches as he WAITS FOR SALVATION. Yet again, HIS HOPE IS IN THE WORD OF GOD. There seems to be a loss of strength as "he collapses".
"I am exceedingly AFFLICTED. I am in terrible PAIN. SAVE ME ACCORDING TO YOUR WORD."Psalm 119:107 (NASB/NCV)
"TROUBLE AND ANGUISH have come upon me; yet YOUR COMMANDMENTS are my delight. I have not forgotten YOUR TEACHINGS." Psalm 119:143 (NASB/NCV)
"When we reach out with obedient FAITH, the pain may continue, but HIS COMFORT is always available to us." David Guzik
"Dear brothers, when TROUBLES of any kind come your way, consider it an opportunity of GREAT JOY. For you know that when YOUR FAITH IS TESTED, YOUR ENDURANCE has a chance TO GROW. So, LET IT GROW, for when YOUR ENDURANCE is fully developed, you will be perfect and complete, lacking in nothing." James 1:2-4 (NLT)'
"Lord, how great is YOUR MERCY. Let me be revived - preserve my life, according to YOUR LAW AND DECREES." Psalm 119:156 (NLT)
GOD GRACIOUS MERCY TO US IS GREAT -"mercies piled on top of mercies". The ancient word for "MERCY" is "HEASED". It has always been translated with words like LOVE, KINDNESS and COMPASSION. It also means "COVENANT LOYALTY" and GRACE.
These "TENDER MERCIES" are like a Father to his child, like the compassion of a mother. They come to us when we are unable to go to them. In the New Testament, GRACE AND MERCY are said to give us greater confidence.
"Sin shall have no dominion over you, for we are not under the LAW, but UNDER GRACE."
Romans 6:14 (NIV)
With the knowledge that OUR SINS ARE FORGIVEN because of Jesus' death on the cross, we have NEW LIFE. No matter how much David sought after God to please Him, He would always be in need of GOD'S MERCY.
"While we have a natural right for MERCY, there is a spiritual one according to the PROMISES OF GOD." David Guzik
Time spent in GOD'S WORD gives us an oppportunity for REFLECTION, as we come to Him seeking repentance and obedience. Like David, we can pray in accordance with GOD'S LOVINGKINDNESS. We believe our Father and His Son Jesus are rich in GRACE AND MERCY.
"May your UNFAILING LOVE be my comfort, according to YOUR PROMISES to Your servant. Let YOUR COMPASSION come to me that I may live; YOUR LAW IS MY DELIGHT." Psalm 119:77 (NIV)
"GOD'S WORD is a source and measure of REVIVAL." David Guzik
Psalm 119 is a PRAYER FOR REVIVAL. We need to be ALIVE to follow God's will. God gives us many ways to experience REVIVAL, but the greatest is THROUGH HIS WORD. We can also read Christian biographies, and experience the ministry in our Church. This is a PRAYER OF "CHANGE",
that again comes from our "MEDITATION ON GOD'S WORD."It us established eternally and changes the hearts and mind of His servants.
"God's Word brings LIFE, because it is ALIVE and it speaks to me......The Bible is not antique or modern, IT IS ETERNAL." Martin Luther, cited by James M Boice.
"And I will walk in LIBERTY and live in FREEDOM, because I want to seek and follow YOUR PRECEPTS (LAWS)." Psalm 119:45 (NKJV/NCV)
Having GOD'S WORD within us, we now have LIBERTY AND FREEDOM. We have the boldness to speak about God and to share our faith with others. This FREEDOM AND LIBERTY leads to a GREAT DELIGHT IN GOD'S WORD. God's love is manifested in the time and energy we spend in HIS WORD. It brings us life and safety. David recognized that SALVATION come from God. God would hear his prayers, as he does ours, and will SAVE US.
"I long for your SALVATION, O Lord. Your law is my delight." Psalm 119:174 (NKJV)
I will never forget YOUR PRECEPTS, for by them you have given me LIFE. I am Yours, SAVE ME; for I have sought YOUR PRECEPTS (ORDERS)." Psalm 119:93&94 (NKJV/NCV)
The wicked are far from salation, while Christians BELIEE AND TRUST in the Lord and have TRUE REIVAL. David sought REVIVAL, as we do, on the basis of God's love and kindness, not our own merit. This too is true of our SALVATION and NEW LIFE. Praying for REVIVAL we can be "made alive" in the righteousness of God.
