Sunday, March 14, 2021


 INTRODUCTION: Read Psalm 85; 2 Kings 25:27-30,  Ezra 2:1&2, 3, 4:1-5; 7:1- 27, 8:15-23; Nehemiah 4:1-23, 8:1-10.

Psalm 85, another of the Sons of Korah, seems to fit of the period of the Israelites return to Jerusalem from their exile from Babylon. There are 3 groups of people and 3 leaders:

1. Zerubbabel was a political and religious leader who "spearheaded" the rebuilding of the Temple.  A part of the nation had returned to the ruined city of Jerusalem, poor settlers of mixed nationalities - a fallen Temple and a mourning land; surrounded by jealous and powerful nations. 

When Zerubbabel `came marching into town', you would think he would given the people hope. Instead, because he came with orders from King Cyrus, he was faced with distrust. Zerrubbabel was an aristocrat, born in captivity, after his parents had been exiled to Babylon. He was also the grandson of King Jehoiachin, the last king of Judah, who had status in the royal Babylonian court. "What right did he have to claim to be "Governor" over their land?"

Not only that, he refused help when it was offered, and the locals in Jerusalem did everything they could to prevent the building of the temple. The returning exiles were only able to lay the foundation of the temple.  It wasn't till 15 years later that building resumed with encouragement from the prophets Haggai and Zechariah. The temple was finally completed in 516BC.

2. Later, Ezra led a spiritual revival of worship and study of the Law of the Lord. Ezra was a priest, a direct descendent of Aaron. These descendents that returned in this time could only live in a small area of the homeland, and they faced many challenges and struggles.

"For Ezra had devoted himself to the study and observance of the Law of the Lord, and to teaching His decrees and laws in Israel." Ezra 6:10

Ezra's account of their return from exile spoke of a God who kept His promises to His people. Through his prayers and teaching Ezra was able to encourage God's people as they re-learnt His laws, repented of past sins and started a spiritual revival in their land.

3. Nehemiah, the third leader, directed the political restoration of the people, encouraging peace and excitement for future Jerusalem. God moved the hearts of secular rulers, and through prayer and his work as Governor, Nehemiah was able to gather the people together, delegating builders, to rebuild the walls and protect the city.

Nehemiah was soft hearted, yet he was a strong motivator. He was able to handle the opposition of the enemies with "fearless conviction", "authentic devotion to prayer" and "no compromising of God's laws". The walls were finished in 52 days. 

"Nehemiah said, "Do not grieve, for the joy of the Lord is your strength." Nehemiah 8:10b

This story confirms that God has plans for our future. No matter how difficult our circumstances, He promises to support us. God faithfully restored His people as they were diligent in obeying His Word. 

John Calvin, the well known 16th Century revivalist preacher, connects this restoration of Israel with the future Kingdom of Christ. This too is seen in Psalm 85. We see the "continuation of God's grace" as He restores His people and promises, not only His people Israel, but also Christians today, "His future blessings."

GOD'S MERCY and FORGIVENESS - Read Psalm 85:1-3

We know that God has great love for the land of Jerusalem, but HE ALSO LOVES HIS PEOPLE. God is merciful and gracious and wants to forgive and forget our sins. 

How often when we sin, do we feel guilty, because we feel that God is angry with us? I have some great news for you! Not just because of God's great mercy and grace, but we now have the atoning blood of His Son Jesus, that gives us relief knowing WE ARE SAVED. We are not only FORGIVEN, but GOD'S ANGER HAS PASSED, and "OUR GUILT WILL TURN INTO GLADNESS".

"Every believer in Jesus enjoys the blessing of pardoned sin, all of it, every spot, every wrinkle; the veil of love has covered all. Sin has been divinely put out of sight." Charles Spurgeon.

