Tuesday, July 15, 2014

PSALM 34 - Facing Our Fears

INTRODUCTION - Read Psalm 34

(Taken from my `In the Palm of His Hand' manuscript (1985)

I was in hospital again, having just lost my third child. For some reason this feeling of loss seemed worse than the last two. With Emma I had a photo and with Jonathon there was the memory of holding him in my arms. But this time I had nothing, except the fear that I may never have a child. The doctor had told me my body was just not strong enough to hold a baby.

Not knowing my history and thinking that 3 months was not very long anyway, the radiologist who had taken my scan had told me, `Your baby is dead'. I couldn't take it anymore - this time I just broke down. I decided I was just not meant to be a mother.

Later, I was in hospital - alone and afraid. It was midnight when the nurse heard me crying and had called the hospital chaplain, who just happened to be a good friend of mine. We talked for hours, and then he left me with this words of comfort:

"I sought the Lord and he answered me, and delivered me from all my fears."  Psalm 34:4

After he had left, I closed my eyes and tried to sleep. Suddenly I felt the realization that I wasn't alone. I opened my eyes and saw my mother and the Lord Jesus beside my bed, each with a baby in their arms. My mother spoke with a gentle voice: "Thank you for my grandchildren. I will take care of them for you."

The tears suddenly stopped and for a moment the anger and the fear disappeared. I a had a peace in my heart and a new love for two people I knew would never leave my side again.

DAVID'S STORY - Read 1 Samuel 21 - 22:2;  Psalm 34:1-7

David was running away from Saul who wanted to kill him. He felt alone and afraid. Yet, instead of calling on the Lord for help, he made some plans of his own. He lied, he ate bread he knew was only meant for priests, he took Goliath's sword under false pretenses.  Then he moved on to the next town and discovered another king who didn't like him. Again, overcome with fear and realizing that it was against the law to kill `crazy people', he pretended to be insane.

Whether or not we agree with some theologians and believe that David may have fallen into sin or not; the truth is God was watching over him, and as David shows us in Psalm 34, He was truly his deliverer. When he ran away and hid in the cave, 'the angel of the Lord also made his camp there', and later his loyal soldiers and family would join him.

"For the angel of the Lord is a guard; he surrounds and defends all who who fear Him."
 Psalm 37:7

It was in this cave surrounded by his friends and family, and with God's protection confirmed, David felt his fears fall away. He could sigh with relief, he sought peace and he sung the Lord's praises, calling on his people to join him.

"I will praise the Lord at all times. I will constantly seek His praises....Come, let us tell of the Lord's greatness; let us exalt His name forever."  Psalm 34:1&3

1. a)Put yourself in David's position. When the pressure is on, how are you tempted to compromise your values or convictions?

b) How do you rationalize your actions?

2. Even though David lied, God provided for his needs anyway. Describe a time when God provided for you even though you didn't deserve God's provision.

TEACHINGS OF DAVID - Read Psalm 34:8-14

These next verses in this psalm are the teachings David gave to his young band of followers. He wanted them to learn how to fear the Lord and to Him as he did. He wanted them to live a life that was pleasing to God. These are the things that David had learnt himself and some things that we too should learn:

*To take refuge in the Lord and to trust in Him.
* To keep a reign on our tongues and keep our lips from lying.
* To turn away from evil and do good.
* To seek peace and pursue it.
* To live useful and purposeful lives.

"Taste and see that the Lord is good/ Oh the joys of those who take refuge in Him! Fear the Lord, you His godly people, for those who fear Him will have all they need. Even strong lions go hungry, but those who trust in the Lord lack no good thing."  Psalm 34:8-10

3. Who has God sent to you to help determine His will in your life?

4. God might be equipping you to be an advisor to someone else. What are some things you are doing to prepare yourself to be used by God in this way?


To be "brokenhearted" means that you are hurting inside. You are very, very sad and depressed. We must remember that when we are feeling this way, God is always with us. He wants us to share with Him our broken heart. He will give us help, for He is a caring and compassionate God who has promised us healing and hope.

"The Lord is close to the brokenhearted; He rescues those who spirits are crushed." Psalm 34:18

Life wasn't meant to be easy for God's people. David knew this and as he and his `band of merry men' continued to run and hide from King Saul, they would find out more about the need for God's saving redemption and protection.

"The righteous person faces many troubles; but the Lord comes to rescue him each time. The Lord will redeem those who serve Him. No one who takes refuge in Him will be condemned."
 Psalm 35:19&22

The story at the beginning of the BLOG is only one of the many times I have experienced this feeling of fear and brokenness. When, at my lowest, I have called on God and I felt His saving arms around me. It hasn't always been straight away, for sometimes, like David, I have run away and tried to overcome my trials on my own; but God has always been there waiting for me to turn to Him. Waiting for my PRAYER. Waiting for my PRAISE.

I have learnt, as David did, that journeying WITH God and allowing Him to be your guide is truly a more joyful, peaceful and growing experience.

5. Take a few moments and write a prayer of praise expressing to God your thoughts about your wilderness experience. Thank him for providing refuge, His presence and comfort. Don't be afraid to be honest with your feelings - he already knows what you are thinking about.

`The New Living Bible'(1996), Tyndale Publishing

`The Life of David as Reflected in the Psalms', Alexander McLaren

`The New Matthew Henry Commentary'

`The Treasury of David', Charles H Spurgeon

www.easyenglish.info, `The Fear of the Lord', Gordon Churchyard.

`In the Palm of His Hand', (1985) Ruth Cheater

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