Saturday, September 14, 2024


INTRODUCTION - Psalm 148;                      Revelation 19:1-10; Nehemiah 8:1-10

"Hallujahs! Praise Him from the Heaven! Praise Him from the mountaintops! Praise Him, all you angels! Praise Him all you warriors........Praise, O let them praise the Name of God - He spoke the words and there they were."                                                                                                               Psalm 148:1,2&5  (MSG)

The word HALLELUJAH is an invitation to read the last five Psalms. We are now in the 3rd last - HALLELUJAH CHORUS. The whole Bible ends with these exuberant PRAISES AND HALLEUJAHS. In the Revetion the angels WORSHIP GOD ANND HIS SON JESUS.

"Hallelujah! Salvation, glory and power belong to our Lord God.......Hallelujah, for the Lord Almighty reigns. LET US REJOICE AND BE GLAD; and GIVE HIM GLORY."                                                                                                         Revelation 19:6&7 (NIV)

When Ezra praised the Lord, God's people lifted up their hands, bowing down to worship God. He read the Word of God to them, explainingh its meaning. God's people started to "weep and mourn", but Nehemiah wanted to celebrate. 

"Dont be grieved, THE JOY OF THE LORD IS YOUR STRENGTH." Nehemiah 8:10b (NIV)

The people were calmed by the Levites and Nehemiah celebrating the GREAT JOY 

The Scottish poet, James Montgomery was watching the story of the birth of Jesus in the book of Luke, and decided to write a song about the Angels - "ANGELS FROM THE REALMS OF GLORY". It became the most popular Christmas Carol. Why, because it was a song of GREAT PRAISE and HALLELUJAHS!

"And the angel said to them: "Fear not, for I bring you good tidings of GREAT JOY,  which shall be to all the people." " Luke 2:10 (NKJV)

 SINGING PRAISES AND HALLELUJAHS - Read Psalm 148:1-6; John 1:1-14

"Praise Him sun and moon; Praise Him all you shininh stars. Praise Him all you highest Heavens, and waters above the skies." Psalm 148: 3&4 (NIV)

The people of Israel were continuing giving THANKS TO THE LORD, because of His "greatness and deity". The Psalmist called upon the angels in the Heavens, "surrounding God's throne".  As Christians, we too need to WORSHIP GOD, HIS SON and ANGELS. We should praise Him "shining in His radiance". We need to have FAITH IN HIS PLANS. This Psalm 148 is indeed a STATEMENT OF FAITH. These first 6 verses acknowledge God's Heavens and His power. We forever sing and shine in HIS LIGHT.

"Such a MIGHTIER MAKER deserves PRAISE and HALLELUJAHS." David Guzik

"Therefore, ought the LOD BE PRAISED, because HE IS OUR PRESERVER, as well as OUR CREATOR, RULER AND MAKER." Charles Spurgeon

"In the beginning was THE WORD, and THE WORD was with God, and THE WORD was God. He was with God in the beginning. Through Him all things were MADE. Without Him nothing was MADE that has been MADE." John 1:1-3 (NIV)

CREATION - PRAISE AND HALLELUJAHS - Read Psalm 148:7-12; Revelation 19:1-19; Philippians 2:9-11; John 1:1-14

"God, when I look at the world around me, I am amzed that YOU'VE CREATED ALL THINGS. Help me to never lose wonder of what YOU ARE ABLE to ACCOMPLISH. In Jesus Name, Amen" (You Version)

"Praise the Lord from the earth, the great sea creatures, the deep sea, fire and hail, snow and mist, stormy winds, FULFILLING HIS WORLD. Mountains and all His hills; fruitful trees and all cedars; beasts and all cattle, creeping things and flying fowl."  Psalm 148:7-10 (NKJV)

This Psalm calls for FAITH AND HOPE, for the LORD IS OUR CREATOR. The angels and His Son, Jesus are "spiritual forces of evil". God wants us to TRUST in the great provision of HIS CREATION. We know HE LOVES US. There is no need to DOUBT HIS WORD, all we need is to WORSHIP HIM. Everything on earth including mountains; includiing animals and beast, creeping creatures and birds. THEY ALL PRAISE THE LORD IN GOD'S NAME.

In Revelation and John we read of GOD'S WORD and the REVELATION OF JESUS CHRIST. The Psalmist's heart is "bursting with PRAISE" and HALLELUJAHS. He is speaking of God's people in the WORLD wanting them to SHARE THE VICTORY we have in Christ and His Father.

"Stand up and Praise the Lord your God, who is from everlasting to everlasting. Blessed be your GLORIOUS NAME and may it be exalted above all blessings and praise. YOU ALONE ARE THE LORD. YOU MADE THE HEAVENS, even the highest Heavens, and all the starry host, the earth and all that is on it, the seas and all that is in them. YOU GIVE LIFE TO EVERYTHING, and the multitudes in Heaven WORSHIP YOU." Nehemiah 9:5&6 (NLT)

"After this I heard this sound like a roar of a great multitude in heaven shouting: "HALLELUJAH! Salvation and glory and power belong to our God." Revelation 19:1 (NIV)

"KING OF ALL THE EARTH and ALL THE NATIONS, princes and rulers."                                                                                                            Psalm 148:11 (NIV)

GOD IS FAITHFUL AND TRUE! He fulfills HIS WORD through HIS SON JESUS. He is the "King of Kings and Lord of Lords". God, who reigns above all things - YOU ARE ABOVE ALL THINGS - you hold things together. Your NAME IS HOLY and YOUR WORDS bring life to the healimg. You make known to us the PATHS THAT LEAD TO LIFE.

"On His robe and on His thigh He has the name written: KING OF KINGS AND LORD OF LORDS." Revelation 19:16 (NIV)

"Therefore, God exalted Him to the highest place and gave Him the Name that is above every Name, that AT THE NAME OF JESUS EVERY KNEE SHOULLD BOW, in Heaven and on earth, and under the earth, that every tongue acknowledge that JESUS CHRIST IS THE LORD, TO THE GLORY OF GOD THE FATHER."  Philippians 2:9-11 (NIV)

"The WORD BECAME FLESH and made His dwelling among us. We have seen His glory, the glory of the ONE AND ONLY SON, who came from the Father; FULL OF GRACE AND TRUTH."  John 1:14 (NIV)

CONCLUSION - Praise the Name of the Lord - Read Psalm 148:13&14

"All humans are made in His image, they all owe PRAISE TO GOD, who made them and sustained them." David Guzik

"LET THEM PRAISE THE NAME OF THE LORD, for HE IS EXALTED. His glory is above the earth and Heaven. And He has exalted THE HORN of HIS PEOPLE, the praise of all His saints of the Children of Israel; and people hear Him. PRAISE THE LORD!" 
                                                                   Psalm 148:13&14

In the PSALMS we are called to have FAITH AND HOPE. God has raised HIS PEOPLE as a strong deliverer with "HIS HORN". 

"The HORN sybolizes the LORD'S STRENGTH.  We find fulillment in JESUS." Nicky Gumbel

We are surely fulfilled in the life of JESUS CHRIST and HIS FATHER. We cam confidently ACKNOWLEDGE HIS LOVE. There is no being who deserves WORSHIP, HONOUR and PRAISE MORE. Thank you Lord that You draw us near to your heart.  That is what their LOVE is all about. Thank you for calling us YOUR INTIMATE FRIEND . 

The Psalmist finishes with a SHOUT OF PRAISE, close to his heart - PRAISE THE LORD, HALLEUJAH.

