Sunday, June 16, 2013

PSALM 12 - God - Our Protector


Read Psalm 12

Yesterday when I woke up I looked out at the sun over the mountains. As it was still shining today, we decided to take a drive up to those mountains - Mt Tambourine - overlooking the Gold Coast. (Sth Queensland, Australia).                                                            
Curtis Falls
From Mt Tambourine - Overlooking the
Gold Coast
We took a beautiful walk down a track to the Curtis   Falls. But of course, then we had to walk back up the mountain, and for an oldie like me that was a little harder. 

By the time I was in the car on my way home, I was nearly back in David's `moaning mode' again. It had been a wonderful day in the mountains, but I knew I had to come back down to the valley - back to the oppression, the evil, `the bragging tongues', and the `flattering lips'. Back to where the `wicked people were parading around'.

Still, I also knew, as I reminded the children in `Sunday School' this morning, `GOD ALWAYS KEEPS HIS PROMISES'. Just like it was in David's time, these promises in Psalm 12, are just as relevant for us today: 

"I will now arise," says the Lord, "I will provide SAFETY for those who long for it." V5b (GWT)

"The promises of the Lord are pure...... O Lord, you WILL PROTECT them."  V6&7 (GWT).

What gives us the greatest strength to face a new week - the devils wimps or the Lord's promises. I would think the latter. I attend to start this week with the Lord, and if I stumble, I have another promise:

"The Lord directs the steps of the godly. He delights in every detail of their lives. Though they stumble, they will never fall, for the Lord holds them by the hand." Psalm 37:23&24 (NLT)

1.  Do you have some promises in the Word that keep you strong?


Read Psalm 12:1-5; Genesis 6:6-22;  Proverbs 6:16-19; 12:22; Ephesians 4:24&25 

David begins this psalm, as he does in others with a prayer against the wicked - in this case it is the liars.  If we read these other passages throughout the Bible we can see that God does have a distaste for liars or as it was in Noah's day people's whose thoughts were `consistently and totally evil'.

Yet each of these passages finished with a special promise:

*  In the story of Noah we see how because of his righteousness and obediance, he found favour with God, and the lives of he and his family were saved.

* We read in Proverbs that God `delights' in those who tell the truth.

* Paul reminds us over and over in each of his letters that when we are accepted by God as His `children of light' we will live `righteous and holy' lives.

So it isn't surprising to hear from David, that God `will rise up and rescue' the faithful as `they have longed for Him to do.'

I don't know about you, but I think I know what life I would be trying to live, don't you?

2.a)  Would you rather be a living `lier' - cut off from the Lord; or a child of the light? 

b) Is there something you need to do to bring yourself back if you have wandered out of the light? 


Read Psalm 6-8, Read Genesis 9:1-17

"The Lord's promises are pure, like silver refined in a furnace, purified seven times over." 
Psalm 12:6

This is one thing I am certain about.  When I tell the children in Sunday School that GOD ALWAYS KEEPS HIS PROMISES I tell them because I know it's true, not just it what the storybook says. When I look outside, after the rain and see a rainbow, I don't just think about the story of Noah, and the promises God made to him; but I know that those promises were made to us too.

You see that RAINBOW is a visual reminder to us that GOD ALWAYS KEEPS HIS PROMISES to us - to David in his day, to Paul in his day, and to us today; that even though `the wicked still strut around and evil   is around the land', the Lord will protect those who trust in Him.

3.a) What are some promises in your life that God has kept? 

b) What is the most important promise you look forward to him keeping?


Look outside.  Is it raining?  Is their a storm?  Is it sunny? Is their a rainbow?  Whatever the weather outside or in your soul, remember the Lord is on your side, and wants you to know that you can depend on Him each day. Remember, GOD ALWAYS KEEPS HIS PROMISES!! And the most important promise He will keep is the day when He will return, and take you to live with Him.  Are you ready to go?

Friday, June 14, 2013



Read Psalm 11

Max Lucado calls them `doubt storms', bringing with them `gale force winds of fear'. Fortunately He reminds us `soon after the storm a light shines through'.

I am sitting here this morning looking out my window at the beautiful sun shining over the mountains. Last night , where there was thunder, lightning and grey skies of a storm and I couldn't even see what lay ahead, now all I can see is the LIGHT.

In this Psalm, we find David facing one of these `doubt storms'. It seemed for a moment, his life was falling apart. He had just killed a giant and the Philistines, his enemy were running away. Shouldn't King Saul have been happy with him. Instead, David had arrows being thrown at him from all directions. The wicked seemed to have the `upper hand' again.

It looked liked there might be `turbulent days' ahead. It seemed this new enemy was just `too big, too great, and his future too bleak'. Still, although it looked dark through the storm and he couldn't see his future, he knew there was a LIGHT and he trusted that LIGHT. That LIGHT of love, mercy and justice. That LIGHT that sat upon a throne in Heaven, and that LIGHT who would always be watching over and taking care of Him.

