Friday, December 27, 2013


INTRODUCTION -   Read Psalm 24

Many biblical scholars agree that David wrote this Psalm after he brought the Ark of the Covenant into the city of Jerusalem. This could be true - we don't really know; but I do believe that David wrote these words to be of great encouragement and assurance to his people.  I know they have been to me and I hope they are to you too.

David started with a reminder - an exultation of God as the GREAT CREATOR, and his greatest creations - the earth and His people He loved.

God created His people for a special purpose - to have a relationship with Him, their SAVIOUR, and to do this they needed to live a life of purity, worship and honesty, seeking God's will not their own, in every area of their lives.

Finally, we are to meet with the KING OF GLORY - our Lord Jesus Christ. Just as David was at the gate of Jerusalem waiting for His people to open it so he could bring the Ark of the Covenant through, Jesus waits at the door of our hearts, waiting for us to open it and let Him in.

1. I had highlighted 2 verses in my Bible that had always been special to me:  about being God's creation and being able to have a relationship with Him.  I had never thought much about the King of Glory?  Now I have even more to ponder on.  What to do feel when you think about God as your Great Creator, Saviour and King of Glory?

GOD -OUR CREATOR  -   Read Psalm 24:1&2

David knew His God, His Creator, personally. I can imagine David as a shepherd or soldier standing on the mountain, or as a king at the window of his palace, looking over God's amazing creation - His earth, and just singing songs of adoration and worship.

I think it would have given him great strength and comfort knowing that God made him. He belonged to this LOVING, CARING, OMNISCIENT God, who knew all about his present and his future life. He didn't have to handle anything alone - all He needed to do was trust in His GREAT CREATOR.

                                           "The earth belongs to the Lord and everything in it - 
                                                             the world and all it's people."
                                                                  Psalm 24:1

2. Is there something today you really need to seek God's comfort and strength in? Remember you don't have to handle it alone. 

WE HIS CREATION  -  Read Psalm 24:3-6

                                         "Who may climb the mountain of the Lord? 
                                                     Who may stand in His holy place?
                                                    Only those whose hands are pure, 
                                             who do not worship idols,  and never tell lies."
                                                                            Psalm 24:3&4

David wasn't perfect but He knew God had created His people for a purpose and that purpose included:


To be able to do these things we need to have pure hearts, to be committed to following and serving only God and to living lives of  honesty and integrity.  David knew this wouldn't be easy which is why he added Verse 6.
                                                  "Try to follow God and look to the God 
                                                        of Jacob for help."  Psalm 24:6

Throughout the Old Testament you will find that the Israelites always knew that they could call on God for help. They sometimes turned away or tried to handle things on their own, but our omnipresent God never turned away from them, and He will never turn away from us, for we always have the promised Holy Spirit.

                               "But the Helper will teach you everything 
                            and will cause you to remember all that  I have told you. 
                        This Helper is the Holy Spirit whom the Father will send in My name.
                       I leave you my peace; my peace I give to you. I do not give it to you as 
                      the world does  So do not let your hearts be troubled or afraid."  
                                                                                           John 14:26&27.

3. Are there any of these things you need to ask the Holy Spirit for help with? 

THE KING OF GLORY -  Psalm 24:7-10

                           "Who is the King of Glory? The Lord, strong and mighty.
                           The Lord, invincible in battle. Gates open wide, aged doors, 
                          so the glorious King will come in. Who is the glorious King? 
                         The Lord all powerful - He is the glorious King."  Psalm 24:7-8

David was not talking about himself when he was talking about this King of Glory.  He was a king yes, and he may have been waiting at the gate of Jerusalem with the Ark of God's Covenant, but I believe he was speaking more prophetically about the King of Kings -Jesus Christ.

