Sunday, October 8, 2023


 INTRODUCTION - Read Psalm 129, 2 Corinthians 5:11-21

This is the 10th Psalm in what we know to be the "Psalms of Ascension". It is a PRAYER OF SURVIVAL for the Jewish people. They also PRAISE THE LORD for what He has done for them IN THE PAST, and what they knew He would do for the IN THE FUTURE. We too can praise the Lord for these same things.

Israel - the Jewish people have been through a lot of affliction, both during Biblical Times and in our modern history. The Church - "God's New Covenant people" - have also stood firm through persecution and SURVIVED. Like the Jews, we have also brought trouble on ourselves, but we have been "graciously delivered."

"One might say that the chief accomplishment of the Jewish people, was SURVIVAL. The Jes are the longest enduring ethnic people on this planet. They have been slandered, hated and pursued, but they have SURVIVED IN TACT." James Boice - cited by David Guzik. 

Many Christians are still persecuted for their faith today, but GOD IS SOVEREIGN, and HE WILL OVERCOME. God promises to preserve HIS COVENANT - both old and new - with both the Jews and Christians. 

"The enemies of the Jewish people have not ultimately prevailed against them. Israel's foes are strong and clever but they are not GREATER THAN GOD." David Guzik

"You dear children, are from God and have OVERCOME THEM, because the One who is in you IS GREATER than the one who is in the world." 1 John 4:4 (NIV)

"The Lord all powerful says: "In that day I will BREAK THE YOKE from their necks and SNAP THEIR CHAINS. Foreigners will no longer enslave them. Instead, THEY WILL SERVE THE LORD THEIR GOD." Jeremiah 30:8&9  (NIV/NLT)

GOD'S GOODNESS TO THE AFFLICTED -                         Read Psalm 129:1-4; Hebrews 11:35&36; 1 Peter 4:12&16


"They have greatly oppressed me from my youth. Let Israel say, "They have greatly oppressed me from youth."  Let Israel say, "They have greatly oppressed me from youth.", but they have not gained victory over me." Psalm 129:1&2 (NIV)

These Verses at the beginning of this Psalm are the AUTHOUR'S TESTIMONY, and he encouraged the Israelites to share THEIR TESTIMONY too. They had experienced affliction and persecution from a young age - "my youth" - but their enemies had never fully succeeded. Many countries over the years have tried to wipe out the Jews, but they have had little success. 

"I've been wounded over and over again, but the Lord has intervened every time, delivering me from my enemies." Paul LeBoiutillier

"They looked back with thankfulness for their former deliverances, God had wrought for them and their fathers, in the many distresses they had experienced over time." Matthew Henry


Jesus defines persecution as:

* Verbal abuse.
* Mocking
* Prevailed evil.
* Being reviled and lied about.

We, too, like the Jews have survived this persecution by TRUSTING IN THE LORD. For God's promises were fulfilled in the "New Covenant", through Jesus Christ, through his deathg and resurrection. We too, are resurrected people!

"He died for everyone, so that they would receive HIS NEW LIFE, no longer living for themselves. Instead, they live for Christ, who died and was RAISED FOR THEM....... For God made Christ, who had no sin, to be sin for us, so that we night become the RIGHTEOUSNESS OF GOD."
                                                                          2 Corinthians 5:15&21 (NLT/NIV)

"If you are insulted because you bear the name of Jesus, you will be blessed, for His glorious spirit rests on you." 1 Peter 4:14 (NLT)

"Others were tortured, refusing to turn from God, in order to be SET FREE. They placed their HOPE in a better life. Some were jeered at and their backs were cut whips. Others were chained in prison. Sonme died by stoning, some were shaved in half and others were killed with the sword." 
                                                                 Hebrews 11:35-37 (NIV)

"We must actively remind ourselves of what God has done for our spiritual ancestors and for us. We must continually enter into the story of REDEMPTION  as we have been personally living it from the beginning." John Greco


"My back is covered with cuts, as a farmer has plowed long furrows. But the LORD IS GOOD. He has cut me free from the ROPES OF THE UNGODLY." Psalm 129:3&4 (NLT)

The devil wants to "grow despair" in the "furrows of the afflicted". God wants to GROW JOY AND GLADNESS - a "bunker crop from those same furrows." The afflictors did not prevail because GOD INTERVENED, by "cutting the ropes of the oxen". God "grows a crop in the soil of our pain." The devil - our enemy - DOES NOT WIN, if we "rejoice in our afflictions". If we return with bitterness and hatred, THE DEVIL WINS; but if our "crop is full and abundant", we can come through the trial and WE WIN.

"We must live as though the furrows on the backs of the ancient Israelites coming out of Egypt, are our own." John Greco

In our own efforts, we are a mess, but the "grace of God is more than adequate" to pull us through.The Holy Spirit is our COMFORTER and Jesus Christ is our SAVIOUR.