"Angels from the Realms of Glory" (1825/2024), James Montgomery (Poet), Peter Hollens &         David Archteletes (Performers), The Piano Guys/Patron Music 

"Psalm 148 - Sun, Moon and Stars - Hallelujah Songs" (2009) Sons of Korah (Performers), Netherlands/You Tube

"The Holy Bible - New King James Version" (1982) Thomas Nelson

"The Holy Bible - New International Version" (2011) Biblica

"The Holy Bible - New Living Translation" (2015) Tyndale House Foundation

                  "The Message - The Bible Commentary Language" (2002) Eugene H Peterson,                            Tyndale House  Publishers

Nicky & Pippa Gumbel (2024), "The Bible - Classic Version", Alpha/You Version

David Guzik (2020), "Psalm 148 - Let the Heaven & Earth Praise the Lord  - Enduring Word Commentary",

Charles Spurgeon, "The Treasury of David - Psalm 148, (1875/2018)  Bible for Android. 

Saturday, September 7, 2024


 INTRODUCTION - Read Psalm 147;

                                     Nehemiah 1:1&2   

This Psalm 147, is likely to be written by Nehemiah. He has a "genuine repentance" and he PRAYS on a regular basis on behalf of GOD'S PEOPLE, the Israelites. They are also PRAISING THE LORD and REJOICING, as they are brought back to REBUILD JERUSALEM.     

As I read Psalm 147 and Nehemiah 1&2, I am blessed to know how the Lord is watching over me. I have recently left the "Thomas Hogan Centre" - Rehabilitation -  to return home . I there for about 5 weeks, and left a week later than planned, so Mark could fix up the Caravan for me. I am getting better with my writing and slowly with my reading; and have been a little frustrated with my Bible Study, cooking and learning at home. My talking is getting much better and my Speech Pathologist is very proud of me, and I think my husband is too. I just PRAISE THE LORD for all He has done for me.

"Praise the Lord. How good it is to sing praises to the Lord, how pleasant and fitting to Praise Him." Psalm 147:1 (NIV)  

This whole Psalm, like Nehemiah and God's people,  show the GREAT LOVE for THE LORD, and their desire to RETURN TO JERUSALEM. We too are reminded how 
 is. We can continue to WORSHIP HIM and be FULL OF JOY. To the response of the AMAZING GOD and His GREAT CREATION and CHILDREN OF GOD.

"Then I said, "O Lord God of Heaven, the great and awesome God who keeps His covenant of unfailing with this who love Him and obey His commands. LISTEN TO MY PRAYER! Look down and se my PRAYING DAY AND NIGHT for your people of Israel. I confess that I have sinned against you. Yes, even my own family and I have sinned." Nehemiah 1:5&6 (NIV)

FAITH AND REPENTANCE -                        Read Psalm 147:1-11; Nehemiah 1

"PRAISE THE LORD! How good to SING PRAISES TO OUR GOD! How delightful and fitting is the Lord!" Psalm 147:1&2 (NLT)

PRAYER is simply having a HONEST CONVERSATION WITH OUR GOD! God, I am in awe of you! The problems of the world are frightening at times, but I thank the Lord that HE IS DOING BETTER.  You God are greater than my problems. I am still feeling anxious at times, even though I am in my home, but I know I can still COUNT ON THE LORD. His will and His plans are greater, than even my faith. I thank you Lord that I CAN ALWAYS TRUST IN YOU!

"GREAT IS THE LORD and MIGHTY IN POWER. His understanding has NO LIMITS. The Lord will sustain the HUMBLE but He casts the wicked to the ground. SING TO THE LORD with GRATEFUL PRAISE, make music to our God with the harp." Psalm 147:5-7  (NLT)

"REPENTANCE involves HUMBLING OURSELVES before the LORD. The Lord always SUSTAINS US, and we always REJOICE." Nicky Gumble

God's children who are hurt and "brokenhearted", TRUST IN GOD and humble themselves before HIS CARE. There will still be days when I will feel frustration with myself, and depressed; but I know the Lord is with me, just as Nehemiah felt. In 444BC Nehemiah felt devastated when God's people stopped "honouring God". He wanted to remind them that God wanted them to "rebuild Temple", and to serve Him. Nehemiah was a "Government worker" in a "high office". He was a "cupbearer" with a great responsibility in the king`s Royal Palace. God wanted Nehemiah to be a great model as a MAN OF PRAYER. 

"So it was when I heard these words, I sat down and wept and murmured for many days; I was FASTING and PRAYING before MY GOD IN HEAVEN." Nehemiah 1:4 (NLKV)

REPENTANCE should be a "positive word", not causing such anxiety. If we READ OUR BIBLE EVERYDAY, our lives can be enhanced. We need to CHANGE OUR HEARTS and TRUST  IN THE LORD. By repenting and PUTTING OUR FAITH IN CHRIST. We are encouraged to PRAY and PRAISE, with Nehemiah. Our Father and His Son are "pleasant" and "beautiful", and we can follow Them always. They both encouraged GOD'S PEOPLE, to SING HIS PRAISES, so their "land would be restored and "built up".

"The Lord delights in those those who fear Him, and put their HOPE in HIS UNFAILING LOVE." Psalm 147:11 (NIV) 

"O Lord, your LOVE endures forever! You are SO KIND, you have never failed us. ALLIGN YOUR HEART and never give up on us. We  will give you GLORY." Nicky Gumbel

GOD'S STRENGTH AND PEACE -               Read Psalm - Psalm  147:12-20; Nehemiah 2

"Glory to God, O Jerusalem! Praise your God, O Zion! For HE HAS STRENGTH, the bars on your gates, and BLESSED YOUR CHILDREN with You walls. HE SEND YOUR PEACE across the nations and satisfies your hunger with the finest wheat." Psalm 147: 12-13 (NLT)

Jerusalem was God's city. He called Nehemiah and His people to rebuild His walls. As His CHILD, I still attempt to do GOD'S WORK FOR HIM, but there are times I still struggle. I still have difficulty, at times, with my reading and understanding His Word, but I am getting better  with my speaking. Like Nehemiah, I trust in the Lord, "to rebuild, respond and repair" me, so I can continue to FOLLOW HIS WILL.

God "accepts us and values us". As GOD'S PEOPLE - both young and old - as we "rebuild His temple", we honour His name, as our Father and His Son Jesus. 

"Then I said to them, "You see the trouble we are in: Jerusalem lies in ruins and His gates have been burned with fire. Come, let us REBUILD the walls of Jerusalem, and we will no longer be in disgrace. I also told them about the GRACIOUS HAND OF MY GOD ON ME, and what the king had said to me. The replied: "Let us START REBUILDING." So they began  their GOOD WORK.....I answered them by saying: "The God of Heaven will give us success. We His servants will start HIS REBUILDING"   Nehemiah 2:17&18, 20a.  (NIV)

GOD IS LOVE and CARING. GOD IS POWEFUL, and we can ADMIRE HIS CREATION. We too have HIS STRENGTH, through HIS FATHER and HIS SON JESUS. We can HOPE AND TRUST in HIS MERCY. We can "honour and delight in His Name". 

"He has revealed HIS WORD in Jacob, His law and decrees to Israel. He has done this for NO OTHER NATION; they do not know His law. PRAISE THE LORD!" Psalm 147:20   (NIV)

In Jerusalem, God's people and Nehemiah continued to SING HIS PRAISES - HALELUJAHS!

* God gave His people STRENGTH.
* He blessed the future of His children.
* He gave PEACE in their borders.
* God gave them provision.

GOD'S WORD was declared to Jacob, and later to Nehemiah and His people Israel. He took their work seriously He loved them and all was expressed in HIS POWER AND NATURE. 

"Understand the GREATNESS OF GOD and HIS CARE for all humanity and nature. HIS POWER is remarkable - the nature of HIS WORD. This should move to our PRAISE and HALLELUJAHS!"
                                                                                                 David Guzik

CONCLUSION = Read Psalm 147

All the promises of GOD and HIS SON JESUS were fulfilled, when Jerusalem was rebuilt, and later Jesus gave His life for us on the Cross. We PRAISD and THANKED him for all He had done for us. We don't need to be afraid, but we can respond like Nehemiah, IN PRAYER. With God FIGHTING FOR US, like Jesus, we can be STRENGTHENED.

