Sunday, January 14, 2018


INTRODUCTION - Read Psalm 61, 2 Samuel 15:13 - 19:14

Do you ever remember watching movies at Christmas, or going on holidays yourself, and the children have asked: "Will Father Christmas still find me?" They may have been lost in the middle of no where or on a camping trip. But Santa always finds them, didn't he! I always love those memories, as they remind me of the omnipresence of my Heavenly Father.

In Psalm 61, David is in exile again - this time from his son Absalom who has decided to take over his kingdom in Jerusalem. Feeling like an outcast, he is `feeble and overwhelmed'. With a `sad heart' he cries out to an Omnipresent Father for protection and provision. An Omnipresent Father who has never let him down before!

"For no matter where I am, even when I'm far from home, I will cry out for a Father's help. When I am feeble and overwhelmed by life, guide me into your glory where I am safe and sheltered." 
Psalm 61:2  (TPT)

Later, after the death of his son, he again spends time communing with His Father, and `it is in this presence, where he finds mercy, shelter and quiet rest'. Lifted up, and assured of God's grace and favour, 'he resolves to persevere in his duty as king in Jerusalem'. 

(Dr B Simmons, 2015, M. Henry, 1706, C. H Spurgeon,, 1885)

"You treat me like a king, giving me full and abundant life, years and years of reigning, like many generations rolled into one. I will live enthroned with you forever. Guard me God, with your unending, unfailing love. Let me live my days, walking in grace and truth before you."
Psalm 61:6&7 (TPT)

2017 has not been the best year for me. As I look forward to the new year I have been overwhelmed with depression and anxiety. What does my future hold? Like David, I have two choices. I can remain in exile, allowing self pity and bitterness to `chain myself to hurt' or I can return to my Jerusalem, and take on God's calling for my life - His Kingship! (Max Lucado. 2015)

How does God deal with a bitter heart? Does he remind you to still have a relationship with Him, and continue to serve Him? I hope so. If that is the case, put the past behind you, and like David, trust God for the strength to continue with your mission.  But like David, before you return to your service, make sure you take some time in the OMNIPRESENCE OF THE FATHER!

CALLING ON THE LORD -   Read Verses 1-4

This was not the first time David was in exile, not the first time he had been feeling depressed and anxious, not the first time he begins a Psalm crying out to the Lord for strength and protection.

He knew God was his ROCK and MOUNTAIN - a safe and faithful God. Again, surrounded by enemies, God was like a TOWER, who in the past made soldiers feel strong, safe and sheltered. This was the perfect place to call out to his omnipresent God. 

"Lord, you are a paradise of protection to me. You lift me high above the fray. None of my foes can touch me, when I am held firmly by your wrap around presence." Psalm 61:3 (TPT)

A mother bird has large WINGS and it keeps it's babies sheltered under them from the weather and from predators. David too felt this kind of protection with God's omnipresence, and again was confident to CALL ON THE LORD.

We too can have this same confidence and faith to pray and call on the Lord, for God is our faithful ROCK, our strong TOWER and safe WINGS. This knowledge of God's protection and `wrap around presence' will gives us the encouragement we need.

(W.Jay,2017, C. H Spurgeon, 1885, Dr.B Simmons, 2015)

"So let us come boldly to the throne of our gracious God. There we will receive His mercy, and we will find grace to help us when we need it most."  Hebrews 4:16  (NLT)

 GOD KEEPS HIS PROMISES - Verses 5-8, 1 Samuel 16:6-13

God has promised to abide with us forever, but He also asks something of us - SERVANTHOOD - or in David's case it was KINGSHIP. Right from the beginning, when David was a shepherd boy, God had sent Samuel to anoint him to be king. He was God's chosen!

