Thursday, May 30, 2024


INTRODUCTION - Read Psalm 143, 1 Samuel 

This Psalm of David is another cry from a time of affliction and crisis, when David was in a tent, hiding from his enemy, Saul. He was in the Cave of Adalluum, and it is numbered  among seven Penitential Psalms - prayers of confession and humility before God. Yet, in this prayer, in distress and persecution, DAVID FIND'S HOPE.

David prayed earnestly, while "oppressed by his enemies" and "weak in the Spirit": 

* GOD WOULD BE WITH HIM ALWAYS , "not hiding His face from Him."

* GOD WOULD ME MERCIFUL, forgiving his sins and "showing him favour."

* GOD WOULD GUIDE AND DIRECT HIM ", as "he followed God's will."

* GOD WOULD DELIVER HIM FROM HIS TROUBLE, "dealing with his persecutors".

We too need to HOPE IN THE LORD, believing that God is in control of our life. All we need to do is TRUST IN HIM. 

"Because God has proven Himself TRUSTWORTHY IN THE PAST, we can TRUST HIM WITH OUT FUTURE." Ruth Chou Simmons

"TRUST IN THE LORD with all your heart, and LEAN NO ON YOUR OWN UNDERSTANDING. In all your ways ACKKNOWLEDGE HIM, and He will DIRECT YOUR  PATHS."                                                                                                             Proverbs 3:5&6 (NIV)

DAVID'S PRAYER FOR HOPE - Read Psalm 143:1-6;                                                                                    Romans 3:9-26


"Lord, HEAR MY PRAYER, listen to my CRY FOR MERCY; in your FAITHFULNESS AND RIGHTEOUSNESS, come to my relief." Psalm 143:1&2 (NIV)

Before he was crowned King, David wanted to develop his relationship with his Father God, through PRAYER. He knew that he needed to "cry out to the Lord". It was a REAL PLEA for a REAL GOD; and he needed to "be heard". 

David used "parallelism" - repetitive language, with a same idea, to make it clear. Eg. "" Hear my prayer", "hear my supplication". He asked God to be "faithful and righteous" He asked God to be "faithful and righteous", according to His character. David knew he could be judged, but he was asking for mercy.

"Don't judge me, your servant, because no one alive is right before you." Psalm 143:3 (NCV)

"As it is written: "There is NO ONE RIGHTEOUS, not even one......for ALL HE SINNED and fall short of the glory of God." Romans 3:10&23 (NIV)

"Lord, I know that YOU ARE RIGHTEOUS, and I am not. Yet I come to you, as YOUR SERVANT, asking you to act on my behalf, because of YOUR MERCY." David Guzik


"My enemy pursues me and crushes me to the ground. He makes me dwell in the darkness like those long dead. I am afraid, mu courage is gone (my spirit grows faint within my heart within me is dismayed)." Psalm 1433&4 (NIV/NLT)

David knew suffering of many kinds - physically; but this was "his soul" that was tormented. He felt.

* "Crushed to the ground."
* "He lived in darkness."
* "His spirit was overwhelmed."
* "His heart was distressed". 


"I remember days of long ago (what happened). I meditate on your works, considering what your hands have done. I LIFT MY HANDS TO YOU IN PRAYER! I thirst for you like a parched land (that need water)." Psalm 143:5&6

How can you find COURAGE in a BAD SITUATION?

1. Remember the GOOD THINGS GOD HAS DONE FOR US. David chose to "thing about the positive". David was considering the "days of old". He meditated carefully on his past and how the Lord has blessed him. 

"When we see nothing that can cheer us, let us think about old things. We once had merry days, DAYS OF DELIVERANCE, JOY and THANKSGIVING. Why not again?" Charles Spurgeon

2. KEEP WORSHIPPING! Worship can be "an oasis" in difficult times. David was praising the Lord, "lifting his hands up to the Lord". 

"The posture of PRAYER AND PRAISE was genuine HOPE for David in the midst of his misery of the soul. "I STRETCH FORTH MY HANDS UNTO THEE", as if I were in HOPE that Thou wouldst TAKE MY HAND  and DRAW ME TO THEE." David Guzik/Charles Spurgeon


Do you ever feel "PARCHED IN THE SPIRIT'? Have you ever been so "THIRSTY IN YOUR SOUL", that your greatest desire was TO BE CLOSE TO GOD? 

Like David, we need to humbly PRAY each day, asking the Lord to relieve us from our troubles. We need to PLEA FOR MERCY and FORGIVENESS; looking at the past, as you go into the future. Take note of GOD'S WORD and HIS BLESSINGS.

"This is the best course we can take, when our SPIRIT IS OVERWHELMED, so we do not sink under the load, and fin a way to ease ourselves." Matthew Henry

DAVID'S PRAYER FOR GUIDANCE - Read Psalm 143:7-10,                                                                  Psalm 5; Romans 8:31-39


"Answer me quickly Lord, for my SPIRIT FAILS. Do not hide your face, or I will be like those who go down to the pit. Let the morning bring me WORDS OF YOUR UNFAILING LOVE, for I have put my TRUST IN YOU." Psalm 143:7&8 (NIV)

"Listen to my words Lord, consider my lament. HEAR MY CRY FOR HELP, my King and my God for to You I PRAY. In the morning, Lord, HEAR MY VOICE; in the morning I LAY MY REQUEST BEFORE YOU and You wait expectantly." Psalm 5:1-3 (NIV)

David cried out to the Lord because he was "at the end of his rope".  When we feel this way, we too need to TURN TO GOD. David felt an urgency for GOD TO ANSWER HIM. David's experience teaches us that GOD'S TIMING IS BEST. We too sense this urgency, like David, TO BE IN GOD'S PRESENCE.

