Sunday, March 24, 2024

PSALM 139: The Attributes of our Father God

INTRODUCTION - Read Psalm 139 

I have been reading and studying the Psalms for a number of years now, learning from David and other authors, about the ATTRIBUTES OF GOD; but Psalm 139 - David's song -  would have to be my favourite. 

There have been times in my life when I have felt LONELY and INSIGNIFICANT, particularly in times of loss and anxiety. The past few nights I have woken with thoughts of my past sisters, Mary and Miriam. They died many years ago, but not unlike many people who suffer grief and depression, there are still times, like David,  I ask these questions:

1. How well do I know God?

2. How close is God to me?

3. How carefully has he made me?

4. How will God help and protect me?

A lot of us still struggle with "insignificance", but in this Psalm, David helps us see God as 'REAL AND PERSONAL". Why? Because that is who He is? He is alive,  and interested in every part of our lives.

"I hope you find it comforting, as I have, to know that GOD KNOWS, UNDERSTANDS and CARES FOR YOU. GOD IS EVERYWHERE and we never need to feel isolated from Him. It is also true that GOD LOVES YOU, and along with HIS SON, JESUS CHRIST, he is REACHABLE, KNOWABLE, AVAILABLE AND REAL." Charles Swindoll

OUR OMNISCIENT GOD - Read 139:1-6, Romans 8:27-39

This is the doctrine of OMNISCIENCE! God not only knows about every detail of our lives, but He knows what we think. The first verses in this Psalm of David's tell us that no one but God, KNOWS ALL ABOUT US. We are the "object of our living God's total attention" and because of this, we know that HE LOVES AND CARES ABOUT US.

"For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, nor anything in all creation will be able to separate us from the LOVE OF GOD that is in Christ Jesus, our Lord." Romans 838&39 (NIV)


David says that "GOD SEARCHES HIM" - He know our thoughts even before they "come into our brains". There may be times we struggle with anxious thoughts - "an identity crisis" - but God never does! He always encourages us with compassion and love. 

God knows the "WORDS THAT ARE ON OUR TONGUES", even before we speak them. This should effect the quality of our speech!  Nothing is hidden from our "ALL KNOWING" OMNISCIENT GOD. 

"Before a word is on our tongue, you Lord, KNOW IT COMPLETELY." Psalm 139:4 (NASB)

"God knows what PROMPTS us to think certain things. Therefore, HE UNDERSTANDS the hidden, unspoken motives behind our actions." Charles Swindoll


"You hem me in behind and before, and you lay your hand upon me. Such knowledge is too wonderful for me, to lofty for me to attain." Psalm 136:5&6 (NIV)

As David's song continues, we learn of another attribute of God - His Omnipotence - His ability to "remain in complete control of His universe."  When things go wrong we may ask this question: IS GOD REALLY IN CONTROL? There may be nothing we can do about our situation, but we are reminded of GOD'S OMNIPOTENCE, and "nothing occurs unless it is in HIS SOVEREIGN WILL"

The Lord is in control of "the smallest detail" of our lives. Knowing us as he does, He puts the "necessary controls" upon us:

* He encloses us ('hems us in')
* He puts His hand on us ('his right hand'). 

How do we feel about "the boundaries" God keeps around us. For me I feel compassion and strength. God's "restrictions" also give us "freedom", for we know that God's will and purposes are for "the good of those who love Him".

"And HE WHO SEARCHES OUR HEARTS, knows the mind of the Spirit, because the Spirit intercedes for God's people in accordance with the WILL OF GOD. And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love Him, having been called ACCORDING TO HIS PURPOSE." Romans 8: 27&28 (NIV)

"Because GOD SEES ALL and KNOWS ALL, we can trust where HE TAKES US. David realized that God not only KNEW about his every THOUGHT AND MOVEMENT, but that He truly CARED FOR HIM." Ruth Chou Simmons

OUR OMNIPRESENT FATHER:   Read Psalm 139:7-12;      Jonah 1-2

God's Omniscience and Omnipotence are very important, but even greater than these attributes would have to be HIS OMNIPRESENCE. 

