Friday, December 27, 2013


INTRODUCTION -   Read Psalm 24

Many biblical scholars agree that David wrote this Psalm after he brought the Ark of the Covenant into the city of Jerusalem. This could be true - we don't really know; but I do believe that David wrote these words to be of great encouragement and assurance to his people.  I know they have been to me and I hope they are to you too.

David started with a reminder - an exultation of God as the GREAT CREATOR, and his greatest creations - the earth and His people He loved.

God created His people for a special purpose - to have a relationship with Him, their SAVIOUR, and to do this they needed to live a life of purity, worship and honesty, seeking God's will not their own, in every area of their lives.

Finally, we are to meet with the KING OF GLORY - our Lord Jesus Christ. Just as David was at the gate of Jerusalem waiting for His people to open it so he could bring the Ark of the Covenant through, Jesus waits at the door of our hearts, waiting for us to open it and let Him in.

1. I had highlighted 2 verses in my Bible that had always been special to me:  about being God's creation and being able to have a relationship with Him.  I had never thought much about the King of Glory?  Now I have even more to ponder on.  What to do feel when you think about God as your Great Creator, Saviour and King of Glory?

GOD -OUR CREATOR  -   Read Psalm 24:1&2

David knew His God, His Creator, personally. I can imagine David as a shepherd or soldier standing on the mountain, or as a king at the window of his palace, looking over God's amazing creation - His earth, and just singing songs of adoration and worship.

I think it would have given him great strength and comfort knowing that God made him. He belonged to this LOVING, CARING, OMNISCIENT God, who knew all about his present and his future life. He didn't have to handle anything alone - all He needed to do was trust in His GREAT CREATOR.

                                           "The earth belongs to the Lord and everything in it - 
                                                             the world and all it's people."
                                                                  Psalm 24:1

2. Is there something today you really need to seek God's comfort and strength in? Remember you don't have to handle it alone. 

WE HIS CREATION  -  Read Psalm 24:3-6

                                         "Who may climb the mountain of the Lord? 
                                                     Who may stand in His holy place?
                                                    Only those whose hands are pure, 
                                             who do not worship idols,  and never tell lies."
                                                                            Psalm 24:3&4

David wasn't perfect but He knew God had created His people for a purpose and that purpose included:


To be able to do these things we need to have pure hearts, to be committed to following and serving only God and to living lives of  honesty and integrity.  David knew this wouldn't be easy which is why he added Verse 6.
                                                  "Try to follow God and look to the God 
                                                        of Jacob for help."  Psalm 24:6

Throughout the Old Testament you will find that the Israelites always knew that they could call on God for help. They sometimes turned away or tried to handle things on their own, but our omnipresent God never turned away from them, and He will never turn away from us, for we always have the promised Holy Spirit.

                               "But the Helper will teach you everything 
                            and will cause you to remember all that  I have told you. 
                        This Helper is the Holy Spirit whom the Father will send in My name.
                       I leave you my peace; my peace I give to you. I do not give it to you as 
                      the world does  So do not let your hearts be troubled or afraid."  
                                                                                           John 14:26&27.

3. Are there any of these things you need to ask the Holy Spirit for help with? 

THE KING OF GLORY -  Psalm 24:7-10

                           "Who is the King of Glory? The Lord, strong and mighty.
                           The Lord, invincible in battle. Gates open wide, aged doors, 
                          so the glorious King will come in. Who is the glorious King? 
                         The Lord all powerful - He is the glorious King."  Psalm 24:7-8

David was not talking about himself when he was talking about this King of Glory.  He was a king yes, and he may have been waiting at the gate of Jerusalem with the Ark of God's Covenant, but I believe he was speaking more prophetically about the King of Kings -Jesus Christ.

He repeats this passage twice, so how important this must have been in God's ultimate plan of creation. Jesus Christ,our strong and mighty, all powerful King is standing at the door of our hearts and He wants us to open it.
                                         "Here I am! I stand at the door and knock. 
                                               If you hear my voice and open the door,
                                      I will come in and eat with you and you with me."  
                                                                           Revelation 3:20

No one can open that door for you. It is your decision.  I opened the door a long time ago, and I let Jesus into my heart, and the exciting thing is that He has never left me. There are many times I have needed that all powerful, glorious, invincible King to help me through some real battles.  He's never let me down.  Things haven't always turned out the way I wanted, but I know I have never been alone. But you see, that's the way OUR GOD - THE GREAT CREATOR, OUR SAVIOUR, OUR KING OF GLORY PLANNED IT!!

New Living Translation, 1996, Tyndale Publishers

"That's The Way God Planned It" - 


Friday, December 6, 2013

Psalm 23 - The Shepherd's Psalm


Read Psalm 23

One of the most well known and most recited of David's psalms would have to be Psalm 23 - his Shepherd's Psalm. It has been put to music in hymns, modern songs and even children's ditties. Poets have also placed their own personal interpretations on the comforting, strengthening words of this psalm.

But what about David? Why did he - a shepherd himself, and a king - write this psalm to His Lord, HIS  SHEPHERD? I believe it was because:  David:

* David knew that the Lord, His Shepherd CARED for him.

* David knew how important it was to TAKE QUIET TIME out each day to be with his His Shepherd.

* David knew that when he was lost and had gone astray, it was His Shepherd who would FIND HIM  and BRING HIM BACK to the right path.

* David knew that even in the darkest valleys of his life, The Lord, his Shepherd would ALWAYS BE CLOSE TO HIM.

* David knew it was only in his Shepherd that he could TRUST to take care of every physical and spiritual need in his life

* David knew that he would be SPENDING ETERNITY with his Lord - his Shepherd, so he had confidence and peace, in life and death.

