Sunday, November 11, 2018


INTRODUCTION - Read Psalm 69, Read 1 Samuel 17-22, 2  Samuel 5, 6, 8, 11-15, 21&24

When David wrote this Psalm he was in deep distress. This could have been at many times in his life, for as we read his story in full, we have found that he had many reasons to cry out to the Lord for deliverance.

1. When Saul and his armies were chasing him and David had to go into hiding. (1 Samuel 18-22)

2. When he was was fighting those giants, the Philistines and many other enemies.
(1 Samuel 17&29); (2 Samuel 5, 8 &21)

3. When his own son Absalom was against him, trying to taking his his throne.  (2 Samuel 13-15)

4. But the hardest of all would have had to have been when facing his own inner battles with pride, guilt and temptation. (2 Samuel 6, 11-12, 24)

David discovered that God was his only help in these times of need. All he needed to do was reach out to Him.

"In my distress I prayed to you Lord, and the Lord answered me and set me free. The Lord is for me, so I will have no fear. What can mere people do to me?" Psalm 118:5-6 (NLT)

"I sought the Lord and He answered me, and delivered me from all my fears." Psalm 34:4 (NIV)

"Prayer spawned David's success......"he strengthened himself in the Lord His God" (1 Samuel 30:6) When Saul's soldiers tried to capture him, David turned toward God....When David soaked His mind in God, He stood! When he didn't, he flopped! Do you think he spent much time praying the night he seduced Bathsheba? Did he write a psalm the night he murdered Uriah? Invite God's help. Pick up the stone of prayer/"  (Max Lucado, 2006)

"You have been my defense and refuge in my day of trouble."  Psalm 59:16  (NIV)

CRYING OUT TO THE LORD - Read Verses 1-12

The more David cried out to the Lord in his weariness, the more relief he received, and his faith and hope were strengthened. 

"Falling down is the first step to learning to walk." Bob Gass (2002)

David was God's chosen and blessed King. The enemy knew he had `God given potential', and he was out to stop him reaching it. Part of David's inner being was eager to serve God, but the other part, 'the sinful nature', needed to go to God daily for strengthening. In God's presence he was able to see himself as God saw him. 

"At the POINT OF REPENTANCE COMES RESTORATION. When God lifts you up your spirit is revived and your body, mind and emotions are healed. Prayer puts s shield of DIVINE PROTECTION around you. Don't live without it! " Bob Gass (2002)

Confession of sin is very serious. Our supplications need to be earnest. Only then, our pleas, like David's, can be POWERFUL.

"Save me, save me, O God, from sinking and despairing." Hebrews 5:7

Like David, we need to believe in God's restoring and healing power. We need to have a "zeal for God" and a reason for hope.

DAVID'S REQUESTS - Read Verses 13-21

In these next verses we read of David supplications:

1. "But I keep calling to you, Lord! I know you will bend down to listen to me, for now is the           season of favour. Because of your great love for me, your answer to my prayer will be my sure         salvation........Oh Lord God, answer my prayers! I need to see your tender kindness (mercies),         your grace, your compassion, and your constant love."    Psalm  69:13&16 (TPT)

David begins with a pleading for God's mercy and truth. He was very committed to a his servitude of the Lord and found it hard at times to cope with the `spiteful reproaches' he received when he fasted and prayed. We too often face these difficulties, but like David we should grasp God's grace and "continue to speak  well of God under these hardships."

Jesus pleaded for mercy from His Father, for He knew the reproach, shame and dishonour He would face. He knew that His enemies would soon stand before, but He is also knew that it was up to Him to take on the sins of the world on the cross, the sign of His Father's `mercy, grace, compassion and constant love.'

2. "Come running quickly to your servant. In this deep distress, come and answer my prayer. Set me free so my enemies cannot say that you are powerless.  Come closer as a friend and redeem me.....You know what I am going through, and you see it all."
 Psalm 69:17-19 (TPT)

David continually pleaded with the Lord when faced with distress and affliction. He remembered trials of the past, but most of all he remembered the victories. This gave him strength to face the future. 

"Write today's worries in sand, chisel tomorrow's victories in stone." Max Lucado  (2006)

Jesus knew that He would suffer his death on the cross, but He also knew the victory of His resurrection. 

3. "I was hungry and they gave me bitter food. I was thirsty and they offered me vinegar." 
       Psalm 69:21 (TPT)

David pleaded the unkindness of his friends and his disappointment in them. He was feeling hurt and let down. They had failed him, especially in times when he needed encouragement. 

Jesus would face this worse suffering of all as His true followers, His disciples, would forsake Him and leave Him at His time of need. 

We can't expect the same from God, for "He is our omnipresent Father of mercy and the God of all comfort and consolation."

PROPHECIES - Read Verses 22-29

These next verses are also prophecies for those Jews who were not only David's enemies, but would later be the crucifiers of Christ.

1. Their table would be a snare - they would live in fear. Their"feasts' would turn to ashes. They would be "feeble, trembling continually"
2. They wouldn't have the comfort of peace, but would be blinded, "groping around in the dark.".
3. They would fall under God's anger and indignation. 

"Pour out your fury on them all! Consume them with the fire of your anger." Psalm 69:24 (TPT)

"Salvation cannot save those who are not willing to be ruled by it." Matthew Henry

4.Their nation would be in ruin. They would not only lose their homes, but their temple and their possessions. They would become "homeless and desolate". 
5. Those that are self willed and proud will not come into God's righteousness. They will be cut off from all hope of having happiness. Their `names will be blotted out of the book of life.'

"Pile on them the guilt of their sins! Don't let them ever go free! Leave them out of your list of the living! Blot them out of your Book of Life." Psalm 69:27&28  (TPT)

Matthew Henry Commentary, 2018, BlueLetterBible. 
Dr Brian Simmons, The Passion Translation, 2015, Broadstreet

JOY & PRAISE - Read Verses 30-36

David, as usual, concludes his psalm with praises, thanksgiving and songs of joy. 

"I will praise God's name in song and glorify Him with thanksgiving." Psalm 69:30 (NIV)

Often we treat THANKSGIVING as an extra in our time with God. Even though David was feeling down, a thankful heart was his key to entering God's presence. As he reflected on the events of his life, He was reminded that GOD WAS MERCIFUL, LOVING AND FAITHFUL.

'Sincere praise fans our small spark of faith into a large blaze.' God is our constant admiration. God is always at work in our lives, first, as we see in David's life, then as you draw Him to yourself. By resolving to praise God, David encourages his people to praise Him too. Acknowledging humble praises are more pleasing to God than costly sacrifices.


David had fought battles with giants, had run away and hid from his enemies, and had faced those inner demons of pride, guilt and temptation. Still, his faith remained strong in His Heavenly Father, because He continued to realize that God would always be with Him. All he needed to do was REACH OUT TO HIM for DELIVERANCE!

