Saturday, September 14, 2024


INTRODUCTION - Psalm 148;                      Revelation 19:1-10; Nehemiah 8:1-10

"Hallujahs! Praise Him from the Heaven! Praise Him from the mountaintops! Praise Him, all you angels! Praise Him all you warriors........Praise, O let them praise the Name of God - He spoke the words and there they were."                                                                                                               Psalm 148:1,2&5  (MSG)

The word HALLELUJAH is an invitation to read the last five Psalms. We are now in the 3rd last - HALLELUJAH CHORUS. The whole Bible ends with these exuberant PRAISES AND HALLEUJAHS. In the Revetion the angels WORSHIP GOD ANND HIS SON JESUS.

"Hallelujah! Salvation, glory and power belong to our Lord God.......Hallelujah, for the Lord Almighty reigns. LET US REJOICE AND BE GLAD; and GIVE HIM GLORY."                                                                                                         Revelation 19:6&7 (NIV)

When Ezra praised the Lord, God's people lifted up their hands, bowing down to worship God. He read the Word of God to them, explainingh its meaning. God's people started to "weep and mourn", but Nehemiah wanted to celebrate. 

"Dont be grieved, THE JOY OF THE LORD IS YOUR STRENGTH." Nehemiah 8:10b (NIV)

The people were calmed by the Levites and Nehemiah celebrating the GREAT JOY 

The Scottish poet, James Montgomery was watching the story of the birth of Jesus in the book of Luke, and decided to write a song about the Angels - "ANGELS FROM THE REALMS OF GLORY". It became the most popular Christmas Carol. Why, because it was a song of GREAT PRAISE and HALLELUJAHS!

"And the angel said to them: "Fear not, for I bring you good tidings of GREAT JOY,  which shall be to all the people." " Luke 2:10 (NKJV)

 SINGING PRAISES AND HALLELUJAHS - Read Psalm 148:1-6; John 1:1-14

"Praise Him sun and moon; Praise Him all you shininh stars. Praise Him all you highest Heavens, and waters above the skies." Psalm 148: 3&4 (NIV)

The people of Israel were continuing giving THANKS TO THE LORD, because of His "greatness and deity". The Psalmist called upon the angels in the Heavens, "surrounding God's throne".  As Christians, we too need to WORSHIP GOD, HIS SON and ANGELS. We should praise Him "shining in His radiance". We need to have FAITH IN HIS PLANS. This Psalm 148 is indeed a STATEMENT OF FAITH. These first 6 verses acknowledge God's Heavens and His power. We forever sing and shine in HIS LIGHT.

"Such a MIGHTIER MAKER deserves PRAISE and HALLELUJAHS." David Guzik

"Therefore, ought the LOD BE PRAISED, because HE IS OUR PRESERVER, as well as OUR CREATOR, RULER AND MAKER." Charles Spurgeon

"In the beginning was THE WORD, and THE WORD was with God, and THE WORD was God. He was with God in the beginning. Through Him all things were MADE. Without Him nothing was MADE that has been MADE." John 1:1-3 (NIV)

CREATION - PRAISE AND HALLELUJAHS - Read Psalm 148:7-12; Revelation 19:1-19; Philippians 2:9-11; John 1:1-14

"God, when I look at the world around me, I am amzed that YOU'VE CREATED ALL THINGS. Help me to never lose wonder of what YOU ARE ABLE to ACCOMPLISH. In Jesus Name, Amen" (You Version)

"Praise the Lord from the earth, the great sea creatures, the deep sea, fire and hail, snow and mist, stormy winds, FULFILLING HIS WORLD. Mountains and all His hills; fruitful trees and all cedars; beasts and all cattle, creeping things and flying fowl."  Psalm 148:7-10 (NKJV)

This Psalm calls for FAITH AND HOPE, for the LORD IS OUR CREATOR. The angels and His Son, Jesus are "spiritual forces of evil". God wants us to TRUST in the great provision of HIS CREATION. We know HE LOVES US. There is no need to DOUBT HIS WORD, all we need is to WORSHIP HIM. Everything on earth including mountains; includiing animals and beast, creeping creatures and birds. THEY ALL PRAISE THE LORD IN GOD'S NAME.

