Saturday, April 23, 2022


INTRODUCTION - Read Psalm 103, 1 Kings 2, 2 Samuel 24

This is a PSALM OF DAVID, probably written in his last days, wanting to leave a legacy to his son Solomon who he was soon to anoint as the new king;  and the people of Israel, who he had endeavoured to serve as a "man after God's own heart". In HUMILITY and GRATITUDE, David praised God, as he had many a time before, for all GOD'S GOODNESS, MERCY AND LOVE.

The first few verses, 1-5, speak of what God has done for David personally, specifically in the area of FORGIVENESS.  In Verses 6-18, David goes on to speak of what God has done for all  His people. Again, in his great LOVE AND MERCY, he recalls how the Israelites were delivered out of slavery in Egypt. Finally, in Verses 19-22, we read  how David, nearing the end of his life, is hoping to sing GOD'S PRAISES with the Angels in Heaven.

In the final scenes of David's life, we read of both good and bad times. Words of godly advice as he anoints his son, but also the desire to "settle an old score" and disobeying God's will, with the census. He became a "flawed hero". Yet, he still seeks forgiveness from God, and returns to Him. Though, in his life, he had "turned away from God" for short moments, GOD NEVER LEFT HIM.

There is no escaping the consequences of wrong doing, just like David. But with the FORGIVENESS AND MERCY OF OUR FATHER, like David, we are STILL ABLE TO PRAISE HIM. David wants to give us too, a LEGACY OF PRAISE, and a reminder of who God truly is.


In this first part of this Psalm King David reminds himself that in all that he has done in his life - good and bad - in his inner most being, he still needs to PRAISE THE LORD. Hebrew is the language David speaks and "all that I am" means his "soul" and "everything that is in him". This is how we too need to PRAISE THE LORD. We also need to PRAISE HIS "HOLY NAME" because He is pure and sinless, God has never done anything wrong. 

"All that I am, PRAISE THE LORD. Everything in me, PRAISE HIS HOLY NAME. My whole being, PRAISE THE LORD, Do not forget all His kindness." Psalm 103:1&2 (ICB)

"PRAISE THE LORD, my soul; all my inmost being, PRAISE HIS HOLY NAME. PRAISE THE LORD, my soul, and forget not all His benefits." Psalm 103:1&2 (NIV)

"The "PIT" mentioned in Verse 4 was the place the Jews named Sheol, where they believed they went when they died. When God forgives us, we are REDEEMED (SAVED) from this PIT. On his death bed, David would have been glad to have known this. The GREAT MERCY OF GOD, would have given him a place in Heaven, rather than Sheol (the Pit).

"The Lord forgives me from all my sins. He heals all my diseases. He saves my life with GRACE, He loads me with LOVE and MERCY." Psalm 103:3&4 (ICB)

"David felt this LOVE OF THE LORD and had a great passion for GOD WHO WAS WITH HIM. Deep within his heart, he had this THIRST FOR GOD and a DEEP DEPENDENCE ON HIM. This was how his relationship began, with humility and a deep need for Him, and this is why he would pass it on." El Centro Network

Even in His final days, David felt GOD'S STRENGTH, like a "young eagle", a large bird "flying through the sky strong and free."   When God forgives us, we feel like David felt, and we definitely want to PRAISE GOD IN HOPE.

"He satisfies your desires with good things so that your youth is renewed like an eagle." 
                                                                      Psalm 103:5 (NIV)

"But those who trust in the Lord will find new strength. They will sour high on wings like eagles. They will run and not grow weary. They will walk and not faint." Isaiah 40:31 (NLT)

THE ATTRIBUTES OF GOD - Read Psalm 103:6-18;         Exodus 3,4,12:31-15:21; 1 Chronicles 29:1-20

In these verses David talks about the "Covenant People" - the Israelites. They agreed to LOVE and OBEY GOD. God told Moses His plan to take His people out of Egypt, and HE WAS FAITHFUL TO HIS PEOPLE. 

"But Moses told the people, "Don't be afraid. Just stand still and watch the Lord rescue you today. The Egyptians you see today will never be seen again. The Lord Himself will fight for you. Just stay calm."  Exodus 14:13&14 (NLT)

"Moses told the people of God that there home with God was there DWELLING PLACE. Do you have this thirst for God and this spontaneous outburst of your soul that makes you want to lives in GOD's TRUE DWELLING PLACE." El Centro Network

Why does God want this for us?


