Sunday, August 13, 2023


 INTRODUCTION - Read Psalm 125

"We can imagine the pilgrims chanting this song when walking through the city walls."                                                                                                                      Charles Spurgeon

When the Pilgrims headed toward Jerusalem, one thing was certain: Mount Zion would be there when they arrived, and the Temple where they could worship their Father God.

Psalm 25 is full of  God's "promises", but these also come with conditions. God doesn't want your "split devotion" - half heartedness - He wants our total TRUST and this is the "basis for our relationship with God". 

TRUST IN THE LORD and HE WILL PROTECT YOU -                                            Read Verses 1&2

"Those who TRUST IN THE LORD are like Mt Zion, which cannot be moved (shaken), but endures forever." Psalm 125:1 (NIV/NLT)

"We can't properly put our TRUST IN THE LORD, until we remove our TRUST in other things. He alone is our REFUGE AND STRENGTH." David Guzik

TRUST IN THE LORD means that we "BELIEVE" IN HIM, knowing that our Father God will care for us and meet our needs.  In this 1st Verse in Psalm 125, God "agrees to give help" to His people, if they will LOVE AND OBEY HIM.  The mountain called Zion was in the city of Jerusalem, and was surrounded by other mountains. We know that God is near us and will protect us, just like "the mountains were always near Jerusalem". 

"Just as the mountains surround Jerusalem, so the Lord surrounds His people, both now and forever." Psalm 125:2 (NLT)

The pilgrims who came to Jerusalem from afar,  were impressed with the stature of Mount Zion. It was a prominent hill in which Jerusalem was established. The one who believes and trusts in the Lord is promised the "same security", as he or she "abides forever". 

"God promised to not only be present with His people, but also to be all around them. God surrounded His people, so that nothing could get to them, unless it first passed through Him"
                                                                                                     David Guzik

Don't ever seperate the TRUST in Verse 1 with GOD'S PROTECTION in Verse 2. Remember, that  TRUST is a condition. There were times in Israel's history when they failed to trust God, "worshipping other gods and other people" ,  putting their trust in their own "wisdom and  strength."  In those days they were "not protected".  This is when  Jerusalem and the temple were destroyed by Nebuchadnezzar in 586 BC, and then later by General Titus and his thousands of Roman Troops in AD 70.

With this "history of destruction" is seems "some what misguided" to use the "permanence of Mt Zion" as a "simile for the security of God's people". Yet we know that there is a city in Heaven, a new Jerusalem that can "never be toppled". This is the Mount Zion that will stand forever, and this is what the Psalmist may have be thinking about. I can't wait till I get to Heaven, and like the disciple John, can set my eyes on the New Jerusalem.

"I saw the Holy City, the New Jerusalem........and I heard a loud voice from the throne saying: "Look's God's dwelling place is now among the people, and He will dwell with them. They will be His people, and God Himself will be with them and be their God." Revelation 21:2&3 (NIV)

"But you have come to Mt Zion, to the city of the Living God, the Heavenly Jerusalem. You have to thousands upon thousands of  angels in Heaven......Therefore, since you are receiving a Kingdom that cannot be shaken, let us be thankful and worship God with reverance."                                                                                                           Hebrews 12:22&28 (NIV)

"As followers of Christ, our HOPE is not tied to anything in this world. It is much more secure than that. God's surrounding protection will be with believers forever, even as Jesus promised His presence to His peope to the end of the age." John Greco

"And be sure of this: I am with you always, even to the end of the age." Matthew 28:20 (NLT)


                                Read Verses 3&4

"The sceptor of the wicked will not remain over the land allotted to the RIGHTEOUS for then the righteous might use their hands for to do evil." Psalm 125:3 (NIV)
                                                                                          Psalm 125:4 (NLT)

This is the PROMISE that God gave to his people when they TRUSTED IN HIM. The Lord is righteous, and so he wants His people to be righteous too.  He wants them to follow His will and His ways. When we live upright lives, we can be sure that God is always with us. Under the Old Covenant there was a "blessing for God's people",  the Israelites, but their was also a "curse for the wicked." The Psalmist pictures these "workers of iniquity" being led out to Babylon, the land of exile.

As I have been reading in the book of Jeremiah, God's people didn't always follow God's will. Many of their kings were "evil and wicked", and led them astray. They were punished by God and the Babylonians, who led them into exile and captivity. Still, God promised that He would bring them back to His land, Jerusalem, and their Temple and city woud be rebuilt. 