In Revelation and John we read of GOD'S WORD and the REVELATION OF JESUS CHRIST. The Psalmist's heart is "bursting with PRAISE" and HALLELUJAHS. He is speaking of God's people in the WORLD wanting them to SHARE THE VICTORY we have in Christ and His Father.

"Stand up and Praise the Lord your God, who is from everlasting to everlasting. Blessed be your GLORIOUS NAME and may it be exalted above all blessings and praise. YOU ALONE ARE THE LORD. YOU MADE THE HEAVENS, even the highest Heavens, and all the starry host, the earth and all that is on it, the seas and all that is in them. YOU GIVE LIFE TO EVERYTHING, and the multitudes in Heaven WORSHIP YOU." Nehemiah 9:5&6 (NLT)

"After this I heard this sound like a roar of a great multitude in heaven shouting: "HALLELUJAH! Salvation and glory and power belong to our God." Revelation 19:1 (NIV)

"KING OF ALL THE EARTH and ALL THE NATIONS, princes and rulers."                                                                                                            Psalm 148:11 (NIV)

GOD IS FAITHFUL AND TRUE! He fulfills HIS WORD through HIS SON JESUS. He is the "King of Kings and Lord of Lords". God, who reigns above all things - YOU ARE ABOVE ALL THINGS - you hold things together. Your NAME IS HOLY and YOUR WORDS bring life to the healimg. You make known to us the PATHS THAT LEAD TO LIFE.

"On His robe and on His thigh He has the name written: KING OF KINGS AND LORD OF LORDS." Revelation 19:16 (NIV)

"Therefore, God exalted Him to the highest place and gave Him the Name that is above every Name, that AT THE NAME OF JESUS EVERY KNEE SHOULLD BOW, in Heaven and on earth, and under the earth, that every tongue acknowledge that JESUS CHRIST IS THE LORD, TO THE GLORY OF GOD THE FATHER."  Philippians 2:9-11 (NIV)

"The WORD BECAME FLESH and made His dwelling among us. We have seen His glory, the glory of the ONE AND ONLY SON, who came from the Father; FULL OF GRACE AND TRUTH."  John 1:14 (NIV)

CONCLUSION - Praise the Name of the Lord - Read Psalm 148:13&14

"All humans are made in His image, they all owe PRAISE TO GOD, who made them and sustained them." David Guzik

"LET THEM PRAISE THE NAME OF THE LORD, for HE IS EXALTED. His glory is above the earth and Heaven. And He has exalted THE HORN of HIS PEOPLE, the praise of all His saints of the Children of Israel; and people hear Him. PRAISE THE LORD!" 
                                                                   Psalm 148:13&14

In the PSALMS we are called to have FAITH AND HOPE. God has raised HIS PEOPLE as a strong deliverer with "HIS HORN". 

"The HORN sybolizes the LORD'S STRENGTH.  We find fulillment in JESUS." Nicky Gumbel

We are surely fulfilled in the life of JESUS CHRIST and HIS FATHER. We cam confidently ACKNOWLEDGE HIS LOVE. There is no being who deserves WORSHIP, HONOUR and PRAISE MORE. Thank you Lord that You draw us near to your heart.  That is what their LOVE is all about. Thank you for calling us YOUR INTIMATE FRIEND . 

The Psalmist finishes with a SHOUT OF PRAISE, close to his heart - PRAISE THE LORD, HALLEUJAH.

"Angels from the Realms of Glory" (1825/2024), James Montgomery (Poet), Peter Hollens &         David Archteletes (Performers), The Piano Guys/Patron Music 

"Psalm 148 - Sun, Moon and Stars - Hallelujah Songs" (2009) Sons of Korah (Performers), Netherlands/You Tube

"The Holy Bible - New King James Version" (1982) Thomas Nelson

"The Holy Bible - New International Version" (2011) Biblica

"The Holy Bible - New Living Translation" (2015) Tyndale House Foundation

                  "The Message - The Bible Commentary Language" (2002) Eugene H Peterson,                            Tyndale House  Publishers

Nicky & Pippa Gumbel (2024), "The Bible - Classic Version", Alpha/You Version

David Guzik (2020), "Psalm 148 - Let the Heaven & Earth Praise the Lord  - Enduring Word Commentary",

Charles Spurgeon, "The Treasury of David - Psalm 148, (1875/2018)  Bible for Android. 

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