The Holy Bible, New International Version, 2011, Biblica

Simmons, Brian, "The Psalms - Poetry on Fire", The Passion Translation, 2005, Broadstreet.

Henry, Matthew, `Commentary on Psalm 69" ,2018, Blue Letter Bible.

Bass, Bob, 2002, "Help, I'm Being Tempted", Synergy Publishers. 

Lucado, Max, 2006, "Facing Your Giants - God Still Does the Impossible', Thomas Nelson

Saturday, September 29, 2018

PSALM 68 - A Song of Victory and Celebration

INTRODUCTION - Read Psalm 68, 1 Samuel 4-6, Exodus 37-40

This Psalm of David was written during a celebration procession, when David was bringing the Ark of the Covenant back to Jerusalem. There is a lot of praise for the provision and protection that God gives His people.

David was a man "after God's own heart" whose greatest desire was to serve as king over God's people, as God desired of him. That doesn't mean he was perfect. We know he made lots of mistakes and he failed, but in those times we saw how he came back to God and aligned himself with His will. This was one of those times.

In David's day, the central place of worship was the `tabernacle', with the centre being the Ark of the Covenant, for this was where where God's glory and presence was believed to dwell. Under Saul's reign, this emphasis of worship had been neglected, and the Ark of the Covenant had been carted off by their enemies. It had been "left to gather dust for 30 years in the house of a priest", but was no longer cherished by the Israelites.

The Ark of the Covenant had been so important to their ancestors, the Lord had given Moses specific directions on how it was to be built and carried. Everywhere the Ark went with God's people's, God's present rested. When David too over the throne, David realized the Ark of the Covenant was not in it's rightful place - with God's people in Jerusalem. There was no central place for worship and the Israelite's heart for God and their spiritual walk had dwindled.

As David writes this psalm he is encouraging his people by reminiscing about the past and giving them hope for the future. He is giving them a choice - to continue in the way Saul had been living, in fear of God; or they could live as God wanted them to, "in joy, rather than despair."

Here David is rejoicing and celebrating in victory the return of the Ark to Jerusalem, with the sound of music and praises. The delight of obedience beating in his heart. But it wasn't always that way!

HISTORY - Read 2 Samuel 6,   1 Chronicles 13&15, Exodus 25:12-14. 

The Ark of the Covenant was not just any piece of furniture, it was absolutely holy, and God had given careful instructions about how it should be carried. He also said it should only be carried by Levites and the poles were to be held on their shoulders. But this is where David got `a little bit lazy'.
In his exuberance, he wanted it to get to Jerusalem quickly and the easiest way he knew how.

They had gathered near the home of the priest Abinadab. His two sons Ahia and Uzzah are put in charge of the Ark's transport - 'ON A HORSE DRAWN WAGON'. Trumpets blast, songs erupt and all goes well; for the first couple of miles. Then the road gets a little rough; the oxen stumble, the wagon shakes and the Ark shifts. Uzzah extends out his hand to steady it - and 'HE DIES'.

Why did he die? It seemed like the right thing to do - it was practical after all. He was just stopping the Ark from falling and maybe even breaking. But think, if they had been carrying it the way God commanded in the first place, maybe it wouldn't have fallen. You see, Uzzah knew the law. He was a priest, a descendent of Aaron, and the Ark and been in the house of his father all his life. He had grown up with it. Yet maybe he had `adopted David's no care attitude': "We need to get it down there. Who cares how we do it, as long as it is done." Could this be what had made God angry? Could it had been his disobedience? Could it have been that Uzzah, having been around the ark so long, had simply forgotten the holiness that it represented, `becoming too familiar with an irreverent attitude'. Or simply, Uzzah felt it was `his responsibility' to save the Ark, rather than putting his faith in God.

And what about David, standing by the corpse, angry at God, and maybe a little angry at himself? Maybe he was feeling a little unworthy, a little guilty for letting the Lord down. Is this how we feel when we do things how way, rather than God's? Deeply distressed, David returned to Jerusalem, leaving the Ark in the home of Obed-Edom. He was receiving all the blessing of God's presence, while David sought the Lord's grace and His will, and while his people continued to suffered.

Three months later, David called on the priests, and this time, they would follow the Lord's directions.

"They used special poles to carry the Ark of God on the shoulders as Moses had commanded, JUST AS THE LORD SAID THEY SHOULD." 1 Chronicles 15:14-15 (NIV)

This time they didn't hurry. They stopped for sacrifices and worship along the way. They had the presence of God with them, and this was the reason for David's celebration. When we begin to care about the things God cares about, we become people, like David, `after God's own heart'. Finally, the Ark of the Covenant is brought into Jerusalem, and what is David doing?

"David was dancing before the Lord with all His might and David was wearing a linen ephod. David and all the house of Israel were bringing up the Ark and shouting with the sound of a trumpet."  2 Samuel 5:14-16 (NIV)

Why are they so happy and excited? Because they are rejoicing before God in OBEDIENCE. What more could they want? When you receive GOD'S GRACE, you are free to CELEBRATE and the more confident you are in GOD'S PRESENCE, as a `man or woman after God's heart', the more you want to sing His praises.

Lucado, Max, 2006, "Facing Your Giants", Thomas Nelson
Swindoll, Charles, 1997, "Great Lives: David, A Man of Passion & Destiny", Thomas Nelson
Got Questions, 2018, "Why did God strike Uzzah dead for Touching the Ark of the Covenant."

SALVATION & VICTORY - Read Psalm 1-14

"God, go before us, and take care of our enemies. It's too dangerous ahead without you. The spirit of confident dependence is appropriate for every believer." David Guzik, 2018

David wanted the people to begin their worship by extolling God. He had taken care of them in the past by giving them victory over their enemies; and he has been their Saviour and Protector when he first brought their families out of Egypt, through the wilderness into the land which they now possess - Jerusalem.

"The most oppressed in Egypt were chained and imprisoned, but the Divine Emancipator brought them forth into perfect liberty. He who did this of old continues His gracious work." Charles Spurgeon.

In Verses 7-1, David reminds his people how God had been with their ancestors in the wilderness and provided for their needs. As God was with the Israelites in the wilderness, HIS MIGHT was on their side. No other nation could defeat them when they walked in God's presence. They were also PROVIDED FOR, never suffering hunger or thirst.

"As part of their provision God sent them plentiful rain in their needy time. This care for them confirmed the special place Israel had in His heart and plan. THEY WERE HIS INHERITANCE." David Guzik, 2018

In the next verses, 11-14, David remembers God's protection in battle. The people of God had come from humble circumstances, yet they shared in David's victories. He is a God of salvation and "His victory is total"! What more could they be glad about.