"God is always everywhere at the same time. This gives us assurance that we are never out of HIS PRESENCE, in every moment of our lives. No matter where we are, GOD IS WITH US, and will NEVER LEAVE US." Ruth Chou Simmons


"Where can I go from YOUR SPIRIT? Where can I flee from YOUR PRESENCE? If I ascend to Heaven, YOU ARE THERE; if I make my bed in Sheol, behold, YOU ARE THERE. If I take the wings of the wings of the dawn, if I dwell in the remotest part of the sea; EVEN THERE your hand will lead me, and your right hand will hold me." Psalm 139:7-10 (NASB)

These next verses remind us that GOD IS WITH US EVERYWHERE. David asks two questions:

*"Where can I go from YOUR SPIRIT"?
*"Where can I flee from YOUR PRESENCE?"

God will never leave us LONELY, but we can always "be at ease in His presence". David used many examples to describe GOD'S PRESENCE. He uses two important phrases to describe these:


Both in good times and in bad, we can take to hearted these BLESSED WORDS. Like David and Jonah, we can "reach out" and thank the Lord for His mercy and grace in HIS PRESENCE. 

"Then Jonah prayed to the Lord his God from the inside of the fish. . He said: "In my distress I called to the Lord,  and He answered me. From deep in Sheol (the realm of the dead) I cried for help, and you listened to my cry. You hurled me into the depths (the very heart) of the sea, and the currents swirled (engulfed) over me, your waves and breakers (billows)  swept over me ..........What I have vowed, I will make good. I will say, "SALVATION COMES FOR THE LORD". And the Lord commanded the fish and it vomited Jonah up on dry land." Jonah 1:1-3, 9&10 (NASB/NIV)

Just like David and Jonah, we can be assured of "GOD'S SALVATION" - "HIS RIGHT HAND HOLDING US UP". There is no fleeing from the Lord. Even His Son, Jesus Christ, will never let us down.

"You cannot escape GOD'S PRESENCE. HE IS EVVERYWHERE. God's gentle hand is pressing on us. Thank you Lord for His promise: Your right hand holds us fast. Lead us in YOUR PRESENCE and draw us CLOSE TO YOU." Nicky Gumbel


"Surely the DARKNESS will overwhelm me and the LIGHT around me will be night. Even the DARKNESS is not night to You, and the night is as BRIGHT AS THE DAY. DARKNESS AND LIGHT are as alike to You." Psalm 139:11&12 (NASB)

David's song continues with the "magnificence of God's nearness". He guides us through the "unique difficulties" we face. We grow as we walk through the "darkness and light". GOD'S PRESENCE is a "constant light in the darkness". 

It is encouragement that in both the night and the day we will neve be lonely, for we will "never escape the Lord's notice" for there is no one who is "hidden from Him". It is most comforting to know HE CARES! 

GOD - OUR CREATOR - Read Psalm 139:13-18

How carefully God is watching over our lives. David declared that a God who KNOWS US and is NEAR US can be "intimately in touch with us" as OUR CREATOR. David's song continues with a "celebration of human life." We are a combination of "wonder, beauty, grace and balance". How precious are the humans that GOD CREATED.


 "For you CREATED my inmost being; YOU KNIT ME TOGETHER IN MY MOTHERS WOMB.....My frame was hidden from You when I was made in the secret place, when I was woven together in the depths of the sea. Your eyes saw my unformed body; all the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be." Psalm 139:13, 15-16 (NIV)

It started in our "MOTHER'S WOMB" - God watching as we were being formed. but even more so he planned our every day life. Like David our lives were "recorded in God's book of life.".

"David acknowledged that GOD WAS HIS CREATOR and author of his life. He realized that the dayys of His life were written in  GOD'S BOOK. The same is true for us." Max Lucado

"You brought me out of the womb; and you made me TRUST even at my Mother's breast. From birth I WAS CAST ON YOU; from my Mother's womb YOU HAVE BEEN MY GOD."                                                                                                           Psalm 22:19&10 (NIV)


"I praise you because I am FEARFULLY AND WONDERFULLY MADE; your works are wonderful, I know that full well." Psalm 139:14 (NIV)

Thank you Lord for designing us in such a unique fashion, so "fearfully and wonderfully made." You put us together with unique bodies and personalities. He continues to care for us as we GROW. David was a remarkable man - "a shepherd, a soldier, a poet and a king". Like David, we know that "our bodies are stunning in their design". We know far more about David did about CREATION, and this should make us full of AWE and PRAISE.