"Lord, thank you for YOUR BLESSINGS to YOUR PEOPLE. Thank you that we have PEACE through JESUS CHRIST. Thank you for desiring our needs and longing for out hearts." 
                                                                              Nicky Gumbel

"PEACE is what we need in our hearts, PEACE AND FUTURE for our families, and in the world, everywhere." Pippa Gumbel

"Now may the LORD OF PEACE Himself, give you PEACE at all times and in every way. The Lord will be with ALL OF YOU." 2 Thessalonians 3:16 (NIV)

"One Day at a Time", 2022, The Asher Home (Performers), Christian Worship Songs, I Tunes

"I Can Do All Things, Through Chris Who Gives Me Strength", 2023, Strive to Be (Performers), Theme Music Video

"The Holy Bible - New International Version" (2011), Biblica

"The Holy Bible -New Living Translation" (2015) Tyndale House Publishers

"The Holy Bible - New King James Version" (1982) Thomas Nelson

Nicky & Pippa Gumbel, "Classic Version" (2024), Alpha/You Version

David Guzik, "Psalm 147- Praising the God of Care & Creation - The Enduring Word Commentary", (2024),

Thursday, July 18, 2024


 INTRODUCTION - Read Psalm 126, Psalm 23, John 10:1-11

Many people put their HOPE in the wrong things - WEALTH, CAREERS, RELATIONSHIPS and STATUS - but ONLY GOD is a "FIRM FOUNDATION" in which we can build our lives. David, the Psalmist had a FIRM HOPE IN THE LORD. As a shepherd boy, he knew that God was his "protector and guide". As a student of the Torah, he based his FAITH AND HOPE IN GOD'S WORD AND PROMISES.

"The Lord is my SHEPHERD, I have everything that I need. He lets me REST in green pastures. He LEADS ME by calm waters. He gives me  new strength. He LEADS ME on paths that are right for the good of His Name. Even if I walk through a very dark valley, I will not be afraid, because YOU ARE WITH ME. Your rod and your Shepherd's staff COMFORT ME." Psalm 23:1-4 (NCV)

Later, as a SOLDIER and KING, David had many enemies and faced a number of trials. He even came up against "sin issues" and made personal mistakes. Yet through this time he also had GREAT ASSURANCE IN HIS FATHER GOD.

"HOPE IS POWERFUL! It is not a feeling or emotion...... REAL HOPE is a constant, positive attitude, no matter what our circumstances. We believe that things will change for the better. Thank you Lord that WE CAN PUT OUR HOPE IN YOU." Nicky Gumbel

In this Psalm, David wrote about GOD'S CHARACTER - a FATHER WHO CARED AND HELPED all people. He was "FAITHFUL AND GOOD", and His Son Jesus was also known for HIS LOVE, JUSTICE AND COMFORT. Jesus too was a GOOD SHEPHERD and like David, we can hope in our omnipresent, "faithful protector".

"I am a Good Shepherd. The Good Shepherd lays down His life for His sheep." John 10:11 (ESV)

"I have said these words to you, that in Me, you may have PEACE. In the world, you will have tribulation, but take heart, I HAVE OVERCOME THE WORLD." John 6:33 (ESV)

"Like David, we don't have anything to fear, because OUR FATHER and HIS SON JESUS are NEAR TO US - in them we have LOVE AND COMFORT." Mattie Jackson

PRAISE THE LORD - HALLELUJAH: Read Psalm 146:1&2,                                                                   Psalm 104; John 16:16-33

"PRAISE THE LORD. Praise the Lord, O my soul. I will PRAISE THE LOR all my life. I WLL SING PRAISE TO MY GOD, as long as I live. " Psalm 146:1&2 (NIV)

This is the second in David's "Hallelujah Psalms". It is both a declaration of PRAISE TO GOD and  "EXHORTATION TO PRAISE". David calls on his "own soul" and invites others "sing praises" with him. HALLELUJAH is a compound word with two Hebrew words:

1. HALLEL - the "imperative verb" meaning PRAISE.

2. JAH - A "contraction" of the Name of God - JEHOVAH.

So, this Psalm begins with PRAISES TO THE LORD GOD JEHOVAH. 

"I will sing to the Lord as long as I live; I will sing praises while I have my being...... Bless the Lord, O my soul. PRAISE THE LORD!" Psalm 104:33&35b (NKJV)

"To experience GOD'S BLESSING, always PRAISE HIM and  TRUST HIM. It should be a genuine expression of PRAISE TO THE LORD." Steven J Cole

David was determined to PRAISE THE LORD with HIS WHOLE LIFE AND BEING. We too need to have this same commitment - PRAISE THE LORD, EVERYDAY. This does not always come naturally. It requires a "GOD FOCUS", and a desire to READ AND STUDY GOD'S WORD. As God's children, we are not exempt from temptation ands trials, but we do know that "God's loving hand" will bring us through them. We cannot base our PRAISE on "happy circumstances", but whatever trials and joys we might have, we need to join David, not only  in PERSONAL PRAISES, but in SHARING THESE WITH OTHERS. 

"We need to be firm in our holy resolve to PRAISE THE LORD. It is our chief end of our living and being, and we should glorify our God and enjoy Him forever." Charles Spurgeon

"I told you these things so that you can have PEACE IN ME. In this world, you will have TROUBLE. But BE BRAVE! I have OVERCOME THE WORLD." John 16:33 (NCV/NIV)

HOPE AND TRUST IN THE LORD -Read Psalm 146:3-6;                                                                                Ephesians 1:3-10

"Don't put your trust (confidences) in princes; there is no hope for you there - their plans come to nothing." Psalm 146:NIV/NLT

This afternoon I watch Online the Celebration Service (Funeral) for a very special friend in WA. She was a beautiful, woman of God, who, like David, loved to SING HIS PRAISES to the Lord. She also worshipped her Saviour and Friend, Jesus Christ. Her hope was never in human beings (princes), but she always TRUSTED IN HER FATHER GOD, and HIS SON JESUS. 

It really matters when  we put OUR HOPE AND TRUST in the the right place. Princes (people) often fail us, but God, and His Son Jesus, never disappoint us. Our HOPE AND FAITH is an anchor for our soul.

"This HOPE is a strong and trustworthy, anchor for our souls. It leads us into God's inner sanctuary."  Hebrews 6:1 (NLT)

"Yahweh is to be praised, but a man is to be questioned. Princes are not worthy of our confidence. We can be disappointed when when we PUT OUR TRUST in whom there is no help." 
                                                                                              David Guzik

"QUIET TRUST is among the sweet music that reaches the heart of God. When we put our trust in man, we rob God of HIS GLORY. We are giving to others the CONFIDENCE and TRUST that belong to GOD ALONE." Charles Spurgeon

David, the Psalmist, had a FIRM HOPE IN THE LORD and he PRAISED GOD CONTINUALLY:

* AS HIS CREATOR of all things.'

* Because if His power to HELP AND DELIVER US.

* As the KEEPER OF HIS PROMISES (Faithfulness).

* Because He is UNCHANGEABLY TRUE AND JUST, moral and upright.

"Joyful (blessed) are those who have the God of Jacob AS THEIR HELP, whose HOPE is in the Lord, their God. He is the Maker (Creator) of Heaven and earth, the sea and everything in them. He keeps His promises (remains faithful) FOREVER."  Psalm 146:5&6  (NIV/NLT)

We have no reasons to fear for we are IN THE HANDS OF THE MAKER. Because "He sees all" and "knows all", and we can TRUST HIM TO CARE FOR US and to LEAD US ON A SAFE PATH. God's grand creation takes our "breath away" and we are comforted by the OUR GREAT GREATOR and am CREATED FOR PRAISE.