1. a) Do you know the LIGHT I am talking about? If not, I would like to help you find Him.

b)  Are you going through one of these `doubt storms'? Maybe David's story this week might be of help to you. I know it has helped me.


Read 1 Samuel 18:1-16, 1 Samuel 19:1-10; Psalm 11:1-3

It is believed this Psalm was written when David discovered Saul's jealousy towards him. Most of us know how David had killed Goliath and how when he returned from the battle, everyone thought he was wonderful. (1 Samuel 17). Unfortunately, Saul had become jealous of David and it seemed God was totally out of the picture.

As David was struggling in fear for His life, he was also fighting the temptation to lose faith in God. Yet, as the arrows were being thrown at him, he stood his ground, "No", he said, "I am trusting in God".

David was determined to make God His confidence, when the arrows and words of discouragement were being thrown at him. He wanted to stand tall with the Lord, to face Saul and his enemies. David knew that whatever happened he would stand under God's protection.

2. Are their any `arrows' of temptation being thrown at you? How can you stand with stand, like David, in confidence of God's protection?


Read Psalm 11:4-7

The attempt of David's enemies to shake His confidence just made his faith stronger. He pronounced:


"The Lord is in His holy heaven. The Lord sits on His throne in Heaven." V4a


"He sees what people do. He keeps His eye on them." V4b


"He will send hot coals and burning sulfur on the wicked. A whirlwind is what they will get." V6


"The Lord does what is right and He loves justice; so honest people will see His face." V7

David was a righteous, honest young man who wanted to live in the LIGHT. He trusted God and wanted to give his life in service to the Lord. God was like a tender Father who looked down on Him in love and compassion, and this strengthened David's faith. God will look down on all of us who walk in the LIGHT OF THE LORD, and will continue to strengthen our faith, if we continue to see Him.

3. How can  people's attempts to shake our confidence make our faith stronger?


When I woke this morning to see the sun, I was filled with joy. For many weeks these `doubt storms' and `gale force winds of fear' have been keeping me overwhelmed by darkness. But reading David's story of faith and praying with him his prayer of TRUST, has brought me back to the LIGHT.

My prayer this week is that you will pray this prayer with me, and be reminded that the TRUE LIGHT, that comes through JESUS CHRIST OUR LORD, is YOURS, and that like David, you can truly TRUST HIM with your WHOLE LIFE.

*The Devotional Bible, New Century Version,(1987) Max Lucado, Thomas Nelson

*The New Matthew Henry Commentary (2002), Martin H Manser, Zondervan

Thursday, June 6, 2013



READ PSALM 10:12-16, Read Jeremiah 45:1-5, 46:27&28

Throughout the Psalms God continues to reveal his heart for His people who have been broken by pain and sin in the world. These next six verses are full of phrases describe attributes of a faithful, omnipresent, omniscient, omnipotent, compassionate God.

*He doesn't `forget those who need help'. (V12) (ICB)
*He `helps and defends the orphans' (V14) (ICB/NLT)
*He `sees (takes note)' of their `trouble and grief' (v13) (NLT/GWT)
*He is faithful. They can `trust Him'. (V14) (NLT)
*They are `placed under His control' (V14) (GWT)
* He is merciful and just and `punished wickedness'. `God's grace wins' (V15) (GWT) (MESSAGE)

1. Which of the above do you need to believe in most at the moment?

In recognizing the attributes of God, David recognizes that God is always at works in times of trouble. He is always showing His love and care for the helpless, not always in the ways we might understand, for it is not for us to understand his ways, but to accept them in faith, but to believe that he is indeed the defender of the helpless and the source of love and mercy to all who turn to Him.

Going forward in history, nearing the end of Jeremiah's ministry, the people of Israel were now in exile in Babylon. Jeremiah's scribe Baruch who had been with him throughout his ministry was feeling miserable,

"The Lord has added grief to my pain. I am warn out from groaning. I can find no rest."
Jeremiah 45:3

Ever felt this way. In this world of wickedness that surrounds us. The words from Jeremiah to his scribe, and then later to the people of Israel may not have seemed very encouraging, but we need to remember again, God's plan and that He can't take us out of the world.

"Forget about making any big plans for yourself. Things are going to get worse before they get better. But don't worry." (Jeremiah 45:5) (Message)

Things were not necessarily going to get better straight away. Because of the wickedness in the world, God had to send His justice, but He did have a promise for Baruch and the people of Israel - the same promise He has for us:

"I will protect you wherever you go." Jeremiah 45:5b) (NLT)

"Do not be afraid, Jacob my servant, for I am with you." says the Lord.(NLT)Jeremiah 46:28

"Yes, dear Jacob my servant, you have nothing to fear. Depend on it. I am on your side." 46:28 (The Message)

God's intervention may not always be obvious at the time. His justice may not always seem clear, but we can be sure of these: GOD'S TIMING and HIS PROMISES.