He repeats this passage twice, so how important this must have been in God's ultimate plan of creation. Jesus Christ,our strong and mighty, all powerful King is standing at the door of our hearts and He wants us to open it.
                                         "Here I am! I stand at the door and knock. 
                                               If you hear my voice and open the door,
                                      I will come in and eat with you and you with me."  
                                                                           Revelation 3:20

No one can open that door for you. It is your decision.  I opened the door a long time ago, and I let Jesus into my heart, and the exciting thing is that He has never left me. There are many times I have needed that all powerful, glorious, invincible King to help me through some real battles.  He's never let me down.  Things haven't always turned out the way I wanted, but I know I have never been alone. But you see, that's the way OUR GOD - THE GREAT CREATOR, OUR SAVIOUR, OUR KING OF GLORY PLANNED IT!!

New Living Translation, 1996, Tyndale Publishers

"That's The Way God Planned It" - 


Friday, December 6, 2013

Psalm 23 - The Shepherd's Psalm


Read Psalm 23

One of the most well known and most recited of David's psalms would have to be Psalm 23 - his Shepherd's Psalm. It has been put to music in hymns, modern songs and even children's ditties. Poets have also placed their own personal interpretations on the comforting, strengthening words of this psalm.

But what about David? Why did he - a shepherd himself, and a king - write this psalm to His Lord, HIS  SHEPHERD? I believe it was because:  David:

* David knew that the Lord, His Shepherd CARED for him.

* David knew how important it was to TAKE QUIET TIME out each day to be with his His Shepherd.

* David knew that when he was lost and had gone astray, it was His Shepherd who would FIND HIM  and BRING HIM BACK to the right path.

* David knew that even in the darkest valleys of his life, The Lord, his Shepherd would ALWAYS BE CLOSE TO HIM.

* David knew it was only in his Shepherd that he could TRUST to take care of every physical and spiritual need in his life

* David knew that he would be SPENDING ETERNITY with his Lord - his Shepherd, so he had confidence and peace, in life and death.

Do you know these same things? Do you have this same confidence, peace and trust? I hope this psalm is for you, like me, not just another recitation, song or poem; but is truly, like David, a promise that you can take with you each day and keep on your heart.

1. Is Psalm 23 one of your favourite psalms or just something you have learnt at School or Sunday School? Would you like to share about how this psalm has helped you?

THE SHEPHERD CARES  -   Read Psalm 1:1

David himself had been a shepherd so he knew what it meant to care for sheep. He knew the tender feelings a shepherd has for his sheep. He knew how much his sheep needed their shepherd, so in boldness, this was how he was able to speak about His Lord .

"The Lord is my Shepherd, I have all that I need." Psalm 23:1  (NLT)

Isaiah spoke of a caring, nurturing Shepherd, the same Lord that David spoke of.

"Like a Shepherd, He will care for His flock, gathering the lambs in His arms, hugging them as He carries them, leading the nursing ewes to good pasture."  Isaiah 40:11  (The Message)

Later in the New Testament, Jesus identifies Himself as this same `Good Shepherd'.

"I am the Good Shepherd. The Good Shepherd who puts the sheep before Himself, sacrificing Himself." John 10:11 (The Message)

2. What adjectives best describe Jesus, the Lord and Shepherd in your life?


Read Psalm 23:2&3

Francis Rous was born in 1581 to a godly father and mother. Brought up in East Cornwall, he believed, like David that it was necessary to spend quiet time each day in the presence of his Lord and Shepherd. Francis immersed himself in the Word of God and the writings of the early church fathers.

As a `Calvanist Conformist' he believed in salvation through forgiveness of sins and acceptance of Jesus as his saviour.  As a member of parliament he strived for unity in the churches during the Scottish Reformation.

In 1650 Francis Rous contributed to the first metrical (hymn) version of Psalm 23, put together in what is called the Scottish Psalter.  There are a number of different versions, but I like this original one:                    

         The Lord's my Shepherd, I shall not want
         He makes me down to lie.
        In pastures green, He leads by streams
       The quiet waters by. 

        My soul He doth restore again  
        And me to walk doth make.
        On in the paths of righteousness                        E'en for His own name's sake.