"When we bow our hearts to our CREATOR GOD, we are reminded that HE IS AT WORK WITH US." Ruth Chou Simmons

"PRAISE BE to the God  and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has BLESSED US in the Heavenly realms with every spiritual BLESSING IN CHRIST. For He chose us before the CREATION OF THE WORLD to be holy and blameless in His sight. IN LOVE He predestined us for adoption to sonship, through Jesus Christ, in accordance to HIS PLEASURE AND WILL." Ephesians 1:3-5 (NIV)

THE FATHER AND SON -  THEIR HELPFUL CHARACTERS: Read Psalm 147:7-9; Matthew 8:12-13,                   9:27-30, Luke 4:31-37,  7:1-10 &13:10-17 ;Isaiah 61:1-3


The Psalmist lists those whom GOD GIVES HOPE. These words also connect with the WORKS OF JESUS. They both cared for those in need, both those who trusted in Him, and those who did not. We can trust in them too because of their GREAT MERCY, JUSTICE, OMNIPOTENCE AND OMNIPRESENCE.

* THE OPPRESSED AND THE BLIND - Jesus opened the eyes of the blind and both were very just with the oppressed.

"After Jesus left the girl's home, two blind men followed along behind Him shouting: "Son of David, have mercy on us!" They went right into the house where He was staying, and Jesus asked them: "Do you believe I can make you see?" "Yes Lord", they told Him, "we do". Then He touched their eyes and said, because of your faith it will happen." Then their eyes were opened."                                                                                                                   Matthew 9:27-30 (NLT) 

* THE PRISONERS and DEPRESSED -  They raised those who were "weighed down", with sickness and wickedness, and they set the prisoners free. 

"One day Jesus was teaching in the synagogue. He saw a woman who had been crippled by an evil spirit. She had been bent over double for 18 years and was unable and was unable to stand up straight. When Jesus saw her, He called her over and said: "Dear woman, you are healed from your sickness!" Then He touched her, and instantly she could stand straight. How she praise the Lord!"                                                                                                                Luke 12:13-10 (NLT

* FOREIGNERS and RIGHTEOUS PEOPLE -  Jesus watched over and healed strangers and those who followed after Him.

"When Jesus returned to Capernaum, a Roman Officer came and pleaded with Him. Lord, my young servant lies in bed paralyzed and in terrible pain." Jesus said, "I will come and heal him." But the Officer said, "Lord, I am not worthy to have you come to my home. Just say the word and my servant will be healed"...... Jesus heard this and was amazed, "I tell you the truth, I have not seen faith like this in all Israel.".....Then Jesus said to the Roman Officer: "Go back home. Because you believed, it has happened." And the young servant was healed at that hour." Matthew 8:5-8, 13 (NLT)

* ORPHANS AND WIDOWS - Jesus blessed those who are grieving.

"Soon afterward, Jesus went to his disciples to the village of Nain, and a large crowd followed him. A  funeral procession was coming out  and approached the village gate. The young man who had died was a widow's only son, and a large crowd from the village was with him. When the Lord saw them His heart overflowed with compassion. "Don't cry", He said. Then He walked over to the coffin and touched it, and the bearers stopped. "Young man", he said, "I tell you, get up." The dead boy sat up and began to talk! And Jesus gave him back to his mother." Luke 7:11-15 (NLT)

We make the conclusion that JESUS IS THE LORD (YAHWEH) - like Father, like Son. David is happy to declare this, for they both expressed such LOVE AND COMPASSION. Over and over again in the Old and New Testament, we come across a LOVING AND CARING GOD, and HIS SON JESUS. In the midst of difficulties, trials and heartaches, we can come into God's presence and that of His Son Jesus, with THANKSGIVING and JOYOUS PRAISE.

"The Spirit of the Lord is now upon me, for the Lord has anointed me to bring GOOD NEWS TO THE POOR. He has sent me to COMFOR THE BROKEN HEARTED, and proclaim that the CAPTIVES WILL BE RELEASED and the PRISONERS FREED. To all who MOURN IN ISRAEL, he will give the CROWN OF  BEAUTY FOR ASHES, a  JOYOUS BLESSING INSTEAD OF MOURNING, FESTIVE PRAISES INSTEAD OF DESPAIR."                                                                                                         Isaiah 61:1-3, Luke 4:18&19 (NLT)


"We are now among the HALLELUJAHS. All is PRAISE to the close of this book.......Oh, for the heart of JOYFUL GRATITUDE, so that we run, leap and glorify God as the Psalmist does." 
                                                                               Charles Swindoll


Psalm 46 ends as it begins. as most of these "Hallelujah Psalms" do, with a declaration of PRAISE and HALLELUJAHS. "The Lord shall reign forever, to all generations", so we today are able to share in the joyful time of HARMONY. In our Church and in our homes and work, we can THANK THE LORD for all He has done for us.

"Here endeth the GLADSOME PSALM. Here endeth not the PRAISE FOR OUR LORD, which will ascend FOREVER AND EVER." Charles Swindoll

"PRAISE realigns with GOD'S MELODY, which brings us into HARMONY with God forevermore. PRAISE is simply meant to ease our journey. " Ruth Chou Simmons

Friday, June 28, 2024


 INTRODUCTION - Read Psalm 145

These last 6 Psalms - 145-150 - are a group of Psalms dedicated to PRAISE AND WORSHIP. They are known to be used by Jews in their "public worship". They begin and end with "Hallelujahs", the Hebrew word for PRAISE THE LORD. 

This Psalm in particular is of a "personal nature" as David sings his own praises. They are also, "daily,  enthusiastic and never ending". Our praises too should be "personal, abundant" songs of joy. 

"It is personal (I WILL SPEAK) and then becomes universal (WE WILL SPEAK." Charles Spurgeon


The other theme in this Psalm is GOD'S KINGSHIP, and that of His Son JESUS CHRIST. David worshipped his FAITHFUL FATHER GOD, and we too can trust our SAVIOUR AND LORD - JESUS CHRIST. David looking forward to the coming of the MESSIAH, as we await His second coming.

"LORD, YOU ARE OUR KING. You reign over the universe, and are worthy of our PRAISE. Everyday, we sing YOUR PRAISES." Nicky Gumbel

In the next verses of this Psalm, David not only talks about GOD'S ATTRUBUTES - His greatness, love, mercy and faithfulness - but he also believes that these are seen in HIS SON, JESUS. As we trust in JESUS TODAY, as our omnipresent Saviour and Deliverer, we also look forward to our Heavenly future.

"The LORD IS CLOSE, to all who CALL OM HIM in truth. " Psalm 145:15 (NCV)

"Thank you LORD, that one day YOUR KINGDOM IN HEAVEN will be ours, and we will again reign with JESUS CHRIST - our MESSIAH, forever and ever." Nicky Gumbel

THE GREATNESS OF OUR KINGDOM - Psalm 145:1-7;                                                                              Ezra 4:6-5:7 

David praised and worshipped HIS KING everyday. He writes songs of praise to his FATHER GOD, and these will never be enough, for OUR LORD IS THE KING OF KINGS. He is OMNIPOTENT (GREAT) and in control of all our lives.

Over and over David tells us that GOD IS GREAT! But this is just one of His attributes, and for us  He is WORTHY OF GLORIOUS PRAISE. In our perspective, GOD IS GREATER STILL!

"GREAT IS THE LORD and WORTHY OF PRAISE. He is MAGNIFICENT and can never be PRAISED ENOUGH. There are no boundaries to HIS GREATNESS, and these can never be FATHOMED." Psalm 145:3 (NIV/MSG)

Human leaders are POWERFUL, but no one is as GREAT AS GOD HIMSELF. Ezra showed us that God's work could not be stopped by even the greatest of human leaders. God's work may be threatened and His plans opposed, but when GOD is behind them, THEY WILL SUCCEED! For God is our GREAT CREATOR AND KING!

