INTRODUCTION - Read Psalm 66
Although most psalms and songs of praise have been attributed to David, this one is likely to have been written during the time of King Hezekiah, who had overcome a time of great affliction, and not only had a heart filled with gratitude, but he always called on his people to join him.
It is likely to have been written 'just after they had won another battle with the Assyrians', and they were remembering not only this victory and salvation, but also how God has 'saved their people', the Israelites, from the Egyptians, and 'brought them to this promised land'. (Gordon Churchyard, 2001)
The psalm writer, whoever he may be, had confidence in a merciful, loving God, and he wanted to express his praise and worship with 'enthusiasm and grateful devotion'. His songs of praise flowed from a heart truly filled with gratitude. He delighted in praising God and called `on the whole earth' to join him.
He gives us guidelines for our praise:
1. Worship and awe of God's omnipotence.
2. Thanksgiving for God's salvation and protection.
3. A reminder of God's everlasting love, mercy and restoration.
Let's join with all God's people in singing and shouting His praises!
1. PRAISE & WORSHIP FOR GOD'S OMNIPOTENCE - Read Psalm 66:1-7, Exodus 12,
2 Kings 18&19, 2 Chronicles 32
The Psalmist calls everyone, everywhere to bring joyous, glorious praise and worship to the Lord; thanking Him for His great and powerful miracles.
"Every year the Jews have a Passover. They have done this for 3500 years, to remember when God took their ancestors out of Egypt to the Promised Land." (Gordon Churchyard, 2001).
They probably use this psalm during this time.
They are continually praising Him in recognition of His ultimate triumph over His enemies, every time they have a physical battle. We can do the same, whether it is is a physical or spiritual one.
"So great is your power that your enemies cringe before you..... Come let us rejoice in Him. He rules forever in His power. His eyes watch the nations - let not the rebellious rise up against Him." Psalm 66:3&7 (NIV)
The Psalmist chose these events to show how God cares for His people, not just as a `passive observer but as a an active participant' in our lives. (David Guzik, 2018)
2. GOD'S SALVATION & PROTECTION - Read Psalm 8-15, 2 Kings 20:1-11,
2 Chronicles 29-31
"Praise God all you peoples. Praise Him everywhere and let everyone know you love Him. There's no doubt about that; GOD HOLDS OUR LIVES SAFELY IN HIS HANDS." Psalm 66:8&9 (TPT)
Now it gets personal - what God has done in our lives, He will continue to do. HE HAS SAVED US, and HE WILL CONTINUE TO PROTECT US! Things may seem bad at times, but if we trust in Him, we can have faith it will get better.
God blesses us, but sometimes the blessing comes with trials and tests. Our backs may be loaded with afflictions and burdens, and we may find these weights hard to bear, but God has show us in the past that He will bring us through.
I love reading the story of King Hezekiah. Oh, he faced many afflictions, but the Lord refined him through those experiences. He came through them, `not bitter, but better'. (Omar C Garcia, 2018)
King Hezekiah made vows to the Lord in his distress and he didn't forget his promises when God helped him through his trial. He was determined to express his gratitude through his offerings; and as we see in this psalm - they were HIS BEST OFFERINGS - 'an expression of his enthusiastic and grateful devotion'. (Omar C Garcia, 2018)
"In everything that he undertook in the service of God's temple and in obedience to the law and His commands, he sought his God and worked wholeheartedly. And so he prospered."
2 Chronicles 31:21
This too is what the Lord asks of us today. Oh, not the burnt kind, as in the days of the King Hezekiah and the Israelites, but what He asks is OURSELVES.
"Therefore, I urge you brothers and sisters, in view of God's mercy, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God - this is your true and proper worship." Romans 12:1 (NIV)
3.GOD'S LOVE, MERCY & RESTORATION - Read Psalm 66:16-20
"If I had cherished sin in my heart, the Lord would not have listened; but God had surely listened and has heard my prayer. Praise be to God, who has not rejected my prayer or withheld his love from me." Psalm 66:18-20 (NIV)
Does it often feel like your prayers are not being answered? It is easy to get discouraged and give up. The Psalmist often felt the need to seek the Lord in prayer, to confess not only his iniquities but those of his `fathers'.
These last verses of Psalm 66 express the psalmist' gratitude for God's goodness and mercy. He acknowledged that unanswered prayer is usually due to unconfessed sin. But still the Lord has an open heart, and is ready to listen to us.
We need to remind ourselves that when we cry out to the Lord HE DOES LISTEN! He has in the past, and HE WILL IN THE FUTURE. God's gift of love and mercy are not something we deserve, yet it signifies our 'unbroken relationship with God' - the greatest reason for PRAISE AND WORSHIP OF OUR HEAVENLY FATHER. (David Guzik, 2018)
"All you lovers of God who want to please Him, come and listen, I'll tell you what He did for me. I cried to Him with all my heart. HE ANSWERED ME! Now my mouth overflows with highest praise." Psalm 66:16 (TPT)
This psalm is one of praise and worship, calling to all of God's people to think about God's power and magnificence, his salvation and continual protection and restoration of our lives. It was written as a song, with both words and music, expressing gratitude for God's goodness, mercy and love.
The Psalmist was anxious for others to see and hear about God's greatness and what He had done in His life and for his nation.
We too need to continue with our praise and worship, not just because it is part of our Church liturgy, but because we want others to know about His love, and how thankful we are for what He has done for us.
The Holy Bible, New International Version, 2011, Biblica.
The Passion Translation, 2017, Passion & Fire Ministries.
Churchyard, Gordon, 2001, "Home and Away - Psalm 66", Assoc.
Garcia, Omar C, 2018, "Psalm 66 Commentary",
Guzik, David, 2018, "How Everyone Can Praise God", www.enduring
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