Saturday, January 27, 2024

PSALM 135: Our God is Great

 INTRODUCTION - Read Psalm 135

Psalm 135 begins and ends with PRAISE! It tells us that we are to "passionately" praise and worship the Lord for many "logical reasons". But our praise is not to be based on our emotions only. This Psalm is based on a number of Old Testament passagfes and it reminds us of the many attributes of our Father God: HIS LOVE, FAITHFULNESS, GOODNESS AND MERCY - to name a few.

GOD HAS NO EQUAL! No one comes close when it comes to HIS GREATNESS. As you pray to Him todayt, give your PRAISE AND WORSHIP as you "exalt in His presence". Keep lifting His Name high - the NAME ABOVE ALL NAMES.

"Your name endures forever. You are renown above all generations." Psalm 135:13 (NIV)

"For great is the Lord and most worthy of praise. He is to be feared above all gods." 
1 Chronicles 16:25 (NIV)

GOD'S HOLINESS is something we cannot comprehend. We are reminded of how much he forgave Jacob and His people. The Israelites had fallen away from Him to worship other gods. Through His Son Jesus' death and resurrection, we too MERCY AND GRACE,

"GRACE is God's greatest gift to us! He would treat us according to HIS HEART, not ours. He would relentlessly attach Himself with HIS LOVE. Then He would swing the door of Heaven open to anyone who would TRUST HIM." Max Lucado

PRAISE AND WORSHIP - Read Psalm 135:1-4;               Deuteronomy 7:1-10; Hebrews 9

"Praise the Lord! Praise the Name of the Lord! Praise Him, all ye servants of the Lord, who minister in the House of the Lord, in courts of the House of the Lord." Psalm 135:1&2 (NIV)

When we are worshipping and praising the Lord, we are putting aside ourselves and concentrating on the GLORY OF GOD. WORSHIP is "giving attention to honour" of our Lord, not just idols. All God's people should have a HEART OF PRAISE. not just the Worship Leaders. 


True worship  is praising and honouring the Name of the Lord, and all His characteristics. In the Old Covenant there were rules for worshop - including sacrifices. But now in the New Covenant, we have more freedom. Jesus spoke of this "true worship" and how His followers needed to worship "in Spirit and in Truth". 

"But the time is coming, indeed it is here now where TRUE WORSHIPPERS will worship the Father in SPIRIT and in TRUTH. The Father is looking for those who will worship Him that way. For GOD IS SPIRIT, so those who WORSHIP HIM must WORSHIP IN SPIRIT AND IN TRUTH."     John 4:23&24 (NLT)


As in the previous Psalm 134:1&2, this verse talks about the Priests and the Levites who would do their duties in the temple, both day and night. We too as Christ's servants need to worship and praise our Father God, both in and out pf the Church. 

"O PRAISE THE LORD, all ye servants of the Lord, who serve (minister)  in the house of the Lord. Lift up your hands in the sanctuary, and PRAISE THE LORD." Psalm 135:1&2 (NIV)


Only the Priests and Levites could enter into God's sanctuary in the Temple; but the people of Israel could stand "outside in the "courtyard". God is calling us, also as God's children to be praising Him outside the "temple courts". We can "enter" His presence as we PRAY and WORSHIP. 

"Where can I go from your Spirit? Where can I flee Your PRESENCE? If I go up into the Heavens, YOU ARE THERE; if I make my bed in the depths, YOUr ARE THERE. If I rise on the wings of the the dawn, if I settle in the far side of the sea , even there YOUR HAND WILL GUIDE ME, YOUR RIGHT HAND WILL HOLD ME FAST." Psalm 139:7-10 (NLT)



I have always experience the GOODNESS OF GOD in my life. He has always been ON MY SIDE even when I have felt that everythiung is against me. I have always TRUSTED IN HIM and have celebrated MY HOPE FOR THE FUTURE.