"But the Lord said to Samuel: "Don't judge by his appearance or his height, for I have rejected him. The Lord doesn't see things the way you see them. People judge by outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart."  1 Samuel 16:7

"There is still the youngest", Jesse replied. "But he's out in the fields watching the sheep and goats."  "Send for him", Samuel said." ......"So Jesse sent for him. He was dark and handsome, with beautiful eyes. And the Lord said, "This is the one; anoint him." "So as David stood there among his brothers, Samuel took the flask of oil he had brought and anointed David with oil. And the Spirit of the Lord came powerfully upon David from that day on."1 Samuel 16:11-13 (NLT)

David now knew he needed to return to lead his people. But he would need God's help. The Holy Spirit has given us all a gift, whether it is in LEADERSHIP, or another area of SERVICE.

"In His grace, God has given us different gifts for doing certain things. So if God has given you the gift of prophesy, speak out with as much faith as God has given you. If your gift is serving others, serve them well. If you are a teacher, teach well. If your gift is to encourage others, be encouraging. If it is giving, give generously. If God has given you leadership ability, take the responsibility seriously, and if you have the gift of showing kindness, do it gladly." 
Romans 12:6-8   (NLT)

"To one person the Spirit gives the ability to give wise advice; to another the same Spirit gives a message of special knowledge. The same Spirit gives great faith and to someone else the gift of healing. He gives one person the power to perform miracles, and another the ability to prophesy.....Still another person is given the ability to speak in unknown languages, while another is given the ability to interpret what is said." 1 Corinthians 12:8-10 (NLT)

Many years ago I was given the gift of seed planting. Over the years I have been able to use this through teaching, as an encourager and more recently as a prayer for leaders in our Churches. Most recently, I am not sure how I am to use it; but I still know I am GOD'S CHOSEN, and because God always keeps His promises for me, I will keep my promise and will continue to serve Him.

CONCLUSION -  Read Samuel 19

After a short time of mourning the death the of his son Absalom, and again spending some time with his Omnipresent Father, David returned to Jerusalem a changed man. Putting his bitterness and grief behind him, he showed forgiveness, kindness and appreciation to those who had cursed him, lied to him, let him down; and on the other side had been loyal and shown him gratitude.

Are you like Shimei?  Do you need to make a humble, contrite confession?   What about Mephibosheth and Ziba - is there a part of your story that hasn't been told? Maybe you are older, but there are still services that you can give to your king. Or maybe, you have been like King David, living in exile - a life of bitterness and grief, that are preventing you from living a full life of service.

David would not return has a king who would show weakness and insecurity. God had given him his throne, and God is not a `motivator for revenge'; but of love, mercy and praise; and this is how David would serve his people and his Omnipresent Father. 

David forgave Shimei and Jesus is ready to forgive you. Mephibosheth was content to let Ziba have all the property, because David's reign was more important to him than his personal enrichment, just as Jesus's reign in our hearts should be important to us. Barzillai was a man of great resources and he used these to help David, a servant of the Lord. He gave out of a right heart and in gratitude was given the honour of living in Jerusalem with the king. We too have the honour of `laying up treasure in Heaven, and being rich toward God'.    (D.Guzik, 2002)

"He delighteth in mercy. I do believe that the harps of heaven never give to Christ such happiness as He has when he forgives the ungodly, and saith, `Thy sins are forgiven; go in peace." Charles Spurgeon

"My praises will fill the heavens forever, fulfilling my vow to make everyday a love gift to you." Psalm 61:8  (TPT)

LUCADO, Max ,2007, "The Devotional Bible, New Century Version", Thomas Nelson. 

SIMMONS, Dr B, 2015, "The Passion Translation", Broadstreet.

"The Holy Bible, New International Version", 2011, Biblica Inc. 

GUZIK, David, 2002, "The Kingdom is Restored to David."- 2 Samuel 19, Blue Letter Bible

HENRY, Matthew, 1706,  "Commentary on Psalm 61", Blue Letter Bible

SPURGEON, Charles H,1885,  "Treasury of David", Christianity, com

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