"The Israelites had returned from exile, together with those who had separated themselves from all unclean practices of their Gentile neighbours, in order to seek the Lord, the God of Israel......the Lord had filled them with JOY by changing the attitude of the king of Assyria so that he assisted them in their work on the House of God, the God of Israel." Ezra 6:21&22b (NIV)

"Put your trust in GOD'S SOVEREIGN RULE. Don't trust in human leaders - TRUST GOD, YOUR KING." Nicky Gumbel

David goes on to tell us that we have a responsibility to SHARE the greatness of God with others - our  next generation of children and grandchildren.

"They tell of the power of  YOUR AWESOME WORKS. I will proclaim GREAT DEEDS, celebrating your ABUNDASNT GOODNESS. Your fame will spread over the country, joyfully singing of YOUR RIGHTEOUSNESS, on everyone's lips." Psalm 145:6&7 (NIV/MSG)

"We can share our testimony with others - day in and day out - telling what God has done in our lives." Pippa Gumbel

There is an "extensive and intensive greatness" found in out praises to our GREAT KING. Our praises must be "fervent, zealous, lifted high and full of life". Like David, our "spirit and hearts must be raised"


God is GRACIOUS, LOVING, MERCIFUL and FAITHFUL. As our King, "He provides all our needs". Because of his LOVE, KINDNESS AND COMPASSION, He gives us MERCY " when "we deserve His anger".

LOVE is indeed the most powerful force in our world, yet GOD is our greatest source of LOVE. His COMPASSION overcomes evil. When we encounter difficulties in our life, you need to "imitate the gracious love of God." GRACIOUS LOVE is backed up by HIS POWER AND MIGHT, and we can rely on Him through all circumstances.  It is no wonder David wants to continue to PRAISE and WORSHIP HIS GRACIOUS GOD. 

David wanted to share with the world and His creation. He wanted to sing his praises, knowing that IN ETERNITY he would live with His Father God and His Son Jesus, in HEAVEN. 

"Your Kingdom is an EVERLASTING KINGDOM. Your dominion endures for ALL GENERATIONS." Psalm 145:13a (NIV)

"David again sensed the responsibility of God's people to PRAISE THE LORD and to tell the wider world all that God had done for them. He also needed to PRAISE THE LORD because of His eternal Kingdom where one day we could live with Him in Heaven, and with His Son Jesus." David Guzik

OUR FAITFUL SAVIOUR & KING - Read Psalm 145:14-20; Mark 8:22-26, 10:13-16; Acts 19:1-20; Ezra 7:8-10

This Psalm is full of "wonderful PROMISES", which we know were kept by God and His Son Jesus.

* The Lord upholds us!
* The Lord is near to us!
* The Lord watches over us!
* The Lord answers our prayers!

These, along with their many attributes, help to "preserve us", as we endeavour to follow the ways of the Lord. He lifts up those who are oppressed,  "weighted down with weakness", and depressed. 

"The Lord is TRUSTWORTHY in ALL HIS PROMISES, and FAITHFUL IN ALL HE DOES. The Lord UPHOLDS all who fall, and LIFTS UP all who are bowed down." Psalm 145:14 (NIV)

"You open YOUR HANDS and satisfy the desires of every living thing. The Lord is RIGHTEOUS in His ways and FAITHFUL in all He does."  Psalm 145:16&17 (NIV)

Hands are important, especially those of Jesus, who HEALED, BLESSED AND FILLED WITH THE HOLYT SPIRIT. Later people were given GIFTS OF THE SPIRIT when hands were laid on them.

"They came to Bethsaida, and some people brought a blind man and begged Jesus to touch him....Once more Jesus put his hands on the man's eyes. Then His eyes were opened, his sight was restored and he saw everything clearly." Mark 8:22-25 (NIV)

"And He took the children in His arms, placed His hands on them, and blessed them."                                                                                                                             Mark 10:16 (NIV)

"When Paul placed his hands on them, they spoke in tongues  and prophesied." Acts 19:6 (NIV)

In the Old Testament we read how Ezra felt GOD'S BLESSING AND HIS SPIRIT, when hands were placed on him. These hands may be "invisible and intangible", but God's hands LEAD US, GUIDE US, ENCOURAGE US and GIVE US STRENGTH. Ezra knew that God was FAITHFUL AND GRACIOUS, and He would protect Him. Ezra was a priest and a teacher, who, like David, trust in the "WAYS OF GOD" and the "TRUTH OF HIS WORD."

"He had begun his journey from Babylon on the first day of the first month, and he arrived in Jerusalem on the fifth month, for the GRACIOUS HAND OF GOD was on Him. For Ezra had devoted Himself to the STUDY AND OBSERVANCE OF GOD'S LAW, and TEACHING ITS LAWS AND DECREES in Israel." Ezra 7:9&10 (NIV)

"Lord, let me HOLD YOUR HAND like a child and WALK WITH YOU all of my days; secure in YOUR LOVE AND STRENGTH." Thomas Kemp - cited by Charles Spurgeon

"The Lord is there to listen to all why call on and pray to Him and mean it, all who call  on Him in truth." Psalm 145:18 (NIV/MSG)

What is PRAYER? It is "calling on the Lord", crying out to Him in times of need. PRAYER IS TRUTH because we know that God is "near us", and "hears us", "fulfilling our desires".

"PRAYER is a broad word referring to all COMMUNICATION WITH GOD. It involves: SUPPLICATION (asking God boldly for our needs); INTERCESSION (making requests on behalf of others), and as David reminds us: GIVING THANKS AND PRAISE. (David Guzik)

"PRAISES in our PRAYERS are VOLUNTARY acts to our Saviour, our Healer and our Deliverer."                                                                                                                  Max Lucado


"I will exalt you, my God and King; I WILL PRAISE (BLESS)YOUR NAME FOREVER AND EVER  Every day I will PRAISE AND EXTOL (BLESS) YOUR NAME FOREVER, UNTIL ETERNITY......My mouth will speak in PRAISE TO THE LORD. Let every creature PRAISE HIS HOLY NAME FOREVER AND EVER, from now UNTIL ETERNITY."                                                                                                              Psalm 145:1,2 & 21 (NIV/MSG)

David ends his Psalm as it begins, with PRAISE AND WORSHIP. It is the BEST PRAISE ever! It is sincere and intense, from a warm heart. We can use this Psalm as our model for PRAISE AND WORSHIP.

"Let every Christian render His praise unto the Lord, and call on His Name. I will speak PRAISE TO JEHOVAH, as long as I breathe. Here is the beauty of David's praise, as He delights in the GOODNESS AND MERCY of our God." Charles Spurgeon

There are two words in which THANKSGIVING IS KNOWN:

* PRAISE that "honours God's excellence".
* BLESSING that "honours God's benefits".

If we are to define our PRAISES they will be "LOWLY, LOVING WORSHIP", exalting the righteousness and MAJESTY of our FATHER GOD and HIS SON, JESUS. It is usually joined with a BLESSING.  No one's PRAISE AND WORSHIP will be rejected for we know OUR LORD IS HOLY. Our hearts are full of PRAISE - "our greatest delight". Some of David's Psalms are written as "teaching for God's people", but this Psalm is "directed to God."

