Saturday, September 7, 2024


 INTRODUCTION - Read Psalm 147;

                                     Nehemiah 1:1&2   

This Psalm 147, is likely to be written by Nehemiah. He has a "genuine repentance" and he PRAYS on a regular basis on behalf of GOD'S PEOPLE, the Israelites. They are also PRAISING THE LORD and REJOICING, as they are brought back to REBUILD JERUSALEM.     

As I read Psalm 147 and Nehemiah 1&2, I am blessed to know how the Lord is watching over me. I have recently left the "Thomas Hogan Centre" - Rehabilitation -  to return home . I there for about 5 weeks, and left a week later than planned, so Mark could fix up the Caravan for me. I am getting better with my writing and slowly with my reading; and have been a little frustrated with my Bible Study, cooking and learning at home. My talking is getting much better and my Speech Pathologist is very proud of me, and I think my husband is too. I just PRAISE THE LORD for all He has done for me.

"Praise the Lord. How good it is to sing praises to the Lord, how pleasant and fitting to Praise Him." Psalm 147:1 (NIV)  

This whole Psalm, like Nehemiah and God's people,  show the GREAT LOVE for THE LORD, and their desire to RETURN TO JERUSALEM. We too are reminded how 
 is. We can continue to WORSHIP HIM and be FULL OF JOY. To the response of the AMAZING GOD and His GREAT CREATION and CHILDREN OF GOD.

"Then I said, "O Lord God of Heaven, the great and awesome God who keeps His covenant of unfailing with this who love Him and obey His commands. LISTEN TO MY PRAYER! Look down and se my PRAYING DAY AND NIGHT for your people of Israel. I confess that I have sinned against you. Yes, even my own family and I have sinned." Nehemiah 1:5&6 (NIV)

FAITH AND REPENTANCE -                        Read Psalm 147:1-11; Nehemiah 1

"PRAISE THE LORD! How good to SING PRAISES TO OUR GOD! How delightful and fitting is the Lord!" Psalm 147:1&2 (NLT)

PRAYER is simply having a HONEST CONVERSATION WITH OUR GOD! God, I am in awe of you! The problems of the world are frightening at times, but I thank the Lord that HE IS DOING BETTER.  You God are greater than my problems. I am still feeling anxious at times, even though I am in my home, but I know I can still COUNT ON THE LORD. His will and His plans are greater, than even my faith. I thank you Lord that I CAN ALWAYS TRUST IN YOU!

"GREAT IS THE LORD and MIGHTY IN POWER. His understanding has NO LIMITS. The Lord will sustain the HUMBLE but He casts the wicked to the ground. SING TO THE LORD with GRATEFUL PRAISE, make music to our God with the harp." Psalm 147:5-7  (NLT)

"REPENTANCE involves HUMBLING OURSELVES before the LORD. The Lord always SUSTAINS US, and we always REJOICE." Nicky Gumble

God's children who are hurt and "brokenhearted", TRUST IN GOD and humble themselves before HIS CARE. There will still be days when I will feel frustration with myself, and depressed; but I know the Lord is with me, just as Nehemiah felt. In 444BC Nehemiah felt devastated when God's people stopped "honouring God". He wanted to remind them that God wanted them to "rebuild Temple", and to serve Him. Nehemiah was a "Government worker" in a "high office". He was a "cupbearer" with a great responsibility in the king`s Royal Palace. God wanted Nehemiah to be a great model as a MAN OF PRAYER. 

"So it was when I heard these words, I sat down and wept and murmured for many days; I was FASTING and PRAYING before MY GOD IN HEAVEN." Nehemiah 1:4 (NLKV)

REPENTANCE should be a "positive word", not causing such anxiety. If we READ OUR BIBLE EVERYDAY, our lives can be enhanced. We need to CHANGE OUR HEARTS and TRUST  IN THE LORD. By repenting and PUTTING OUR FAITH IN CHRIST. We are encouraged to PRAY and PRAISE, with Nehemiah. Our Father and His Son are "pleasant" and "beautiful", and we can follow Them always. They both encouraged GOD'S PEOPLE, to SING HIS PRAISES, so their "land would be restored and "built up".