"May the righteous be glad and rejoice before the Lord. May they be happy and joyful." 
                                                                                                     Psalm 68:3 (NIV)

FUTURE BLESSINGS - Read Psalm 68:15-23

The Lord did not choose any mountain to `set his people upon'; it was one of the greatest mountains. They were to be a people who would be feared and honoured.

Bashan was an impressive mountain, part of Israel's heritage. Yet God favoured Mt Zion. Ancient Israel never had many chariots but God always protected them in battle, and fought for them. God has power greater than a million chariots, and he often chooses the weak to confound the strong.

The Lord daily blesses His people, and He will continue to give us salvation and victory!

"What a glorious God! HE GIVES US SALVATION over and over, then daily He carries our burdens. Our God is a mighty God who SAVES US OVER AND OVER."  Psalm 68:19 (TPT)

THE CELEBRATION OF GRACE - Read Psalm 68:24-27

The bringing of the Ark of the Covenant to Jerusalem was not David's parade, but God's procession - all the honour went to Him.

"As the Ark, the throne of the invisible God leads the procession up to its resting place, it's progress is a VICTORY MARCH completing the exodus." (Kidner)

The small tribe of Benjamin had a prominent role, showing wonderful grace on David's part, as this was the tribe Saul had belonged to. 

"God's people have seen your VICTORY MARCH; God, my King, marched into the Holy Place."
                                                                                           Psalm 68:24 (NIV)


David was grateful for his victories but he knew there would be challenges ahead. He prayed for strength, as these victories would be a great FOUNDATION for the future. David was confident that with God's presence in their midst, he and his people would survive and thrive.

"Give it up for God, for HE ALONE HAS ALL STRENGTH and power! Proclaim His majesty! For His glory shines down on Israel. His mighty strength soars in the clouds of glory. God, we are consumed with awe, trembling before you as your glory streams from your Holy Place. The God of power SHARES HIS MIGHTY STRENGTH with Israel and with all His people. GOD! WE GIVE OUR HIGHEST PRAISE TO YOU."   Psalm 68:34&35  (TPT)


With the Ark of the Covenant safely in Jerusalem, and it is now again their central place of worship.  David and his people were now celebrating their victory. With their highest praises they looked forward to a promising future, with David as their king and God as their Sovereign.

Do you want to be free to celebrate your victories like David and the Israelites? Then remember that God is Sovereign is of your life, become a `man or woman after God's heart', be obedient to His will, and make sure His presence is abiding in your home, your work and your life.

The Holy Bible, New International Bible, 2011, Biblica.
The Passion Translation, 2017, Passion & Fire Ministries. 

Guzik, David, 2018, "The Victorious Procession of God to Zion.", Enduring Word

Sunday, September 16, 2018



This is a Psalm of David written for the Chief Musician, who in a Spiritual sense could be God Himself. In a practical sense it was for the leaders of David's choirs, Hemor and Asaph. Beginning with the Aaronic Blessing, it was pronounced by the High Priests on the people of Israel. This blessing - GOD'S GRACE - is also for us today.

"The Lord bless and keep you; the Lord make His face shine upon you and be gracious to you; the Lord turn His face toward you and give you peace." Numbers 6:24-26 (NIV)

To 'BLESS AND KEEP YOU', simply means to watch over you and give you the good things you need. 'BEING GRACIOUS' means to be `kind' and forgiving when 'you don't have to be' or don't feel like it. When 'GOD MAKES HIS FACE SHINE UPON YOU', He is gracious and blessed. He is happy, `with a big smile on His face'. (Gordon Churchyard, 2001)

But this graciousness and blessedness did not stay with the Israelites, it went out to the whole world, along with His goodness through SALVATION, which is also available to us today. David knew God's mercy and grace, and he wanted all His people to know it. As Max Lucado reminds us: "His grace erases guilt, His oversight removes fear, His direction removes confusion."

"Next time your day goes South, here is what you do. Step yourself into the grace of God. Saturate your day in His love. Marinate your mind in His mercy." Max Lucado, 2006. 

David had even a bigger vision - He wanted God glorious, happy face to shine all over the world, and he wanted the PRAISES OF THE LORD to be heard.

"There is something wonderful about a lot of people praising God, and our walk with God is incomplete until we are praising Him." David Guzik, 2018

What does real joy mean? It is a happiness you feel deep, down inside. God does many things that show His power and this inner joy leads to an "inner awe - a good sort of fear of God" (Gordon Churchyard, 2001) All nations should sing with this inner joy and awe, and this should make us even more excited and determined to live in God's grace and to tell others about His salvation - "more passionate about spreading the Gospel". (David Guzik, 2018)

"May the people praise you, O Lord. May all the people praise you." Psalm 67:3&5  (NIV)

This psalm was written in harvest time, probably for the Harvest Festival. The abundance of their harvest, their food and also their children and families was another reason the Israelites had for praising the Lord. It is also another reason we can continue with our praises.

"God created us to experience HIS GRACE and  HIS SALVATION and to consequently enjoy HIS PRAISE. When we do this, the earth itself is happy because people are doing what God created it to do. BLESSING IS THE RESULT!" David Guzik, 2018

The Holy Bible, New International Version, 2011, Biblica

Churchyard, Gordon, 2001,"Psalm 67 - The Whole World for Jesus", www.easyenglishbible. 

Guzik, David, 2018, "A Missionary Prayer", www.blueletterbible.

Lucado, Max, 2006, "Everyday Deserves a Chance", Thomas Nelson Inc. 

Sunday, August 12, 2018


INTRODUCTION - Read Psalm 66

Although most psalms and songs of praise have been attributed to David, this one is likely to have been written during the time of  King Hezekiah, who had overcome a time of great affliction, and not only had a heart filled with gratitude, but he always called on his people to join him.

It is likely to have been written 'just after they had won another battle with the Assyrians', and they were remembering not only this victory and salvation, but also how God has 'saved their people', the Israelites, from the Egyptians, and 'brought them to this promised land'. (Gordon Churchyard, 2001)

The psalm writer, whoever he may be, had confidence in a merciful, loving God, and he wanted to express his praise and worship with 'enthusiasm and grateful devotion'. His songs of praise flowed from a heart truly filled with gratitude. He delighted in praising God and called `on the whole earth' to join him.

He gives us guidelines for our praise:  

1. Worship and awe of God's omnipotence.
2. Thanksgiving for God's salvation and protection.
3. A reminder of God's everlasting love, mercy and restoration.

Let's join with all God's people in singing and shouting His praises!

1. PRAISE & WORSHIP FOR GOD'S OMNIPOTENCE - Read Psalm 66:1-7, Exodus 12, 
2 Kings 18&19, 2 Chronicles 32

The Psalmist calls everyone, everywhere to bring joyous, glorious praise and worship to the Lord; thanking Him for His great and powerful miracles.