Do you know these same things? Do you have this same confidence, peace and trust? I hope this psalm is for you, like me, not just another recitation, song or poem; but is truly, like David, a promise that you can take with you each day and keep on your heart.

1. Is Psalm 23 one of your favourite psalms or just something you have learnt at School or Sunday School? Would you like to share about how this psalm has helped you?

THE SHEPHERD CARES  -   Read Psalm 1:1

David himself had been a shepherd so he knew what it meant to care for sheep. He knew the tender feelings a shepherd has for his sheep. He knew how much his sheep needed their shepherd, so in boldness, this was how he was able to speak about His Lord .

"The Lord is my Shepherd, I have all that I need." Psalm 23:1  (NLT)

Isaiah spoke of a caring, nurturing Shepherd, the same Lord that David spoke of.

"Like a Shepherd, He will care for His flock, gathering the lambs in His arms, hugging them as He carries them, leading the nursing ewes to good pasture."  Isaiah 40:11  (The Message)

Later in the New Testament, Jesus identifies Himself as this same `Good Shepherd'.

"I am the Good Shepherd. The Good Shepherd who puts the sheep before Himself, sacrificing Himself." John 10:11 (The Message)

2. What adjectives best describe Jesus, the Lord and Shepherd in your life?


Read Psalm 23:2&3

Francis Rous was born in 1581 to a godly father and mother. Brought up in East Cornwall, he believed, like David that it was necessary to spend quiet time each day in the presence of his Lord and Shepherd. Francis immersed himself in the Word of God and the writings of the early church fathers.

As a `Calvanist Conformist' he believed in salvation through forgiveness of sins and acceptance of Jesus as his saviour.  As a member of parliament he strived for unity in the churches during the Scottish Reformation.

In 1650 Francis Rous contributed to the first metrical (hymn) version of Psalm 23, put together in what is called the Scottish Psalter.  There are a number of different versions, but I like this original one:                    

         The Lord's my Shepherd, I shall not want
         He makes me down to lie.
        In pastures green, He leads by streams
       The quiet waters by. 

        My soul He doth restore again  
        And me to walk doth make.
        On in the paths of righteousness                        E'en for His own name's sake.

             (Francis Rous)        

3. Why do you find it important to spend quiet time with the Lord each day? 


Read Psalm 23:3-5

We can trust our Shepherd, just as David did.

* To GUIDE US along those paths of righteousness, when we might be led astray.  God wants to lead his sheep away from the `dirt and filth' into a godly, righteous life, instructing us to live by His Word. We know there was a time in David's life when he needed his spiritual mentor Nathan, to bring him words from the Lord, and to bring him to his knees and back in right standing with Lord, his Shepherd. The same may be true in our own lives and our Shepherd is waiting for us to take His hand and guide us back to Him.

* To LEAD US through those dark valleys when we feel alone and afraid. He not only LEADS, but he TAKES US THROUGH. He is right there WITH US. His presence gives us strength and encouragement for each day, until we come out of the valley and can see the light ahead.

* To GIVE US all we need for every day life, for both our body and soul. We need our physical hunger and thirst satisfied, but we also need our spiritual desires met, and our Shepherd knows exactly what we need. All we need to do is TRUST HIM.

4. Have you had an experience when you have needed to totally trust the Lord, your Shepherd to GUIDE AND LEAD you?

5. As human beings we naturally like to be in `control' of our lives, but we need to learn to trust the Lord in every area of our lives. It is easy to say, but not always easy to do. Is there an area of your life that you still need to trust God more?


Read Psalm 23:6

A number of years ago, while at a Christmas service, I received the news that my older sister had died. Being Christmas, I wasn't really sure what I was going to say at her funeral. But the night before I awoke with a vision - it was of my mother (s), my father, sisters, my babies, all in Heaven celebrating Christmas with their Shepherd - their Lord Jesus Christ.  I cried at first, as I actually felt a little left out - but then I smiled! What a wonderful time they would be having.

David looked forward to the day when he would be spending eternity with his Lord, a time when there would be `no more crying, no more death, no more sorrow, no more pain.' He would be in the presence of His Shepherd always. What a wonderful eternity we have to look forward to too.

Until then though, we have the Lord's unfailing love, goodness and mercy surrounding us.

5. Are you looking forward to the day when you can spend eternity with the Lord?  What about now - do you know the Lord's unfailing love, goodness and mercy?  


Aunty Dorothy (as we called her) was my special Nanny, just after my Mum died. She loved to write just like me.  My first book was dedicated to her and included her works - one day I intend to have it published.  She had a wonderful faith - she knew her Shepherd's unfailing love, goodness and mercy, and in her last days couldn't wait to meet Him in Heaven. She would have been celebrating at Christmas too.  She wrote this poem and although I wasn't able to be there, I believe it was read at her funeral.

                                           THE SHEPHERD'S PSALM 

                    Horizons were cloudy, cold and dreary, wintry with sleet and rain,
                    And it seemed that the golden sun of joy, never would shine again.
                    But through the gloom came a vision bright, out of the storm came calm -
                    Verses learned at my mother's knee, from the dear old Shepherd's psalm.

                    (Ah, wonderful words of cheer)
                    (Why should I doubt or fear?)
                    Through fearsome gloom, the darkest vale, through pastures green and sweet,
                    He comforts, sustains and helps His own, guiding our faltering feet.

