Read Psalm 9
David was a man who loved to PRAISE THE LORD and so was my dad. I don't know anything about his conversion story, but I do know one of his favourite songs of victory: "Since Jesus Came into My Heart"
I can still here those `Hallelujahs' and `Praise the Lords' ringing out as my dad sang:
"What a wonderful change is my life has been wrought since Jesus came into my heart.
I have light in my soul for which long I have sought, since Jesus came into my heart." 1
My dad fought an ongoing battle with grief and depression most of his life after the death of his brother, son and later my mother. It is interesting to note that the writer of this hymn, Rufus McDaniel, a Southern Ohio pastor, wrote this hymn with one aim in mind, to bring joy and hope into the life of he and his wife after the death of their son.
Last week when I returned to my psychologist I was discouraged as I wrote on my form, `I'm back, I've fallen, I am losing the battle again'. Fifteen months ago, I thought I had won the victory. I was sure it would be the last battle as with renewed confidence in the Lord and myself, I was weaned off my medication. As I read this Psalm, I am encouraged that like David and my dad who fought many battles; they still continued to sing God's praises. Why? Because, they knew, like I do that since Jesus came into my heart, I am `possessed with a hope that is steadfast and sure'. We can PRAISE GOD through all our battles for we know we have an ETERNAL VICTORY!
1. Battles may be on going, but so can be the victories.
a) Do you know any people in your life who have learnt this truth about praise? What is it about their life that shows us this?
b) Have you learnt it? How can you be an encouragement to others?
Read Psalm 9:1-6; 2 Chronicles 20:15-24
In these first 6 verses of this Psalm David praises God for His mercies and for all the great miracles God had done throughout his life. We know David had fought many battles, both with literal enemies and those of the soul. We also know he fought them not in his own strength; for he learnt from an early age that God was stronger and bolder than any enemies David fought, so he was never on his own. In the end, David's enemies would always be made to turn away.
In this passage in 2 Chronicles we meet another king who faced a battle, and like David, he learnt that praising God and resting in Him was certainly the way to boldly conquer enemies. While spending time in praise and worship, their enemies were busy fighting amongst themselves. When the Army of Judah arrived, all they saw were dead bodies.

Sometimes God tells us, like he did Jehoshaphat: `You won't even need to fight. Take your positions; then stand still and watch the Lord's victory'. Other times, like David, God will want us to fight the battles; but whatever we need to do, one thing is sure, we have this promise `GOD IS WITH YOU'. All we need to do is `GIVE THANKS TO THE LORD, FOR HIS MERCY AND LOVINGKINDNESS ENDURE FOREVER'.

2. Jehoshaphat and David were just two kings in the Old Testament that God spoke to about waiting on him for victory. Do you have a favourite? Share the story with the group. Maybe you have `battle story' of your own you might like to share.
Read Psalm 9:7-10; 2 Samuel 22:30-51
Praise is the best weapon of warfare. Armed with praise and his shield of faith, David would go forth and not only pursue, but drive his enemies away.
"God's way is perfect. All the Lord's promises are true. He is a shield for all who look to Him for protection. For who is God except the Lord? Who but our God is a Solid Rock? God is my strong fortress and He makes my way perfect." 2 Samuel 22:31-33
We know God is our eternal defender. He sent His Son Jesus as our Redeemer, so we can have the ultimate ETERNAL VICTORY over our enemy.
"The Lord rules forever. He sits on the throne to judge and he will judge the world in fairness and He will decide what is fair for the nations. The Lord defends those who suffer; He defends them in times of trouble. Those who know the Lord trust Him because He WILL NOT LEAVE those WHO COME TO HIM." Psalm 9:7-10
What PROMISES! What VICTORY! What a CHOICE we now need to make. Yes, the promises are there for us to grasp, but only if we make the right choices. We can trust the Lord who has a plan for our lives - a victorious life, a life of salvation in His Son, a life of strength and comfort through trials, a life with a God who will not leave our side.
Read Psalm 9:11-14
"At the gates of Jerusalem, I will praise You. I will rejoice because you saved me." Psalm 9:11
I remember in the 80's and 90's when I thought I could sing, I would lead the worship in Church. We would sing simple songs of praise with guitars. Then came the modern hymns of revival, which I sung with gusto, but discovered you actually had to know a little about music to lead. But I have always been a lover of praise and worship music.
We used to sing a simple ditty that went like this:
"Let the redeemed of the Lord say so,
Let the redeemed of the Lord say so.
Let the redeemed of the Lord say so
I'm redeemed, I'm redeemed, praise the Lord". 2
I believe these words must have been pretty important to God, because 30 years later, for a new generation, the words were revived by Israel Houghton and Michael Gungor. 3
But David knew a long time before I ever did the importance of this salvation message. When he wrote this psalm he knew that one day salvation would come to his people, and if people were to know about and return to the Lord, he had to tell them about it. He had to sing His praises. Praise the Lord!! SALVATION HAS COME TO US, but we still need to keep singing those praises , and let others know.
Don't worry, I promise I won't take up worship leading or singing in public again (except in the pew), but I might do a dad trick now and then. He used to embarrass us in the most public of places with those `hallelujahs' and `praise the Lords'. He just couldn't help himself!
Read Psalm 9:15-20, 2 Corinthians 12:9&10
The wicked will fall and people will one day discover that they cannot rely on their own strength, but until then there would be further troubles ahead. David knew this, and we can be sure, there is still more trials and tribulation ahead in our day, but we also know, as David did, that we don't have to face these troubles alone. The choice was THERE'S and the choice is OURS still. We cannot find answers in our own power, we can only TRUST in the ONE TRUE GOD.
Do we face our troubles alone? Or do we accept Jesus as our Lord and Saviour, and face them with Him as our omnipresent guide and friend?
Paul also reminded us that when we are in Christ Jesus and His Spirit is within us, we can live in His power, His strength and His grace. God is greater than all our suffering and any of our battles.
"My grace is sufficient for You, for my power is made perfect in weakness." 2 Corinthians 12:9
"That is why, for Christ's sake, I delight in weakness, in insult, in hardship, in persecution, in difficulties. For when I am weak, then I am strong." 2 Corinthians 12:10.
What more can I say? David knew it. The hymn and songwriters knew it. My Dad knew it and I know it. PRAISING GOD IS THE ESSENCE OF VICTORY! When you TRUST HIM, acknowledge Him as your Lord and Saviour, what more do you want to do but PRAISE HIS NAME!!
1. "Since Jesus Came Into My Heart" (1912) Rufus McDaniel
2. "Let The Redeemed of the Lord Say So" (1978) Ward Ellis
3 "Say So" (2005) Israel Houghton & Michael Gungor.
* The Complete Book of Hymns , Bill & Ardythe Peterson, Thomas Nelson Publishers
* The Power of Praying Through the Bible (2008) Stormie Omartian, Harvest House Publishers
* New Living Translation Bible
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