"In all history there has never been such a time of terror. It will be a time of trouble for my people Israel. Yet, in the end, THEY WILL BE SAVED! ....."So do not be afraid, Jacob my servant, do not be dismayed, Israel", says the Lord, "For I will bring you home again from distant lands, and your children will return from their exile. Israel will return to a LIFE OF PEACE AND QUIET, and no one will terrorize them. For I AM WITH YOU AND WILL SAVE YOU."  
                                                                   Jeremiah 30:7,10&11 (NLT)

"There are POWERFUL, PRECIOUS PROMISES made in this Psalm, but they are CONDITIONAL PROMISES, dependent of God's people's RELATIONSHIP OF TRUST and that they live as a RIGHTEOUS (GOOD) PEOPLE in  the land that was allotted to them." David Guzik

We cannot, of course, believe that if we TRUST GOD and endeavour to LIVE RIGHTEOUS LIVES, that we will not have TROUBLE. But we know that these will all be in the "wisdom and plan of God", and as Paul reminds us:

"We know that in all things God works for the good of those who love Him, who have been called according to His purpose." Romans 8:28

"O Lord, do GOOD to those who are GOOD, whose hearts are in tune with You." Psalm 125:4 


Psalm 125 ends in a PRAYER pronouncing PEACE (SHALOM) upon Israel. This prayer was from a righteous man - the Psalmist - and God was pleased with him. It was a prayer of PRAISE and WORSHIP, bringing joy to the Father and His Son Jesus. 

"Finally, the Poet stretched out his hands over all Israel, as if blessing them like a Priest. He embraces ALL HIS HOPES, petitions and wishes in one prayer , 'PEACE BE UPON ISRAEL!" 
                                                           Alexander  MacLaren - cited by David Guzik

"Let not your heart be troubled. Trust in God, trust also in me..... PEACE I LEAVE WITH YOU; MY PEACE I GIVE TO YOU. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid." John 14:1&27 (NLT/NIV)

"When you are troubled and stressed, call upon the Lord and and review this Psalm. then hand your troubles over to God." Max Lucado

The PEACE that God gives is CONFIDENCE that He is WATCHING, DIRECTING AND CARING for those who TRUST IN HIM.

"Psalm 25 - Show Me Your Ways", Psalm Project (2021), You Tube

"A Song for Peace (Shir La Shalom)"Shiri Maimon (2014), Tube

"The Holy Bible -  New International Version", 2011, Biblica

"The Holy Bible - New Living Translation", 2015, Tyndale House Publishing

GUZIK, David, "Psalm 125 - As the Mountains Surround Jerusalem.", 2020,

GRECO, John, "The Songs of Ascent - A Devotional Adventure in the Book of Psalms", 2023, You Version

LUCADO, Max, "New Century Version Devotional Nelsonvilleble - Experience the Heart of Jesus", 2003, Thomas Nelson

SPURGEON, Charles, "The Treasury of David - Commentary on Psalms", 1885/2021,

Sunday, August 6, 2023


 INTRODUCTION - Read Psalm 124

This Psalm is the second "Songs of Ascent" that we believe was written by David. In David's first "Ascent Psalm" - Psalm 122 - he tells how the pilgrims gathered in Jerusalem after their journeys. Here, David is leading Israel again in GIVING THANKS for their "past help" and "expressing confidence in His continuing help."'

"Despite the attribution to David, several commentators connect this Psalm with the exiles returning from Babylon......It is best to keep the connection with David, considering it an earnest plea for Israel to thank God for deliverance PAST AND PRESENT." David Guzik

"If God had not been on our side" - the consequences are unthinkable." Pat and David Alexander

For without GOD'S HELP the Nation of Israel - God's people - and David's kingdom, would not have survived their enemy attacks. Over and over we see through the Israelite histoy, they needed GOD'S HELP - and GOD ALONE!

"God rescued the people lof Israel from their enemies. Although the odds were against them, GOD SAVED THEM. We should not seek strength in weapons or political power. REAL POWER COMES FROM GOD." Max Lucado

My life too has been one of "enemy attacks". Over and over in my life, like the Israelites, I have been struck by TEMPTATION AND TRIALS. But one thing I know for sure, God has always been "on my side". He has been my HELPER AND RESCUER. All I can do is sing Him PRAISE AND THANKS.

"PRAISE reflects our acknowledgement of all that GOD IS and all that GOD HAS DONE, IS DOING and has promised TO DO. It is only after we have PRAISED GOD for what HE IS and what HE DOES, can we bring our requests to Him." Michael Youssef

THE LORD IS AT OUR SIDE - Read Verses 1-5

"What if the Lord had not been on our side? Let all Israel repeat: "What if the Lord had not been on our side when people attacked us." Psalm 124:1&2 (NLT)

David was determined that all God's people would remember His promise "THE LORD IS ON OUR SIDE". If it wasn't for the Lord living with them, their descendents would have been destroyed way back in Egypt and in the wilderness. They would not have made it to the Promised Land. In David's day, he had to fight against the Philistines, and again David knew that GOD WAS ON HIS SIDE. 

"Wilderness survivors find refuge in GOD'S PRESENCE......Are you in the wilderness?....Your key to wilderness survival is to LIVE WITH JESUS and to FIND COMFORT WITH GOD'S PEOPLE."
                                                                                                                   Max Lucado

Way back in his life David knew this promise when he fought Goliath. David hears Goliath defying God - that's when he makes his decision. When Saul and his soldiers heard Goliath's threats, they were terrified, BUT NOT DAVID. When David showed up he was talking about the "LIVING GOD". 

