Friday, September 1, 2023


 INTRODUCTION - Read Psalm 126, Ezra 3, Nehemiah 9, Jeremiah 29. 

Psalm 126 is often associated with the Israelites return from exile. They came back to Jerusalem to rebuild their city and their Temple. Many commentators believe it may have been written by either Ezra or Nehemiah, famous leaders and "prophets" in that time. This Psalm is still a part of the collection of the "Songs of Ascent" - a "prayer book" for the Pilgrims coming to Jerusalem for their "annual festivals". 

It is a community song of TRUST AND CONFIDENCE in their Father God. He brings CELEBRATION - JOY AND LAUGHTER out of SORROW AND TEARS. It was also a song of THANKSGIVING  - GRATITUDE for what God had done for them in the past, and will continue to do for them.  This was a "song of restoration and freedom", as the Lord returned His people to their homeland. 

"With praise and thanksgiving they sang to the Lord: "HE IS GOOD. HIS LOVE FOR TOWARDS ISRAEL ENDURES FOREVER". And all the people gave a great shout of praise because the foundation of the House of the Lord was laid." Ezra 3:11 (NIV)

"Stand up and PRAISE THE LORD YOUR GOD for He lives from everlasting to everlasting." Then He prayed: May YOUR GLORIOUS NAME BE PRAISED! MAY IT BE EXALTED ABOVE ALL BLESSING AND PRAISE! You alone are the Lord. You made the skies and the Heavens and all the stars. You made the earth and the seas and everything in them. You preserve them all, and the angels of Heaven WORSHIP YOU." Nehemiah 9:5-6  (NLT)

They were celebrating personal experiences, as once again in their history, God had rescued them from their exile. It seemed "too good to be true", but IT WAS TRUE, for God  kept His promises. It was like a "inspiring revival" in the Christian Church today, and they were astounded at God's work. Their response was LAUGHTER AND SINGING.

"For I know the plans I have for you" says the Lord, "plans for good and not disaster, to give you a future and a hope." Jeremiah 29:11 (NLT)

SINGING FORTH JOY - Read Verses 1-3, Nehemiah 9

"When the Lord restored our fortunes in Zion, we were like those in a dream. OUR MOUTHS WERE FILLED WITH LAUGHTER AND OUR TONGUES WITH SONGS OF JOY. " 
Psalm 126:1&2a (NIV)

These 1st Verses, 1-3, express the Israelites joy at their return and their praise and thanks for God's blessings to them. 

In the Southern Desert, the Negev, their are "river-beds", which for moost of the year remain dry. When the rain comes, "the water rushes down in torrents". The "parched Negev springs to life"- like a "winter waterfall" of God's grace. 

"As the harvest follows the time of planting, God can be counted on to complete His restoration work." Mark Thornfelt. 

"Then it was said among the nations, "THE LORD HAS DONE GREAT THINGS FOR THEM." The Lord has done great things for us, and we are FILLED WITH JOY." Psalm 126:2b&3 (NIV)

The sense of amazement at GOD'S GREATNESS was not only from God's people, but their joy was seen by surrounding nations too. Sometimes people will "LOOK ON AND SEE" God working in our lives. They see:


People can see our new work for God, or JOYFUL PEACE and our CONFIDENT JOY. They too ARE GLAD!

"His mercy was so unexpected and amazing, that they could not do less than laugh. They laughed much so that their mouths were full of it, and their hearts were full too." Charles Spurgeon

"The joyful, celebration was not contained to God's people. Onlooking nations had to proclaim the work belonged to Yahweh. and that was TRULY GREAT." David Guzik

The Psalmist heard what the other nations were saying, and he too knew that God had indeed done great things for him and his people. This was joyful peace that he declared, not hyped up enthusiasm. This was a CONFIDENT JOY, and this is what the Psalmist declared when he wrote: "WE ARE GLAD - FILLED WITH JOY".

