Read Psalm 19
I've always loved reading and studying God's Word - the Bible. Although as an adult I like to dig a little deeper, I don't think I have lost that sheer wonder I had as a child as I listened to my Dad tell us the stories. I couldn't wait till I could read them myself. My Mum told someone a story one day (quite embarrassing) that every day after school I would line up all my dolls and my teddy bear, so I could read to them and it would always include a Bible Story. Those words were then, and still are `more desirable than gold' and `sweeter than honey'.

My `adopted Mum' does. Mum and Dad spend a lot of time travelling, and every year I spend some real quality time with them, and my eyes are opened anew to the wonder of sunsets, waterfalls and rainbows.
David needed both in his life - the GLORY OF GOD'S WORK'S and the GLORY OF GOD'S WORD - and I believe we do too. We need to spend time in adoration and praise of God's creation, including ourselves now and then. We need to respect and honour God's word by spending quality time reading and studying the Bible, bringing God's glory to others by learning to live a life that is pleasing to Him.
1. Can you share 1 experience of how your love for the Word and/or Creation has enriched your Christian life?
This is a beautiful fish, but I wanted the song. Oh well, God made them both!! After you've watched the fish,it may come up with some songs - go to `GO FISH - `GLORY'.
Read Psalm 19:1-6
Today as I sit and write the wind is blowing a nice cool breeze, but the sun is still shining. No one but a great God like ours could creates such a perfect Queensland morning. Last night as I looked up into the sky and listened to the rain, there was no fear of being alone, for I had great trust in my omnipotent and omnipresent Creator.
David used his quiet time - we don't know when it was - to meditate on the glory of God's works. He spoke of the heavens and the skies, both in the day and the night. He especially loved to watch the rising and the setting of the sun. Most of all, I believe David loved to listen for the silent messages that came from God in the promises of His love, faithfulness and omnipresence. While meditating on the glory of God' works, David again found his Rock.
2.Take some time to meditate on God's works. What silent promises have you received?
Read Psalm 19:7-13
David knew the value of gold. He was surrounded by it. But to him God's word was more valuable than this. It gave him strength, wisdom, joy and purity that no gold could have brought him.
Living in the wilderness, David lived off the land. Not only was the honey, straight from the bees, sweet to taste, but it provided instant energy. So it is true of God's Word. When we read the Bible with an open heart to what God wants to teach us, it immediately goes to work to give us the strength and energy we need to get us through each day.
David's particular emphasis was on the importance of God's laws for giving `insight for living' as we would read them in the Old Testament (10 Commandments). David said, `they are right and bring joy to the heart.' They are `clear and true'. They are warning signs, but not only for David's day, but very relevant for us. For as Billy Graham simply puts it:
"God gave the law because He loves us. God's commandments were given to protect and promote our happiness, not to restrict it. God wants the best for us. God loves us with an infinite love. He cannot and will not approve of disorder. Consequently, he laid down these laws which, if obeyed, bring harmony and fulfillment, but if disobeyed bring discord and disorder." Billy Graham *1
Jesus summed these commandments up for us in the Gospel:
"Love the Lord your God will all your heart, with all your soul, with all your strength and with all your mind, and love your neighbour as yourself. " Luke 10:27 (NLT)
Paul and John also bring them up in their teaching:
"So put to death the sinful earthly things lurking withing you....... Put on your new nature and be renewed as you learn to know your Creator and become like Him. Since God chose you to be the holy people he loves clothe yourselves with tender hearted mercy, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience....... Clothe yourselves with love, which binds us all together in perfect harmony." Colossians 3:5, 10,12&14. (NLT)
"Dear children, let's not merely say that we love each other; let us show the truth by our actions." 1 John 3:18 (NLT)
David knew he wasn't perfect. He knew there were secret sins lurking in his heart that could easily have overtaken and ruled his spirit. We all have these and like David we need to have the Word of God entrenched in our hearts so we can keep the devil at bay and keep us from falling. I used to sing lots of songs when I was a child to help me learn Bible Verses, because I was not very good at it, and these are becoming popular again. Maybe we can ask our children or grandchildren to teach us!!
3.a) How have you benefited from not only reading the Bible each day, but having it entrenched in your heart?
b) What are some ways that you have been able to learn Bible Verses? What are some verses that have helped you?
c) If you are a new Christian, you may have only just started to read the Bible. Ask a Christian friend or mentor these questions, and maybe try some of their ideas yourself.
Read Psalm 19:14
David summed up this Psalm very simply, asking the Lord to accept the `words of his mouth' and the `meditations of his heart'. God had revealed himself to David through His Works and His Word, and these were silent messages. The meditations of our heart can be silent too, but that doesn't mean that God isn't listening. As we listen to every silent expression of His love, He too knows how much we long to grow in our faith and desire to serve Him, for like David, God is OUR Rock and OUR Redeemer (Defender, Saviour)
"May the words of my mouth and the meditations of my heart be pleasing to you, O Lord, my Rock and My Redeemer." Psalm 19:14
The Bible, New Living Translation (1996) Tyndale Publishers
The Message (2002) Eugene Peterson, NavPress
Living the Psalms (2012) Charles R Swindoll, Worthy Publishers
1. "How to Be Born Again", Billy Graham.
"Glory" - Go Fish (You Tube)
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