"Every year the Jews have a Passover. They have done this for 3500 years, to remember when God took their ancestors out of Egypt to the Promised Land." (Gordon Churchyard, 2001).  

They probably use this psalm during this time.

They are continually praising Him in recognition of His ultimate triumph over His enemies, every time they have a physical battle. We can do the same, whether it is is a physical or spiritual one.

"So great is your power that your enemies cringe before you..... Come let us rejoice in Him.  He rules forever in His power. His eyes watch the nations - let not the rebellious rise up against Him." Psalm 66:3&7 (NIV)

The Psalmist chose these events to show how God cares for His people, not just as a `passive observer but as a an active participant' in our lives. (David Guzik, 2018)

2. GOD'S SALVATION & PROTECTION - Read Psalm 8-15, 2 Kings 20:1-11, 
2 Chronicles 29-31

"Praise God all you peoples. Praise Him everywhere and let everyone know you love Him. There's no doubt about that; GOD HOLDS OUR LIVES SAFELY IN HIS HANDS."  Psalm 66:8&9 (TPT)

Now it gets personal - what God has done in our lives, He will continue to do. HE HAS SAVED US, and HE WILL CONTINUE TO PROTECT US! Things may seem bad at times, but if we trust in Him, we can have faith it will get better.

God blesses us, but sometimes the blessing comes with trials and tests. Our backs may be loaded with afflictions and burdens, and we may find these weights hard to bear, but God has show us in the past that He will bring us through.

I love reading the story of King Hezekiah. Oh, he faced many afflictions, but the Lord refined him through those experiences. He came through them, `not bitter, but better'. (Omar C Garcia, 2018)

King Hezekiah made vows to the Lord in his distress and he didn't forget his promises when God helped him through his trial. He was determined to express his gratitude through his offerings; and as we see in this psalm - they  were HIS BEST OFFERINGS - 'an expression of his enthusiastic and grateful devotion'. (Omar C Garcia, 2018)

"In everything that he undertook in the service of God's temple and in obedience to the law and His commands, he sought his God and worked wholeheartedly. And so he prospered."
 2 Chronicles 31:21

This too is what the Lord asks of us today. Oh, not the burnt kind, as in the days of the King Hezekiah and the Israelites, but what He asks is OURSELVES.

"Therefore, I urge you brothers and sisters, in view of God's mercy, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God - this is your true and proper worship."  Romans 12:1 (NIV)

3.GOD'S LOVE, MERCY & RESTORATION - Read Psalm 66:16-20

"If I had cherished sin in my heart, the Lord would not have listened; but God had surely listened and has heard my prayer. Praise be to God, who has not rejected my prayer or withheld his love from me." Psalm 66:18-20 (NIV)

Does it often feel like your prayers are not being answered? It is easy to get discouraged and give up. The Psalmist often felt the need to seek the Lord in prayer, to confess not only his iniquities but those of his `fathers'.

These last verses of Psalm 66 express the psalmist' gratitude for God's goodness and mercy. He acknowledged that unanswered prayer is usually due to unconfessed sin. But still the Lord has an open heart, and is ready to listen to us.

We need to remind ourselves that when we cry out to the Lord HE DOES LISTEN! He has in the past, and HE WILL IN THE FUTURE. God's gift of love and mercy are not something we deserve, yet it signifies our 'unbroken relationship with God' - the greatest reason for PRAISE AND WORSHIP OF OUR HEAVENLY FATHER. (David Guzik, 2018)

"All you lovers of God who want to please Him, come and listen, I'll tell you what He did for me. I cried to Him with all my heart. HE ANSWERED ME! Now my mouth overflows with highest praise." Psalm 66:16 (TPT)


This psalm is one of praise and worship, calling to all of God's people to think about God's power and magnificence, his salvation and continual protection and restoration of our lives. It was written as a song, with both words and music, expressing gratitude for God's goodness, mercy and love.

The Psalmist was anxious for others to see and hear about God's greatness and what He had done in His life and for his nation.

We too need to continue with our praise and worship, not just because it is part of our Church liturgy, but because we want others to know about His love, and how thankful we are for what He has done for us.

The Holy Bible, New International Version, 2011, Biblica.
The Passion Translation, 2017, Passion & Fire Ministries.

Churchyard, Gordon, 2001, "Home and Away - Psalm 66", Assoc.
Garcia, Omar C, 2018, "Psalm 66 Commentary",
Guzik, David, 2018, "How Everyone Can Praise God", www.enduring

Saturday, June 9, 2018


INTRODUCTION - Read Psalm 65

Psalm 65 is one of  David's less known "songs of praise". Little is known about the occasion of this psalm, but because the theme is one of thankfulness, particularly for flocks and grains,  it is likely to have been used for Harvest Festivals,   perhaps the Feast of the Tabernacles. Like many other 'praise psalms' it began as a prayer, with David reminding us that God always answers us when we confidently come to Him in faith.

"You are the God who answers prayer; all of  humanity comes before you with their requests" 
Psalm 65:2

"Call to me and I will answer you and tell you great and unsearchable things you do not know." Jeremiah 33:3

David also shared with us His personal experiences of God, as MERCIFUL, FAITHFUL, OMNIPOTENT, RIGHTEOUS AND OMNIPRESENT. David was a great inspiration of hope, joy and confidence for his people, and he wanted them to take hold of the truth that God would take care of their every need - big or small - even the simple things like food and water.

"In the Kingdom of Grace, He hears our prayers, pardons our sins, satisfies our souls, protects and supports us. In the Kingdom of Providence, He fixes the mountains, calms the seas, preserves the day and night, and makes our earth fruitful."  Matthew Henry."

GOD'S GLORY - IN PRAYER -   Read Psalm 65:1-4;  Matthew 6:8-13

These first five verses of Psalm 65 are very similar to prayer that Jesus gave to disciples, generations later.

                         "Our Father in Heaven, hallowed be Your Name,
                           Your Kingdom come, Your will be done,
                           On earth as it is in Heaven.
                           Give us this day our daily bread.
                           Forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors
                           And do not lead us into temptation, but deliver us from evil."
                                                           Matthew 6:8-13

It began with silent praise, in awe of a great God; for David wanted to give his Father all the glory. He then went on to remind us that "GOD ALWAYS ANSWERS OUR PRAYERS".

"God comes first, and only then can we receive our daily bread. If you don't get that priority straight, you'll never have power in prayer" (Bible Study Tools, 2018)

One of the other reasons people don't always have their needs met is "they don't ask". "You deny yourself when you don't ask, for prayer is the key that unlocks Heaven's treasury."  (Bible Study Tools, 2018)

Though we are overcome with sins (debts), this is a good time to come before the Lord in confession, for David again reminds us, "HE WILL FORGIVE THEM ALL." Because of God's great mercy and the ultimate sacrifice of His Son Jesus' life on the cross for our sins; we can have VICTORY over our temptations and be delivered from the evil one.