             (Francis Rous)        

3. Why do you find it important to spend quiet time with the Lord each day? 


Read Psalm 23:3-5

We can trust our Shepherd, just as David did.

* To GUIDE US along those paths of righteousness, when we might be led astray.  God wants to lead his sheep away from the `dirt and filth' into a godly, righteous life, instructing us to live by His Word. We know there was a time in David's life when he needed his spiritual mentor Nathan, to bring him words from the Lord, and to bring him to his knees and back in right standing with Lord, his Shepherd. The same may be true in our own lives and our Shepherd is waiting for us to take His hand and guide us back to Him.

* To LEAD US through those dark valleys when we feel alone and afraid. He not only LEADS, but he TAKES US THROUGH. He is right there WITH US. His presence gives us strength and encouragement for each day, until we come out of the valley and can see the light ahead.

* To GIVE US all we need for every day life, for both our body and soul. We need our physical hunger and thirst satisfied, but we also need our spiritual desires met, and our Shepherd knows exactly what we need. All we need to do is TRUST HIM.

4. Have you had an experience when you have needed to totally trust the Lord, your Shepherd to GUIDE AND LEAD you?

5. As human beings we naturally like to be in `control' of our lives, but we need to learn to trust the Lord in every area of our lives. It is easy to say, but not always easy to do. Is there an area of your life that you still need to trust God more?


Read Psalm 23:6

A number of years ago, while at a Christmas service, I received the news that my older sister had died. Being Christmas, I wasn't really sure what I was going to say at her funeral. But the night before I awoke with a vision - it was of my mother (s), my father, sisters, my babies, all in Heaven celebrating Christmas with their Shepherd - their Lord Jesus Christ.  I cried at first, as I actually felt a little left out - but then I smiled! What a wonderful time they would be having.

David looked forward to the day when he would be spending eternity with his Lord, a time when there would be `no more crying, no more death, no more sorrow, no more pain.' He would be in the presence of His Shepherd always. What a wonderful eternity we have to look forward to too.

Until then though, we have the Lord's unfailing love, goodness and mercy surrounding us.

5. Are you looking forward to the day when you can spend eternity with the Lord?  What about now - do you know the Lord's unfailing love, goodness and mercy?  


Aunty Dorothy (as we called her) was my special Nanny, just after my Mum died. She loved to write just like me.  My first book was dedicated to her and included her works - one day I intend to have it published.  She had a wonderful faith - she knew her Shepherd's unfailing love, goodness and mercy, and in her last days couldn't wait to meet Him in Heaven. She would have been celebrating at Christmas too.  She wrote this poem and although I wasn't able to be there, I believe it was read at her funeral.

                                           THE SHEPHERD'S PSALM 

                    Horizons were cloudy, cold and dreary, wintry with sleet and rain,
                    And it seemed that the golden sun of joy, never would shine again.
                    But through the gloom came a vision bright, out of the storm came calm -
                    Verses learned at my mother's knee, from the dear old Shepherd's psalm.

                    (Ah, wonderful words of cheer)
                    (Why should I doubt or fear?)
                    Through fearsome gloom, the darkest vale, through pastures green and sweet,
                    He comforts, sustains and helps His own, guiding our faltering feet.

                    So now I sing, though skies are grey and trust through storm and strife.
                     ALL THE DAYS OF MY LIFE'
                     When I enter those golden gates and ties of earth shall sever
                     He promised then, that even I, `SHALL DWELL IN THE HOUSE OF THE LORD
                              Dorothy Gaunson   

`The Bible, New Live Translation' (1996) Tyndale House Publishers

`The Message' (2002) Eugene Peterson, NavPress

"Biography of Francis Rous" , Spiritual Songsters, Stem Publishers.

New Matthew Henry Commentary, Edited By Matthew H Manser.

"In the Palm of His Hand"  - Ruth Cheater & Dorothy Gaunson. 

"The Lord is My Shepherd" - Stuart Townend (You Tube)