                    So now I sing, though skies are grey and trust through storm and strife.
                     ALL THE DAYS OF MY LIFE'
                     When I enter those golden gates and ties of earth shall sever
                     He promised then, that even I, `SHALL DWELL IN THE HOUSE OF THE LORD
                              Dorothy Gaunson   

`The Bible, New Live Translation' (1996) Tyndale House Publishers

`The Message' (2002) Eugene Peterson, NavPress

"Biography of Francis Rous" , Spiritual Songsters, Stem Publishers.

New Matthew Henry Commentary, Edited By Matthew H Manser.

"In the Palm of His Hand"  - Ruth Cheater & Dorothy Gaunson. 

"The Lord is My Shepherd" - Stuart Townend (You Tube)

Sunday, November 17, 2013

Psalm 22 - The Messianic Prophecy


Read Psalm 22

I have found this to be one of the hardest psalms for me to read and study.  I've read it in every Bible version, even going back to the old King James. I've read all the Commentaries, trying to find a gentle light to put on it, but the simple fact is, there seemed to be a time in David's life, no matter how much he trusted in the Lord, when he felt this relationship was breaking down.

There was also a time in Jesus' life when He felt separated from His Father. When you think about it, there may have been a time in your life, when you have felt so alone, that God has seemed far away, and you too have asked this question.

"My God, my God, why have you abandoned me? Why are you so far away when I groan for help? Every day I call to you for help, but you do not answer.  Every night you hear my voice, but you do not answer."  Psalm 22:1&2  (NLT)

So, why did David and Jesus ask this question? What were they doing when they asked this question? Well, with David, we are not really sure, but we do know that Jesus was on the cross, with the sins of the world on Him - our sins. And it's simple really, if not a little scary, but our `holy creator cannot have fellowship with sin.'

"You are of purer eyes than to behold evil and cannot look on iniquity." Habbakuk 1:13  (KJV)


Read Psalm 22:1-5, 2 Samuel 11

We don't know exactly when David wrote this Psalm. We do know he was often taunted because of his faith and had lots of enemies, but worse than any physical persecution is that of the soul. I wouldn't be surprised if this Psalm wasn't written after his adulterous act with Bathsheba, after he had her husband killed. He would have known he had done wrong and these acts would have disappointed God. Although we later know that his repentance was real, and God showed Him forgiveness and mercy. But because we know that God does not have fellowship with sin,  there would have also have been a time for David, when it felt like his `friendship with God was breached'.

In his book `And the Angels were Silent', Max Lucado talks about the lonliness, confusion and desolation you feel when lost in sin. It may be just for a short time until you find your way back, but for a while when it comes to your relationship with God, sin leaves you feeling like an `orphan, abandoned'.

There is GOOD NEWS though!

1. Is there a time in your life when you have felt this lonliness, confusion and desolation because of sin in your life? Were you able to find your way back to God?


Read Psalm 22:1, 6-18, Mark 15:16-41. 

Psalm 22 is indeed a Messianic Prophecy, for we know that when he was on the cross:

1) His hands and feet were pierced and he watched them gamble his clothes. (V16&18)

"Then the soldiers nailed him to the cross. They divided his clothes and then threw dice to decide who would get each piece." Mark 15:24 (NLT)

2) He was aware of the people's scorn and mocking words. (V6-8)

"People walked by and shook their heads saying, `You said you could destroy the temple and build it in three days. So save yourself!  Come down from that cross! The leading priests and teachers of the law were also making fun of Jesus. They said to each other. `He saved other people, but He can't saved Himself."  Mark 15:30&31a  (KJV)

3) He was praying (V9-13)

"Father, forgive them, for they don't know what they are doing." Luke 23:34  (NLT)

4) He was in pain, He was thirsty and He'd lost all strength.  (V14&15)

"The placing of the cross in it's socket had shaken Him with great violence, had strained all his ligaments, pained every nerve and more or less dislocated all his bones. Burdened with His own weight, the august sufferer felt the strain increasing every moment of those six long hours. His sense of faintness and weakness were overpowering, while to his own conciousness He became nothing but a mass of misery and swooning sickness"  Charles Spurgeon 1. 

5) He felt abandoned by His Father. (V1)

"Then at 3 o'clock Jesus called out with a loud voice, "Eloi, Eloi, lema sabachthani?", which means, "My God, My God, why have you abandoned me." Mark 15:34

Yes, David may have felt rejected, with a soul in torment, and we may have had a similar experience at some time; but this would have been nothing compared to the lonliness and pain that Jesus experienced on the cross.  For Jesus not only had our sins laid upon Him, but the sins of the whole world.

"All we like sheep have gone astray. We have turned, everyone to his own way and the Lord has laid on Him the iniquity of us all." Isaiah 53:6  (KJV)

"The next day John saw Jesus coming and said to Him, `Behold the Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world."  John 1:29

"Wait a minute, "To take away the sins"..... I'd never thought about these words.  I'd read them, but I'd never thought about them. I just thought sent sin away, you know, banished it. I thought you just stood in front of the mountains of our sins and told them to be gone. It never occurred to me that you actually touched it - or worse still, that it touched you. That must have been a horrible moment. You really were alone. You really were afraid, just like I was. Only I deserved it, you didn't."  Max Lucado 2

2. What kinds of emotions does Jesus' crucifixion dwell up inside of you?

3. When was the last time you felt lonely and afraid? Remember, it was because of what Christ went through for us that we don't have to feel this way anymore.


Read Psalm 22:19-26

Yes, at first this was a hard Psalm to read. Like Max it was a reminder of how sin had once touched my life and I had been separated from God. It was hard to think about the pain and the lonliness my Lord must have felt when He was on the cross - rejected and separated from His Father, and the thought that it was my sin that put Him there.

