Thursday, July 18, 2024


 INTRODUCTION - Read Psalm 126, Psalm 23, John 10:1-11

Many people put their HOPE in the wrong things - WEALTH, CAREERS, RELATIONSHIPS and STATUS - but ONLY GOD is a "FIRM FOUNDATION" in which we can build our lives. David, the Psalmist had a FIRM HOPE IN THE LORD. As a shepherd boy, he knew that God was his "protector and guide". As a student of the Torah, he based his FAITH AND HOPE IN GOD'S WORD AND PROMISES.

"The Lord is my SHEPHERD, I have everything that I need. He lets me REST in green pastures. He LEADS ME by calm waters. He gives me  new strength. He LEADS ME on paths that are right for the good of His Name. Even if I walk through a very dark valley, I will not be afraid, because YOU ARE WITH ME. Your rod and your Shepherd's staff COMFORT ME." Psalm 23:1-4 (NCV)

Later, as a SOLDIER and KING, David had many enemies and faced a number of trials. He even came up against "sin issues" and made personal mistakes. Yet through this time he also had GREAT ASSURANCE IN HIS FATHER GOD.

"HOPE IS POWERFUL! It is not a feeling or emotion...... REAL HOPE is a constant, positive attitude, no matter what our circumstances. We believe that things will change for the better. Thank you Lord that WE CAN PUT OUR HOPE IN YOU." Nicky Gumbel

In this Psalm, David wrote about GOD'S CHARACTER - a FATHER WHO CARED AND HELPED all people. He was "FAITHFUL AND GOOD", and His Son Jesus was also known for HIS LOVE, JUSTICE AND COMFORT. Jesus too was a GOOD SHEPHERD and like David, we can hope in our omnipresent, "faithful protector".

"I am a Good Shepherd. The Good Shepherd lays down His life for His sheep." John 10:11 (ESV)

"I have said these words to you, that in Me, you may have PEACE. In the world, you will have tribulation, but take heart, I HAVE OVERCOME THE WORLD." John 6:33 (ESV)

"Like David, we don't have anything to fear, because OUR FATHER and HIS SON JESUS are NEAR TO US - in them we have LOVE AND COMFORT." Mattie Jackson

PRAISE THE LORD - HALLELUJAH: Read Psalm 146:1&2,                                                                   Psalm 104; John 16:16-33

"PRAISE THE LORD. Praise the Lord, O my soul. I will PRAISE THE LOR all my life. I WLL SING PRAISE TO MY GOD, as long as I live. " Psalm 146:1&2 (NIV)

This is the second in David's "Hallelujah Psalms". It is both a declaration of PRAISE TO GOD and  "EXHORTATION TO PRAISE". David calls on his "own soul" and invites others "sing praises" with him. HALLELUJAH is a compound word with two Hebrew words:

1. HALLEL - the "imperative verb" meaning PRAISE.

2. JAH - A "contraction" of the Name of God - JEHOVAH.

So, this Psalm begins with PRAISES TO THE LORD GOD JEHOVAH. 

"I will sing to the Lord as long as I live; I will sing praises while I have my being...... Bless the Lord, O my soul. PRAISE THE LORD!" Psalm 104:33&35b (NKJV)

"To experience GOD'S BLESSING, always PRAISE HIM and  TRUST HIM. It should be a genuine expression of PRAISE TO THE LORD." Steven J Cole

David was determined to PRAISE THE LORD with HIS WHOLE LIFE AND BEING. We too need to have this same commitment - PRAISE THE LORD, EVERYDAY. This does not always come naturally. It requires a "GOD FOCUS", and a desire to READ AND STUDY GOD'S WORD. As God's children, we are not exempt from temptation ands trials, but we do know that "God's loving hand" will bring us through them. We cannot base our PRAISE on "happy circumstances", but whatever trials and joys we might have, we need to join David, not only  in PERSONAL PRAISES, but in SHARING THESE WITH OTHERS. 