"So GOD CREATED MANKIND in His own image, in the image of God HE CREATED THEM, male and female, HE CREATED THEM." Genesis 1:27 (NIV)


"How precious to me are Your thoughts, God! How vast is the sum of them. Were I to count them, the would outnumber the grains of the sand - when I awake I am still with you."                                                                                                     Psalm 139:17&18 (NIV)

David finishes off this passage with a statement of GOD'S SOVEREIGNTY. David also thought about HIS FUTURE. If God had thought so much about his birth, designing his body,  what great thought He would have put into His plans and purposes for his future - his everyday life. How is your life at the moment? How has God shaped and guided you for YOUR FUTURE?

"The stages of our life are spread out before Him. HE PREPARES ALL OUR DAYS and gives greatb attention to our FUTURE"  Charles Swindoll'

"But the PLANS OF THE LORD stand firm forever, the PURPOSES OF HIS HEART through all generations." Psalm 33:11 (NIV)

David was filled with amazement and adoration:

* Because of God's precious thoughts.
* During the day he felt God's wonderful presence.

Like David, I love to wake up in the morning to spend time in PRAYER and BIBLE STUDY. Sometimes I may have a difficult, DARK  night, but I always awake IN THE LIGHT, knowing that I always have the Lord by my side. David knew that HIS SOVEREIGN LORD's thought and presence were with him day, and we too, as God's children,  can be assured of this, 

"It is a blessing to wake up each day, knowing that the LORD IS WITH YOU, both in his thoughts and presence." Nicky Gumbel

OUR LORD - OUR HELPER AND PROTECTOR -               Read Psalm 139: 19- 22, Luke 6:27-36

"If only you, God, you would slay the wicked! Away from me, you who are bloodthirsty! They speak with evil intent, your adversaries MISUSE YOUR NAME. Do I not HATE those who HATE YOU, O Lord, and abhor those who are IN REBELLION AGAINST YOU? I having nothing but HATRED FOR THEM; I count them as my enemies." Psalm 139:19-22

David grew angrier the more his enemies were DISLOYAL TO GOD. On "six seperate occasions", David refers to his enemies in "strongest terms". It was "righteous anger", because of their "ungodly behaviour", but he loathed them with deep emotion. David's love for God was so great and he couldn't bare the hatred his enemies showed against His Father God: 

*Speaking against God with irreverence ("blasphemy").
*Taking the Name of the Lord in vain ("profanity").

"Spiritual compromise is a deadly problem. David trusted in God to HELP AND PROTECT HIM, and didn't want and didn't want to take matters into his own hands. He wanted to "align his values with God." Chuck Swindoll

David wanted to imitate God. As a "a man after His own heart". He wanted to leave the final decision in God's hands - a very "wise and Biblical action to take". 

"Do not seek revenge or bear a grudge against anyone among your people, but LOVE YOUR NEIGHBOUR AS YOURSELF. I am the Lord." Leviticus 19:18

King David had been a skilled military leader - a "man of war" . He had established Jerusalem as a place of power, but he didn't want to take "matters into his own hands",  abusing God's love, with "hate in his heart". Later we see that Jesus had a "unique perspective" on how we should engage our enemies - those we have 'HATE' towards. 

"DO TO OTHERS what you would have them DO TO YOU." Luke 6: 31 (NIV)


 CONCLUSION: LIFE EVERLASTING -                               Read Psalm 139:23&24 

David sought the Lord, coming to Him in prayer. He was worried and anxious about his angry thoughts. David opened up his "humble soul", asking God to forgive his sinful thoughts and actions. He wanted to bring HOLINESS back into his life. David wanted God to lead him back into FELLOWSHIP WITH HIM, and to learn and grow deeper. 