"We PRAISE GOD for His abundant provision, HIS GREATNESS AND HIS LOVE. WORSHIP is a THANKYOU that refuses to be silenced." Max Lucado

"Great is the Lord", 1993, Asaph Alexander (Composer) Michael W Smith (Artist) Universal Music Publishing Group / You Tube 

"God is So Good" , 2018, Ben & Daniel Smith (Composer), Pat Barrett (Composer/Artist), Bethel Music/You Tube

"Way Maker", 2019, Osinachi Ohoro (Composer) Leeland (Artist) Integrity Music/You Tube

"Holy Bible - New International Version", 2011, Biblica

"Holy Bible, New Century Version - The Devotional Bible" , Max Lucado,  2005, Thomas Nelson

"The Message - the Bible in Contemporary Language", Eugene H Peterson, 2018, Nav Press/Tyndale House Publishers

GUMBEL, Nicky & Pippa , "The Bible - Classic Version", 2024, Alpha/You Version

GUZIK, David, "Praying God's Word - Prayers of Paul", 2024, Enduring Word Bible Commentary,   You Version.

SPURGEON, Charles, "The Treasury of David - Study of Psalms - Volume 7, 1882,  Funk &  Wagnalls/Google Books

Tuesday, June 11, 2024


 INTRODUCTION - Read Psalm 144, Psalm  Psalm 40.

When the pressure is on, GO TO GOD. Your wounds will heal and you eyes will dry, IN TIME. Like David, if you have PATIENCE and WAIT FOR GOD and HIS TIMING, you will eventually RISE UP, STRONGER THAN EVER. 

"I WAITED PATIENTLY FOR THE LORD; He turned to me and heard my cry. He lifted me out of the slimy pit, out of the mud and mire; He set my foot on A ROCK and gave me A FIRM PLACE TO STAND. He will put a NEW SONG in my mouth, a HYMN OF PRAISE to our God. Many will see and fear the Lord and PUT THEIR TRUST IN HIM," Psalm 40:1-3 (NIV)


Are you exhausted? Have you ever felt like quitting? There were times David experienced these feelings, but he knew that "GOD WAS HIS ALLY". As a new KING OF ISRAEL, David had to trust in God to HELP and CARE for His people. 

'It is believed David wrote this Psalm a number of years after He was first ORDAINED KING. At first, he was KING only over the lands of Judah and Bethlehem, and then later all the PEOPLE OF ISRAEL accepted him. It showed his heart for GOD'S PEOPLE, in both WAR AND PEACE."                                                                                                                  David Guzik

We see in David's prayer how he:

*  prayed for GOD'S HELP to DEFEAT HIS ENEMES.
*  knew God would BLESS HIS FAMILY. 
*  had HOPE FOR HIS KINGDOM and HIS PEOPLE, that they would live in PEACE.

We too need to acknowledge the importance of "RELYING ON GOD", and we too can PRAISE THE LORD,  giving Him all glory.

"And Ezra blessed the Lord, THE GREAT GOD. Then all the people answered, "AMEN, AMEN!" They lifted up their hands and WORSHIPPED THE LORD with their faces to the ground."                                                                                                        Nehemiah 8:6 (NKJV)

DAVID - A REMARKABLE SOLDIERRead Psalm 144:1-8;   I Samuel 17&18   

"So David went out wherever Saul sent him, and BEHAVED WISELY. And Saul set him over the men of the war, ad he was accepted by all the people and also in the sight of Sau's servants."                                                                                                                1 Samuel 18:5 (NKJV)

David was a "REMARKABLE WARRIOR" - like our special forces soldiers. He was part of Saul's army and would engage in "hand to hand combat". He used special weapons skillfully -  the SWORD, SPEAR, BOW AND ARROW and a 'SLINGSHOT" - not only physically but spiritually. God also trained hm for his spiritual battles. eg. the "SWORD OF THE SPIRIT - the WORD OF GOD" , which like us, he was able to read and study, and GROW CLOSER TO GOD.

"David said to the Philistine, "You come against me with sword, spear and javelin, but I COME AGAINST YOU IN THE NAME OF THE LORD ALMIGHTY, the God of the Armies of Israel, whom you have defied.....All those gathered here will know that it is not by the SWORD OR SPEAR, that the LORD SAVES; for the  BATTLE IS THE LORDS, and He will give you into our hands"......So David triumphed over the Philistine with A SLING AND A STONE; with a SWORD IN HIS HAND, he struck down the Philistine and killed him." 1 Samuel 17:45, 47 & 50 (NIV)


"Blessed be the Lord, MY ROCK who trains MY HANDS FOR WAR, and my FINGERS FOR BATTLE. He is my LOVING (kind and merciful) GOD, MY FORTRESS, MY STRONGHOLD (High Tower), MY DELIVER and MY SHIELD; the One in whom I TAKE REFUGE."                                                                                                             Psalm 144:1&2 (NKJV/NIV)

* HE IS MY STRENGTH - "my Rock to build on".

* HE IS MY FORTRESS - David had formerly sheltered in caves and "strongholds". Now he depends on the Lord Himself.

"David captured the FORTRESS OF ZION, which is now called the CITY OF DAVID.....David became more and more powerful (respected by God's people), because the LORD ALMIGHTY WAS WITH HIM." 2 Samuel 5:7&10 (NIV/NLT)"

* HE IS MY DELIVER - God made David's victories for his "real benefit". He wanted God to be "present", and to save and deliver he and his people.

* HE IS MY SHIELD - to guard me against my enemies, and in a spiritual sense to be his "Shield of Faith", giving David strength in his battles. 

"You've got to FIGHT, you've got to FINISH, but most of all to KEEP THE FAITH"                                                                                                                 Charles Spurgeon

This Psalm was very PERSONAL to David (My/I am). We too need people to see how PERSONAL GOD IS TO US. David had a relationship based on GOD'S LOVE, MERCY and KINDNESS. He knew WITH GOD'S HELP AND PRESENCE, God would also be FAITHFUL AND LOYAL to him. He knew that God had put him on the THRONE, and He could always TAKE REFUGE IN HIM. 

"Lord, what are Human Beings that YOU CARE FOR THEM, mere mortals that you THINK OF THEM. They are a breath, their days are a fleeting shadow." Psalm 145:5&6 (NIV)

"When I look look at the night sky and see  the work of your fingers - the moon and the stars that you set in place - what are mere mortals that you should think of them, human beings that you should care for them? Psalm 8:3&4 (NLT)

What BATTLES are you fighting in your life? Are they "physical", "spiritual" or both? Remember, God in on your side, He cares for you, and He will "bring you through."

"Physical strength is not enough. We also need TRAINING FROM THE LORD." David Guzik

"With God BEGINNING IS WINNING, and He promises to BRING US THROUGH."                                                                                                                         Charles Spurgeon

DAVID - THE KING OF ISRAEL - Read Psalm 144:9-14, Deuteronomy 28:1-4

David was a SHEPHERD BOY, A SOLDIER and FUGITIVE; but now he became the "SOVEREIGN PRINCE" (KING), who would RULE OVER GOD'S PEOPLE. 

"Now there was a special hand of God inclining the people of Israel to become subject to David and later He would bring Jesus and His great divine ACT OF GRACE." Charles of Spurgeon


"I will SING A NEW SONG TO GOD; on the ten stringed lyre I will make MUSIC TO YOU; the one who GIVES VICTORY TO OUR KINGS, who delivers David, His servant from the deadly sword" Psalm 144:9&10 (NIV)

The next verses in this Psalm are a song of THANKSGIVING, for the VICTORIES David had won IN THE PAST. Now as king, he was ready to WIN MORE BATTLES, but this would not be on his own. Time and again, the Lord had come to David's rescue, but now in the PRESENT and FUTURE, David knew he could still TRUST THE LORD for DELIVERANCE.

During his time as a fugitive and soldier, the Lord had SAVED HIM from his enemies. Now as king he knew there would be more BATTLES, not just physical, but with HIS FAITH, which would KEEPING HIM GOING, just as it does for us. Just put one foot in a NEW DIRECTION, TRUST as David did, and GOD WILL ALWAYS BE WITH US.