"But in your GREAT MERCY you did not put an end to them or ABANDON THEM, for you are a GRACIOUS AND MERCIFUL GOD." Nehemiah 9:31 (NIV)

GRIEF TURNING INTO JOY - Read Psalm 126:4-6,                   Nehemiah 8

"Those who SOW WITH TEARS will REAP WITH SONGS OF JOY. Those who GO OUT WEEPING, carrying seeds to sow, will RETURN WITH SONGS OF JOY, carrying their sheaves with them." Psalm 126:5&6 (NIV)

In the second half of this Psalm - Verses 4-6, we are reminded that the exiles, under the leadership of Ezra, had a lot of hard work ahead of them, rebuilding the Temple. The RESTORATION had only JUST BEGUN! These verses tell of the JOY that will come from their GRIEF. 

These verses find God's people finding encouragement and strength, as they recollect what God had done for them - a mixture of SORROW AND JOY. Tears sowed in faith will bring a "TRUE HARVEST". In the joy of these pilgrim's SONG OF HARVEST, they indeed enjoyed this. But still, they knew there was more "hard work" and "persecution" to come - days that would bring them GRIEF. But if they trusted in God's Word as Ezra and the Levites had been teaching them, they would definitely find JOY.

"Ezra praised the Lord, the GREAT GOD; and all the people lifted their hands and responded: "AMEN! AMEN! Then they bowed down and WORSHIPPED THE LORD with their faces to the ground.......The Levites read the book of the Law, making it clear and giving it meaning, so that the people understood WHAT WAS BEING READ."   Nehemiah 8:6&8 (NIV)

"This is a wonderful PROMISE - great and powerful, that our TEARS AND SORROWS need not be wasted. but can be sown for a JOYFUL HARVEST to be received in a better season."  
David Guzik.

"This day is holy to our Lord. DO NOT GRIEVE, for the JOY OF THE LORD IS YOUR STRENGTH." Nehemiah 8:10b

These verses in this Psalm are also a prayer for God's deliverance and restoration. GREAT JOY  proceeded by TEARS. Hard work , sown in tears, will lead to JOY. But some people want the JOY without the HARD WORK. We will have difficulties in our life that we need to endure. Tears sown in faith WILL have a JOYFUL HARVEST. Don't think you are done when you receive both SORROW AND JOY!


"There are a great many people who want to have the "JOY OF THE LORD" before they receive Jesus Christ as their Saviour. They don't know why they are FULL OF JOY. But this is the GOSPEL ORDER: we have JOY when JESUS COMES INTO OUR HEARTS because HE IS THE AUTHOR OF JOY." Dwight L Moody

"Christianity should be a HALLELUJAH from the head to the toe." St Augustine of Hipppo - cited in Spiritual Disciplines.

An "atmosphere of celebration" should always be in the life of the Christian, even in dificult times. We are "redeemed by the blood of Christ" and we should "shine with JOY".

"Celebration and the joy that comes with it, are a result of what you look at." Spiritual Disciplines. 
A Christian with a"Heavenly perspective" understands that everything on earth is TEMPORARY. This JOY FLOWS because we know we are CHILDREN OF GOD. Nobody can steal this joy from us. The good news that comes with the knowledge that JESUS DIED FOR US, and WE ARE SAVED, comes with "healing of our broken heart". We are the "target of God's love and search.

What other motives do we need for JOY AND CELEBRATION!


"Psalm 126", Isacc Wardell (Composer), Sojourn Music (Performers), 2015, Sojourn Music. com

"Come on and Celebrate" , Patricia Morgan (Composer), Ingrid Du Moch (Performer), 1984/2023, Vimeo Free Videos/You Tube

"The Holy Bible - New International Version", 2011, Biblica Inc.

"The Holy Bible - New Living Translation", 2015, Tyndale House Publishers.

Alexander, Pat & David, "The Lion Handbook of the Bible - 4th Edition," 2009, Lion Hudson Publishers

Guzik, David, "Psalm 126 - Amazed at God's Work.", 2020,

Moody, Dwight L, "The Works of Dwight L Moody", 2012, Golgotha Press

"Spiritual Disciplines", 2023, You Version

Spurgeon, Charles, "The Treasury of David - Commentarty on Psalms", 1885/2021,

Thornvelt, Mark, "Commentary on Psalm 126 - 5th Sunday in Lent", 2013,

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