David finally states a desire to be led back into an "everlasting life", following the paths of righteousness. Do you want to be a person whose walks with God in and  "IMTIMATE AND DEEP relationship Becoming a godly person takes time, but if it truly what we want, we can reach out to God and His Son Jesus, and he will lead us on this way.

"This prayer requires a great deal of courage. Open up all the closets of your life - every room and every corner. Ask God examine all your motives and show you what needs attention. Don't take this lightly or let it frighten you." Charles Swindoll


"For God so loved the world, He gave His only begotten (one and only) Son, that whosoever believeth in Him shall not perish, but have ETERNAL (EVERLASTING) LIFE."                                                                                                                           John 3:16 (NASB/NIV)

"Far Too Wonderful" (2017), Shane and Shane (Composers and Performers), Faith Displayed (You Tube)

"The Holy Bible - New American Standard", 1995, The Lockman Foundation

"The Holy Bible - New International Version", 2011, Biblica

Chou Simmons, Ruth, "Pilgrim - 25 Ways God's Character Leads Us Onward.", 2023, Harvest House Publishers

Nicky and Pippa Gumbel, "The Bible - Classic Version," 2024, Alpha (You Version)

Guzik, David, "Praise and Prayer to a God who Knows Everything and is Everywhere - Enduring Word Bible Commentary." (2021),

Lucado, Max, "When Christ Comes", 1995, Thomas Nelson Publishers

Swindoll, Charles R, "Living the Psalms - Encouragement for the Daily Grind", (2012) Worthy Publishing

Sunday, March 10, 2024


 INTRODUCTION - Read Psalm 138


 " Then you will call on me and come and PRAY TO ME and I WILL LISTEN. You will SEEK ME AND FIND ME, when you SEEK ME WITH ALl YOUR HEART." Jeremiah 29:12&13 (NIV)

Through our difficult times in our lives - sickness, temptation, exhaustion - to name a few; we know that God will "PRESERVE US". David, the author of this Psalm, knows this PROMISE well. Although he had many trials, he always TRUSTED in His omnipotent Father. He didn't have "shelves of self help books", but when "weary and afflicted", he knew his faithful, reliable God would "never change" or let him down. 

"God is our REFUGE AND STRENGTH, an EVER PRESENT HELP in times of trouble." Psalm 46:1 (NIV)

PRAISE OUR FAITHFUL  & LOVING GOD -                         Read Psalm 138: 1-3

David doesn't PRAISE with "empty adoration", his praise is full of FAITH and COMMITTMENT, through "meditation"

"May the words of my mouth and the MEDITATION of our heart, be acceptable in Your sight, O Lord, MY STRENGTH and MY REDEEMER." Psalm 19:14  (NKJV)

So WHY and HOW did David do this?


"I will praise the Lord with ALL MY HEART." Psalm 138:1a (NLT)

"We need a broken heart to CONFESS OUR SINS and a WHOLE HEART to PRAISE THE LORDS PERFECTIONS." Charles Spurgeon

He begins with a "bold declaration" - seeking the Lord with a "whole heart" - reflecting on all God has done for him. 


"I will sing your praises BEFORE THE GODS." Psalm 138:1b (NLT)

"A witness against impotence of idols - PRAISING THE LORD and the LORD ALONE, not gods of different nations". David Guzik

Why did David do this? We know he wasn't worshipping idols, but maye:

* He wanted to "prove his alliance" with God, and GOD ALONE.

* The gods he was referring to were "judges and  kings". 


"I bow before the HOLY TEMPLE, as I WORSHIP." Psalm 138:2a (NLT)

"They are the people of Israel, chosen to be God's adopted children. God revealed His glory to them. He made covenants with them and gave them His law. He gave them the privilege of WORSHIPPING HIM and receiving His wonderful promises." Romans 9:4 (NLT)

Even though David may not have been worshipping in the Temple (Tabernacle), as, at times, he was in a cave and in exile. He accepted that the TEMPLE was indeed to be the PLACE OF WORSHIP for himself and God's people.


