Friday, June 28, 2024


 INTRODUCTION - Read Psalm 145

These last 6 Psalms - 145-150 - are a group of Psalms dedicated to PRAISE AND WORSHIP. They are known to be used by Jews in their "public worship". They begin and end with "Hallelujahs", the Hebrew word for PRAISE THE LORD. 

This Psalm in particular is of a "personal nature" as David sings his own praises. They are also, "daily,  enthusiastic and never ending". Our praises too should be "personal, abundant" songs of joy. 

"It is personal (I WILL SPEAK) and then becomes universal (WE WILL SPEAK." Charles Spurgeon


The other theme in this Psalm is GOD'S KINGSHIP, and that of His Son JESUS CHRIST. David worshipped his FAITHFUL FATHER GOD, and we too can trust our SAVIOUR AND LORD - JESUS CHRIST. David looking forward to the coming of the MESSIAH, as we await His second coming.

"LORD, YOU ARE OUR KING. You reign over the universe, and are worthy of our PRAISE. Everyday, we sing YOUR PRAISES." Nicky Gumbel

In the next verses of this Psalm, David not only talks about GOD'S ATTRUBUTES - His greatness, love, mercy and faithfulness - but he also believes that these are seen in HIS SON, JESUS. As we trust in JESUS TODAY, as our omnipresent Saviour and Deliverer, we also look forward to our Heavenly future.

"The LORD IS CLOSE, to all who CALL OM HIM in truth. " Psalm 145:15 (NCV)

"Thank you LORD, that one day YOUR KINGDOM IN HEAVEN will be ours, and we will again reign with JESUS CHRIST - our MESSIAH, forever and ever." Nicky Gumbel

THE GREATNESS OF OUR KINGDOM - Psalm 145:1-7;                                                                              Ezra 4:6-5:7 

David praised and worshipped HIS KING everyday. He writes songs of praise to his FATHER GOD, and these will never be enough, for OUR LORD IS THE KING OF KINGS. He is OMNIPOTENT (GREAT) and in control of all our lives.

Over and over David tells us that GOD IS GREAT! But this is just one of His attributes, and for us  He is WORTHY OF GLORIOUS PRAISE. In our perspective, GOD IS GREATER STILL!

"GREAT IS THE LORD and WORTHY OF PRAISE. He is MAGNIFICENT and can never be PRAISED ENOUGH. There are no boundaries to HIS GREATNESS, and these can never be FATHOMED." Psalm 145:3 (NIV/MSG)

Human leaders are POWERFUL, but no one is as GREAT AS GOD HIMSELF. Ezra showed us that God's work could not be stopped by even the greatest of human leaders. God's work may be threatened and His plans opposed, but when GOD is behind them, THEY WILL SUCCEED! For God is our GREAT CREATOR AND KING!

"The Israelites had returned from exile, together with those who had separated themselves from all unclean practices of their Gentile neighbours, in order to seek the Lord, the God of Israel......the Lord had filled them with JOY by changing the attitude of the king of Assyria so that he assisted them in their work on the House of God, the God of Israel." Ezra 6:21&22b (NIV)

"Put your trust in GOD'S SOVEREIGN RULE. Don't trust in human leaders - TRUST GOD, YOUR KING." Nicky Gumbel

David goes on to tell us that we have a responsibility to SHARE the greatness of God with others - our  next generation of children and grandchildren.

"They tell of the power of  YOUR AWESOME WORKS. I will proclaim GREAT DEEDS, celebrating your ABUNDASNT GOODNESS. Your fame will spread over the country, joyfully singing of YOUR RIGHTEOUSNESS, on everyone's lips." Psalm 145:6&7 (NIV/MSG)

"We can share our testimony with others - day in and day out - telling what God has done in our lives." Pippa Gumbel

There is an "extensive and intensive greatness" found in out praises to our GREAT KING. Our praises must be "fervent, zealous, lifted high and full of life". Like David, our "spirit and hearts must be raised"


God is GRACIOUS, LOVING, MERCIFUL and FAITHFUL. As our King, "He provides all our needs". Because of his LOVE, KINDNESS AND COMPASSION, He gives us MERCY " when "we deserve His anger".

LOVE is indeed the most powerful force in our world, yet GOD is our greatest source of LOVE. His COMPASSION overcomes evil. When we encounter difficulties in our life, you need to "imitate the gracious love of God." GRACIOUS LOVE is backed up by HIS POWER AND MIGHT, and we can rely on Him through all circumstances.  It is no wonder David wants to continue to PRAISE and WORSHIP HIS GRACIOUS GOD. 

David wanted to share with the world and His creation. He wanted to sing his praises, knowing that IN ETERNITY he would live with His Father God and His Son Jesus, in HEAVEN. 

"Your Kingdom is an EVERLASTING KINGDOM. Your dominion endures for ALL GENERATIONS." Psalm 145:13a (NIV)

"David again sensed the responsibility of God's people to PRAISE THE LORD and to tell the wider world all that God had done for them. He also needed to PRAISE THE LORD because of His eternal Kingdom where one day we could live with Him in Heaven, and with His Son Jesus." David Guzik

OUR FAITFUL SAVIOUR & KING - Read Psalm 145:14-20; Mark 8:22-26, 10:13-16; Acts 19:1-20; Ezra 7:8-10

This Psalm is full of "wonderful PROMISES", which we know were kept by God and His Son Jesus.

* The Lord upholds us!
* The Lord is near to us!
* The Lord watches over us!
* The Lord answers our prayers!

These, along with their many attributes, help to "preserve us", as we endeavour to follow the ways of the Lord. He lifts up those who are oppressed,  "weighted down with weakness", and depressed. 