"Examine and see how GOOD the Lord is. Happy is the person who TRUSTS HIM." 
                                                                                               Psalm 34:8 (NCV)


This doesn't mean we should worship for "self gratification", but there is nothing wrong with enjoying your praises.

"True praise is PLEASANT - an angelic exercise, and to the spiritually minded person - VERY DELICIOUS." John Trapp - cited by David Guzik.

"God needs to be the CENTRE OF OUR WORSHIP. And when WORSHIP is at its best, we will have JOY AND PASSION in our singing." C.S Lewis


The Lord "chose Jacob" to be the father of His nation. Jacob was one of the "patriarchs". He is mentioned in the Bible, along with Abraham and his father Isacc. But he seemed "out of place" with these others. Was it because of his nickname - "the heel" and "deceiver". Or was it because he "walked with a limp". Whatever the reason, Jacob's story is for "limpers" alike - the Isaelies and you and me - "the least", who needed God's grace and mercy. 

"GOD'S GRACE isn't only as good as you are, but AS GOOD AS GOD IS. It didn't jus happen a long time ago, but it is for US, TODAY. GOD'S GRACE DOES NOT QUIT!" Max Lucado

"Know therefore, that the Lord your God, IS GOD. He is a FAITHFUL GOD, keeing His covenant of LOVE to a thousand generations of those who LOVE HIM and KEEP HIS COMMANDMENTS." Deuteronomy 7:9 (NIV)

OUR GREAT GOD - CREATOR, REDEEMER and JUDGE -  Read Psalm 135:5-14; Numbers 21:21-35; Deuteronomy 3:1-11; Hebrews 8&9

In this passage we see God as both YAHWEH and ADONAI. He is the "covenant God" with the superior, ultimate power. He is our SOVEREIGN and OMNIPOTENT GOD. We know that He is in charge of all natural disasters and their timing.

In this Season, we have had storms that have caused damage to our homes. The wind has been really strong, causing Cyclones and Tornadoes. The rain has caused floods, but even though we may feel anxious about what has happened in our lives, we can still TRUST THE LORD to take care of us, as HE IS IN CONTROL.

"I know that the LORD IS GREAT, greater than all the other gods. The Lord does whatever PLEASES HIM in the Heavens and on the earth, in the seas and all its depths. He causes the cloud to rise over all the earth. He sends lightning and rain, and releases the wind from its storehouses." Psalm 135:5-7 (NLT)

"God is a GREAT CREATOR and has power over all other gods." Max Lucado


"He gave the land as a gift to His people, the Israelites. Your Name, O Lord, endures forever. You are renown Lord through all generations." Psalm 135:12:13 (NIV)

"But as for me, I know that my REDEEMER lives, and He will stand upon the earth at last."        Job 19:25 (NLT)

"In faithfulness", God took care of the Israelites,  by REDEEMING THEM from Egypt, and the kings from the "east of the Jordan River" and then "West into Canaan". God kept His promises - His Covenant - to His people, the Israelites; and He keeps His promises to all generations. 

""Canaan was their heritage because they were the Lord's heritage. He actually gave it to them  because He had long before made this PROMISE to them." Charles Spurgeon

The New Covenant is an even greater REDEMPTION, and God sent His Son Jesus, to intercede for us. In Hebrew we read about another "High Priest" who gave His life for us so that we could have ETERNAL LIFE and the HOLY SPIRIT.

"But now, JESUS, THE HIGH PRIEST, has been given the ministry that is far more superior than the old Priesthood. He is the one who mediates for us as a FAR BETTER COVENANT with God, based on His promises.......When God speaks of the NEW COVENANT,  it means He has made the old one obselete. It is now out of date and will soon disappear.........So CHRIST has now become the HIGH PRIEST over all good things that have come. He entered the greater, more perfect tabernacle in Heaven......He entered the Most Holy Place, once and for all time and secured REDEMPTION for all time." Hebrews 8:6,13; 9:11&12 (NLT)


"For He will give JUSTICE to all His people and have COMPASSION on His servants."                                                                                               Psalm 135:14 (NIV)

God's power "extends everywhere". He brings JUSTICE AND RIGHTEOUSNESS - "vindicating" people and setting everything right, because of His MERCY AND COMPASSION. In this Psalm we have access to God's "righteous judgement", so this can also be a time of rejoicing - PRAISE & WORSHIP.