"I praise Your Name, for Your UNFAILING LOVE AND FAITHFULNESS." Psalm 138:2b

"The Lord's LOVE AND FAITHFULNESS go hand in hand. Thank you for your amazing LOVE AND FAITHFULNESS towards us.." Nicky Gumbel

"GOD IS FAITHFUL and will never fail us." Ruth Chou Simmons

Like David, our FAITH AND HOPE in God and His Son Jesus, lead to an acknowledgement of HIS LOVE AND FAITHFULNESS. Even when we fall, God is our PROMISE KEEPER. He always ANSWERS OUR PRAYERS. 


"For His promises are backed by all the HONOUR YOUR NAME" Psalm 138:2c (NLT)

"Abraham never wavered in believing GOD'S PROMISES. In fact, his faith grew stronger, and in this he brought GLORY TO GOD. He was fully convinced that God was able to do whatever HE PROMISED." Romans 4:20&21 (NLT)

GOD'S TRUTH is communicated to us by HIS WORD and shown through HIS GLORIOUS NAME. We too are encouraged to PRAISE AND WORSHIP the Lord, by HONOURING HIS NAME.


"As soon as I PRAY, YOU ANSWER ME;  you encourage me by giving me STRENGTH." Psalm 138:3 (NLT)

"The POWER OF PRAYER is the ONE WHO HEARS IT, not says it. Our prayers make a difference, as God hears them and will aide and COMFORT YOU." Max Lucado

The Lord rescued David many times when he called out to Him IN PRAYER. God always responds to us, especially when we are in a time of crisis. He gives us STRENGTH and develops our FAITH.

Thomas Nelson, the writer of the Hymn: "GREAT IS THY FAITHFULNESS", had to deal with many troubles in his life. His health was poor, causing him to resign from the Methodist Ministry. As an author and composer, he faced a number of rejections of his work, until this hymn was finally published. Although this hymn was not based on "specific circumstances", it came from His love for the Lord and His Word.

PRAISE OUR GREAT AND GLORIOUS GOD  -                      Read Psalm 138:4-6

"May all the kings of the earth PRAISE YOU, Lord, when they hear what you have, May they sing of the ways of the Lord, for the GLORY OF THE LORD IS GREAT. Though the LORD IS EXALTED, He looks kindly on the lowly; though lofty He sees them from afar." Psalm 138:4-6 (NIV)

In the next few verses of this Psalm, David gives His thanks and praise in the "presence of the earth's kings". There are 3 reasons David gives for why he feels the kings need to listen to join with him in HIS PRAISES of a GREAT AND GLORIOUS GOD.


David was king of Israel and GAVE PRAISES to the Lord, but he wanted all the kings of the earth to PRAISE GOD too. They would praise Him because others would tell them of 'HIS WORKS AND HIS WAYS."

"Although the Psalmist does not reveal what God has said to have spoken, this likely refers back to Psalm 138:2 where God's Name and Word or PROMISES TO ISRAEL have been exalted." \
                                                                                    Vanessa Lovelace


Israel thanked their God for many things, lot least HIS AWESOME AND MAJESTIC POWER, MIGHT AND STRENGTH. They praised the Lord for all the great things God had done, specifically their redemption. GOD IS GREAT AND HOLY and this is another reason we GLORIFY HIM IN WORSHIP.

"The kings of the earth would not only PRAISE YAHWEH (GOD) with words; but with song. This was their response to a GREAT & GLORIOUS GOD." David Guzik


Although the Lord is exalted, He still CARES FOR THE HUMBLE, but he keeps the proud at a distance, "not keeping company with the arrogant".  David understood that God was great and glorious - our Sovereign Father - yet He still held the MEEK, HUMBLE AND LOWLY in high regard.

"Infinitely great as God is, He regards even the lowest and most inconsiderate parts of His creation; the humble and afflicted man attracts His notice in particular." Adam Clarke - cited by David Guzik.

"God opposes the proud, but gives GRACE to the humble." James 4:7/1 Peter 3:5 (NLT)

"So HUMBLE yourself under the mighty hand of God, and HE WILL LIFT YOU UP."                     1 Peter 3:6 (NIV)

These verses tell of our God's LOVE AND GRACE, as a OUR GREAT AND GLORIOUS Father, and these are true too of His Son Jesus.