The Holy Courts or Holy Temple are representations of God's Heavenly Sanctuary - the Kingdom of God - where God has "power and glory" and we can again bring our praise in His presence.

"Seek first His kingdom and His righteousness, and all these things will be added unto you." 
Matthew 6:33


While looking at the glory of God we can't go by the wonders of His creation and His omnipotence.

1. He "established the earth" and "by His own strength He made the mountains". He "set them fast" and "still keeps them". We can still have that same strength and courage if we put our trust in our Father God.

2. He "stills the sea" and it is quiet. The sea can be very noisy and threatening, especially when there is a storm; but when God pleases, He can still the waves and calm the storm. Remember when Jesus gave proof of His divine power and "commanded the winds and the waves and they obeyed Him. Do you want this same calm in the storm of your lives? Reach out and touch the hand of the Father and His Son.

"The child of God in seasons of trouble should fly at once to Him who stills the sea: nothing is too hard for Him." Charles Spurgeon

3. He "renews the morning and evening", providing our daily occupations, daily comforts and communion with God. He helps us with our morning and evening worship.

GOD'S GLORY - MEETING OUR NEEDS - Read Psalm 65:9-13

4. He waters the earth and makes it fruitful. Nothing is more reviving than the rain, refreshing the grass, plants and crops.

5. Out of the earth comes our bread that God has prepared for us. The valleys are stocked with animals - cattle are well fed in the pastures.

GOD HAS IT ALL UNDER CONTROL! There is no greater joy than the `joy of harvest' and we can give all glory to God.

"God is going to meet all our needs according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus." 
Philippians 4:19


One very important encouragement that comes from this Psalm 65  is the truth that everyone has access to their Heavenly Father. We can all be saved from our sins, we are loved and accepted by a powerful God, and He wants us all to be blessed with good things.

When David wrote this Psalm he wanted to remind us of God's glory, but he also wanted us to believe in our hearts that we are CHILDREN OF GOD and that we can live in GOD'S KINGDOM.

"But Jesus called the children to Him and said, "Let the little children come to me and do not hinder them, for the Kingdom of God belongs to such as these. Truly I tell you, anyone who will not receive the Kingdom of God like a little child will never enter it." Luke 18:16&17 (NIV)

Most of all, David wanted to remind us that God was SOVEREIGN in our lives, and through each and every day, if we  put Him first in our lives and praise Him for his blessings we will live a life in His will.

The Holy Bible,2011 "New International Version", Biblical
Holy Bible, 2007 "New Living Translation", Tyndall House
Simmons, Dr.B, 2017, The Passion Translation, Broadstreet

Bible Study, 2018
Guzik, David, 2015, "Psalm 65 - In the Temple, In the Earth.", Enduring
Henry, Matthew, "Commentary on Psalm 65", Blue Letter
Spurgeon, Charles.H, "Treasury of David", Bible Study

Saturday, March 10, 2018


Introduction: Read Psalm 64

What a couple of weeks it has been! It started with those `hidden arrows' from the enemy, and by the end of the first week I was overcome with insignificancies. I found myself crying out to the Lord, and as usual, HE CAME THROUGH!

There were many times in David's life when he felt threatened by enemies, both `internally' and externally; and in this Psalm 64, we find him crying out to the Lord again. As usual:

* He is seeking protection from his enemies.
* He wants to hide from those people he feels are conspiring against him.
* He wants to `shut out' the noise of the voices - that are like `poison arrows'.

But as usual, David realizes that God's arrows are greater than any of those his enemies can throw at him. They may be well armed and well hidden - like `snipers' in his armies, but David has a FRIEND who is in a 'higher and more hidden position'. God is greater and He will destroy David's enemies, and give Him eternal salvation.

The same can be true in our everyday lives. God came through for me this week with  a gentle reminder of the gift God had given me to serve Him, a cuddle from my granddaughter -  a reminder that I was still loved, and some encouraging words from friends and my physiotherapist helped too. For God's arrows of love and faithfulness can destroy any the enemy try to throw at us.

David finishes this Psalm, as he does most of them, with WORDS OF PRAISE. We, like David, can:

* Rejoice in the Lord.
* Take refuge in His presence.
*  Sing songs of Praise.

We have a reason to be glad in the Lord, as David did, for we can trust in God and His everlasting promises, and find that ETERNAL SALVATION!

OUR ENEMIES- Read Psalm 64:1-6

The wicked threats of our enemies are often not only from the external, but internally, causing us lots of fear and anxieties. This was true for David. Even though he was a strong, courageous soldier, he knew the crippling fear that these `enemies' could bring upon him. But he also knew the Lord was there to `listen to his complaints', and He knew He would keep him safe.

David had been in battle. He knew how dangerous it was with `hidden snipers'. David's enemies used secret plots, `shot bitter words', like arrows in a secret position, and they didn't seem to fear David or God.

Our `enemies' can seem the same in our lives, especially with words that bring us down. It can be the simplest negative comment that upsets us - they `poison our minds' with all kinds of thoughts. It seems like everyone is plotting against us.

It was bad enough for David when one person was plotting against him,, but when he discovered they were all conspiring, and `encouraging each other in their evil plans' to `set traps, pervert justice, scheme together and plot perfect crimes."  (NIV)  (TPT)

Again, they didn't seem to care about David or the Lord's retribution!

GOD IS GREATER   - Read Psalm 64:7&8, Read 1 Samuel 30:1-8

King David and his soldiers were valiant and victorious on the battlefield, but one time when they returned home from battle they found their entire village had been burnt and their families had been taken hostage by their enemies. David's wife and children had also been taken, so you can imagine he shared the grief of his men.  Still, the men were greatly distressed and they `blamed David and spoke of stoning Him'. 

David's first response, like in this Psalm, was to cry out to God for help, because he knew God was greater than even this enemy. The problem (the arrows) were much bigger than he could handle, but he was sure God would have a plan (his own arrow).

"David strengthened himself in the Lord....David inquired of the Lord, "Shall I pursue the troop? Shall I overtake them?" And He answered him, "Pursue for you shall overtake them, and without fail recover them."  1 Samuel 30:7&8

David went out and God showed him that his enemy could be struck down, it could be destroyed, because GOD IS GREATER.

"You dear children, are from God and have overcome them, because the one who is in you is greater than the one who is in the world."  1 John 4:4  (NIV)

REJOICE IN THE LORD - Read Psalm 64:9&10, Read 1 Samuel 30:9-23

Imagine the joy David and his men felt when they found their families alive and well. Some of them were a little greedy and wanted to keep all the enemies' plunder for themselves; but David knew the reason for their VICTORY - he wanted to `proclaim the works of the Lord', and rejoice with everyone.