"David replied to the Philistines, "You come to me with swords, spears and javelin, but I come to you kin the NAME OF THE LORD OF HEAVEN'S ARMIES - the God of the armies of Israel, whom you have defied. Today the Lord will conquer you, and I will kill you and cut off your head.....and the whole world will know that THERE IS A GOD IN ISRAEL! And everyone assembled here will know that the Lord rescues His people, but not with a sword or spear. THIS IS THE LORD'S BATTLE and He will give you to us." 1 Samuel 17:45&47 (NLT)

Now, as a king, still fighting against his enemies, the Philistines, David still knew that God was on His side. We too have "giants" and "enemies" - trials we have to face. But we don't need to FACE THEM ALONE. THE LORD IS ON OUR SIDE! We will win the "Lord's battles", for we know we have our "living God" with us. 

"I know the Lord is ALWAYS WITH ME. I will not be shaken, for HE IS RIGHT BESIDE ME." 
                                                                                             Psalm 16:8 (NLT)

David poetically described the potential ruim of the Israelites. Their danger was like "being swallowed alive" by a giant beast or like being "drowned when waters overwhelm them". 

"They would have swallowed us alive in their burning anger. The waters would have engulfed us; a torrent would have overwhelmed us. Yes, the raging waters of their fury would have overwhelmed their very lives." Psalm 124:3-5 (NLT)

My husband Mark and I have been reading the Book of Jeremiah. Today he made a comment: "This is a real depressiomg passage." And it was, because God's anger and fury with His people was indeed not something to celebrate at the time - they had disobeyed God and they were to be overtaken by the Babylonians. Later though, we will read God's promise of SALVATION and "HOPE". These are the verses I always remember, and I know my mother had a plaque with these words in her home, for those bad days when she was feeling down and depressed.

"For I know the PLANS I have for you, says the Lord. They are PLANS FOR GOOD, not for disaster, to GIVE YOU A FUTURE AND A HOPE. In those days, WHEN YOU PRAY, I WILL LISTEN." Jeremiah 29:11&12 (NLT)


"PRAISE THE LORD who did not let their teeth tear us apart! Who escaped like a bird from a hunter's trap. The trap is broken and WE ARE FREE! OUR HELP IS FROM THE LORD, who made Heaven and earth." Psalm 124:6-8 (NLT)

Here again, David ENDS HIS PRAYER WITH PRAISE. As in other Psalms of David, he likes to end with "blessing the Lord." and thanking Him for all He has done. This is a "confident expression" of what we believe God will do in the future.

When we look back into our lives, we may not always feel wonderful. In fact, there are days we may even have "fits of depression"; but when we TRUST IN THE LORD and know that He is on our side, we can remember those times of "divine intervention". 

"Blessed are they that TRUST IN THE LORD and have made the Lord THEIR HOPE AND CONFIDENCE."  Psalm 17:7 (NLT)

"When we close our prayers WITH PRAISE, we are asking the Lord to answer our petitions, IN HIS TIMING, according to HIS METHODS and in ways that perfectly FIT HIS WILL. Praise lead's us into GOD'S INTIMATE PRESENCE, and once we were there with us, we discover His will for us. PRAISE leads us to the place where we receive POWER FROM GOD." Michael Youssef

"When we worship the Creator, let us increase our TRUST in our comforter. Did He create all that we see and cannot He not preserve us from evils which we cannot see?" Charles Spurgeon

CONCLUSION - Read Psalm 124

"In the year 1582, this Psalm was sung on a remarkable occasion in Edinburgh. An imprisoned minister, John Durie, had been set free and was met and welcomed on entering the town by 200 of his friends. The number increased until he found himself in the midst of a company of 2000, who began to sing as they moved up the High Street, "Now Israel may say, "If the Lord had not been on our side"....They sang in 4 parts, with deep solemnity, all joining in a well known tune and Psalm. They were much moved themselves, and so were all who heard; and one of the chief persecutors is said to have been more alarmed at this sight and song than anything he had seen in Scotland."
                                      Horatious Bonar - cited by Charles Spurgeon.

"Let Israel Now Say in Thankfulness", Brother Down (Artist), 2013, Bultitude Records (You Tube)

"The Holy Bible - New Living Translation", 2015, Tyndale House Publishers

"NCV Devotional Bible - Experiencing the Heart of Jesus", 2003, Thomas Nelson

ALEXANDER, Pat & David, "The Lion Handbook of the Bible," 2009, Lion Hudson Publishers

GUZIK, David, "Psalm 124 - Thanking God for the Help Only He Can Bring", 2020,

LUCADO, Max, "Facing Your Giants", 2006, Thomas Nelson

SPURGEON, Charles, "The Treasury of David - Commentary on Psalms", 1885/2021,

YOUSSEF, Michael, "Empowered By Praise", 2021, Charisma House, You Version