Christians today cry out to God for justice and mercy. Our God - "the define defender", RESCUES US, just as He did the Jews. The 'NEW COVENANT" is what we can "pin our hope on".  

"For the ancient Jews, as ourselves today, justice was seen like that in an earthly court...... a civil case with ourselves as the plaintiff, We too are hoping for an acquittal - TO BE PARDONED."      C.S Lewis

God is both a God who judges with JUSTICE and MERCY.....Because of the sacrifice of His Son Jesus, it is possible to combine JUSTICE AND MERCY. In His justice, God judges because we are guilty. In mercy and love He sent His Son Jesus to pay the penalty for out sins. Because of this God is both JUSTICE AND MERCIFUL." Nick Gumbel

IDOLATRY  - Read Psalm 135:15-18

"The idols of the other nations are made of silver and gold, the work of human hands.......People who make idols will be like them and so will those who TRUST in them." Psalm 135:15&18 (NCV)

"People who worship useless idols give up their LOYALTY to You." Job 2:8 (NIV)

In Biblical times, as in many countries today, are no more than a "religious token". They seem "puny, empty and useless. But we, as Christians and Jews believe in the ONE TRUE GOD. Or do we? Our idols can have more of a secular, earthly nature. An idol can be used for anything but WORSHIPPING GOD, and is anything that takes our eyes OFF CHRIST.

"Do not love the world or the things of the world. If you love the world, the LOVE OF THE FATHER IS NOT IN YOU." 1 John 2:15 (NCV)

"God is at war for the LOVE OF OUR HEART. May your worship resist IDOLATYY." Jon Tyson

There are two kinds of idols:

* Those that take over OUR HEART.
* Those that are a CULTURAL/WORDLY nature. 


These idols take a "divine status", yet we continually "chase after them". Sometimes they take over our hearts, because we are seeking freedom. One of these in the need of approval.

I have been diagnosed with "Approval Syndrome" - the cause of my anxiety and depression. Recently, durimg our Christmas break from the Circus, I developed COVID . I felt guilty because I had been celebrating Christmas with Mum and Dad. Earlier in the month we staying with our family in Sydney - sin, daughter in law and grandchildren. And the end of our break, our family decided not to spend extra time with us. Understandably! My "Approval Syndrome" hit me like it hadn't done in years, and I really broke down. I felt the guilt and disaproval in my heart. Like Pastor and writer, Jon Tyson experienced: "The idol of approval was strangling the Spirit in my life."

"Dear children, keep away from anything that might take God's place in your heart."                                                                                                                1 John 5:21 (NCV)


Our world values many things: fashion, materialism and employment status, just to name a few. When we worship idols we usually "believe what they are telling us." 

I have to confess, my work is often something I seem to put before God and my Bible Study. I try to "live in the world, but not of it", but I have to admit I often fall into temptation. I have lost my job many times, particilarly from Education Positions, when I have put my teaching first. I have a need to "prove myself" to Principals, parents and my children. I need to do my best! In the past, I have struggled, like others, to meet my need for "financial security". 

Lately, I have become more "enlightened" by the Spirit and God's Word. I now need to have a "KINGDOM VISION" - worshippinp God should be my only hope. This "foundation" is found in Jesus Christ and His Father God, with our "hearts and heads in Heaven." The idols of this world can "deceive, distort and destroy us". If we discover a new passion, it effects everything we do. Sadly, idolatry happens again and again in the Bible, but the Scriptures are also about DOING RIGHT and OBEYING GOD.