"TRUST IN THE LORD, with all your heart, and lean not on your OWN UNDERSTANDING. In all your ways ACKNOWLEDGE HIM and HE WILL DIRECT YOUR PATHS."                                                                                                                   Proverbs 3:5&6 (NKJV)


"Then our sons, in their youth, are WELL NURTURED PLANTS. Our daughters will be like PILLARS, carved to adorn a palace. Our barns will be filled with every kind of PROVISION."   Psalm 144:12 & 13 (NKJV)

David wanted the Lord to bless his "sons and daughters" and all the other descendants of his people. He wanted his sons to be "spiritually well rooted", as their father had been, and, to work, bringing a great harvest.  This is something I, as mother, pray each day for my son, and his family. 

"The HARVEST is plentiful, the WORKERS are few. Ask the LORD OF THE HARVEST to send out WORKERS into HIS HARVEST FIELD." Matthew 9:38 (NIV)

He wanted his daughters to be "stately and stable"; to be beautiful women of  God. My husband has married such a woman, and I love and respect her, as the wife of my son and mother of my grandchildren. She has recently become a CHILDREN'S PASTOR in her local Church, and I believe she and my son want to bring up their daughters to follow her example.

"THE WIFE OF NOBLE CHARACTER, who can find? She is worth more than rubies. Her husband has FULL CONFIDENCE IN HER......She brings GOOD, not harm, all the days of her life......She is clothed with STRENGTH AND DIGNITY; she can LAUGH at her days to come."                                                                                                           Proverbs 31:10,12, 25 (NIV)

Finally, we will all enter a "FULL SEASON" Our "barns will be filled" and our "stocks will multiply". With God on our side, we will "STAND STEADFASTLY". 

David wants his people to live SAFE and PEACEFUL lives with no violence - "no riots in the streets or war between nations." David was a WISE and CARING KING, like his Father God, and he asked Him to bless his people in their everyday lives.

"If you OBEY THE LORD YOUR GOD, and carefully FOLLOW HIS COMMANDS. I give you today, the Lord your God will SET YOU UP HIGH above the nations of the world. They will experience ALL THESE BLESSINGS if you OBEY THE LORD YOUR GOD."                                                                                                         Deuteronomy 28:1&2 (NIV/NLT)

CONCLUSION - Psalm 144:15

"Blessed (happy) are the people to whom THIS IS TRUE. Blessed (happy) are those to whom GOD IS THEIR LORD." Psalm 114:15 (NIV/NLT)

"The song closes with a PRAYER OF PEACE and PROSPERITY for Israel's FUTURE GENERATION." Pat & David Alexander

The people in David's Kingdom are "COVENANT (promise) PEOPLE"As their King, David expresses and earnest desire for the welfare of his people - GOD'S CHOSEN. We, too, today as BELIEVERS IN CHRIST are blessed with the "NEW COVENANT (promise) children". We are HAPPY AND BLESSED with the promise of CHRIST'S SPIRITUAL HERITAGE.

"These verses, may, with a little accommodation, be applied to PROSPEROUS CHURCHES, whose converts are growing and beautiful, the Gospel stories are abundant and the Spiritual increase most cheering. There ministers (pastors) and workers are FULL OF VIGOUR, and the people are HAPPPY AND UNITED. The Lord makes it so in all the Churches evermore......Those who WORSHP the HAPPY GOD become HAPPY PEOPLE." Charles Spurgeon

"Psalm 144 - A Fortress is Our Lord" (2023), Brian Suave (Composer/Performer), You Tube

"Blessed Assurance", (1873/2017) Fanny J Crosby (Composer), Alan Jackson (Performer), www.precious Tube

"The Holy Bible - New King James Version", 1982, Thomas Nelson

"The Holy Bible - New International Version", 2011, Biblical

"The Holy Bible - New Living Translation", 2015, Tyndale House Publishers

Alexander Pat & David, "The Lion Handbook to the Bible - 4th Edition", 2009, Lion Hudson

Guzik, David , "Psalm 144 - War and Peace: Enduring Word Bible Commentary, "2021"

Spurgeon, Charles, "Psalm 144 Commentary: Treasury of David", 1885/2009, 

Thursday, May 30, 2024


INTRODUCTION - Read Psalm 143, 1 Samuel 

This Psalm of David is another cry from a time of affliction and crisis, when David was in a tent, hiding from his enemy, Saul. He was in the Cave of Adalluum, and it is numbered  among seven Penitential Psalms - prayers of confession and humility before God. Yet, in this prayer, in distress and persecution, DAVID FIND'S HOPE.

David prayed earnestly, while "oppressed by his enemies" and "weak in the Spirit": 

* GOD WOULD BE WITH HIM ALWAYS , "not hiding His face from Him."

* GOD WOULD ME MERCIFUL, forgiving his sins and "showing him favour."

* GOD WOULD GUIDE AND DIRECT HIM ", as "he followed God's will."

* GOD WOULD DELIVER HIM FROM HIS TROUBLE, "dealing with his persecutors".

We too need to HOPE IN THE LORD, believing that God is in control of our life. All we need to do is TRUST IN HIM. 

"Because God has proven Himself TRUSTWORTHY IN THE PAST, we can TRUST HIM WITH OUT FUTURE." Ruth Chou Simmons

"TRUST IN THE LORD with all your heart, and LEAN NO ON YOUR OWN UNDERSTANDING. In all your ways ACKKNOWLEDGE HIM, and He will DIRECT YOUR  PATHS."                                                                                                             Proverbs 3:5&6 (NIV)

DAVID'S PRAYER FOR HOPE - Read Psalm 143:1-6;                                                                                    Romans 3:9-26


"Lord, HEAR MY PRAYER, listen to my CRY FOR MERCY; in your FAITHFULNESS AND RIGHTEOUSNESS, come to my relief." Psalm 143:1&2 (NIV)

Before he was crowned King, David wanted to develop his relationship with his Father God, through PRAYER. He knew that he needed to "cry out to the Lord". It was a REAL PLEA for a REAL GOD; and he needed to "be heard". 

David used "parallelism" - repetitive language, with a same idea, to make it clear. Eg. "" Hear my prayer", "hear my supplication". He asked God to be "faithful and righteous" He asked God to be "faithful and righteous", according to His character. David knew he could be judged, but he was asking for mercy.

"Don't judge me, your servant, because no one alive is right before you." Psalm 143:3 (NCV)

"As it is written: "There is NO ONE RIGHTEOUS, not even one......for ALL HE SINNED and fall short of the glory of God." Romans 3:10&23 (NIV)

"Lord, I know that YOU ARE RIGHTEOUS, and I am not. Yet I come to you, as YOUR SERVANT, asking you to act on my behalf, because of YOUR MERCY." David Guzik


"My enemy pursues me and crushes me to the ground. He makes me dwell in the darkness like those long dead. I am afraid, mu courage is gone (my spirit grows faint within my heart within me is dismayed)." Psalm 1433&4 (NIV/NLT)

David knew suffering of many kinds - physically; but this was "his soul" that was tormented. He felt.

* "Crushed to the ground."
* "He lived in darkness."
* "His spirit was overwhelmed."
* "His heart was distressed". 


"I remember days of long ago (what happened). I meditate on your works, considering what your hands have done. I LIFT MY HANDS TO YOU IN PRAYER! I thirst for you like a parched land (that need water)." Psalm 143:5&6

How can you find COURAGE in a BAD SITUATION?

1. Remember the GOOD THINGS GOD HAS DONE FOR US. David chose to "thing about the positive". David was considering the "days of old". He meditated carefully on his past and how the Lord has blessed him. 