"The Lord is COMPASSIONATE AND MERCIFUL, slow to get angry and filled with UNFAILING LOVE. For His UNFAILING LOVE TOWARRDS US who fear Him is as great as the height of the Heavens above the earth. He has removed our sins as far from us as the East is from the West."
                                                          Psalm 103:8, 11&12 (NLT)


"The Lord is like a father to His children, TENDER AND COMPASSIONATE to those who fear Him." Psalm 103:13 (NLT)

God made us and knew what we were like from dust. He knew that our lives were short, like flowers. He is righteous with us, just as He was with His people - the Israelites - who obeyed Him. 

It is true today, as it was in the past,  YOUR LIFE AND YOUR LOVE FOR GOD is going to make a difference. GOD PROMISES THAT HIS LOVE and MERCY  NEVER ENDS, and He will always CARE for our children and grandchildren, even more than we do. His LOVE AND COMPASSION is so OVERWHELMING! You see, God sees the BIGGER PICTURE! You, too, like David, can have a LEGACY OF PRAISE, when we remember  GOD'S MERCY, LOVE AND COMPASSION.

"Then David said to the whole assembly: "GIVE PRAISE TO THE LORD YOUR GOD!" And the entire assembly praised the Lord, the God of their ancestors; and they bowed low and knelt before the Lord and King." 1 Chronicles 29:20 (NLT)

JOIN IN ANGEL's PRAISES - Read Psalm 103:19-22;                  1 Kings 2:1-5

This Psalm ends with David speaking of the Angels, God's Servants, PRAISING GOD IN HEAVEN. David too, was a servant of God, and he knew that his days were numbered. Heaven was God's home, and David soon hoped that he would be able to sit at the throne of his Father God. He too would be able to JOIN IN THE ANGEL'S PRAISES. 

These may have been the last words that David set down in a Psalm. His thoughts centred on God's dynasty, and He himself who was a "man after God's own heart". 

"PRAISE THE LORD, everything that He has created, everything in all His Kingdom. LET ALL THAT I AM, PRAISE THE LORD." Psalm 103:22 (NLT)

CONCLUSION - Read Psalm 103; 1 Chronicles 29:10-13

David urges everyone to PRAISE GOD. He talks of God's FAITHFULNESS, MERCY AND LOVE; and praises Him personally with His people, and then we would hope with the angels in Heaven.
We are to avoid allowing God to become so "commonplace" that we forget to praise Him. PRAY DAVID'S PSALM OF PRAISE - HIS LEGACY. 

In 1834 the British Clergyman Henry Francis Lyte wrote this hymn, "PRAISE MY SOUL, THE KING OF HEAVEN", as a development of Psalm 103. Like David, Lyte urged us not to forget the Lord's benefits: "ransomed, healed, restored, forgiven".  He also indicates  "God is slow to chide" and "quick to bless". 

This is a GREAT SONG OF PRAISE, and was chosen by Queen Elizabeth to be sung at her wedding. It is something that can help us maintain our spirit of WORSHIP AND PRAISE, just like DAVID's LEGACY.

"David praised the Lord in the presence of the whole assembly saying, "Praise be to the Lord, the God of our father Israel, from everlasting to everlasting. Yours, Lord is the GREATNESS and the POWER and the MAJESTY and the SPLENDOUR, for everything in Heaven and earth is yours. Yours, Lord, is the Kingdom, You are exalted as Head over O GOD WE GIVE YOU THANKS AND PRAISE YOUR GLORIOUS NAME." 1 Chronicles 29:10,11 &13

Lyte, Henry Francis, "Praise  My Soul the King of Heaven", 1834, The Spirit of Psalms,. (Commonwealth Service, 2022, Wesminster Abbey)

"The Holy Bible - International Children's Bible: Magnify", 2015, Tommy Nelson

"The Holy Bible - New International Version", 2011, Biblica

"The Holy Bible - New Living Translation", 2015, Tyndale House Publishers

Alexander, Pat & David, "The Lion Handbook of the Bible - 4th Edition", 2009, Lion Hudson.

Churchyard, Gordon, "Psalm 103 - The Love of God", 2002, Wycliife Association,

El Centro Network, "David - A Man After God's Own Heart", 2002, New Version

Lucado, Max, "The Devotional Bible, Experiencing the Heart of Jesus, New Century Version", 2003, Thomas Nelson

Peterson, William & Ardythe, "The Complete Book of Hymns", 2006, Tyndale Publishers

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