Sunday, March 27, 2016


INTRODUCTION - Read Psalm 46

We do not know who wrote this Psalm, but we do have some idea when it was written. Sennacherib, the King of Assyria was about to attack Jerusalem in 701BC. He was resting with his soldiers outside the walls of Jerusalem. We read about this in 2 Kings 19:34-36.

Speaking about Jerusalem, God said:

"I will protect and save it for myself and my servant David." 1 Kings 19:34

The next morning when the Jews went out to fight the Assyrians they found 185,000 of their soldiers dead from a mysterious illness. Sennaacherib returned to Ninevah and David's city, Jerusalem, was saved.

It is believed this Psalm was written during this time to remind the Jews how much of a protector their God was. It is also a reminder for us today; for God continues to be our `refuge and strength'; an 'EVER PRESENT help in trouble'.

It is these words `EVER PRESENT' that really stand out for me - the idea that God is ALWAYS THERE, and ALWAYS READY when I need Him. I have a lot of family and friends who I know are my refuge and strength, who I can call on in times of trouble; but they are so far away in distance. But I know I have an OMNIPRESENT GOD, that I can truly trust in.

As Martin Luther once wrote (translated by Thomas Carlyle):

"A sure stronghold our God can be
A timely shield and weapon.
Our help He'll be. He'll set us free,
From every trial that happens.

And were the world with devils filled
All eager to devour us.
Our souls to fear shall little yield
They cannot overpower us."

GOD IS WITH US - Read Verses 1-7

Whatever happens - earthquakes, tsunamis - whatever trials we face: GOD IS WITH US! The river is a metaphor for the gracious presence and blessings of the Lord. They are always flowing! God promised to be His protection for His city and His tabernacle, and He promises the same protection to His people and His Church today.

In the last few months I have had the pleasure of visiting a number of churches in Western Australia - some small, some a little bigger. They all had one thing in common - their desire for GROWTH!

1. GROWTH in their personal relationships with the Lord as they fed on the Word of God

2. GROWTH as they reached out in their care ministries to their towns and cities with the message of Christ's love and salvation, bringing others into their Church families.

A few weeks ago as I walked into one of these churches I was prompted by the Holy Spirit to pray for these Churches and their leaders - for their visions and for GOD'S PROTECTION.

This Psalm gives me hope, knowing GOD WILL ANSWER MY PRAYER!

REST AND EXALT THE LORD - Read Verses 8-11

I have read these verses many times before, always stopping at Verse 10: "Be still and know that I am God"; encouraged to STOP! REST! and RELAX!, as I make time for the Lord. I have discovered over the years, there is no way I can develop an intimate relationship with my Lord, without taking time quiet time out to listen and wait on Him.

But there is actually so much more to this passage that I have missed. Verses 8&9 remind us all of what the Lord has done and will continue to do, until He comes again.

 Recently I went to see the move `The Risen' - and actually I think it is actually the best story about the resurrection that I have ever seen; even though they say it was written by an atheist. It tells the story of the Soldier at the Cross who was given the job by Pilate of proving that the disciples had stolen the body, and the resurrection was a hoax. In the end, we see that this soldier was the first among many `heathen' who came to EXALT THE RISEN LORD; including anyone involved with this movie - for I am sure there is no way you could have made it without BELIEVING AND EXALTING OUR RISEN LORD!

"Be still and know that I am God. I will be exalted above the heathen, I will be exalted in the earth." Psalm 46:10

'If the pace and the push, the noise and the crowds are getting to you, it's time to stop!  Find a place of solace and refresh the spirit." Charles R Swindoll.

Remember, in your stillness, exalt the Lord; and pray for the those who are yet to exalt Him.

Holy Bible - New International Version

"Wisdom for the Way" - Charles Swindoll (2001) Thomas Nelson

"The New Matthew Henry Commentary" - Martin.H Manser (2008) Zondervan

"Be Still" - Michael W Smith. (YouTube) (2010)

Saturday, March 19, 2016


INTRODUCTION - Read Psalm 45

Psalm 45 was written by the Sons of Korah as a love song for King Solomon on his wedding day. It is also one of the most well known Messianic psalms, and we read these words in Hebrews, when the Son of God is introduced as the King of Kings.

