Psalms 70 and 71 were both written as cries for help in David's old age. He still longs to be a witness of God's faithfulness and he wanted to continue serving the Lord as he had in his youth, but he was `feeling his age' - he was making mistakes, surrounded by his enemies and suffering from depression.
This very much describes my life at the moment, and even though, like David, I am still winning battles involving `giants'; these bring back memories, and VICTORY OFTEN LEADS TO PRIDE, AND PRIDE TO VULNERABILITY. That's when SATAN SETS HIS TRAPS!
Like David, the king, we may be tired. The time for his departure was near. David had made plans for his departure, but GOD HAD DIFFERENT PLANS!
These are just two things that were playing heavy on David's mind as he wrote these Psalms. But, we will later see that David won his biggest 'battle of all', for he never lost faith in his `faithful protector' and realised that dependence on God does not lessen with age. Ultimately this was the most encouraging lesson, for he was able share with his `people' before he left.
"God you have taught me since I was young. Till this day I tell about the miracles you do. Even though I am old and grey, do not leave me God. I will tell the children about your power, I will tell those who live after me about your power and might." Psalm 71:18 (NCV)
"Are you young and looking forward something to believe in? Are you older and looking for God's hand anew? God answers both these needs. LOOK TO HIM AND NO FURTHER." Max Lucado, 2003.
HISTORY - Read 2 Samuel 24, 1 Chronicles 21 & 28
It would be wonderful if we could learn from David's life that the longer we walk with the Lord, the more we are guaranteed immunity from sin. Unfortunately, that is not the case. Until our lives on earth end and we are with the Lord in Heaven, we will have NO SUCH FREEDOM!
In Samuel 24, and 1 Chronicles 21 & 28 we read tragic examples of sin in David's later life. You see, there is no such thing as `outgrowing sin'. The problem is, the older we get, the more our sins effect other people in our lives.
1. The first event took place when David had just returned from fighting the Philistines, and God's anger and David's pride led to a crisis.
"Now again, the anger of the Lord burned against Israel, and it incited David against them to say, "Go number Israel and Judah". 2 Samuel 24:1 (NIV)
He wanted to make a census of not only the number of people in his kingdom, but the `fighting men'.
At this time he received some advice from the prophet Joab, that the census was not a good idea. But, unfortunately, it was too late. It didn't take long for David's heart to become 'out of touch with God'. He had not been praying and seeking the Word of God. He wasn't willing to listen to the advise of godly men. HE SIMPLY MADE HIS OWN DECISIONS AND KEPT TO THEM!
But deep down, David was a man after God's heart. Deep inside was a disturbing reminder of God's displeasure. He began to question the reasons for his actions. He knew it was HIS PRIDE! His heart was troubled. He knew he had acted foolishly.
"But after he had taken the census, David's conscious began to bother him." 2 Samuel 24:10 (NIV)
David finally made a wise choice to FOLLOW GOD'S WILL AND NOT HIS OWN, but his actions already had CONSEQUENCES FOR HIS PEOPLE. Imagine how miserable he felt watching as a plague struck his people. It was almost more than he could bear - SIN'S UGLINESS, DEVASTATION AND HORROR. A broken man, David throws himself on God's mercy. Now, listening to God, he builds an altar on land he buys from Aranuah, with an oxen for an offering. With David's offering, the plague and pestilence is over. GOD'S GRACE WAS ALL THEY NEEDED.
"David prayed to God: "I have sinned badly in what I have just done. But now God - forgive my guilt. I have been really stupid." 2 Samuel 24:10 (Message)
But it doesn't end there!
2. David had brought the ARK OF THE COVENANT to Jerusalem and now he wanted to build a TEMPLE TO THE LORD. It was his way of saying thank you to God for all His blessings. David expected to spend his final years building this shrine to this Father he loved and honoured. Nothing wrong with that it seems!
"I had intended to build a permanent home for the 'Ark of the Covenant' of the Lord and for the footstool of God. So I had all the preparations to build it." 1 Chronicles 28:2 (NASB)
Had David become discouraged? Were the people resistant? Were the resources scarce? Far from it. Everyone was willing and very generous. Then what happened. Simply, GOD HAD DIFFERENT PLANS THAN HE DID!
"I had made preparations to build it. But God said to me, "You shall not build a house for me, because you are a man of war and have shed blood"......Your son Solomon is the one who shall build My House and My Courts." 1 Chronicles 28:3&6 (NASB)
So what did David do when God said `No'. Did he complain? Did he go ahead with HIS PLANS? No David had learnt a lesson from his previous experience. David faced this disappointment with TRUST, CONFIDENCE and PERSEVERENCE. He had gone from a shepherd boy watching his sheep to a soldier leading armies, and now was the king of God's people Israel. He looked at the past with joyful praise and his future with exhuberent hope.
When God changed David plans this time, he learned from experience. With the first sign of PRIDE he WENT STRAIGHT TO THE LORD. This time he was going to take the Lord seriously. There was no `flirting with danger', `rejecting the truth' or `denying His Lordship'. He was ready to FOLLOW GOD'S WILL this time, professing his HOPE, FAITH AND CONFIDENCE IN GOD.
If a man as great and godly can make mistakes in his life so near to the end, what chance do we have. We have the SAME GRACE offered to us as he did. I thank the Lord, that like David, God has been my hope and trust since childhood and I still believe in his faithful promises. I too have learnt that PUTTING GOD FIRST and MY PRIDE LAST is the answer to my greatest needs.