Everyone has a reason to rejoice and sing praise to the Lord, especially at this time of year, when we look forward to the coming Easter celebration. When we think about the promise God gave us in His Son Jesus Christ, who died and rose again - and gave us our ETERNAL SALVATION.

Let's sing praises every day not only as we read this Psalm and David's stories of victories over his enemies, or our own stories of God's faithfulness in our lives, but mostly because we know what lies ahead for us.

"For God so loved the world that He gave His only Son, that whoever believes in Him will not perish, but will have EVERLASTING LIFE. For God sent His son into the world, not to condemn the world, but that the world would be SAVED THROUGH HIM." John 3:16&17

"The lovers of God will be glad, rejoicing in the Lord. They will be found in His glorious wrap around presence, singing songs of praise to God."  Psalm 64:10 (TPT)

The Holy Bible, New International Version, 2011, Biblical
Simmons, Dr Brian, 2017, The Passion Translation, Broadstreet Publishing

Guzik, David, 2015, "Psalm 64, Secret Plots & Sudden Shots", Enduring Words.

Sunday, February 18, 2018

PSALM 63 - OUR GROWING RELATIONSHIP WITH OUR FATHER ( Based on the `The Grind of Ritual Religion' - Living the Psalms (Charles Swindoll, 2012)

INTRODUCTION - Read Psalm 63

David's Psalm 63 is a song written in the wilderness. He has been unable to get to his usual place of worship - the Temple in Jerusalem - but David still has a desperate longing for God. He wants to develop this relationship with His Father God, truly understanding what it `means to be fully satisfied in Him alone'. (C. Swindoll, 2012)

I have been so busy over the years - doing volunteer work, improving my learning and developing my career. Now there is nothing wrong with this, for my greatest desire has been to care for others; but now I have an opportunity to spend some real time in prayer and meditating on the Word. But why am I resisting it? Am I career orientated? Is it my pride? Do I worry too much about what others think about me, rather than putting God first? After all, isn't developing my relationship with my Father what I have always earnestly sought in my life?

While in the wilderness David made a number of decisions that would help him develop his relationship with Father God:

- He decided to develop a mental picture of Him.
- He decided to express praises to Him.
- He decided to meditate on all He knew about Him.
- He decided to sing for joy and rejoice in God.     (C. Swindoll, 2012)

No matter if you are in the wilderness, or whatever your circumstances, your Father God wants to develop a relationship with you. You can come and be in His presence and find a time of refreshment. But the decision is yours, and you have to make the time!

"You God, are my God, earnestly I seek you; I thirst for you, my whole being longs for you, in a dry and parched land where there is no water."  Psalm 1:1


David was alone, removed, separated from his friends, literally feeling the effects of hunger and thirst, pain, loneliness and exhaustion. What he sought most was communion with God. He couldn't go to the tabernacle to meet with the Lord, so he created a picture of Him "in power and glory on His Heavenly Throne."    (C.Swindoll, 2012)

"I have seen you in your sanctuary and gazed upon your power and glory." Psalm 63:2

Since touring with the Circus, I haven't been able to go to Church as often as I would like. In the past 12 months I have hardly gone at all. At first the guilt was overwhelming, and I allowed my relationship with God to suffer. I especially missed my communion and fellowship with other believers. So I started creating my own ways of worshipping, and I soon found I was meeting with the Lord more often than just on Sundays. I read my Bible more, I started reaching out  to Christians of other faiths, and I started my prayer circle on line.  I still miss my Church and friends, but I am certain my relationship with my Father is growing and I continue to seek to have communion with Him.


Praise is deeply significant in our personal relationship with the Father.  It is a consistent flow of appreciation for what God has done for us in our everyday circumstances. It is also an important aspect of our prayer life!

THANKSGIVING - 'Expression to God in gratitude for His specific blessings and gifts to us'.

PRAISE - 'Expressions of adoration to God, expressing words of honour to Him for His character, His Name, His Word, His glory etc."    (C. Swindoll, 2012)

"Rejoice always. Pray without ceasing. In everything give thanks; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you." 1 Thessalonians 5:17-18 (NKJV)

"Then David praised the Lord in the presence of the whole assembly: "Yours, O Lord, is the greatness, the power, the glory, the victory, and the majesty. Everything in the Heavens and on the earth is yours, O Lord, and this is Your Kingdom. We adore you as the one who is over all things." 
1 Chronicles 29:10&11  (NLT)

David found personal satisfaction, and we can too, in expressing praise to the Lord, not for what He has done, but simply for who He is; and it is amazing how our relationship with Him will grow.

"Your unfailing love is better than life itself; how I praise you. I will praise you as long as I live, lifting my hands to you in prayer." Psalm 63:3&4


"The Hebrew word for meditation is "to utter, ponder, devise, plot." It involves a conscious consideration of information during the day."  Charles Swindoll, 2012

When we meditate on God's Word, we gain understanding and a closer understanding with the Author.

"For my Words are wise, and my thoughts are filled with insight." Psalm 49:3

"I lie awake thinking of You, meditating on You through the night." Psalm 6:3

The night time may not be the best time for meditation for some people, but whatever time suits you, spend that time learning and growing and you will be amazed what you glean from the Word and its Author.


David was in the wilderness and he sought an audience with no one, except that of His Father God. God was the single object of His worship. In His Father's presence He was relaxed and sang for joy.

"Because you are my helper, I will sing for joy in the shadow of your wings. I cling to you; your strong hand holds me securely." Psalm 63:7&8

David closed this Psalm by penning a portrait of his circumstances. He was surrounded by His enemies - people criticized and slandered him. Yet still, in the midst of it all, he was able to REJOICE IN GOD. (C.Swindoll, 2012)

He had a future to look forward to, for God had chosen him as king, and he would always have the Lord's protection.  No matter what your circumstances look like now - you may still be in the wilderness- but Your Father has promised you  a future in His presence, where you can look forward to a time of refreshment.

"But the king will rejoice in the Lord; all who swear by God will glory in Him, while the mouths of liars will be silenced."  Psalm 63:11


Psalm 63 is a wonderful psalm of encouragement, and we are reminded later in the Gospels, by Jesus himself, that He, along with His Father, takes care of all our needs.  (M.Lucado, 2003)

"Then Jesus said: "Come to me, all you who are weary and carry a heavy burden, and I will give you rest."  Matthew 11:28

If we follow David's lessons in this Psalm: Worship, Praise, Meditation and Expressions for Joy and hope in God's protection; we can remind ourselves of God's promises, and look ahead to a beautiful relationship with our Father and His Son Jesus Christ.