"For by GRACE you have beenb SAVED through faith, and this is not of yourselves; it is a gift from God." Ephesians 2:8 (NKJV)
"Plead my cause and redeem me. REVIVE ME according to YOUR WORD. Great are Your tender mercies, O Lord. REVIVE ME according to Your judgements. Consider how I love your precepts; REVIVE ME according to Your lovingkindness." Psalm 119:154, 156, 159. (NKJV)
The one who has a grasp on GOD'S WORD is able to overcome TEMPTATION. He is wiser than the devil. DIVINE WISDOM helps us RISE UP against the "negative effects" of those who drag us down.
"You, through Your commandments, MAKE ME WISER THAN MY ENEMIES. For thet are ever with me." Psalm 119:98 (NKJV)
The Lord says that the ones who STUDY HIS WORD have more INSIGHTS THAN THEIR TEACHERS. Why? Because we are growing, learning and developing a relationship with our Father God. It is not wrong to have TEACHERS, because this is where we learn about life and GOD'S WORD. Teachers are helpful when it comes to UNDERSTANDING GOD'S WORD, but we canb study, meditate and learn on our own, as long as we are not educated by the "world's standards". It is more effective WHEN GOD TEACHES US.
"I have MORE UNDERSTANDING THAN MY TEACHERS. For Your testimonies are my meditation." Psalm 119:99 (NKJV)
I encourage respect for the elderly. I have had many spiritual mentors and Christian friends over the years, who have helped me develop in my relationshio with God. But OBEYING GOD'S WORD helps me GAIN MORE UNDERSTANDING than many years withiout the Scriptures.
"But it is the Spirit in a man, the breath of the Almighty that GIVES ME UNDERSTANDING. The abundance in years may not be WISE, nor many elders UNDERSTANDING." Job 38:8&9 (NLT)
"I have more UNDERSTANDING THAN THE ELDERS, for I obey your precepts."
Psalm 119:100 (NIV)
As we read these verses, we can see three benefits that we gain from READING AND STUDYING GOD'S WORD.
WISDOM is the ability to LOOK AT LIFE from God's point of view - an ETERNAL, HEAVENLY VIEWPOINT. As we see the world through WISE EYES we see the GOODNESS OF GOD. We see CIRCUMSTANCES AS OPPORTUNITIES.
KNOWLEDGE AND INSIGHT is the ability to SEE OUR LIVES through a spiritual viewpoint. We can see the "real causes" of certain situations. Teachers can communicate KNOWLEDGE, but the WORD ALONE gives you INSIGHT.
UNDERSTANDING is the ability to respond to LIFE'S SITUATIONS, again through God's viewpoint, not our own. We can learn from the DECISIONS WE MAKE by reading GOD'S WORD, even if things don't go the way we want them to. We can find that OUR ATTITUDES are important to God, but so too are OUR ACTIONS.
"In the same way, faith by itself, if not accompanied by action, is dead." James 2:17 (NIV)
"I gain UNDERSTANDING FROM YOUR PRECEPTS; therefore I hate every wrong path."
Psalm 119: 104 (NLT)
"We need to be disciples and LEARNERS. "TEACH ME!" What an honour to have God Himself as our teacher. How bold the psalmist was to beg the blessed God to teach us." Charles Spurgeon
"We must STUDY THE BIBLE carefully. The Holy Spirit is given to us to make OUR STUDY EFFECTIVE." James M Boice
There are wondrous things in the SCRIPTURES, but we can only see them when OUR EYES ARE OPEN with God's blessing and favour. David realized that he could not live without GOD'S WORD. He needed "new eyes" to see clearly with the eyes he had, He understood that he needed MORE UNDERSTANDING, not only WISOM AND KNOWLEDGE.