But just as David found peace and freedom in seeking forgiveness for his sins, I know that it is because of Christ's sacrifice we can now have salvation, and can look forward to eternal life in Heaven with the Lord.

"Jesus' death was undeserved. But as He hung on the cross, he looked beyond the pain to God's bigger story of salvation, and for this He gave His life."  (The Story) 3

"This is the GOOD NEWS. When the Romans nailed Jesus to the cross, they stretched His arms as wide as they could. With His arms wide open, Jesus was physically demonstrating, `I LOVE YOU THIS MUCH! I love you so much it hurts! I'd rather die than live without you!  The next time you see a picture or a statue of Jesus with outstretched arms on the cross, remember He is saying, `I LOVE YOU THIS MUCH!"   Rick Warren 4

"For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believes in Him should not perish, but will have everlasting life. For God sent His Son into the world, not to condemn the world; but that the world through Him might be saved."  John 3: 16 &17

4. Have you found peace, freedom and joy in seeking God's forgiveness and salvation? If so share your story with someone. If you haven't, and want to know how, I would love to help you. 


Psalm 22:27-31

David concluded this Messianic Psalm as He always did with words of confidence and praise, in a coming King and Lord, that one day all people would one day worship and serve.

It was confirmed again to me this week that the Lord wants me to continue to tell others about this message of salvation.  Whether it be as a teacher, speaker, as a writer or simply by living a life of serving others - that I'm not sure.  But one thing I do know, that while I still have the strength, and He gives me the opportunities, I will remain faithful.

1. "Lectures to My Students" (1860) Charles H Spurgeon, Sheldon, New York.

2. "And the Angels were Silent" (1987) Max Lucado, W Publishing Group.

3. "The Story" - Selections from the NIV (1969) Max Lucado & Randy Frazee, Hodder & Stoughton

4. "The Purpose of Christmas" - (2008) Rick Warren,  Howard Books

Max Lucado Devotional Bible, New Century Version (1987), Thomas Nelson

The Evidence Bible, King James Version (2003) Ray Comfort, Bridge-Logos

Holy Bible, New Living Translation  (1996), Tyndale House Publishers

Thursday, November 7, 2013

Psalm 20 - Boasting in the Name of the Lord

What a week we have had here in Queensland - as my trusty thesaurus calls them - `victories, successes, triumphs, positive results, achievements' - and the list goes go.

We saw our firefighters come home to a heroes welcome after helping NSW fight the savage blazes in the Blue Mountains.  We saw the Churches and a community working together with the police to find a lost Autistic boy on the Gold Coast.  And then there was Monday night when young Demi Em reached her dream and `beat the boys' in X Factor.

What has made these `VICTORIES' even greater, is that in all three instances, we have seen people in the paper, on FACEBOOK and even on live TV, giving glory to the Lord - not boasting in `chariots and horses' but `raising their banners for the Lord', and letting the world know, that without God on their side, there would be no victory.

I am not saying it is wrong to take glory in our own successes, triumphs, achievements and positives results. Our firefighters, policeman, chaplains, communities, churches and of course young Demi deserve their praise - they worked hard to reach their achieved goals, and have every right to feel good about themselves. But wasn't it great to see how they were willing to give their ultimate glory to God.

David was a great King and fought some great battles and he had every right to feel good about himself.   Still, he knew the truth - that with God on his side - to answer his prayers when he called on his name , to give him strength when he needed it, to help his plans succeed, there would be no VICTORY; so he would  `RAISE HIS BANNER FOR THE LORD' and `BOAST IN THE NAME OF THE LORD', and encourage His people to do the same. And hopefully, the Lord would continually to look favourably upon them with continued victories, successes, triumphs, positive results and achievements."

Lets's continually do the same in our own land!

1. Can you think of a situation this week where you can raise your banner for the Lord and boast in His name? 

"In times of trouble may the Lord answer your cry. May the God of Jacob keep you from all harm. May he send you help from His sanctuary and strengthen you from Jerusalem." Psalm 20:1&2

"May he grant you hearts desires and make all your plans succeed. May we shout for joy when we hear of your victory and raise a victory in the name of our God. May the Lord answer all your prayers." Psalm 20:4&5

"Some nations boast in their chariots and horses, but we trust in the name of the Lord our God." Psalm 20:8

The Bible, New Living Translation, 1996, Tyndale House Publishers. 

Thursday, October 17, 2013

Psalm 19 - The Glory of God's Work's and His Word.


Read Psalm 19

I've always loved reading and studying God's Word - the Bible. Although as an adult I like to dig a little deeper, I don't think I have lost that sheer wonder I had as a child as I listened to my Dad tell us the stories. I couldn't wait till I could read them myself.  My Mum told someone a story one day (quite embarrassing) that every day after school I would line up all my dolls and my teddy bear, so I could read to them and it would always include a Bible Story.  Those words were then, and still are `more desirable than gold' and `sweeter than honey'.

I don't ever remember being much of a `creationist', though I did spend a lot of time up a big tree in the front yard or riding around the city streets - spending time chatting with God. But it wasn't till I moved to the country many, many years later and began taking morning walks did I really start taking much notice of the glory of God's creation.

My `adopted Mum' does. Mum and Dad spend a lot of time travelling, and every year I spend some real quality time with them, and my eyes are opened anew to the wonder of sunsets, waterfalls and rainbows.
David needed both in his life - the GLORY OF GOD'S WORK'S and the GLORY OF GOD'S WORD - and I believe we do too.  We need to spend time in adoration and praise of God's creation, including ourselves now and then.  We need to respect and honour God's word by spending quality time reading and studying the Bible, bringing God's glory to others by learning to live a life that is pleasing to Him. 