The Holy Bible, New International Version, 2011, Biblical.
The Holy Bible, New King James Version, 1982, Thomas Nelson
The Holy Bible, New Living Translation, 2007, Tyndale House Foundation

LUCADO, Max, "Six Hours One Friday" The Devotional Bible, New Century Bible, 2003, Thomas Nelson
SWINDOLL,Charles, "Living the Psalms: The Grind of Ritual Religion". Worthy Publishing

Saturday, February 17, 2018


INTRODUCTION - Read Psalm 62

Yesterday I had a fall - the first time in ages. I was taking the dogs for a walk and the ground was a little uneven. It seemed like the devil was determined to have me `topple from my lofty place', when I had in my mind that this year was to be one of mountain top experiences.

Laying on the ground for a few minutes, I waited for the anxiety to overwhelm me, but instead I heard these words:

"The Lord directs the steps of the godly. He delights in ever detail of their lives. If they stumble badly they will survive, for the Lord lifts them up with His hands." Psalm 37:23&24  (NLT & TPT)

With these words firmly grasped in my mind, I took hold of the Lord's hand, I WALKED ON TO FACE MY DAY - pain, scrapes and bruises. I was not going to let the `worry paralyze me', for reminded of God omnipresence, love and faithfulness, I knew that whatever 2018 held for me, God would be my `CHAMPION DEFENDER'.

"Truly my soul finds rest in God; my salvation comes from Him. Truly He is my Rock and my salvation, He is my fortress, I will never be shaken." Psalm 62:1&2  (NIV)

David too trusted in God alone for His strength and stability and focused on Him for His help when troubled arose. He wanted His chief musicians to help him make it known to to the people in His land that `God was His only Saviour'. (D Guzak, 2015).

God wants us to reach out to Him , as our Saviour, and develop this same relationship, so that when we fall, we know that He is there to lift us up.


How do we develop a relationship with our omnipresent, faithful God and Saviour?

1. PATIENCE IN PRAYER - truly resting, waiting and listening to God. This is how we cultivate                                                        our relationship. What a glorious experience to sense God's Spirit                                                          guiding our thoughts.

"Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him and He will direct your paths."  Proverbs 3:5&6 (NIV)

2. SPEND TIME IN HIS WORD - the more time you spend reading and learning God's Word and                                                               will for your life, the more strength you will have when those                                                                 trials come upon you.

"When we wait upon on God, give up our will and wisdom, and leave all our providence in His hands, we know He delivers."  Matthew Henry

3. SEEK TO KNOW HIM AND KNOW ABOUT HIM - as long as it takes, commit yourself to God and only God - to what He desires for your life. David knew that his enemies would always plot against him, there would always be `vicious threats' - that was the life of the king. But if he continued to seek and trust in God, `His Champion Defender', he would have the winning edge.

"He alone is my safe place; His wrap around presence always protects me, for He is my Champion Defender; there is no risk of failure with God.  So why would I let worry paralyze me."
Psalm 62:2 (TPT)

WE CANNOT BE SHAKEN - Read Psalm 62:5-8

This Psalm for me, at the moment, has become one of my favourites. Like David, I have needed reassurance and calm confidence in God. I have needed a place where I can go to surrender my faith. At times I have been tempted by other things, but I have always come back to my FAITHFUL GOD.

"Therefore I urge you brothers and sisters, in view of God's mercy, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God - this is your true and proper worship. Do not confirm to the pattern of this world , but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God's will is - His good, pleasing and perfect will."   Romans 12:1&2  (NIV)

"My expectation, my Rock, my salvation, my glory, my strength, my refuge; the Psalmist is not content to KNOW that the Lord is all these things; HE ACTS IN FAITH TOWARDS HIM, laying claim to every character."  (Charles Spurgeon)

David also believed that what was good for him was good for everyone else in his Kingdom, and he invited them to `pour out their hearts to God', just as He did - to tell Him all their troubles, their sorrows, their longings - "trusting God in every moment".

"Trust in Him at all times, you people; pour out your hearts to Him; for God is your refuge."
Psalm 62:8   (NIV)


For the last 12 months I have been out of work and have been worried, not so much about the fact that I have no money; but that I have no way of helping my family.

Like David, I have seen how some weathy people have advanced in cruel and dishonest ways. They have grown proud and arrogant. I have also had friends who have used their wealth honestly, and their lives have been full of joy, hope and security. The latter have been examples of prosperous Christianity in action, and if I was able, I would hope to live my life this way.

David was a wealthy man, but he new himself how "transient" riches were. He learnt later in life,   how important it was to spend time with his family, and to use his wealth to help others.

"Tell those rich in this world's wealth to quit being so full of themselves and so obsessed with money, which is here today and gone tomorrow. Tell them to go after God, who piles all the riches we could manage - to do good, to be rich in helping others, to be extravagantly generous. If they do that, they'll build a treasury that will last, gaining life that is truly life." 1 Timothy 6:17-19 (MSG)

David refused to look for strength anywhere else than in the Lord. He was determined to trust God and God alone. He did not long for power and was not an arrogant ruler; but endeavoured to be rich in mercy like his God. This is something we should all aim for, whether we have  prosperity in riches or simply faith.


David had a calm confidence in God. He continually reassures himself with the words of this psalm, and we too can continually know this trust in this OMNIPRESENT, FAITHFUL GOD. We can be tempted to let other things in the world bring us down, but we can always come back to our Father, for we know He is always there, to lift us back up. 

David ends this psalm with two of God's promises:

 "Power belongs to God and with the Lord is unfailing love"and
You reward everyone according to what we have done."  (Psalm 62:12)   (NIV)

Holy Bible, New International Version, 2011, Biblical
Peterson, Eugene H, 2002, The Message, Nav Press Publications
Simmons, Dr Brian, 2015, The Passion Translation, Broadstreet

Churchyard, Gordon, 2005, "Only God".
Guzik,Henry, 2015, "My Only Rock, My Salvation", Enduring
Henry, Matthew, "Commentary on the Whole Bible - Psalm 62", Bible Study Tools.
Spurgeon, Charles, "The Treasury of David",

Sunday, January 14, 2018


INTRODUCTION - Read Psalm 61, 2 Samuel 15:13 - 19:14

Do you ever remember watching movies at Christmas, or going on holidays yourself, and the children have asked: "Will Father Christmas still find me?" They may have been lost in the middle of no where or on a camping trip. But Santa always finds them, didn't he! I always love those memories, as they remind me of the omnipresence of my Heavenly Father.

In Psalm 61, David is in exile again - this time from his son Absalom who has decided to take over his kingdom in Jerusalem. Feeling like an outcast, he is `feeble and overwhelmed'. With a `sad heart' he cries out to an Omnipresent Father for protection and provision. An Omnipresent Father who has never let him down before!