2.a) Are there times when you worry about your future?  How can you put your life in God's hands? 

b) How can you trust in God's timing and His promises?


Read Psalm 10:16-18, Matthew 25:31-46

The Lord Jesus Christ is ultimately our eternal King. He has come once and has died for us, so that we could have forgiveness and freedom from our sins. Now as we wait for the day when He comes again to rescue us from the tyranny of the evil of others, he has a job for us - we must shine the light of righteousness, so the wicked can be turned to the light of Christ's salvation and the helpless can be comforted by His grace.

* The New Matthew Henry Commentary, Edited by Matthew H Manser

* Holy Bible, New Living Translation (1996) Tyndale Publishers
* The Message (2002) Eugene Peterson, NavPress
* God's Word Translation (2003) Green Key
* International Children's Bible (2006) Thomas Nelson

PSALM 10- Prayer in the Valley - Part 2

FACING OUR FEARS - The Evil in the World

Read Psalm 10:2-11; 2 Timothy 2:22

Yesterday I spent an hour with my psychologist. A few days before I had convinced myself again, that no matter what direction the Lord was taking me, I wasn't sure I wanted to go. There were too many unknowns, too many fears to face, and what about those little `enemies' that kept sneaking in.

When we look with David at all the evil that was in his world, it was no wonder he was crying out to God. Things haven't changed much in our world today. Let's take a quick look:

1. Arrogance of the Powerful and Oppression of Weak - It happens in the home, it happens on the streets, it happens in the workplace. Wherever someone feels they have the upper hand and can be stronger, they can make the choice to help or oppress.

"The wicked person arrogantly pursues oppressed people." (V2)

2. Pride and Evil Desires - Drunkeness and sexual sins, greed and covetousness, approval of sin. People don't just engage in these sins, they actually enjoy them, and they feel no remorse.

"The wicked person boasts about his selfish desires.... he curses the Lord." (V3)

"Don't let the wise people brag about their wisdom. Don't let strong people brag about their strength. Don't let rich people brag about their riches. If they want to brag let it be that they understand and know me. They should brag that I the Lord act out of love, righteousness and justice on the earth. This kind of bragging pleases me, declares the Lord." Jeremiah 9:23&24

3. Reviles the Lord - If you love sin, how can you truly honour a righteous, holy God.

".....God doesn't care'.... `There is no God" (V4)

4. Denies God's Providence - Those that deny God tend to see themselves as invincible and harden their hearts to iniquity.

"They always succeed. They are far from keeping the laws..... They say to themselves, `Nothing bad will happen to me'. " (V5&6)

5. An Evil Tongue - Along with an evil heart usually comes an evil tongue - cursing, lies and threats - which will ultimately lead to trouble.

".... They use their tongues for sin and evil." (V7)

"The tongue is a flame of fire. It is a whole world of wickedness, corrupting your entire body. It can set your whole life on fire, for it is set on fire by hell itself." James 3:6

6. Violence Towards the Helpless - David continues to describes further oppression of the weak, which is something we could easily be reading in our daily newspaper.

"The poor are thrown down and crushed. They are defeated because others are stronger."

7. Practical Atheism - Denying that God cares and is active in creation The evil person does not necessarily deny the existence of God but they lack faith in his omnipotence.

"They say to themselves, "God won't punish us." (V13)

David seems to be complain a lot about the evil in the world. Was he judging? Was it because of fear? Because he cared for the poor? Maybe a little of all three. But David also knew that it was so easy for him to fall into this same trap of evil. So easy to become uncaring and blase about the needs surrounding him.

2. Which one or any of the above do you feel most strongly about? 

The ladies in my Bible Study seem to get into heavy discussions each week about things they see on the news or Today Tonight;  because we all find injustice a little hard to take. These big problems of homelessness, spouse and child abuse, trafficking of young woman and children as prostitutes are just on our doorsteps but we feel helpless to do anything about,  though a number of our ladies help in shelters and foodbanks. We can't do a lot about the global issues of poverty, though we have our child sponsorship.  th  There are many things we may not be able to do, but there are the little things.  Maybe even just going next door and seeing if your neighbour is in need or hurting.

We may not be able to stop the evil, but at least we may be able to show some little bit of  kindness!!

3. What little bit of kindness can you do today to help make a some difference to the injustices `on our doorstep'? 

Paul told Timothy that he had a responsibility to stay pure and sometimes we are afraid to find out what is happening in our world because we might get tainted by evil. In his book, `Help I'm Being Tempted', Bob Gass tells us that `running' can sometimes be a strength and not a weakness. The world is screaming for your allegiance and there are some temptations in this world that may be a stumbling block to us, and it may be wise to `run away'.