"The Lord delights in those those who fear Him, and put their HOPE in HIS UNFAILING LOVE." Psalm 147:11 (NIV) 

"O Lord, your LOVE endures forever! You are SO KIND, you have never failed us. ALLIGN YOUR HEART and never give up on us. We  will give you GLORY." Nicky Gumbel

GOD'S STRENGTH AND PEACE -               Read Psalm - Psalm  147:12-20; Nehemiah 2

"Glory to God, O Jerusalem! Praise your God, O Zion! For HE HAS STRENGTH, the bars on your gates, and BLESSED YOUR CHILDREN with You walls. HE SEND YOUR PEACE across the nations and satisfies your hunger with the finest wheat." Psalm 147: 12-13 (NLT)

Jerusalem was God's city. He called Nehemiah and His people to rebuild His walls. As His CHILD, I still attempt to do GOD'S WORK FOR HIM, but there are times I still struggle. I still have difficulty, at times, with my reading and understanding His Word, but I am getting better  with my speaking. Like Nehemiah, I trust in the Lord, "to rebuild, respond and repair" me, so I can continue to FOLLOW HIS WILL.

God "accepts us and values us". As GOD'S PEOPLE - both young and old - as we "rebuild His temple", we honour His name, as our Father and His Son Jesus. 

"Then I said to them, "You see the trouble we are in: Jerusalem lies in ruins and His gates have been burned with fire. Come, let us REBUILD the walls of Jerusalem, and we will no longer be in disgrace. I also told them about the GRACIOUS HAND OF MY GOD ON ME, and what the king had said to me. The replied: "Let us START REBUILDING." So they began  their GOOD WORK.....I answered them by saying: "The God of Heaven will give us success. We His servants will start HIS REBUILDING"   Nehemiah 2:17&18, 20a.  (NIV)

GOD IS LOVE and CARING. GOD IS POWEFUL, and we can ADMIRE HIS CREATION. We too have HIS STRENGTH, through HIS FATHER and HIS SON JESUS. We can HOPE AND TRUST in HIS MERCY. We can "honour and delight in His Name". 

"He has revealed HIS WORD in Jacob, His law and decrees to Israel. He has done this for NO OTHER NATION; they do not know His law. PRAISE THE LORD!" Psalm 147:20   (NIV)

In Jerusalem, God's people and Nehemiah continued to SING HIS PRAISES - HALELUJAHS!

* God gave His people STRENGTH.
* He blessed the future of His children.
* He gave PEACE in their borders.
* God gave them provision.

GOD'S WORD was declared to Jacob, and later to Nehemiah and His people Israel. He took their work seriously He loved them and all was expressed in HIS POWER AND NATURE. 

"Understand the GREATNESS OF GOD and HIS CARE for all humanity and nature. HIS POWER is remarkable - the nature of HIS WORD. This should move to our PRAISE and HALLELUJAHS!"
                                                                                                 David Guzik

CONCLUSION = Read Psalm 147

All the promises of GOD and HIS SON JESUS were fulfilled, when Jerusalem was rebuilt, and later Jesus gave His life for us on the Cross. We PRAISD and THANKED him for all He had done for us. We don't need to be afraid, but we can respond like Nehemiah, IN PRAYER. With God FIGHTING FOR US, like Jesus, we can be STRENGTHENED.

"Lord, thank you for YOUR BLESSINGS to YOUR PEOPLE. Thank you that we have PEACE through JESUS CHRIST. Thank you for desiring our needs and longing for out hearts." 
                                                                              Nicky Gumbel

"PEACE is what we need in our hearts, PEACE AND FUTURE for our families, and in the world, everywhere." Pippa Gumbel

"Now may the LORD OF PEACE Himself, give you PEACE at all times and in every way. The Lord will be with ALL OF YOU." 2 Thessalonians 3:16 (NIV)

"One Day at a Time", 2022, The Asher Home (Performers), Christian Worship Songs, I Tunes

"I Can Do All Things, Through Chris Who Gives Me Strength", 2023, Strive to Be (Performers), Theme Music Video

"The Holy Bible - New International Version" (2011), Biblica

"The Holy Bible -New Living Translation" (2015) Tyndale House Publishers

"The Holy Bible - New King James Version" (1982) Thomas Nelson

Nicky & Pippa Gumbel, "Classic Version" (2024), Alpha/You Version

David Guzik, "Psalm 147- Praising the God of Care & Creation - The Enduring Word Commentary", (2024),

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