1. Can you share 1 experience of how your love for the Word and/or Creation has enriched your Christian life?


                       This is a beautiful fish, but I wanted the song. Oh well, God made them both!! After you've watched the fish,it may come up with some songs - go to `GO FISH - `GLORY'.


Read Psalm 19:1-6

Today as I sit and write the wind is blowing a nice cool breeze, but the sun is still shining. No one but a great God like ours could creates such a perfect Queensland morning. Last night as I looked up into the sky and listened to the rain, there was no fear of being alone, for I had great trust in my omnipotent and omnipresent Creator.

David used his quiet time - we don't know when it was - to meditate on the glory of God's works. He spoke of the heavens and the skies, both in the day and the night. He especially loved to watch the rising and the setting of the sun. Most of all, I believe David loved to listen for the silent messages that came from God in the promises of His love, faithfulness and omnipresence. While meditating on the glory of God' works, David again found his Rock.

"God's glory is on tour in the skies, God's craft on exhibit across the horizon.....their words aren't heard, their voices aren't recorded, but their silence fills the earth: unspoken truth is spoken everywhere."  Psalm 19:1,3&4  (The Message)

2.Take some time to meditate on God's works. What silent promises have you received?


Read Psalm 19:7-13

David knew the value of gold. He was surrounded by it. But to him God's word was more valuable than this. It gave him strength, wisdom, joy and purity that no gold could have brought him.

Living in the wilderness, David lived off the land.  Not only was the honey, straight from the bees, sweet to taste, but it provided instant energy.  So it is true of God's Word. When we read the Bible with an open heart to what God wants to teach us, it immediately goes to work to give us the strength and energy we need to get us through each day.

David's particular emphasis was on the importance of God's laws for giving `insight for living' as we would read them in the Old Testament (10 Commandments).  David said, `they are right and bring joy to the heart.'  They are `clear and true'. They are warning signs, but not only for David's day, but very relevant for us.  For as Billy Graham simply puts it:

"God gave the law because He loves us. God's commandments were given to protect and promote our happiness, not to restrict it. God wants the best for us. God loves us with an infinite love. He cannot and will not approve of disorder. Consequently, he laid down these laws which, if obeyed, bring harmony and fulfillment, but if disobeyed bring discord and disorder."  Billy Graham *1

Jesus summed these commandments up for us in the Gospel:

"Love the Lord your God will all your heart, with all your soul, with all your strength and with all your mind, and love your neighbour as yourself. " Luke 10:27 (NLT)

Paul and John also bring them up in their teaching:

"So put to death the sinful earthly things lurking withing you....... Put on your new nature and be renewed as you learn to know your Creator and become like Him. Since God chose you to be the holy people he loves clothe yourselves with tender hearted mercy, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience....... Clothe yourselves with love, which binds us all together in perfect harmony."  Colossians 3:5, 10,12&14. (NLT)

"Dear children, let's not merely say that we love each other; let us show the truth by our actions." 1 John 3:18 (NLT)

David knew he wasn't perfect.  He knew there were secret sins lurking in his heart that could easily have overtaken and ruled his spirit. We all have these and like David we need to have the Word of God entrenched in our hearts so we can keep the devil at bay and keep us from falling.  I used to sing lots of songs when I was a child to help me learn Bible Verses, because I was not very good at it, and these are becoming popular again.  Maybe we can ask our children or grandchildren to teach us!!

3.a) How have you benefited from not only reading the Bible each day, but having it entrenched in your heart?
b) What are some ways that you have been able to learn Bible Verses?  What are some verses that have helped you?
c) If you are a new Christian, you may have only just started to read the Bible.  Ask a Christian friend or mentor these questions, and maybe try some of their ideas yourself. 


Read Psalm 19:14

David summed up this Psalm very simply, asking the Lord to accept the `words of his mouth' and the  `meditations of his heart'. God had revealed himself to David through His Works and His Word, and these were silent messages.  The meditations of our heart can be silent too, but that doesn't mean that God isn't listening.  As we listen to every silent expression of His love, He too knows how much we long to grow in our faith and desire to serve Him, for like David, God is OUR Rock and OUR Redeemer (Defender, Saviour)

"May the words of my mouth and the meditations of my heart be pleasing to you, O Lord, my Rock and My Redeemer." Psalm 19:14

The Bible, New Living Translation (1996) Tyndale Publishers

The Message (2002) Eugene Peterson, NavPress

Living the Psalms (2012) Charles R Swindoll, Worthy Publishers

1. "How to Be Born Again", Billy Graham. 

"Glory" - Go Fish (You Tube)

Sunday, September 29, 2013



Read Psalm 18:29-42

Here again we see David telling us of his past victories. We know David was a good soldier, but was he in David's army or God's army? David makes it clear that his past victories were only won with God on his side.

It was:

GOD'S STRENGTH - for David was not taught how to be a soldier when he was young. He was a contemplative, poetic shepherd boy. Oh he fought lions, bears and giants - but we know this inner strength and courage came from God.

GOD'S PERFECTION - David's speed and boldness, like all our natural gifts are given to us from God.

GOD'S SUPPORTING HAND - David trusted in God for His protection.

GOD'S ENABLEMENT - David's wisdom in planning and his victory over his enemies always came because he prayed to God.

Yes, David used the word `I' a lot, but this was always followed by what God had done; for it is God who equips his people for the service He has planned for them, and He is always there each step of the way.