"Seek first the Kingdom of God above all else. Live righteously and He will give you everything you need." Matthew 6:33 (NIV)

"And now brothers and sisters, one final thing: Fix your thoughts in what is TRUE, HONOURABLE and RIGHT, PURE, LOVELY AND ADMIRABLE. Think about things that are EXCELLENT and WORTHY OF PRAISE." Philippians 4:8 (NLT)

So how do we keep ourselves from worshipping idols in thei "modern day sector"? How do we keep from temptation?

* WE REPLACE one idol with another.
* WE DEVOTE our hearts and minds to God's Word,.
*WORSHIP GOD powerfully.

What is rhe IDOL that dominates your life? What are the hidden motives that "decieve and entice" you? It cam ne amything that takes your devotion from God and His Son Jesus. Take time this week to develop your relationship with God and Jesus Christ; and may your "worship resist idolatry."

"I am speaking to you who may have confiict in your soul and who God calls you to be. This is yime for us, as disciples, to show an urgency in OUR HEART for a beautiful resistance." Jon Tyson

CONCLUSION - PRAISE THE LORD - Read Psalm 135:19-21, Psalm 115

"All you Israelites, PRAISE THE LORD; House of Aaron, PRAISE THE LORD; House of Levi, PRAISE THE LOR; all who fear Him, PRAISE THE LORD." Psalm 135:19&20 (NIV)

Let us "set ourselves about" with WORSHIP AND PRAISE. In some Biblical translatio, they use the phrase, "BLESS THE LORD". We praise the Lord and bless Him by putting our TRUST IN GOD; and we give glory to Him. 

"All you Israelites, TRUST IN THE LORD - He is your help anf shield. House of Aaron, TRUST IN THE LORD - He is your help and shield. You, who fear Him, TRUST IN THE LORD - He is your help and shield."  Psalm 115:9-11 (NIV)

In a series of statements the Psalmist concludes Psalm 135 with a call to "His descendents" to honour God and to GIVE HIM PRAISE, and the WORSHIP He deserves. Everyone who knew God were "called upon" to do this:

* THE ISRAELITES (the whole nation).
* THE HOUSES OF AARON and LEVI (the Priests and Levites who served in the Sanctuary).
*  ALL OTHERS WHO FEARED THE LORD (the Gentiles and Christians today).

"Praise be to the Lord, from Zion, to Him who dwells in Jerusalem. PRAISE THE LORD!"                                                                                                       Psalm 135:21 (NIV)

Jerusalem was, and is, a special place for Jews to worship. They praised and honoured Yahweh, specifically WHO HE WAS - "His greatness and goodness"; and still IS today, as they "extended out of Zion".

"PRAISE THE LORD! It is fitting for such a souring Psalm to end as it begun.  - declaring GOD'S PRAISE AND WORSHIP, and calling on others to do so." David Guzik

"Great is Our God", 1982, Michael and Deborah Smith (Composers and Performers), Meadowgreen Music. 

"Praise Him, Praise Him, Jesus our Blessed Redeemer", Fanny J Crosby (Composer), Celebration Choir (Performer), (2015) Facebook/You Tube

"Devotional Bible - New Century Version" , Max Lucado, (2003) Thomas Nelson

"The Holy Bible - New International Version" (2011) Biblica

"The Holy Bible - Living Translation", (2015) Tyndale House Punlishers

Graham, Billy, "Approaching Hoofbeats", (1983), Word Inc.