"When we see nothing that can cheer us, let us think about old things. We once had merry days, DAYS OF DELIVERANCE, JOY and THANKSGIVING. Why not again?" Charles Spurgeon

2. KEEP WORSHIPPING! Worship can be "an oasis" in difficult times. David was praising the Lord, "lifting his hands up to the Lord". 

"The posture of PRAYER AND PRAISE was genuine HOPE for David in the midst of his misery of the soul. "I STRETCH FORTH MY HANDS UNTO THEE", as if I were in HOPE that Thou wouldst TAKE MY HAND  and DRAW ME TO THEE." David Guzik/Charles Spurgeon


Do you ever feel "PARCHED IN THE SPIRIT'? Have you ever been so "THIRSTY IN YOUR SOUL", that your greatest desire was TO BE CLOSE TO GOD? 

Like David, we need to humbly PRAY each day, asking the Lord to relieve us from our troubles. We need to PLEA FOR MERCY and FORGIVENESS; looking at the past, as you go into the future. Take note of GOD'S WORD and HIS BLESSINGS.

"This is the best course we can take, when our SPIRIT IS OVERWHELMED, so we do not sink under the load, and fin a way to ease ourselves." Matthew Henry

DAVID'S PRAYER FOR GUIDANCE - Read Psalm 143:7-10,                                                                  Psalm 5; Romans 8:31-39


"Answer me quickly Lord, for my SPIRIT FAILS. Do not hide your face, or I will be like those who go down to the pit. Let the morning bring me WORDS OF YOUR UNFAILING LOVE, for I have put my TRUST IN YOU." Psalm 143:7&8 (NIV)

"Listen to my words Lord, consider my lament. HEAR MY CRY FOR HELP, my King and my God for to You I PRAY. In the morning, Lord, HEAR MY VOICE; in the morning I LAY MY REQUEST BEFORE YOU and You wait expectantly." Psalm 5:1-3 (NIV)

David cried out to the Lord because he was "at the end of his rope".  When we feel this way, we too need to TURN TO GOD. David felt an urgency for GOD TO ANSWER HIM. David's experience teaches us that GOD'S TIMING IS BEST. We too sense this urgency, like David, TO BE IN GOD'S PRESENCE.

"What then shall we say in response to these things. IF GOD IS FOR US, WHO CAN BE AGAINST US." Romans 8:31 (NIV)

We know that if God is on our side, nothing can bring us down. David needed to hear of GOD'S LOVINGKINDNESS, and if we trust in this, we can wake up each morning, ready to face a new day.


"Show me where to WALK (the way I should go), for I give myself to You. Rescue me from my enemies. Lord, I RUN TO YOU (hiding myself in You). Teach me to do THY WILL, for you are my God; may your good (gracious) Spirit LEAD ME ON THE LEVEL GROUND (forward on firm footing)" Psalm 143:9&10  (NIV/NLT)

"Lead me on the RIGHT PATH, O Lord, or my enemies will conquer me. MAKE YOUR WAY PLAIN FOR ME TO FOLLOW." Psalm 5:8  (NLT)

Listen for GOD'S GUIDANCE. It's encouraging when we LOOK BACK and we can see HOW GOD HAS GUIDED US. We too can do this, "sheltering in God's love" and not the things of the world. We, like David, needed to be "enveloped in GOD'S LOVE". We can trust in "GOD'S FAVOUR  and COMFORT.

"No, in all these things we are MORE THAN CONQUERORS, through HIM WHO LOVED US. For I am convinced that neither death nor life, angels nor demons, neither the PRESENT nor the FUTURE, nor any powers, can SEPERATE US FROM THE LOVE OF GOD, in Christ Jesus." Romans 8:37-38 (NIV)  

"It is the desire and endeavour of GOD'S SERVANTS to know and do GOD'S WILL, and to STAND, COMPLETE IN IT." Matthew Henry

The Lord wants us to be 'ENLIGHTENED BY HIS WILL". With the Holy Spirit's HELP AND GUIDANCE, we can do just that. 

DAVID'S PRAYER FOR REVIVAL - Read Psalm 143:11&12

"Lord, let me live so PEOPLE WILL PRAISE YOU. In YOUR GOODNESS save me from my troubles. In your LOVE defeat my enemies. Destroy all those who trouble me, because I AM YOUR SERVANT."  Psalm 143:11

David prayer for RENEWAL. He wanted God to SAVE HIM, for he knew this would bring GOD GLORY. Based in his relationship with God, he wanted to be "ENLIVENED", so he would be quickened to SERVE. In God's OWN TIME AND WAY David would be DELIVERED from his troubles. 

Davis would soon be KING as the Lord had ordained him, but at this stage he was still a refuge, hiding from Saul. He still had troubles to face, but he knew Gods would redeem him.

"Jesus said: "Let not your heart be troubled. TRUST IN GOD, TRUST ALSO IN ME."                                                                                                          John 14:1 (NCV)

"The GLADNESS, TRIUMPH, the awe of the memories of VICTORY....these are a symbol of the LORD'S PRESENCE, and are wonderfully expressed in this Psalm."                                                                                               Alexander McLaren

CONCLUSION - Read Psalm 143; 1 Samuel 22

                                                        Pat & David Alexander

We have learnt many things from David in this Psalm, and the others he wrote while in the Cave of Adullan:

* The Lord will NEVER ABANDON US.
* The Lord will STRENGTHEN AND PROTECT US from the evil one.
* The Lord will continue to do GREAT WORKS IN US/
* The Lord is our ROCK, REFUGE and STRONGOLD. 

"MY GOD IS MY ROCK and I can run to Him for SAFETY. He is my shield and my saving strength, my defender and my PLACE OF SAFETY. The LORD SAVES ME from those who want to harm me. I WILL CALL TO THE LORD, who is WORTHY OF PRAISE, and I WILL BE SAVED from my enemies." 2 Samuel 22:3&4 (NCV)

We trust in the Lord and rely on His promises. He is a FAITHFUL FATHER and HE GIVES US GRACE to TRUST IN HIM. Jesus is the "same, yesterday, today, forever." His compassions will not change, and LIKE HIS FATHER GOD, HE TOO IS FAITHFUL. We can also TRUST IN THE HOLY SPIRIT, as we know He will be with and in us always.

"GOD IS FAITHFUL  and will NEVER LEAVE US..... GOD'S GRACE holds us and guides us EACH STEP OF THE WAY." Ruth Chou Simmons

We are "standing on God's promises", we can be truly secure, even if things are not going well. Some people feel insecure in new, different circumstances. David was at first, but then he learnt that by FOLLOWING GOD'S WILL, he could TRUST HIM to ANSWER HIS PRAYERS.

"Tis' So Sweet to Trust in Jesus" (1000/2023) Louisa M Stead (Composer), Alan Jackson (Performer), Gaither Music/You Tube

"Standing on the Promises of God", (1920/2017), Kelso Carter (Composer), Alan Jackson (Performer), Gaither Music/You Tube

"The Holy Bible - New Century Version", 2005, Thomas Nelson

"The Holy Bible - New International Version", 2011, Biblical

"The Holy Bible - New Living Translation", 2015, Tyndale House Publishers

Alexander, Pat and David, "The Lion Handbook to the Bible - 4th Edition", 2009 Lion Hudson Publishers

Chou Simmoms, Ruth, "Pilgrim - 25 Ways God's Character Leads Us Onward", 2023, Harvest  House Publishers

Gumbel, Nicky and Pippa, "The Bible - Classic Version", 2024, Alpha, You Version

Guzik, David, "Hope for a Persecuted Soul - Enduring Bible Commentary", 2020, 

Henry, Matthew, 'Commentary on Psalm 143",1706/ 2025,

Maclaren, Alexander, "The Life of David Reflected in the Psalms," 1888, Hodder& Stoughton

Spurgeon, Charles H, "Psalm 143 - Commentary: Treasury of David, 1885, 2009