"The Lord is TRUSTWORTHY in ALL HIS PROMISES, and FAITHFUL IN ALL HE DOES. The Lord UPHOLDS all who fall, and LIFTS UP all who are bowed down." Psalm 145:14 (NIV)

"You open YOUR HANDS and satisfy the desires of every living thing. The Lord is RIGHTEOUS in His ways and FAITHFUL in all He does."  Psalm 145:16&17 (NIV)

Hands are important, especially those of Jesus, who HEALED, BLESSED AND FILLED WITH THE HOLYT SPIRIT. Later people were given GIFTS OF THE SPIRIT when hands were laid on them.

"They came to Bethsaida, and some people brought a blind man and begged Jesus to touch him....Once more Jesus put his hands on the man's eyes. Then His eyes were opened, his sight was restored and he saw everything clearly." Mark 8:22-25 (NIV)

"And He took the children in His arms, placed His hands on them, and blessed them."                                                                                                                             Mark 10:16 (NIV)

"When Paul placed his hands on them, they spoke in tongues  and prophesied." Acts 19:6 (NIV)

In the Old Testament we read how Ezra felt GOD'S BLESSING AND HIS SPIRIT, when hands were placed on him. These hands may be "invisible and intangible", but God's hands LEAD US, GUIDE US, ENCOURAGE US and GIVE US STRENGTH. Ezra knew that God was FAITHFUL AND GRACIOUS, and He would protect Him. Ezra was a priest and a teacher, who, like David, trust in the "WAYS OF GOD" and the "TRUTH OF HIS WORD."

"He had begun his journey from Babylon on the first day of the first month, and he arrived in Jerusalem on the fifth month, for the GRACIOUS HAND OF GOD was on Him. For Ezra had devoted Himself to the STUDY AND OBSERVANCE OF GOD'S LAW, and TEACHING ITS LAWS AND DECREES in Israel." Ezra 7:9&10 (NIV)

"Lord, let me HOLD YOUR HAND like a child and WALK WITH YOU all of my days; secure in YOUR LOVE AND STRENGTH." Thomas Kemp - cited by Charles Spurgeon

"The Lord is there to listen to all why call on and pray to Him and mean it, all who call  on Him in truth." Psalm 145:18 (NIV/MSG)

What is PRAYER? It is "calling on the Lord", crying out to Him in times of need. PRAYER IS TRUTH because we know that God is "near us", and "hears us", "fulfilling our desires".

"PRAYER is a broad word referring to all COMMUNICATION WITH GOD. It involves: SUPPLICATION (asking God boldly for our needs); INTERCESSION (making requests on behalf of others), and as David reminds us: GIVING THANKS AND PRAISE. (David Guzik)

"PRAISES in our PRAYERS are VOLUNTARY acts to our Saviour, our Healer and our Deliverer."                                                                                                                  Max Lucado


"I will exalt you, my God and King; I WILL PRAISE (BLESS)YOUR NAME FOREVER AND EVER  Every day I will PRAISE AND EXTOL (BLESS) YOUR NAME FOREVER, UNTIL ETERNITY......My mouth will speak in PRAISE TO THE LORD. Let every creature PRAISE HIS HOLY NAME FOREVER AND EVER, from now UNTIL ETERNITY."                                                                                                              Psalm 145:1,2 & 21 (NIV/MSG)

David ends his Psalm as it begins, with PRAISE AND WORSHIP. It is the BEST PRAISE ever! It is sincere and intense, from a warm heart. We can use this Psalm as our model for PRAISE AND WORSHIP.

"Let every Christian render His praise unto the Lord, and call on His Name. I will speak PRAISE TO JEHOVAH, as long as I breathe. Here is the beauty of David's praise, as He delights in the GOODNESS AND MERCY of our God." Charles Spurgeon

There are two words in which THANKSGIVING IS KNOWN:

* PRAISE that "honours God's excellence".
* BLESSING that "honours God's benefits".

If we are to define our PRAISES they will be "LOWLY, LOVING WORSHIP", exalting the righteousness and MAJESTY of our FATHER GOD and HIS SON, JESUS. It is usually joined with a BLESSING.  No one's PRAISE AND WORSHIP will be rejected for we know OUR LORD IS HOLY. Our hearts are full of PRAISE - "our greatest delight". Some of David's Psalms are written as "teaching for God's people", but this Psalm is "directed to God."

"We PRAISE GOD for His abundant provision, HIS GREATNESS AND HIS LOVE. WORSHIP is a THANKYOU that refuses to be silenced." Max Lucado

"Great is the Lord", 1993, Asaph Alexander (Composer) Michael W Smith (Artist) Universal Music Publishing Group / You Tube 

"God is So Good" , 2018, Ben & Daniel Smith (Composer), Pat Barrett (Composer/Artist), Bethel Music/You Tube

"Way Maker", 2019, Osinachi Ohoro (Composer) Leeland (Artist) Integrity Music/You Tube

"Holy Bible - New International Version", 2011, Biblica

"Holy Bible, New Century Version - The Devotional Bible" , Max Lucado,  2005, Thomas Nelson

"The Message - the Bible in Contemporary Language", Eugene H Peterson, 2018, Nav Press/Tyndale House Publishers

GUMBEL, Nicky & Pippa , "The Bible - Classic Version", 2024, Alpha/You Version

GUZIK, David, "Praying God's Word - Prayers of Paul", 2024, Enduring Word Bible Commentary,   You Version.

SPURGEON, Charles, "The Treasury of David - Study of Psalms - Volume 7, 1882,  Funk &  Wagnalls/Google Books

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