INTRODUCTION - Read Psalm 144, Psalm Psalm 40.
When the pressure is on, GO TO GOD. Your wounds will heal and you eyes will dry, IN TIME. Like David, if you have PATIENCE and WAIT FOR GOD and HIS TIMING, you will eventually RISE UP, STRONGER THAN EVER.
"I WAITED PATIENTLY FOR THE LORD; He turned to me and heard my cry. He lifted me out of the slimy pit, out of the mud and mire; He set my foot on A ROCK and gave me A FIRM PLACE TO STAND. He will put a NEW SONG in my mouth, a HYMN OF PRAISE to our God. Many will see and fear the Lord and PUT THEIR TRUST IN HIM," Psalm 40:1-3 (NIV)
Are you exhausted? Have you ever felt like quitting? There were times David experienced these feelings, but he knew that "GOD WAS HIS ALLY". As a new KING OF ISRAEL, David had to trust in God to HELP and CARE for His people.
'It is believed David wrote this Psalm a number of years after He was first ORDAINED KING. At first, he was KING only over the lands of Judah and Bethlehem, and then later all the PEOPLE OF ISRAEL accepted him. It showed his heart for GOD'S PEOPLE, in both WAR AND PEACE." David Guzik
We see in David's prayer how he:
* knew God would BLESS HIS FAMILY.
* had HOPE FOR HIS KINGDOM and HIS PEOPLE, that they would live in PEACE.
We too need to acknowledge the importance of "RELYING ON GOD", and we too can PRAISE THE LORD, giving Him all glory.
"And Ezra blessed the Lord, THE GREAT GOD. Then all the people answered, "AMEN, AMEN!" They lifted up their hands and WORSHIPPED THE LORD with their faces to the ground." Nehemiah 8:6 (NKJV)
DAVID - A REMARKABLE SOLDIER - Read Psalm 144:1-8; I Samuel 17&18
"So David went out wherever Saul sent him, and BEHAVED WISELY. And Saul set him over the men of the war, ad he was accepted by all the people and also in the sight of Sau's servants." 1 Samuel 18:5 (NKJV)
David was a "REMARKABLE WARRIOR" - like our special forces soldiers. He was part of Saul's army and would engage in "hand to hand combat". He used special weapons skillfully - the SWORD, SPEAR, BOW AND ARROW and a 'SLINGSHOT" - not only physically but spiritually.God also trained hm for his spiritual battles. eg. the "SWORD OF THE SPIRIT - the WORD OF GOD" , which like us, he was able to read and study, and GROW CLOSER TO GOD.
"David said to the Philistine, "You come against me with sword, spear and javelin, but I COME AGAINST YOU IN THE NAME OF THE LORD ALMIGHTY, the God of the Armies of Israel, whom you have defied.....All those gathered here will know that it is not by the SWORD OR SPEAR, that the LORD SAVES; for the BATTLE IS THE LORDS, and He will give you into our hands"......So David triumphed over the Philistine with A SLING AND A STONE; with a SWORD IN HIS HAND, he struck down the Philistine and killed him." 1 Samuel 17:45, 47 & 50 (NIV)
"Blessed be the Lord, MY ROCK who trains MY HANDS FOR WAR, and my FINGERS FOR BATTLE. He is my LOVING (kind and merciful) GOD, MY FORTRESS, MY STRONGHOLD (High Tower), MY DELIVER and MY SHIELD; the One in whom I TAKE REFUGE." Psalm 144:1&2 (NKJV/NIV)
* HE IS MY STRENGTH - "my Rock to build on".
* HE IS MY FORTRESS - David had formerly sheltered in caves and "strongholds". Now he depends on the Lord Himself.
"David captured the FORTRESS OF ZION, which is now called the CITY OF DAVID.....David became more and more powerful (respected by God's people), because the LORD ALMIGHTY WAS WITH HIM." 2 Samuel 5:7&10 (NIV/NLT)"
* HE IS MY DELIVER - God made David's victories for his "real benefit". He wanted God to be "present", and to save and deliver he and his people.
* HE IS MY SHIELD - to guard me against my enemies, and in a spiritual sense to be his "Shield of Faith", giving David strength in his battles.
"You've got to FIGHT, you've got to FINISH, but most of all to KEEP THE FAITH" Charles Spurgeon
This Psalm was very PERSONAL to David (My/I am). We too need people to see how PERSONAL GOD IS TO US. David had a relationship based on GOD'S LOVE, MERCY and KINDNESS. He knew WITH GOD'S HELP AND PRESENCE, God would also be FAITHFUL AND LOYAL to him. He knew that God had put him on the THRONE, and He could always TAKE REFUGE IN HIM.
"Lord, what are Human Beings that YOU CARE FOR THEM, mere mortals that you THINK OF THEM. They are a breath, their days are a fleeting shadow." Psalm 145:5&6 (NIV)
"When I look look at the night sky and see the work of your fingers - the moon and the stars that you set in place - what are mere mortals that you should think of them, human beings that you should care for them? Psalm 8:3&4 (NLT)
What BATTLES are you fighting in your life? Are they "physical", "spiritual" or both? Remember, God in on your side, He cares for you, and He will "bring you through."