"For no matter where I am, even when I'm far from home, I will cry out for a Father's help. When I am feeble and overwhelmed by life, guide me into your glory where I am safe and sheltered." 
Psalm 61:2  (TPT)

Later, after the death of his son, he again spends time communing with His Father, and `it is in this presence, where he finds mercy, shelter and quiet rest'. Lifted up, and assured of God's grace and favour, 'he resolves to persevere in his duty as king in Jerusalem'. 

(Dr B Simmons, 2015, M. Henry, 1706, C. H Spurgeon,, 1885)

"You treat me like a king, giving me full and abundant life, years and years of reigning, like many generations rolled into one. I will live enthroned with you forever. Guard me God, with your unending, unfailing love. Let me live my days, walking in grace and truth before you."
Psalm 61:6&7 (TPT)

2017 has not been the best year for me. As I look forward to the new year I have been overwhelmed with depression and anxiety. What does my future hold? Like David, I have two choices. I can remain in exile, allowing self pity and bitterness to `chain myself to hurt' or I can return to my Jerusalem, and take on God's calling for my life - His Kingship! (Max Lucado. 2015)

How does God deal with a bitter heart? Does he remind you to still have a relationship with Him, and continue to serve Him? I hope so. If that is the case, put the past behind you, and like David, trust God for the strength to continue with your mission.  But like David, before you return to your service, make sure you take some time in the OMNIPRESENCE OF THE FATHER!

CALLING ON THE LORD -   Read Verses 1-4

This was not the first time David was in exile, not the first time he had been feeling depressed and anxious, not the first time he begins a Psalm crying out to the Lord for strength and protection.

He knew God was his ROCK and MOUNTAIN - a safe and faithful God. Again, surrounded by enemies, God was like a TOWER, who in the past made soldiers feel strong, safe and sheltered. This was the perfect place to call out to his omnipresent God. 

"Lord, you are a paradise of protection to me. You lift me high above the fray. None of my foes can touch me, when I am held firmly by your wrap around presence." Psalm 61:3 (TPT)

A mother bird has large WINGS and it keeps it's babies sheltered under them from the weather and from predators. David too felt this kind of protection with God's omnipresence, and again was confident to CALL ON THE LORD.

We too can have this same confidence and faith to pray and call on the Lord, for God is our faithful ROCK, our strong TOWER and safe WINGS. This knowledge of God's protection and `wrap around presence' will gives us the encouragement we need.

(W.Jay,2017, C. H Spurgeon, 1885, Dr.B Simmons, 2015)

"So let us come boldly to the throne of our gracious God. There we will receive His mercy, and we will find grace to help us when we need it most."  Hebrews 4:16  (NLT)

 GOD KEEPS HIS PROMISES - Verses 5-8, 1 Samuel 16:6-13

God has promised to abide with us forever, but He also asks something of us - SERVANTHOOD - or in David's case it was KINGSHIP. Right from the beginning, when David was a shepherd boy, God had sent Samuel to anoint him to be king. He was God's chosen!

"But the Lord said to Samuel: "Don't judge by his appearance or his height, for I have rejected him. The Lord doesn't see things the way you see them. People judge by outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart."  1 Samuel 16:7

"There is still the youngest", Jesse replied. "But he's out in the fields watching the sheep and goats."  "Send for him", Samuel said." ......"So Jesse sent for him. He was dark and handsome, with beautiful eyes. And the Lord said, "This is the one; anoint him." "So as David stood there among his brothers, Samuel took the flask of oil he had brought and anointed David with oil. And the Spirit of the Lord came powerfully upon David from that day on."1 Samuel 16:11-13 (NLT)

David now knew he needed to return to lead his people. But he would need God's help. The Holy Spirit has given us all a gift, whether it is in LEADERSHIP, or another area of SERVICE.

"In His grace, God has given us different gifts for doing certain things. So if God has given you the gift of prophesy, speak out with as much faith as God has given you. If your gift is serving others, serve them well. If you are a teacher, teach well. If your gift is to encourage others, be encouraging. If it is giving, give generously. If God has given you leadership ability, take the responsibility seriously, and if you have the gift of showing kindness, do it gladly." 
Romans 12:6-8   (NLT)

"To one person the Spirit gives the ability to give wise advice; to another the same Spirit gives a message of special knowledge. The same Spirit gives great faith and to someone else the gift of healing. He gives one person the power to perform miracles, and another the ability to prophesy.....Still another person is given the ability to speak in unknown languages, while another is given the ability to interpret what is said." 1 Corinthians 12:8-10 (NLT)

Many years ago I was given the gift of seed planting. Over the years I have been able to use this through teaching, as an encourager and more recently as a prayer for leaders in our Churches. Most recently, I am not sure how I am to use it; but I still know I am GOD'S CHOSEN, and because God always keeps His promises for me, I will keep my promise and will continue to serve Him.

CONCLUSION -  Read Samuel 19

After a short time of mourning the death the of his son Absalom, and again spending some time with his Omnipresent Father, David returned to Jerusalem a changed man. Putting his bitterness and grief behind him, he showed forgiveness, kindness and appreciation to those who had cursed him, lied to him, let him down; and on the other side had been loyal and shown him gratitude.

Are you like Shimei?  Do you need to make a humble, contrite confession?   What about Mephibosheth and Ziba - is there a part of your story that hasn't been told? Maybe you are older, but there are still services that you can give to your king. Or maybe, you have been like King David, living in exile - a life of bitterness and grief, that are preventing you from living a full life of service.

David would not return has a king who would show weakness and insecurity. God had given him his throne, and God is not a `motivator for revenge'; but of love, mercy and praise; and this is how David would serve his people and his Omnipresent Father. 

David forgave Shimei and Jesus is ready to forgive you. Mephibosheth was content to let Ziba have all the property, because David's reign was more important to him than his personal enrichment, just as Jesus's reign in our hearts should be important to us. Barzillai was a man of great resources and he used these to help David, a servant of the Lord. He gave out of a right heart and in gratitude was given the honour of living in Jerusalem with the king. We too have the honour of `laying up treasure in Heaven, and being rich toward God'.    (D.Guzik, 2002)

"He delighteth in mercy. I do believe that the harps of heaven never give to Christ such happiness as He has when he forgives the ungodly, and saith, `Thy sins are forgiven; go in peace." Charles Spurgeon

"My praises will fill the heavens forever, fulfilling my vow to make everyday a love gift to you." Psalm 61:8  (TPT)

LUCADO, Max ,2007, "The Devotional Bible, New Century Version", Thomas Nelson. 

SIMMONS, Dr B, 2015, "The Passion Translation", Broadstreet.

"The Holy Bible, New International Version", 2011, Biblica Inc. 

GUZIK, David, 2002, "The Kingdom is Restored to David."- 2 Samuel 19, Blue Letter Bible

HENRY, Matthew, 1706,  "Commentary on Psalm 61", Blue Letter Bible

SPURGEON, Charles H,1885,  "Treasury of David", Christianity, com