DAVID'S PRAYER - Read Psalm 70
This is a Psalm of Remembrance. In it, David uses words we have read before, reminding ourselves of God's mercy and promises. It is a short prayer, within which David asks:
* For Help (Vs 1,5)
* For Shame on His Enemies (Vs 2&3)
* For Joy to His Friends (Vs 4)
1. David Prays For Help
"I am poor and needy, in want and distress....make haste unto me....Thou art my help and my deliverer." Psalm 70:1&;5 (NIV)
David wants God to come quickly and relieve him. He has committed his life to serving God, and he knew from experience that God would keep His promise to always be with him. His faith in God in the past had always come through and David trusts Him again to meet his needs and to lift him up.
"I know the Lord is always with me. I will not be shaken for He is right beside me." Psalm 8:16 (NIV)
2. David Prays For Shame On His Enemies
This seems a strange prayer for a godly man - to see the faces of his enemies covered with shame. But the reason for this is that they will be humbled and seek the Lord in repentance. This is what the Lord requires of everyone, for it brings Him greatest joy.
"May those who say to me, "Aha! Aha!" turn back because of their shame." Psalm 70:3
"The Lord is not slow in keeping His promise, as some understand slowness. Instead, He is patient with you, not wanting anyone to perish, but everyone to come to repentance." 2 Peter 3:9
3. David Prays For Joy For His Friends
David wanted his friends to be filled with joy. David's most important work was to share God's promise of salvation, so together they could praise and magnify the Lord. God wants our lives too, to be filled with joyous praise for our Heavenly Father. This can only be truly found when we have a relationship with His Son Jesus.
"But may all who seek You rejoice and be glad in You; may those who long for your saving help always say, "The Lord is great." Psalm 70:4
David prays in confidence throughout this psalm, as he remembers the positive experiences he has had throughout his life, even through the trials and hatred from his enemies. His hope was established in his Father God from an early age, and he always looked for the positive, finding time for grateful thanks and praise.
In Verses 1-13 David prays for 5 main things:
* That he might never be ashamed of his dependence on God.
* That he may continued to be rescued from his enemies, and that they may see the shame of their ways.
* That they may find rest and safety in God.
* That he may continue to honour and serve the Lord, even if his `strength may fail'.
* That God will continue to be with him always as His omnipresent Father - a God he can call on in confidence knowing He will help him.
"In your righteousness, rescue me and deliver me; turn your ear to me and and save me. Be my ROCK OF REFUGE to which I can always go; give the command to save me, for you are my ROCK AND MY FORTRESS." Psalm 71:2
"Do not cast me away when I am old; do not forsake me when my strength is gone..... Do not be far from me , my God; come quickly God to help me." Psalm 71:9&12
In his old age, these were important to him, and they should be important to us too. Like David, we want to have spiritual wisdom and discernment to serve the Lord, knowing that even if our 'strength may fail' we will always have `mercy and grace' to help us in time of need.
David knew his strength was declining, and he was also in great despair and depression. Whereas there was once a strong. physical body and vigorous mind - they were now failing him. Yet, his greatest desire was that God would be with him, and use him, with his weaknesses. He knew he could not sit in despair, in his own strength, but needed to move on in the strength of the Lord.
"Let us approach God's throne of grace with confidence, so that we may receive mercy and grace to help in our time of need." Hebrews 4:16
"My heart may fail and my Spirit may grow weak, but God remains the strength of my heart. He is mine forever." Psalm 73:26
"Though you have made me see troubles, many and bitter, you will restore me again." Psalm 71:20
David's hope and faith were established in God's power and promises. His fears were silenced with joy and praise. He acknowledge the `great favour' his parents had placed upon him in bringing him up in the ways of the Lord. Following in their footsteps, with the guidance of prophets and spiritual advisors, David was able to serve the Lord throughout his life, and he wanted to continue this in his old age - his greatest desire that this would continue in `future generations'.
"Start children off in the ways they should go, and when they are old they will not turn from it." Proverbs 22:6
David knew that God would not only restore his greatness again, but increase it and give him great honour. He had many troubles over the years but now it was time for `the sun to shine through the clouds'.
David's life images mine in many ways, as I trust in God to be with me in my old age. My parents brought me up in the ways of the Lord, and it has always been my desire to serve Him, and to bring my children up to follow Him too. Coming through the bad times, I now can continue to shine for His glory, and be a witness to future generations.
In these last verses of Psalm 71, David's heart is released in JOY and PRAISE.
* He speaks of God's righteousness, faithfulness and salvation.
* He continues to acknowledge God's positive attributes.
* He expresses joy by playing the harp and singing praises.
God is incomparable! We do not rightly praise Him if we do not acknowledge Him to be so. His qualities and actions are unlike any other being we can describe. HE IS THE HOLY ONE!
We need to make music in our own hearts, not just LIP SERVICE, but our `soul must be at work, blessing His HOLY NAME'.
"Speaking to one another is psalms, hymns and spiritual songs; sing and make music from your heart to the Lord, always giving thanks to God the Father for everything, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ." Ephesians 5:19&20
"Praise the Lord, my soul; all my inmost being, praise His holy name." Psalm 103:1
The Holy Bible, New International Version, 2011, Biblica.
Lucado.Max, `The Devotional Bible, New Century Version', 2003, Thomas Nelson
Henry.Matthew,.Manser.Martin.H, "The New Matthew Henry Commentary - the Classic Work (Updated Language), 2002, Zondervan.
Lucado. Max, `Facing Your Giants', 2006, Thomas Nelson.
Swindoll, Charles.R`David, A Man of Passion & Destiny', 1997, Thomas Nelson3. David Prays f
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