"Who is a God like You, who pardons sin and forgives the transgression of the remnant of His inheritance? You do not stay angry forever but delight to show mercy. You will again have compassion on us, you will tread our sins underfoot, and hurl our iniquities into the depths of the sea."  Micah 7:18&19

"And by that we will have been made holy through the sacrifice of the body of Jesus Christ once for all." Hebrews 10:10

                              "THE LORD CAN CLEAR THE DARKEST SKIES
                        CAN GIVE US DAY FOR NIGHT.
                       MAKE DROPS OF SACRED, SORROW RISE
                      TO RIVERS OF DELIGHT." Charles Spurgeon


Revival means: "Finding joy in nothing else than having a relationship with Jesus Christ". True revival is impossible WITHOUT JOY! We need to be people centred around PRAISE AND THANKSGIVING. We need to enjoy the visitations of the HOLY SPIRIT, and need to abound in the "constant delight" that we are in GOD'S PRESENCE.

"Speak to one another in psalms, hymns and songs from the Spirit. Sing and make music from your heart to the Lord, always giving thanks to God the Father for everything, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ."     Ephesians 5:19&20

In this Psalm, the writer gives thanks for continued revival and restoration in their land. Jonah did the same when God answered his prayers for Ninevah. We too should pray for our land, and give thanks for how God is working in our Churches and in the lives of individual people. 

"But I, with shouts of grateful praise, will sacrifice to you. What I have vowed, I will make good. I will say: "SALVATION COMES FROM THE LORD." Jonah 2:9

"Will you not revive us again, that your people may rejoice in you? Show us your unfailing love, Lord, and grant us Your salvation."  Psalm 85:6&7

God is unchangeable. He is still the same as He was when this Psalm was written, and so are His mercy and love. If we are waiting for times of refreshment and revival, all we need to do is ASK. When we pray we should come to Him in CONFIDENCE, BOLDNESS AND HUMILITY, pleading with our Saviour and trusting in God's power and salvation.

"Revival is a work of GOD'S MERCY. It isn't earned or deserved. God graciously grants TRUE REVIVAL."  David Guzik. 

True revival is a demonstration of God's work of salvation in His people. God has always been "rich in favour" with His people Israel, and He will continue to open His arms and heart to us.

GOD'S ATTRIBUTES - Read Psalm 85:10-13

These verses are a beautiful description of God's character - HIS LOVE, MERCY, FAITHFULNESS, RIGHTEOUSNESS AND PEACE. Later in the New Testament we see these traits described in God's precious Son Jesus Christ. 

"Mercy and Truth Have Met Together" - Verse 10a

The Hebrew word for "mercy" is "hesed" meaning: "his grace and loyal love". Truth will be renewed by God's grace, as we trust in Him. When God looks down in grace upon us, we look upward in obedience, and God's promises are fulfilled.

"Righteousness and Peace Have Kissed" - Verse 10b

How could this happen, except in Christ's great work of salvation. God will give good things to His repenting people. When we are brought back to follow His way of righteousness, God will abundantly bless us with peace.

"Faithfulness spring forth from the earth and righteousness looks down from Heaven. The Lord will indeed give what is good and our land will yield its harvest. Righteousness goes before Him and prepares the way for His steps."  Psalm 55:11-13

God's voice is OMNIPOTENT. All we need to do is wait patiently and He will act. He will act with mercy, meekness and gentleness, but also in great strength. We also know our God is OMNIPRESENT, "always near at hand". Whether our nation be "under adversity" or we have a personal struggle, we know that God is close by, ready with encouragement. 


Israel was a glorious, blessed people when they became faithful believers - with restoration and revival in their land. We too can live in the glory and presence of the Lord, but more than that, we can look forward to an eternal life with our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ.

"For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have ETERNAL LIFE. For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but TO SAVE THE WORLD THROUGH HIM." John 3:16&17 (NIV)

GUZIK, David, 2020, "Psalm 85 - Praying for Revival and Restoration", ewm@enduring

NAPPA, Mike, 2019, "Who was Zerubbabel in the Bible?",

SPURGEON, Charles, 2021, "Treasury of David, Bible Commentary" ,

SWINDOLL, Chuck, 2021, "Ezra - True Man of the Word"; Nehemiah - God's Masterwork - Softhearted, Hardhat.", Insight for Living

WIKIPEDIA, Psalm 85.

"The Holy Bible, New International Version", 2011, Biblica, Inc

MOEN, Don, 1995, "God is Good all the Time" , You Tube

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