"Teach me, Lord, the ways of your decrees, that I may follow it to the end. GIVE ME UNDERSTANDING, so that I may keep your law and obey it with all my heart."
Psalm 119: 33&34 (NIV)
"You are my portion, O Lord, I have said I would keep YOUR WORDS. I entreated you favour WITH MY WHOLE HEART. I thought about my ways and TURNED MY FEET TO YOUR TESTIMONIES. I made haste and did not delay to keep your commandments." Psalm 119:59&60 (NKJV)
"Blessed are those who keep his statues, and SEEK HIM WITH ALL THEIR HEART."
Psalm 119:2 (NIV)
These are the words of a COMMITTMENT MAN. He was met by GOD in HIS WORD. When we have GOD IN OUR LIVES, we truly have everything. With a SEEKING HEART he lived out a godly life.
"YOUR FAVOUR" literally means "YOUR FACE". This is how David sought the Lord - with a sense of urgency. We see here He was COMMITTED to reading and studying the WORD OF GOD. This "waiting and seeking experience" came from both "faith and experience".
"SEEK THE LORD and His strength. SEEK HIS FACE CONTINUALLY." 1 Chronicles 16:11 (NIV)
The Word of God "LIGHTS OUR PATHS AND MAKES OUR STEPS CLEAR".t The Bible shows us simply, that WE ARE TO WALK ON THE PATH GOD WANTS US TO FOLLOW. How ate Christians to walk? Humbly and upright, IN THE LIGHT."
""Your word is a LAMP FOR MY FEET and a LIGHT ON MY PATH." Psalm 119:105 (NIV)
"As a prisoner for the Lord , then, I urge you to live a life worthy of the calling you have received. Be completely HUMBLE AND GENTLE; BE PATIENT, bearing with one another IN LOVE."
Ephesians 4:1&2 (NIV)
"But IF WE WALK IN THE LIGHT, AS HE IS IN THE LIGHT, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus, His Son, purifies us from all sin." 1 John 1:7 (NIV)
None of these are possible without the WORD OF GOD LIGHTING OUR WAY. David showed a great determination to do this - by following God's will and being obedient to His Word. We too, as believers, feel at times that "steps are dangerous", and this is why we need a "LAMP" and a "LIGHT". The same God who LIGHTS OUR STEPS endures forever.
Using PRAYER in the study of God's Word is essential. Froim the "heartfelt prayers" in this Psalm we can see that David was indeed "A MAN OF PRAYER". He desired a personal relationship with God, and He loved Him and HIS WORD.
The reflections in this Psalm include PETITIONS and "SUPPLICATIONS". David cries out for help from God to "assist him in his spiritual walk". This wonderful request comes as David is humbly kneeling before His Father.
"May my cry come before You, Lord; give me understanding according to Your Word. May my SUPPLICATION come before You; deliver me according to Your promises." Psalm 119:69&70 (NKJV)
David depended on GOD AND HIS WORD. He woke early to seek the Lord IN PRAYER, and finished his day WITH PRAYER. In contrast to a "proud man", David was a "godly man" - after God's own heart. HE MEDITATED ON GOD'S WORD and PRAYED as he studied it. David MEDITATED with both his mind and his heart. He declared more time his "LOVE" for the WORD (THE LAW). This was a "personal expression" of his 'passiomate devotion." It was built on a LOVE RELATIONSHIP WITH GOD.
"I rise before dawn and CRY FOR HELP. I have put my hope in the Word. My eyes stay open through the watches of the night, that I MAY MEDITATE ON YOUR PROMISES." Psalm 119:147&148 (NKJV)
"Oh how I LOVE YOUR LAW. I MEDITATE ON IT all day long." Psalm 119:97 (NKLV)
When you LOVE THE WORD it is natural to want to MEDITATE ON IT. I too love reading, meditating and studying GOD'S WORD, in the morning and evening. This is how I usually spend my days off. Why? I believe it is because of my father's love for the Bible. Every night before we went to bed, he would sit my sisters and I on his knee, to read us Bible Stories and children's devotions.
As Christians we need to do more than just "read the Bible". We need to:
* Give it more of our "time, attention and care".
* Have a "truly listening ear", as we pray in the Word.