"Physical strength is not enough. We also need TRAINING FROM THE LORD." David Guzik
"With God BEGINNING IS WINNING, and He promises to BRING US THROUGH." Charles Spurgeon
DAVID - THE KING OF ISRAEL - Read Psalm 144:9-14, Deuteronomy 28:1-4
David was a SHEPHERD BOY, A SOLDIER and FUGITIVE; but now he became the "SOVEREIGNPRINCE" (KING), who would RULE OVER GOD'S PEOPLE.
"Now there was a special hand of God inclining the people of Israel to become subject to David and later He would bring Jesus and His great divine ACT OF GRACE." Charles of Spurgeon
"I will SING A NEW SONG TO GOD; on the ten stringed lyre I will make MUSIC TO YOU; the one who GIVES VICTORY TO OUR KINGS, who delivers David, His servant from the deadly sword" Psalm 144:9&10 (NIV)
The next verses in this Psalm are a song of THANKSGIVING, for the VICTORIES David had won IN THE PAST. Now as king, he was ready to WIN MORE BATTLES, but this would not be on his own. Time and again, the Lord had come to David's rescue, but now in the PRESENT and FUTURE, David knew he could still TRUST THE LORD for DELIVERANCE.
During his time as a fugitive and soldier, the Lord had SAVED HIM from his enemies. Now as king he knew there would be more BATTLES, not just physical, but with HIS FAITH, which would KEEPING HIM GOING, just as it does for us. Just put one foot in a NEW DIRECTION, TRUST as David did, and GOD WILL ALWAYS BE WITH US.
"TRUST IN THE LORD, with all your heart, and lean not on your OWN UNDERSTANDING. In all your ways ACKNOWLEDGE HIM and HE WILL DIRECT YOUR PATHS." Proverbs 3:5&6 (NKJV)
"Then our sons, in their youth, are WELL NURTURED PLANTS. Our daughters will be like PILLARS, carved to adorn a palace. Our barns will be filled with every kind of PROVISION." Psalm 144:12 & 13 (NKJV)
David wanted the Lord to bless his "sons and daughters" and all the other descendants of his people. He wanted his sons to be "spiritually well rooted", as their father had been, and, to work, bringing a great harvest. This is something I, as mother, pray each day for my son, and his family.
"The HARVEST is plentiful, the WORKERS are few. Ask the LORD OF THE HARVEST to send out WORKERS into HIS HARVEST FIELD." Matthew 9:38 (NIV)
He wanted his daughters to be "stately and stable"; to be beautiful women of God. My husband has married such a woman, and I love and respect her, as the wife of my son and mother of my grandchildren. She has recently become a CHILDREN'S PASTOR in her local Church, and I believe she and my son want to bring up their daughters to follow her example.
"THE WIFE OF NOBLE CHARACTER, who can find? She is worth more than rubies. Her husband has FULL CONFIDENCE IN HER......She brings GOOD, not harm, all the days of her life......She is clothed with STRENGTH AND DIGNITY; she can LAUGH at her days to come." Proverbs 31:10,12, 25 (NIV)
Finally, we will all enter a "FULL SEASON" Our "barns will be filled" and our "stocks will multiply". With God on our side, we will "STAND STEADFASTLY".
David wants his people to live SAFE and PEACEFUL lives with no violence - "no riots in the streets or war between nations." David was a WISE and CARING KING, like his Father God, and he asked Him to bless his people in their everyday lives.
"If you OBEY THE LORD YOUR GOD, and carefully FOLLOW HIS COMMANDS. I give you today, the Lord your God will SET YOU UP HIGH above the nations of the world. They will experience ALL THESE BLESSINGS if you OBEY THE LORD YOUR GOD." Deuteronomy 28:1&2 (NIV/NLT)
CONCLUSION - Psalm 144:15
"Blessed (happy) are the people to whom THIS IS TRUE. Blessed (happy) are those to whom GOD IS THEIR LORD." Psalm 114:15 (NIV/NLT)
"The song closes with a PRAYER OF PEACE and PROSPERITY for Israel's FUTURE GENERATION." Pat & David Alexander
The people in David's Kingdom are "COVENANT (promise) PEOPLE"As their King, David expresses and earnest desire for the welfare of his people - GOD'S CHOSEN. We, too, today as BELIEVERS IN CHRIST are blessed with the "NEW COVENANT (promise) children". We are HAPPY AND BLESSED with the promise of CHRIST'S SPIRITUAL HERITAGE.
"These verses, may, with a little accommodation, be applied to PROSPEROUS CHURCHES, whose converts are growing and beautiful, the Gospel stories are abundant and the Spiritual increase most cheering. There ministers (pastors) and workers are FULL OF VIGOUR, and the people are HAPPPY AND UNITED. The Lord makes it so in all the Churches evermore......Those who WORSHP the HAPPY GOD become HAPPY PEOPLE." Charles Spurgeon
"Psalm 144 - A Fortress is Our Lord" (2023), Brian Suave (Composer/Performer), You Tube
"Blessed Assurance", (1873/2017) Fanny J Crosby (Composer), Alan Jackson (Performer), www.precious Tube
"The Holy Bible - New King James Version", 1982,Thomas Nelson
"The Holy Bible - New International Version", 2011, Biblical
"The Holy Bible - New Living Translation", 2015, Tyndale House Publishers
Alexander Pat & David, "The Lion Handbook to the Bible - 4th Edition", 2009, Lion Hudson
Guzik, David , "Psalm 144 - War and Peace: Enduring Word Bible Commentary, "2021"
Spurgeon, Charles, "Psalm 144 Commentary: Treasury of David", 1885/2009,
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