"The effect of our sins are not bound by time. Thankfully, neither is the GRACE OF GOD.  The Psalmist finds FAITH IN HIS OWN SITUATION, by remembering what the Lord did for His people so many years before: "He has cut me free from the chords of the wicked." You and I can find the same strength when we see ourselves belonging to the long and winding true story of REDEMPTION. What He did for them, He does for us." John Greco

A PRAYER FOR OUR ENEMIES - Read Psalm 129:5-8,     Psalm 5


"May all who hate Zion (Jerusalem) be turned back in shame. May they be like grass on the rooftops, turning yellow and withering, before it can grow." Psalm 129:5&6 (NIV/NLT)

The second half of this Psalm is a BELIEVER'S PRAYER for the "destruction of Israel's enemies". They would be turned back in shame and their plans would not succeed. Grass that grows on the roofs of the houses in the Middle East, quickly withers with the warm sun. Like Israel's enemies, they are "short-lived."

"Grass and other seeds dropped on or were blown onto flat  clay roofs of houses,and the roots would  begin to grow; but quickly they burned up in the heat of the sun." Pat & David Alexander


Like a number of different Psalms of David, this is an "imprecatory psalm" - provoking judgement, calamaties and destruction on the enemies of God's people. But you are not to call this judgement down for "reasons of spite and anger" - because people may be annoying you. 

David was a "charitable" person - he showed this in his character when he didn't kill Saul - one of his greatest enemies - when he had the chance. But as a soldier and king, in battle, David was a "fearsome warrior."  He wanted God to destroy His enemies and those of his people. 

"Pronounce them guilty, O God! Let them fall by their own counsels. Cast them out in the multitude of their transgressions, for they have rebelled against you." Psalm 5:19 (NKJV)

"Lord, may all your enemies perish. But all those who love you rise like the sun with its power." 
                                                                                              Judges 5:31 (NIV)

Paul was another servant of the Lord that believed that there were times when God needed to bring down His judgement on a sinful world. Both David and Paul were inspired men of  God. They knew their were also times to show mercy, and this was also part of Jesus' teaching.  

"Consider, therefore, the kindness and sterness of God: sterness to those who fell, but kindness to you, provided that you continue in His kindness. Otherwise, you also will be cut off."                                                                                                                    Romans 11:22 (NIV)

"Don't speak evil against each other, brothers and sisters. Anyone who judges a brother and sister is speaking against the law...... God alone is the only LAWGIVER AND JUDGE. He alone has the power to SAVE AND DESTROY. Who are you to JUDGE YOUR NEIGHBOUR."                                                                                                           James 5:11&12 (NLT/NIV)

CONCLUSION: Loving Our Enemies - Read Psalm 129:8, Psalm 5; Matthew 5:43-48

"You have heard that it was said, "Love your neighbour and hate your enemy". But I tell you, LOVE YOUR ENEMIES and pray flor those who persecute you, that you may be the children of your Father in Heaven" Matthew 5: 43-45 (NIV)

"May those who pass by not say to them: "The blessing of the Lord be on you; we bless you in the name of the Lord." Psalm 129:8 (NIV)

As Jesus told us in the Gospels, we still need to "LOVE OUR ENEMIES". As we received GRACE FROM GOD we need to show HIS FORGIVENESS. It may be that we, as God's followers, will still receive HIS BLESSING, but we also need to show it to those we find it difficul to love and forgive.  We need to be witnesses of the Gospel of Jesus Christ, living His way, so "our enemies" might decide to do the same - for our Lord's GRACE AND SALVATION ARE FOR EVERYONE. 

"It's that same all consuming story that allows us to receive salvation. Jesus died once for people throughout history, rescuing those who died in faith before He came and saving people down through the centuries who look back to the cross." John Greco

"Scripture is about SALVATION. We receive FORGIVENESS when we become Christians and are DELIVERED FROM SIN." Douglas Wilson

There are still many people who hate God and His people. "There is still PERSECUTION", of Jews, Christian and God's Church. So what ought we to pray? God's WORDS OF JUDGEMENT or His WORDS OF GRACE. There is a place for judgement, but we must remember, that GOD'S LOVE AND MERCY ARE GREATER. 

"Lead me, Lord, in your righteousness because of my enemies - make your way straight before me....... But lets all who take refuge in Him BE GLAD, and let them ever SING FOR JOY. Spread your PROTECTION over them, that those who love your name may rejoice in Him." 
                                                      Psalm 5:8&11 (NIV)

"The Holy Bible - New International Version", 2011, Biblica

"The Holy Bible - New King James Version", 1982, Thomas Nelson

"The Holy Bible - New Living Translation", 2015, Tyndale House Publishers

ALEXANDER, Pat & David, "The Lion Handbook to the Bible," 2009, Lion Hudson Publishers

GRECO, John, "The Songs of Ascent - A Devotional Adventure in the Book of Psalms", 2022, Broadstreet Publishers

HENRY, Matthew; HENRY, Michael,  "Concise Commentary on the Whole Bible", 1828/2003, Thomas Nelson

GUZIK, David, "Psalm 129 - Afflicted Yet Confident in God's Deliverancde", 2020,

LEBOUTILLIER, Paul, "Psalm 129 - The Lord Cuts the Chords of My Enemies." 2020, Calgary Chapel, Ontarion (You Tube). 

WILSON, Douglas, "Psalm 129 - From the Soils of Pain", 2021, (You Tube)

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