"What then shall we say in response to these things. IF GOD IS FOR US, WHO CAN BE AGAINST US." Romans 8:31 (NIV)

We know that if God is on our side, nothing can bring us down. David needed to hear of GOD'S LOVINGKINDNESS, and if we trust in this, we can wake up each morning, ready to face a new day.


"Show me where to WALK (the way I should go), for I give myself to You. Rescue me from my enemies. Lord, I RUN TO YOU (hiding myself in You). Teach me to do THY WILL, for you are my God; may your good (gracious) Spirit LEAD ME ON THE LEVEL GROUND (forward on firm footing)" Psalm 143:9&10  (NIV/NLT)

"Lead me on the RIGHT PATH, O Lord, or my enemies will conquer me. MAKE YOUR WAY PLAIN FOR ME TO FOLLOW." Psalm 5:8  (NLT)

Listen for GOD'S GUIDANCE. It's encouraging when we LOOK BACK and we can see HOW GOD HAS GUIDED US. We too can do this, "sheltering in God's love" and not the things of the world. We, like David, needed to be "enveloped in GOD'S LOVE". We can trust in "GOD'S FAVOUR  and COMFORT.

"No, in all these things we are MORE THAN CONQUERORS, through HIM WHO LOVED US. For I am convinced that neither death nor life, angels nor demons, neither the PRESENT nor the FUTURE, nor any powers, can SEPERATE US FROM THE LOVE OF GOD, in Christ Jesus." Romans 8:37-38 (NIV)  

"It is the desire and endeavour of GOD'S SERVANTS to know and do GOD'S WILL, and to STAND, COMPLETE IN IT." Matthew Henry

The Lord wants us to be 'ENLIGHTENED BY HIS WILL". With the Holy Spirit's HELP AND GUIDANCE, we can do just that. 

DAVID'S PRAYER FOR REVIVAL - Read Psalm 143:11&12

"Lord, let me live so PEOPLE WILL PRAISE YOU. In YOUR GOODNESS save me from my troubles. In your LOVE defeat my enemies. Destroy all those who trouble me, because I AM YOUR SERVANT."  Psalm 143:11

David prayer for RENEWAL. He wanted God to SAVE HIM, for he knew this would bring GOD GLORY. Based in his relationship with God, he wanted to be "ENLIVENED", so he would be quickened to SERVE. In God's OWN TIME AND WAY David would be DELIVERED from his troubles. 

Davis would soon be KING as the Lord had ordained him, but at this stage he was still a refuge, hiding from Saul. He still had troubles to face, but he knew Gods would redeem him.

"Jesus said: "Let not your heart be troubled. TRUST IN GOD, TRUST ALSO IN ME."                                                                                                          John 14:1 (NCV)

"The GLADNESS, TRIUMPH, the awe of the memories of VICTORY....these are a symbol of the LORD'S PRESENCE, and are wonderfully expressed in this Psalm."                                                                                               Alexander McLaren

CONCLUSION - Read Psalm 143; 1 Samuel 22

                                                        Pat & David Alexander

We have learnt many things from David in this Psalm, and the others he wrote while in the Cave of Adullan:

* The Lord will NEVER ABANDON US.
* The Lord will STRENGTHEN AND PROTECT US from the evil one.
* The Lord will continue to do GREAT WORKS IN US/
* The Lord is our ROCK, REFUGE and STRONGOLD. 

"MY GOD IS MY ROCK and I can run to Him for SAFETY. He is my shield and my saving strength, my defender and my PLACE OF SAFETY. The LORD SAVES ME from those who want to harm me. I WILL CALL TO THE LORD, who is WORTHY OF PRAISE, and I WILL BE SAVED from my enemies." 2 Samuel 22:3&4 (NCV)

We trust in the Lord and rely on His promises. He is a FAITHFUL FATHER and HE GIVES US GRACE to TRUST IN HIM. Jesus is the "same, yesterday, today, forever." His compassions will not change, and LIKE HIS FATHER GOD, HE TOO IS FAITHFUL. We can also TRUST IN THE HOLY SPIRIT, as we know He will be with and in us always.

"GOD IS FAITHFUL  and will NEVER LEAVE US..... GOD'S GRACE holds us and guides us EACH STEP OF THE WAY." Ruth Chou Simmons

We are "standing on God's promises", we can be truly secure, even if things are not going well. Some people feel insecure in new, different circumstances. David was at first, but then he learnt that by FOLLOWING GOD'S WILL, he could TRUST HIM to ANSWER HIS PRAYERS.

"Tis' So Sweet to Trust in Jesus" (1000/2023) Louisa M Stead (Composer), Alan Jackson (Performer), Gaither Music/You Tube

"Standing on the Promises of God", (1920/2017), Kelso Carter (Composer), Alan Jackson (Performer), Gaither Music/You Tube

"The Holy Bible - New Century Version", 2005, Thomas Nelson

"The Holy Bible - New International Version", 2011, Biblical

"The Holy Bible - New Living Translation", 2015, Tyndale House Publishers

Alexander, Pat and David, "The Lion Handbook to the Bible - 4th Edition", 2009 Lion Hudson Publishers

Chou Simmoms, Ruth, "Pilgrim - 25 Ways God's Character Leads Us Onward", 2023, Harvest  House Publishers

Gumbel, Nicky and Pippa, "The Bible - Classic Version", 2024, Alpha, You Version

Guzik, David, "Hope for a Persecuted Soul - Enduring Bible Commentary", 2020, 

Henry, Matthew, 'Commentary on Psalm 143",1706/ 2025,

Maclaren, Alexander, "The Life of David Reflected in the Psalms," 1888, Hodder& Stoughton

Spurgeon, Charles H, "Psalm 143 - Commentary: Treasury of David, 1885, 2009

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