1. Give an example of each of the above in your life. 

"You have given me a shield of victory.  Your right hand supports me; your help has made me great. You have made a wide path for for me to keep me from slipping."  Psalm 18:35&36


Read Psalm 18:43-50

David ends this Psalm as he looks at the future challenges he faces as king. He begins by honouring the God who has placed him on that throne, for He knows he will need Him by his side.

David knows there will be other battles ahead and he remembers God's promise to show him `unfailing love' to his kingdom. With great expectation David resolves that God will be his sustaining force and confident hope, as he faces new enemies and a government that will extend so far that even `people he does not know will serve him'.

Are you in the midst of fighting an enemy? Are you resting, awaiting a new challenge? There may be new challenges ahead - some you may not even be aware of, but you be sure God is preparing you. Life may be treating you pretty good, and you are seeking to simply serve God and to follow His will. Wherever you are at the moment - the Lord is your ROCK, your FORTRESS, your DELIVERER (SAVIOUR).

"The Lord lives! Praise to my Rock! May the God of my salvation be exalted." Psalm 18:46.

2. Do you know of a new challenge you may be facing? Or are your resting awaiting a new challenge?Take time now to thank the Lord for being your Rock, your Fortress and your Deliverer.

The Bible, New Living Translation, 1996, Tyndale House Publishers

The Life of David as Reflected in the Psalms, Alexander McLaren, Samizdat Express



Read Psalm 18: 1-20

Although we often like to think of ourselves as the victors when we overcome our `enemies' , trials and temptations- and it is not wrong to take pride in our accomplishments - we need to remember the importance our relationship with God plays in our ultimate triumph.

Right from the start David makes it clear that GOD is his strength, his fortress and his deliver.  Many times death `entangled him'  and his enemies `laid a trap in his path'. But what did David do? DAVID PRAYED. And did God listen to David's prays? Did God answer?  YOU BETCHA!

What a wonderful description of how David saw God's rescue:

"He opened the Heavens and came down...... He thundered from Heaven, the voice of the Most High resounded......He reached down from Heaven and rescued me."  Psalm 18:9-16

You may not think you have experienced such a demonstration of God's glory in your life, but just think about what Jesus did for you.

"He was pierced for our rebellion, crushed for our sins. He was beaten so we could be whole. He was whipped so we could be whole."  Isaiah 53:5

"He became their Saviour. In all their suffering, He also suffered, and He personally rescued them. In His love and mercy He redeemed them. He lifted them up and redeemed them." Isaiah 63:8&9.

Why did the Lord rescue David from his enemies? Why did God send His son to be our Saviour? Well this is a verse I have missed before, but it is the most powerful of all.

"He led me to a place of safety; He rescued me because He delights in me." Psalm 18:19 (NLT)\

"I stood there saved, surprised to be loved." Psalm 18:19  (The Message)

We shouldn't be surprised that God LOVES us. He has not only promised us salvation, but eternal life with him forever, for He is our ROCK, OUR FORTRESS AND OUR SAVIOR.

"God showed us how much he loved by sending us His one and only Son into the world so that we might have eternal life through Him. This is real love - not that we loved God, but that He loved us and sent His Son as as a sacrifice for our sins." 1 John 4: 9&10 

1. The biggest demonstration you have in your life is of God's love.  Tell us your story. 


Read Psalm 18:20-28, 1 John 3:3-10, 18-24; Ephesians 5:1-10

David wrote this psalm before his adultery, before his problems with his son.  He may not have been the best husband or father, but he had endeavoured to be a faithful servant of God.

* He had kept the ways of the Lord.
* He had turned from following evil.
* He had followed God's regulations.
* He had kept himself from sin.

David took comfort in his integrity and this is not a bad thing. For we are encouraged throughout the New Testament, from the Gospel and letter writers, and from Jesus himself, to live righteous lives.

"And now dear children, remain in fellowship with Christ, so that when He returns, you will be full of courage and not shrink back from Him in shame. So that we know that Christ is righteous, we also know that all who do what what is right are God's children.",  1 John 2:28:29

I've made mention of this before that growing up I had quite a reputation for being a `goody goody'. It's not that I didn't face temptation or peer pressure - I was a teenage girl. But someone held me back - someone I loved more than any good looking guy - it was my desire to serve God. I knew I couldn't do this unless I kept my mind and body pure. I had to be seen as a child of God - a young woman of integrity.

"Jesus replied, "My light will shine for you just a little longer.  Walk in the light while you can, so the darkness will not overtake you. Those who walk in the darkness cannot see where they are going. Put your trust in the light while there is still time; then you will become children of the light."  John 12:35&36

"Imitate God, therefore, in everything you do, because you are his dear children. Live a life filled with love following an example of Christ.......Once you were full of darkness, but now you have the light of the Lord.  So live as children of the light."  Ephesians 5:1&2, 8

Jesus often spoke of himself as the `Light of the World', and Paul spoke of this in his letter to the Ephesians. What does this mean? I believe, it is simply as David saw it: taking comfort in living in integrity, living a life that is pleasing to God, following His ways that are written in His Word as best we can, and by doing this, we can be a witness to others


2.a) Do you agree with this statement made by Bishop Tutu.  Why? Why not?

b) Do you think like David we should `take comfort in integrity'? What do you think this means? 

Holy Bible, New Living Translation, 1996, Tyndale House Publishers.

The Message, 2002, Eugene.H.Peterson, NavPress.

The Life of David as Reflected in the Psalms, Alexander McLaren, Samizdat Express

1. "Made for Goodness", 2010, Desmond & Mpho Tutu, Harper Collins. 