"You throne of God will last forever and ever, and righteousness will be a sceptre of your Kingdom. You have loved righteousness and hated wickedness; therefore God, your God, has set you above your companions by anointing you with the oil of joy." Hebrews 1:8&9

In Solomon's day they would be singing this as a love song to their King in honour of his great physique and abilities - the fact that he defended his people in "truth, humility and justice". Today we sing the same song to our KING OF KINGS, our Saviour and our Lord, who as the Son of God, humbled Himself and came to earth as a man and took on the sins of the world on the cross. His DEATH AND RESURRECTION are our ultimate justice and victory, for He is our `WAY, TRUTH AND LIFE.'

"And being found appearance as a man, He humbled himself and became obedient to death - even death on the cross! Therefore God exalted Himself  to the highest place and gave Him the name that is above every name,that at  the name of Jesus every knee should bow, in Heaven and on earth and under the earth, and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord,to the glory of God the Father."  Philippians 2:8-11

"I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life. No one comes to Father except through me."  John 14:6

FAIRER LORD JESUS - Read Psalm 1-8

The first verse of this psalm introduces the writer as one who truly loves and admires his king. He is willing to speak out about him with not just any words but with the `beautiful words of a skilful poet'.

As we go on to read this passage we see that the description is not just of an earthly king - a really nice, handsome man - `fairer than the children of men'; but it is indeed a picture of our King of Kings, Jesus Christ.

"Thou art fairer than the children of men: grace is poured in your lips: therefore, God has blessed thee forever."  Psalm 45:2

He is a "mighty warrior", clothed with splendour, majesty and glory. He came forth in his `chariot of love' to coonquer our spiritual foes.

                   "We get our strength from Him, He is mighty to save, mighty to love."
                                                                                     Charles H Spurgeon

The King almighty is eternal. His desire is to rule in justice, righteousness and equity. The sceptre he holds is a golden stick.  He holds it out to his people, as he tells the good things he will do for his people. Jesus, our Messiah, the King of Kings held out His life - "glorious, with sweet swelling virtues".

This psalm was indeed a song about the `Fairest Lord Jesus', just like the hymn written back in 1677. Christians today still celebrate Jesus' unique character - His love, His grace, His splendour and His majesty.

1. How many things can you find in this passage remind you of Jesus?

2. Why is he your `Fairest Lord Jesus'? Write your own poem or song?


According to well known theologians, Spurgeon, Wesley and Matthew Henry, the King's daughter that is being honoured here is not just one of Solomon's wives; but it is a representation of the Church today. The Church is often presented in the New Testament as the `Bride of Christ'.

"They are a royal race embraced by faith. As the queen owes the adorning to the King so we owe our redemption to the precious blood of Christ."  Charles Wesley

As `royal daughters' in the New Testament church, who have accepted the King as our Saviour and Lord, we must put aside our carnal natures and sinful pursuits of the past - even if this means breaking off former alliances.

Jesus, our King loves us, His bride - the Church. We were paid for with a great prize and we have this great robe of righteousness and garments of salvation. Jesus gave us this great gift of goodness (grace and forgiveness). But the only way we can receive them, is to reach out and accept them.

We, the Church are glorious within, but we must also be seen by the virtuous and honourable actions that we do in the world. This is the way we lead others to Christ. If we lead in joy, glad and enthusiastic, others will follow; and together we will celebrate in Heaven.

"Do everything without complaining and arguing. So that you may become blameless and pure, children of God, without fault in a crooked and depraved generation, in which you shine like stars in the universe."  Philippians 2:14

"Led in with joy and gladness they enter the palace of the king." Psalm 45:15

1. What are some of the ways we can joyful witnesses in the world, rather than complainers and arguers, so that others can see Christ in us, and want to follow us to the `palace of the King'?


One of the ways I remember my father was able to lead many people to the Lord was through PRAISE.  He is known best as a man who was forever singing the praises of the Lord - through good and bad times.  This is something I hope I will be known for too, not so I will known so much, but that I will be a light for the Lord Jesus Christ. And I hope and pray my children and grandchildren will do the same!

"I will perpetuate your memory through all generations; therefore the nations will PRAISE YOU FOREVER AND EVER." Psalm 45:17

Holy Bible, New International Version

Bible Study Tools Com. - Matthew Henry Complete Bible Commentary
                                       -  Charles Wesley Commentary - Psalm 45 - Gordon Churchyard.

"Fairest Lord Jesus" - Maranatha Celtic (YouTube - 2012)