Other times, we may be placed in situations where we need the Holy Spirit's empowerment to overcome temptation and to face evil head on. Remember when this time comes - take your SWORD - the WORD OF GOD with you and your SHIELD- the power of FAITHFUL PRAYER.

"Prayer puts a shield of divine protection around you. You can't live without it." Bob Gass.

Acknowledge that there is evil in the world or you will be vulnerable to the devil's attacks, you will become uncaring and will close your eyes to the needs around you and you will become so full of fear you will forget the empowerment you have in the Lord to fight it.

"I will not be afraid because the Lord is with me." Psalm 118:6

"You dear children are from God and have overcome them, because greater is He that is in you, than He that is in the world." 1 John 4:4

4. Is there anything that you are afraid to face on your own because you feel vulnerable to attack?
Pray, and ask God whether you should say `no' or `yes' to the fight against it. 

* The New Matthew Henry Commentary, Edited by Martin H. Manser

* "Help I'm Being Tempted", Bob Gass

* Holy Bible, New Living Translation (1996), Tyndale Publishers



Read Psalm 10.

In Psalm 9 we found one answer to finding victory over trials and battles - PRAISE! We also discovered that the battles would not go away, and so it is true with the wickedness in our world. So what can we do when we come down from that mountain of praise into that valley of temptation and wickedness.

David was feeling a little overwhelmed by the wickedness surrounding him, the poverty in his world that he felt helpless to do anything about on his own, and at first it felt like God was a little afar off and maybe didn't even care. So what did David do? Well what did David always do - he PRAYED!

1. He identified the problem - the wickedness of the evil and the helplessness of the oppressed.
2. He acknowledged the omnipotent (all powerful), omniscient (all knowing), omnipresent (all surrounding), compassionate and loving God.
3. He recognized that God was indeed a faithful God who would answer His prayers - in His time.

And guess what - through this prayer, David's faith was renewed! He didn't have to face this world of wickedness and poverty on his own. He may not have had a plan, but GOD DID. And that plan was to bring `JUSTICE' AND `GRACE' through His SON JESUS CHRIST.

Sometimes God may seem far off and we may find praying a little hard to to do. It's easy up on the mountain, but what about when we come down into the valley. If we identify that God truly is what we believe Him to be - faithful, merciful, loving, all powerful, all knowing and ever present, then we will not only be able to pray, but the Holy Spirit will tell you what to say.

By the end of this Psalm study my hope as you pray with David is that you may too have your hope revitalized - trusting in an eternal King who is our `hope for the helpless'.

1. Is their anything in your life at the moment that may be putting distance between you and God?


Read Psalm 10:1; Jeremiah 14:10-12

Why does God sometimes seem so far off? Why does he not always feel close in times of trouble?

This is a question that every Pastor has been asked to speak about because it something everyone has experienced. It is comforting to know that people like David and Jeremiah too, felt this way. One of the answers we are often given is that God has not moved, we have.

David and Jeremiah, like we often do, were looking around at the unrest around them, because of the wickedness. God even said to Jeremiah:"Don't pray for the good of these people". (Jeremiah 4:11). It seemed to Jeremiah, as it had to David many years before, that indeed, God had stopped listening. But we need to look at this in the context of GOD'S GREAT PLAN.

For in His plan of repentance and restoration, God's people first needed to see their need for salvation. In the days of David and Jeremiah they had their prophecies and promises:

"In those days and in that time, I will cause a righteous branch to spring up for David. He will do what is fair and right in the land. In those days Judah will be saved and Jerusalem will live securely. Jerusalem will be called, `The Lord is our Righteousness'. David will forever have a descendent sitting on the throne of Righteousness'. Jeremiah 33:14-16

We now know that `Righteous Branch' to be our Saviour, the Lord Jesus Christ,but there are still those who will not accept Him. God is awaiting for them to come to Him in repentance, and as Peter reminds us, meanwhile, we are to pray and wait for the Lord's return.

"The Lord is not slow in keeping His promise, as some understand slowness. He is patient with you, not wanting anyone to perish, but everyone to come to repentance."
2 Peter 3:9

Until then, because there are those who afar off and there may even be days when we may feel distant ourselves, we may like David ask ourselves at times:

"Why are you so distant Lord? Why do you hide yourself in times of trouble?" Psalm 10:1

2. Do you know anyone who is slow in coming to repentance? Take time to pray for them now, and remember not to give up, for God will keep his promise for them. 

* The New Matthew Henry Commentary, Edited by Martin H Manser

* Holy Bible, New Living Translation (1996), Tyndale Publishers