Read Psalm 138:7&8

Like David, we as Christians, desire to LOVE AND SERVE our Father God and His Son, Jesus. Still, there are times when we FEEL DOWN and LOST; times when we are surrounded by TROUBLES. We don't seem to "have it all together". We can admit that we are "buried and bruised". 

"Though I walk in the midst of trouble, You will revive me. You will stretch out your hand against the wrath of my enemies. Your right hand will save me." Psalm 138:7 (NKJV)

"I know the Lord is always with me. I will be shaken but He is right beside me." Psalm 16:8 (NLT)

"God will never waste our pain, but will always use it for His glory." Ruth Chou Simmons

In our lives we may face many trials and temptations. In sickness we sometimes question the Lord, but because of his mercy and compassion, we know He will always "PRESERVE AND PROTECT US". If we lay down our pain and regrets, the Lord continues to SUSTAIN and to LIFT YOU UP. We may not understand when these bad thins happen to us, but we cab TRUST IN THE LORD, knowing that HE CARES FOR US. Then we can tell the world about HIS LOVE AND FAITHFULNESS. 

"The Lord will work out the plans for our life - for Your love and faithfulness, O God, endures forever. "                                                                                                                    Nicky Gumbel

"Trust in the Lord with all your hearts, and lean not on your own understanding. In all your names acknowledge Him, and He will direct your paths." Proverbs 3:5&6 (NIV)

"Cast all your anxiety on Him, because He cares for you." 1 Peter 5:7 (NIV)


One of my favourite Christian worship songs is: "GOD WILL MAKE A WAY". It was written by Don Moen, when he experienced a tragic event in his family. Embracing his brother and daughter in law, who had lost their children, Don encouraged them with these verses. It was dark time for them all, but Don still knew that God was still their 'GUIDE,  RESTORER and PROTECTOR' forever. "He works in ways that we may not understand", but HIS MERCY AND GRACE give us assurance, that "He will make a way, when there seems to be no way."

"God, you are RIGHTEOUS, HONOURABLE AND TRUSTWORTHY. You crush darkness and shatter despair. You heal people and restore relationships. You continually invite people to KNOW YOU PERSONALLY. You are GREAT AND MIGHTY, and WORTHY TO BE HONOURED."                                                                                                              You Version

"God's grace guides us each step of the way into His presence." Ruth Chou Simmons


"Holy Bible - New International Version", 2011, Biblica

"Holy Bible - New King James Version", 1982, Thomas Nelson

"Holy Bible - New Living Translation, 2015, Tyndale House Publishers

"Praise", 2003, Brandon Lake, Chris Brown and Chandler Moore (Composers/Performers), Elevation Worship, You Tube

"Great is Thy Faithfulness", 1921/2024, Thomas O Chisholm  (Composer), Don Moen & Lenny Le Blanc (Performers), Hope Publishers/You Tube

"God Will Make a Way", 1990, Don Moen (Composer & Performer), Integrity Hosanna Music

Alexander, Pat and David, "The Lion Handbook to the Bible - 4th Version", 2009, Lion Hudson'

Chou Simmons, Ruth, "Pilgrim - 25 Ways God Leads Us Onward", 2023, Harvest House Publishers

De Class Walford, Nancy, "Commentary on Psalm 138", 2014, Working Preacher

Gumbel, Nicky and Pippa, "The  Bible - Classic Version", Alpha/You Version

Guzik, David, "God Promises to Honour and Complete His Work - Enduring Word Comentary", 2021,

Hoeze, Scott, "Psalm 138 Commentary", 2023, Centre of Excellence in Publishing

Lovelace, Vanessa, "Commentary on Psalm 138", 2023, Working Preacher

Lucado, Max, "NCV - The Devotional Bible - Experiencing the Heart of Jesus", 2003, Thomas Nelson

Peterson, William J and Ardythe, "The Complete Book of Hymns - Inspiring Stories about 600 Hymns and Songs", 2006, Tyndale House Publishers

Spurgeon, Charles, "Six Sermons by C.H Spurgeon", 1856, James Paul, London

Terry Lindsay, "Sacrifice of Praise", 2002, Thomas Nelson