GUMBELL, Nicky and  Pippa Gumbell, "The Bible - the Classic Version", 2023, Alpha,           New Version

GUZIK, David, "Psalm 135 - Praise the Creator and the Redeemer", 2020,

LEWIS, C.S, "Reflection on Psalms", 1958, Harcourt Press

LUCADO, Max, "God Never Gives Up On You", 2023, Thomas Nelson

TYSON, Jon, "Beautiful Resistance - the Joy of Conviction in a Society of Compromise." 2020, Multamoth, Random House

Saturday, January 6, 2024



Psalm 134 is the last and smallest of the ANCENT HYMNS. It brings us into the Temple at night, where the priests were serving their NIGHT SHIFT. I imagine as Jesus entered the Temple on the last night of Passover he could see the Priests and Levites, some not always committed to their service. 

This too was who the Psalmist was encouraging in the words of this Psalm. You see the Temple in Jerusalem never shut down. In the evening, there was always someone on duty: 


The Priests and the Levites were not only their for the Israelites when they came to worship, It was hoped that their "priority" was serving the Lord, and keeping HIS OMNIPOTENCE alive. 

"Praise the Lord, all you servants of the Lord, who stand by night in the house of the Lord. Lift up you hands in the sanctuary and praise the Lord." Psalm 134:1&2 (NIV)

"Why are these Priests and Levites being single out? Because at night, with few people milling around, it would have been easy for them to take their duties for granted and forget what most important. The Psalmist gently reminds them to BLESS THE LORD like He was watching - BECAUSE HE IS."  John Greco

PRAISING THE LORD - Psalm 134:1&2

In these verses, the Psalmist reminds, not only the Priests and Levites. but all His Christian servants today who serve in His Church. We have "abundant blessings" from the Lord and we need to be THANKFUL for these. 

"Grateful praise isn't merely a good idea, it's IMPERATIIVE." Ruth Chou Simmons

There is nothing better than a HEART FULL OF PRAISE, whether in the day or night. "Praising God in every situation" allow us to have joy and "gratitude in every situation." 

We are reminded in the Old Testament by David and Isaiah that if we remember all the good things God has done for us, we can "lift up" praises to Him. Again and again, David "recalls" God's faithfulness and His promises of GRACE, LOVE AND MERCY.

"O give thanks to the Lord, for He is good; for His steadfast love endures forever."                                                                                                                        Psalm 107:1 (NIV)

"O Lord, you are my God; I will exalt you; I will praise youur Name for the wonderful things you have done." Isaiah 25:1 (NIV)

Later Paul reminds the Early Church in the New Testament, that "GRATITUDE IS GOD'S PLAN FOR US." We will experience peace when we lay down our burdens, and "SURRENDER TO HIM", with THANKSGIVING. 

"Give thanks to the Lord for this is the will of Christ Jesus for you." 1 Thessalonians 5:18 (NIV)

"Don't worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need and thank Him foor all He has done. Then you will experience God's peace, whic exceeds anthing we can understand. His peace will guard your hearts and minds as you live in Christ Jesus." 
                                                                                      Philippiamns 4:6&7 (NIV)


"May the Lord who made Heaven and earth, bless you from Jerusalem." Psalm 134:3 (NLT)

The pilgrims had finished their worship in Jerusalem and were journeying back to their homes. Having spent time with the Lord, they were walking the road with "courage and confidence". As Christians today, we also are on a journey of faith, and their are days when we are weary. We need to remember that God is on our side, and "we can lay down our heavy burdens". Jesus will carry our burdens for us as we look forward with "HOPE" ahead. 

"Then Jesus said, "Come to me all you who are weary and carry heavy burdens, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you. Let me teacch you, because I am humble and gentle in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy to bear and the burden I give you is light." 
                                                                                 Matthew 11:28-30 (NLT)

Robert Robinson, the author of the hymn: "Come Thou Fount of Every Blessing", was aso "prone to wander". He became a member of a gang, "shaming his parents" that they "practically disowned him". As a teen he went to hear the preaching George Whitfield and was then converted, later, becoming a minister in the Methodist Church. Later in life he strayed again from his faith - the "fount of every blessing." Sitting next to a woman, who was reading this hymn, he confessed, "I am the writer of that hymn  and would give a thousand worlds to have those feelings" - those blessings again. 