"We need to be firm in our holy resolve to PRAISE THE LORD. It is our chief end of our living and being, and we should glorify our God and enjoy Him forever." Charles Spurgeon

"I told you these things so that you can have PEACE IN ME. In this world, you will have TROUBLE. But BE BRAVE! I have OVERCOME THE WORLD." John 16:33 (NCV/NIV)

HOPE AND TRUST IN THE LORD -Read Psalm 146:3-6;                                                                                Ephesians 1:3-10

"Don't put your trust (confidences) in princes; there is no hope for you there - their plans come to nothing." Psalm 146:NIV/NLT

This afternoon I watch Online the Celebration Service (Funeral) for a very special friend in WA. She was a beautiful, woman of God, who, like David, loved to SING HIS PRAISES to the Lord. She also worshipped her Saviour and Friend, Jesus Christ. Her hope was never in human beings (princes), but she always TRUSTED IN HER FATHER GOD, and HIS SON JESUS. 

It really matters when  we put OUR HOPE AND TRUST in the the right place. Princes (people) often fail us, but God, and His Son Jesus, never disappoint us. Our HOPE AND FAITH is an anchor for our soul.

"This HOPE is a strong and trustworthy, anchor for our souls. It leads us into God's inner sanctuary."  Hebrews 6:1 (NLT)

"Yahweh is to be praised, but a man is to be questioned. Princes are not worthy of our confidence. We can be disappointed when when we PUT OUR TRUST in whom there is no help." 
                                                                                              David Guzik

"QUIET TRUST is among the sweet music that reaches the heart of God. When we put our trust in man, we rob God of HIS GLORY. We are giving to others the CONFIDENCE and TRUST that belong to GOD ALONE." Charles Spurgeon

David, the Psalmist, had a FIRM HOPE IN THE LORD and he PRAISED GOD CONTINUALLY:

* AS HIS CREATOR of all things.'

* Because if His power to HELP AND DELIVER US.

* As the KEEPER OF HIS PROMISES (Faithfulness).

* Because He is UNCHANGEABLY TRUE AND JUST, moral and upright.

"Joyful (blessed) are those who have the God of Jacob AS THEIR HELP, whose HOPE is in the Lord, their God. He is the Maker (Creator) of Heaven and earth, the sea and everything in them. He keeps His promises (remains faithful) FOREVER."  Psalm 146:5&6  (NIV/NLT)

We have no reasons to fear for we are IN THE HANDS OF THE MAKER. Because "He sees all" and "knows all", and we can TRUST HIM TO CARE FOR US and to LEAD US ON A SAFE PATH. God's grand creation takes our "breath away" and we are comforted by the OUR GREAT GREATOR and am CREATED FOR PRAISE.

"When we bow our hearts to our CREATOR GOD, we are reminded that HE IS AT WORK WITH US." Ruth Chou Simmons

"PRAISE BE to the God  and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has BLESSED US in the Heavenly realms with every spiritual BLESSING IN CHRIST. For He chose us before the CREATION OF THE WORLD to be holy and blameless in His sight. IN LOVE He predestined us for adoption to sonship, through Jesus Christ, in accordance to HIS PLEASURE AND WILL." Ephesians 1:3-5 (NIV)

THE FATHER AND SON -  THEIR HELPFUL CHARACTERS: Read Psalm 147:7-9; Matthew 8:12-13,                   9:27-30, Luke 4:31-37,  7:1-10 &13:10-17 ;Isaiah 61:1-3


The Psalmist lists those whom GOD GIVES HOPE. These words also connect with the WORKS OF JESUS. They both cared for those in need, both those who trusted in Him, and those who did not. We can trust in them too because of their GREAT MERCY, JUSTICE, OMNIPOTENCE AND OMNIPRESENCE.

* THE OPPRESSED AND THE BLIND - Jesus opened the eyes of the blind and both were very just with the oppressed.