Saturday, September 28, 2013



Read Psalm 18  and/or  2 Samuel 22

This Psalm is the song David sang when he was rescued from his enemy Saul, just before he was crowned as King. In the Bible though, it is chronologically found in 2 Samuel 22, just before David's death.  Knowing what we know of David, I am sure He may have sung it many times during his life. Time again he would need to have been reminded that the Lord was his STRENGTH, HIS FORTRESS and HIS DELIVERER.

Many times:

* He would need the Lord as His SHIELD for protection
* God would be the SOLID ROCK on which he would stand, with the stability of a deer standing on a mountain.
* He would find himself relying on God for SUPPORT AND VICTORY in battle, or when he felt he was slipping down the mountain.

As you read through this psalm, I pray that you too will find that God is all these for you, and you can say, like David,


1. Have there been any times recently when you have needed to be reminded that God is your:
a) SHIELD for protection.
c) Your SUPPORT for VICTORY in a battle. 


SOLID ROCK - Edward Mote.      Version:    Denver & Mile High Orchestra  (Go Fish)

Many well known hymn writers were clergy or had real  life stories of suffering and trials, which they told through their songs. Edward Mote was a simple apprentice cabinetmaker from London who wrote this song while at work. It was a simple song of  faith from a young man who had given his heart to the Lord when his boss took him to Church.

One day while visiting a friend's wife who was dying he didn't know what what to say, so he told her the words of his song:

"My hope is built on nothing less, than Jesus' love and righteousness,
I dare not trust the sweetest frame but wholly lean on Jesus' name.

When darkness veils His lovely face I rest on His unchanging grace.
In every high and stormy gale my anchor holds within the veil.

When He shall come with trumpet sound, oh may I then in Him be found,
Dressed in his righteousness alone, faultless to stand before the throne."

Edward Mote  (1797-1874).

"The Complete Book of Hymns", 2000, William and Adythe Peterson, Tyndale Publishers.

MIGHTY FORTRESS - Aaron Shust & Paul Baloche 

 Hardships generally produce sorrow, but for young Christian composer, Aaron Shust, the past three years has also brought joy.  It has been an emotional roller coaster with the birth of his three young sons, but among the challenges he and his wife Sarah have seen miracles, and have had to rely on their faith more and more each day.

There second son Nicky had been very ill and they nearly lost him.  Their third son Michael was diagnosed with Down Syndrome and had heart surgery at 5 months old. During their illnesses Aaron and Sarah saw the power of prayer and God's healing in their son's lives, but they also faced their challenging times of waiting on God.

"Sometimes He chooses not to heal and I don't know why, but we just need to trust that His ways are higher than our ways, His thoughts are higher than our thoughts, and He's still good and He's still our God. He will one day make all things like He promises. It's a strong balance of saying, `Hey praise God when he heals and praise Him even when He doesn't.'

I feel like every day is an adventure.  Every day presents a challenge.  How do we tackle this one? How do we approach this one? The answer is by the grace of God. Whenever we start to find ourselves overwhelmed God reaches down and picks us up. His hand sustains us and we feel lifted up."

He won't abandon, He won't deceive,
He won't desert us, He won't ever leave.
He won't forsake us, He won't ever run.
He'll never reject us, the Faithful on.
Your love will remain. Your love will remain.

A mighty fortress is our God, a tower of strength never failing
The name of Jesus true and strong, no other power can ever save us.
You are good, you are good, Mighty Fortress.

Yesterday, today, forever, Your love will remain
Nothing has the power to sever your love.
You are good, you are good, and your mercy endures
You are good, you are good.

Aaron Shust & Paul Baloche, 2013, Universal Music. 

Worship Together.Com/worship-leaders/index.aspx

2.  Do you have a favourite song? Can you tell it's story? 

Sunday, September 8, 2013



Read Psalm 17

In Psalm 16 David revealed the need for seeking God's presence and praying in all circumstances of his life - at home, in the midst of battles, in worship, in fellowship with godly people and in quiet meditation. They were a top priority in David's life, as they should be in our lives. Here, in Psalm 17, we find him again `on his knees'.

David is surrounded by his enemies - Saul and his army are seeking to kill him. David has to run and hide. He is not fighting, he is not planning his revenge. At this stage, he is waiting in the Lord's presence, praying in faith and seeking refuge in the `shadow' of his Father's `wings'. 

1a) When faced with a difficult situation what are the first things you think of doing?
b) How do you think you might feel, if like David, you sought the Lord's presence and got `down on your knees'?


Read Psalm 17:1-5; 1 Samuel 24:1-4; 1 Samuel 26:3-11.

We know from David's earlier story that he had every reason to despise Saul. David had done nothing but fight for Saul against his enemies and to serve him, but now because of his jealous spirit, Saul was now out to kill him.  David might have every right to feel bitter and angry, and no one would feel it was wrong of him if he killed Saul - except David and God.

David knew that committing this evil could stand in His way of having a close relationship with the Lord - it could hinder His prayers. Could this have been the thought that pricked his conscience and `began bothering him'. 

"No, David said, who can stay innocent after attacking the Lord's annointed one."
 1 Samuel 26:9a (NLT)

Yes, he could have become just like the `cruel and evil' people who were chasing him, but David chose to stay on God's path so that he could continue to live in his presence. 

"I have avoided cruelty because of your word. In spite of what others have done, my steps have remained firmly in your paths. My feet have not slipped."  Psalm 17:4 (GWT)

This doesn't mean we allow our enemies to walk all over us.  There are times, we need to stand up for our rights; but at first, we need to make sure we have the Lord on our side. 