* Give God and His Word "our honour," as we "value every word and promise."
* Speak to others about what "we have learned from it."
Like David, we can come near to God, for HIS WORD IS TRUE and INSPIRED, We PRAY AND MEDITATE with our "whole heart", knowing God will speak to us with all LOVINGKINDNESS AND JUSTICE.
"Cause me to understand the way of your precepts, that I MAY MEDITATE on your wonderful deeds" Psalm 119:27 (NIV)
"I MEDITATE on your precepts and CONSIDER YOUR WAYS. I delight in Your decrees, I WILL NOT NEGLECT YOUR WORD." Psalm 119:15&16 (NIV)
David found it not only important to PRAISE GOD in this Psalm, but it was part of his whole life. Not even difficult trials could take away HIS LOVE FOR GOD'S WORD. He loved it as some people do treasure, The goodness and glory of the WORD OF GOD prompted "constant and continual" PRAISE AND WORSHIP.
"It is good to make regular time for PRAYER, PRAISE and REFLECTION on the BIBLE - throughout every day". Charles Bridges
"Do we PRAISE GOD seven times a day, or once every seven days." Charles Spurgeon
"Seven days I PRAISE YOU because of your righteous judgement." Psalm 119:164 (NIV)
The great LOVE David had for GOD'S WORD also brought him great peace and stability in his life.
"Shalom" is a large embracing word for the good to those God favours." James M Boice
"Great peace have those who love the law, and nothing can make them stumble." Psalm 119:165 (NIV)
David wanted to PRAISE GOD and to tell other why HE WAS SINGING THESE PRAISES. He was determined that OTHERS WOULD PRAISE HIM TOO. He would PRAISE GOD because of his studies of the WORD OF GOD which gave himan understanding the TRUTH. Knowing the PURITY and MERCY of GOD'S WORD made him even more confident to SHARE IT.
"My lips shall UTTER PRAISE, for you teach me your statues.....Let my soul love and I SHALL PRAISE YOU; let your judgements help me." Psalm 117&119 (NKJV)
"Rejoice always, pray continually, GIVE THANKS IN ALL CIRCUMSTANCES for this is God's will in Christ Jesus." 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 (NIV)
"Praise" , (2022), Brandon Lake, Christ Brown and Chandler Moore (Performers), Elevation Worship
"By the Grace of God" (2020, Brian Johnson (Performer), Bethel Music
"The Holy Bibe - New American Standard Bible" (1995) The Lockman Foundation
"The Holy Bible - New International Version" (2011) Biblica Inc.
"The Holy Bible" - New King James Version" (1982) Thomas Nelson
"The Holy Bible - New Living Translation" (2015) Tyndale House Publishers
"International Children's Bible" (2015) Tommy Nelson
GUZIK, David, "Psalm 119 - "The Greatness and Glory of God" (2020)
SPURGEON, Charles, "The Treasurey of David - Commentary on Psalms" (1885/2021)
WINDLE, Benjamin, "The Tide Turning from Hope", (2023), You Version
ALEXANDER, Pat & David, "The Lion Handbook to the Bible." (2009) Lion Hudson Publishers
BOISE, James Montgomery, "Psalms - Commentary - Volume 3", Baker Publishing Group
BRIDGES, Charles, "Psalm 119 - An Exposition", (1845), Burnside and Seely.
HENRY, Matthew & Mannser, Martin H, "New Matthew Henry Commentary." (1714/2008) Zondervan
LUCADO, Max, "NCV Devotional Bible - Experience the Heart of Jesus", 2003, Thomas Nelson
PETERSON, William J & Ardthe, "The Complete Book of Hymns - Inspiring Stories of 600 Hymns", (2006) Tyndale Publishers
SWINDOLL, Charles, "Living the Psalms - Encouragement for the Daily Grind", 1995, Worthy Publishers
SPROUL, R.C, "Pleasing God - Discovering the Meaning & Purpose of Sanctification." 2012, David Cook Publishers
TRAPP, John, "A Commentary in the Old Testament: Ezra-Psalms" 1600/2022, Reformation Heritage Books