"After Jesus left the girl's home, two blind men followed along behind Him shouting: "Son of David, have mercy on us!" They went right into the house where He was staying, and Jesus asked them: "Do you believe I can make you see?" "Yes Lord", they told Him, "we do". Then He touched their eyes and said, because of your faith it will happen." Then their eyes were opened."                                                                                                                   Matthew 9:27-30 (NLT) 

* THE PRISONERS and DEPRESSED -  They raised those who were "weighed down", with sickness and wickedness, and they set the prisoners free. 

"One day Jesus was teaching in the synagogue. He saw a woman who had been crippled by an evil spirit. She had been bent over double for 18 years and was unable and was unable to stand up straight. When Jesus saw her, He called her over and said: "Dear woman, you are healed from your sickness!" Then He touched her, and instantly she could stand straight. How she praise the Lord!"                                                                                                                Luke 12:13-10 (NLT

* FOREIGNERS and RIGHTEOUS PEOPLE -  Jesus watched over and healed strangers and those who followed after Him.

"When Jesus returned to Capernaum, a Roman Officer came and pleaded with Him. Lord, my young servant lies in bed paralyzed and in terrible pain." Jesus said, "I will come and heal him." But the Officer said, "Lord, I am not worthy to have you come to my home. Just say the word and my servant will be healed"...... Jesus heard this and was amazed, "I tell you the truth, I have not seen faith like this in all Israel.".....Then Jesus said to the Roman Officer: "Go back home. Because you believed, it has happened." And the young servant was healed at that hour." Matthew 8:5-8, 13 (NLT)

* ORPHANS AND WIDOWS - Jesus blessed those who are grieving.

"Soon afterward, Jesus went to his disciples to the village of Nain, and a large crowd followed him. A  funeral procession was coming out  and approached the village gate. The young man who had died was a widow's only son, and a large crowd from the village was with him. When the Lord saw them His heart overflowed with compassion. "Don't cry", He said. Then He walked over to the coffin and touched it, and the bearers stopped. "Young man", he said, "I tell you, get up." The dead boy sat up and began to talk! And Jesus gave him back to his mother." Luke 7:11-15 (NLT)

We make the conclusion that JESUS IS THE LORD (YAHWEH) - like Father, like Son. David is happy to declare this, for they both expressed such LOVE AND COMPASSION. Over and over again in the Old and New Testament, we come across a LOVING AND CARING GOD, and HIS SON JESUS. In the midst of difficulties, trials and heartaches, we can come into God's presence and that of His Son Jesus, with THANKSGIVING and JOYOUS PRAISE.

"The Spirit of the Lord is now upon me, for the Lord has anointed me to bring GOOD NEWS TO THE POOR. He has sent me to COMFOR THE BROKEN HEARTED, and proclaim that the CAPTIVES WILL BE RELEASED and the PRISONERS FREED. To all who MOURN IN ISRAEL, he will give the CROWN OF  BEAUTY FOR ASHES, a  JOYOUS BLESSING INSTEAD OF MOURNING, FESTIVE PRAISES INSTEAD OF DESPAIR."                                                                                                         Isaiah 61:1-3, Luke 4:18&19 (NLT)


"We are now among the HALLELUJAHS. All is PRAISE to the close of this book.......Oh, for the heart of JOYFUL GRATITUDE, so that we run, leap and glorify God as the Psalmist does." 
                                                                               Charles Swindoll


Psalm 46 ends as it begins. as most of these "Hallelujah Psalms" do, with a declaration of PRAISE and HALLELUJAHS. "The Lord shall reign forever, to all generations", so we today are able to share in the joyful time of HARMONY. In our Church and in our homes and work, we can THANK THE LORD for all He has done for us.

"Here endeth the GLADSOME PSALM. Here endeth not the PRAISE FOR OUR LORD, which will ascend FOREVER AND EVER." Charles Swindoll

"PRAISE realigns with GOD'S MELODY, which brings us into HARMONY with God forevermore. PRAISE is simply meant to ease our journey. " Ruth Chou Simmons