"The life that blesses God is a life that is blessed by God. Who is this God who blesses us? He is the Maker of Heaven and earth." Ray Fowler

The point of this Psalm and probably all the Psalms of Ascent, is that God continues to bless His people - the Israelites, the Early Church and Christians today -  who want more than anything to serve Him. God wanted to meet with His people at Mt Zion (Jerusalem), and wants to to know that He is with us each and everyday of our journey. 

"But you have come to Mt Zion, to the Heavenly Jerusalem, the city of our living God. You have come to thousands upon thousands of angels in joyful assembly, to the Church of the firstborn, whose names are written in Heaven." Hebrews 12:22&23 (NIV)

Jesus ascended to Heaven to be with his Father, after his death and resurrction, to be our ADVOCATE. He has sent the Holy Spirit to be with us, so we can continually be blessed. I can guarantee that GOD'S WILL AND PURPOSE FOR OUR LIVES is that we should TRUST HIM. God has never let us down before, and be can be assured that HE WILL NEVER LEAVE US in the future.

"One of the most COMFORTING characteristics of the Hoky Spirit, is His ability to speak on our behalf, when it is dark and all our heart can do is groan. Sadness can be overwhelming; despair is daunting. Sometimes, when we pray, we just throw up our hands in exhaustion. But God knows our heart when we have no words. He knows our GRIEF, ANGER, HURT and CONFUSION. In these moments we can surrender to Him, because the HOLY SPIRIT IS OUR ADVOCATE who will speak on behalf." Max Lucado

"But we do not have a High Priest who is unable to empathise with our weakness, but we have One who has been tempted in our way, just as we were - and yet, He did not sin. Let us then approach God's throne of GRACE with CONFIDENCE, so that we may receive MERCY AND GRACE to help us in our time of need." Hebrews 4:14-16 (NIV)


"The very act of PRAISE GOD is a BLESSING in itself. God promises to add His OWN BLESSINGS to it. Our whole lives are meant to be WORSHIPFUL - every thought, word and action. As Christians we are called to live a life that bring PRAISE, HONOUR AND BLESSING to God. When we do this, we know that GOD'S BLESSING is also on us." Ray Fowler

The Psalms of Ascent began way back in Psalm  120, and ends here in Psalm 134,  with the "believer safe at home" with their Father God. Alomg the way we have learnet many lessons:


These lessons can be summed up in the words of this Hymn: "Praise God from Whom all Blessings Flow". The life that blesses God is a life that is blessed by God, not just in the day but during the night.

"Come, Bless the Lord, All Ye Servants the Lord." 2021, Public Domain, You Tube.

"Come Thou Fount of Every Blessing." (1758; 2013) Robert Robinson (Composer), Tim Rice (Performer), You Tube

"Praise God From Whom all Blessings Flow", 2012, Heidi Nadine (Performer), You Tube

"The Holy Bible, New International Version", 2011, Biblica

"The Holy Bible - New Living Translation", 2015, Tyndale House Publishers

Chou Simmons, Ruth, "Pilgrim - 25 Ways God Leads Us Onward", 2023, Harvest House Publishers

Fowler, Ray, "Psalm 134 - Blessing and Blessed - Psalms of Ascent: Stepping Stone" , 2023, Ray

Greco, John, "The Sons of Ascent - A Devotional Adventuyre in the Book of Psalms", 2023, Broadstreet Publishing Group, New Version

Henry, Matthew, "An Exposition of all the Books in the Old and New Testament - Volume 3", 1805, London: W.Baynes

Lucado, Max. "Help is Here - Finding Strength and Purpose in the Power of the Holy Spirit", 2022, Harper Christian Resources

Peterson, William J and Ardythe, "The Complete Book of Hymns - Inspiring Stories abou Hymns and Praise Songs." 2006, Tyndale House Publishers