Thursday, July 4, 2019


INTRODUCTION - Read Psalm 60, 2 Samuel 8:1-14

Remember the old Maranatha chorus we used to sing:

"Through our God we shall do valiantly
It is He who will break down our enemies,
We shall sing and shout our victories,
Christ is King.

For God has won the victory and set His people free
His Word has slain the enemy,
The earth shall stand and sing that.....

Through our God..... (Repeat)      -    (Maranatha)

I used to sing this with such valour. No matter what was going on in my life, I knew that God on my side. The devil may attack and bring me down, but He could never leave me there, for I had VICTORY THROUGH JESUS, MY LORD AND SAVIOUR.

David believed this too. He had fought many literal battles - with Philistia, Moab, Syria, Ammon - and with God at His side, He and his soldiers had been victors. Now, he was in battle again, away from home, and meanwhile there were natural disasters and other enemies coming from another side to attack his home town, and he could do nothing to help his people. Fear was sneaking in. He still trusted in the living God, he was just wondering a little if He was maybe `letting his people down'. He was seeking answers, he was seeking help.

But the doubt didn't last for long, for with these new battles ahead, David needed to reminded himself of past experiences.  David had seen many brave men accomplish great things at his side, but as they went up against `the fortified city of Edom', he knew he knew they would only win with God at their side. He had to `fly his banner of allegiance and trust' (David Guzik, 2015), - to a God who had never let Him down before. `

"He gave them a sign, which would be a rallying point for their hosts and proof that He had sent them to fight and would be guaranteed victory."  (Charles Sturgeon, 1885)

We too, can take hold of this banner, and remind ourselves, that, `THROUGH GOD WE SHALL DO VALIANTLY."

RAISE THE BANNER - Psalm 60:1-4

All the world - from Texas, Mexico, California, Puerto Rico, Northern Ireland - to name a few, the brunt of natural disasters, storms and fires have ravaged the country side, taking people's hopes and lives.  Terrorism and shootings are also ravaging America, England and the world. People are feeling rejected and shaken. But under the `BANNER OF HOPE', with God on their side, they have rallied together to restore their faith.

David felt like God had shook His world. He also knew that God could heal it. He didn't spend too long dwelling in disaster, but finding comfort in God's love and mercy, his faith returned, He rallied His people together under their `banner of allegiance'.

"The concept of a BANNER was connected to Israel's reliance upon God and His `guarantee of victory'. (David Guzik, 2015)

DELIVERANCE AND PEACE - Psalm 60:5-8,  2 Samuel 8:1-4, 2 Samuel 10:6-14.

David had fought many battles against the Syrians and many other nations: Moabites, Ammonites, Philistines and Amelikes, and then of course the 12,000 Edomites that he and Joab struck down at the Valley of Salt, after which David put garrisons up throughout Edom, and the Edomites all became subject to him.

Wow! No wonder he was famous. Not just with his own people, but with other nations. His own generals and soldiers really admired him. But David knew how to handle success. He knew that the praise and glory belonged to God, and this is what the people noticed too.

God used David as he went into victory over his enemies, and each of these victories was `a testimony of God's preserving power in David's life'. (David Guzik (2002)

"The Lord gave David victory wherever He went." 2 Samuel 18:14b  (NIV)

David was protected by God wherever he went, for David always fought for the glory of God. Even the spoils David took from his victories were taken back and placed in the temple in Jerusalem, and dedicated to God.

Joab was David's wisest generals, and later in 2 Samuel 10, we read how when surrounded by the Syrians and Ammonites, David chose him to go out to battle for him. The Ammonites were at the gates of the city and the Syrians were out in the fields. Joab could see that the enemies were well prepared, and many other generals would have considered surrender, but not Joab.  For he had taken lessons from David, who had trusted in an ever faithful God.

He called his army together and gave them this speech:

"Be strong and let us fight bravely for our people and the cities of our God. The Lord will do what is good in His sight."  2 Samuel 10:19 (NIV)

Courage and strength are not matters of feeling. They are a CHOICE that we make when we allow God's power to be used through us.

"Finally, be strong in the Lord and in His mighty power." Ephesians 6:10 (NLT)

Joab reminded them who they were fighting for - their families, and God's city. The battle was bigger than themselves.

Finally, the battle was not in their hands, but in God's. Oh Joab could make his plans, and he did. He took the choicest men under his command, and gave the rest to his brother. He told his brother, that if the Ammonites were too strong for him, he would come to his rescue. But ultimately, he knew THE VICTORY WAS THE LORD'S!

And what was the outcome? When Joab and his soldiers drew near, the Syrians fled. When the Ammonites say the Syrians fleeing, they fled too. Later the Syrians regrouped and came back - they weren't quitters - but either were David and Joab.

"When David was told this, he gathered all Israel, crossed the Jordan and went to Helam. The Arameans formed the battle lines to meet David and fought against him. But they fled before Israel and David killed 700 of their charioteers and 40,000 of their foot soldiers. He also struck down Shobach the commander of the army, and he died there. When all the kings saw that they had been defeated by Israel, THEY MADE PEACE with the Israelites and became subject to them." 
2 Chronicles 10:17-19 (NIV)

"Let the PEACE OF CHRIST rule in your hearts, since as members of one body you were called to PEACE. And be thankful."  Colossians 3:15 (NLT)

Peace - that is what God ultimately has for us.  Our battles may `not be against flesh and blood, but against rulers, against authorities, against the powers of this dark work word and against the spiritual forces of this heavenly realm', (Ephesians 6:12) but like David, we can stand and have DELIVERANCE and PEACE, when we know that Jesus Christ our Saviour is on our side.

"Therefore put on the full armour of God, so when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground, and after you have done everything to stand."  Ephesians 6:13 (NLT)


David had seen many brave men accomplish great things in battle, but still he knew that it was only through God at his side that His enemies could ultimately be defeated. This psalm that began for David in defeat, was ending in victory, with God on His side.  So it is with our lives!!

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