2. Is there anything in your life that could be hindering your prayers and your relationship with God?


Read Psalm 17:6-12

3. What are some of the verbs used in this psalm that show David's confidence and faith as he prays?

As I read David's psalms I am continually struck by his confidence. Surrounded by Saul and his army, `like hungry lions eager to tear me apart', David KNOWS God is with Him, He KNOWS God will listen to his prayers and he KNOWS God will answer him.

I am sure he was afraid. These were `murderous enemies' surrounding him, and I am sure he was weary. He had been running and hiding, running and hiding, running and hiding - with no end in sight. But like the prophet Isaiah, David knew that the Lord was the sustainer of the weary, the One who gives courage and strength to the fearful and weary.

"But those who trust in the Lord will find new strength. They will sour high on wings like eagles. They will run and not grow weary. They will walk and not faint."  Isaiah 40:31

"Don't be afraid for I am with you. Don't be afraid for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you. I will hold you up with my victorious right hand."  Isaiah 41:10

I have told the story before about my termination from Education Queensland before, so I won't dwell on it again. What I haven't told many people is the real reason for my bitterness and anger, and ultimate weariness. As a teacher I not only loved `my children' but I had a reputation for relating well with my parents. So it was a shock to discover, when I started teaching on the Gold Coast, that parents had started putting complaints about me into my principal. My `enemies' were beginning to surround me!!

I had to accept to accept that I was not at my best. Having recently lost my second sister to cancer, I had been suffering from depression long before I moved to my new school. I had been running and hiding, running and hiding, for many years; but fear, guilt and weariness had led me to a place where I could no longer `fight'. 

Those `enemies' have still surrounded me.  I have had to face the consequences of my mistakes and the decline of my health.  This week I took my first step inside a Public School in nearly 4 years, without leaving an emotional wreck. I have been unable to find other work and although `professionals' tell me I will never teach again, and they are probably right, I still think each day about the lives of the children and parents whose lives I may have touched.   

Like David, in his place of fear and weariness, I seek the Lord's presence each day. I KNOW He is with me. I KNOW He listens to my prayers and I KNOW He answers them. I am safe in the `hiding place of His presence'.  


"Come to me all who are weary and carry heavy burdens and I will give you rest.  Take my yoke upon you. Let me teach you, because I am gentle and humble at heart  and you will find rest for your souls."  Matthew 11:28-3

4. Are you feeling weary? What does it mean to you knowing that God is waiting for you to come to him so he can listen and answer your prayers.?


Read Psalm 17:13-15

David had given all his fears and weariness to the Lord. Now with God's power available to Him, David now prayed that God would stand with Him against His enemies.

We know that David's strength and confidence came from fully trusting in the Lord. His circumstances did not change dramatically, but he was now ready to face them head on. David was also renewed in his righteousness - reminded that by following God's will and His commands, He would one day see the Lord face to face.  

5.  Is there anything in your life you need to bring to the Lord, so that you can be renewed in faith, strength and righteousness?


We too can claim these promises from God that David has in Psalm 17:


* God is WITH US always.
* God will LISTEN and ANSWER our prayers, whenever and wherever we call on Him.
* God has an UNFAILING LOVE for us.
* We can be encouraged and strengthened in our times of fear and weariness, for He is FAITHFUL and will PROTECT US.
* We are SAFE in the `shadow on His wings'.

"I am praying to you because I know you will answer, O God. Bend down and listen as I pray. Show me your unfailing love in wonderful ways. By your mighty power you rescue those who seek refuge from their enemies. Guard me as you would guard your own eyes, hide me in the shadow of your wings."  Psalm 17:6-8 (NLT)


*God has a place prepared for us in Heaven.
*One day we will see our Saviour face to face.
* We will spend eternal life with Him. 

"Because I am righteous, I will see you. When I awake, I will see you face to face and be satisfied." Psalm 17:15 (NLT)


The Bible, New Living Translation (NLT), 1996, Tyndale Publishers.
God's Word Translation (GWT), 2003, Green Key Books

New Matthew Henry Commentary, Edited by Matthew H Manser
`Facing Your Giants', 2006, Max Lucado, Thomas Nelson Publishers
`Encourage Me' , 1982, Charles R Swindoll, Zondervan Publishing

Friday, August 30, 2013



Read Psalm 16

This Psalm would have to be one of my favourites. You may have deduced by now that the `omnipresence' of God - not only the knowledge, but my experience - are what have given me peace through many a trial and kept my faith from being shaken.

"I know the LORD IS ALWAYS WITH ME. I will not be shaken, for HE IS RIGHT BESIDE ME." Psalm 16:8  (NLT)

Like David, I have made many `blunders', and probably upset the Lord at times, but one thing we know from reading David's story again and again, and his thoughts and meditations in the Psalms,  is that David's trust and reliance on God never wavered.

"Keep me safe, O God, for I have come to you for refuge. I said to the Lord, `You are my MASTER! EVERY GOOD THING I HAVE COMES FROM YOU."  Psalm 16:1&2 (NLT)

Another truth David was sure about was where he would be spending eternity. We too can share this hope for our future, for when Jesus died on the cross and rose again, he secured for us a HOPE IN HEAVEN, where we could live with Him forever.

"You will show me the WAY OF LIFE, granting me the joy of your PRESENCE and pleasures of LIVING WITH YOU FOREVER."  Psalm 16:11 (NLT)

1. Is your hope secured in the omnipresence of the Lord and your eternal salvation?
   How do you know this?

If you are not sure, read on and find how David knew this hope.


Read Chronicles 13-16; 2 Samuel 7 

When David told Samuel to anoint a new King in Israel he said he wanted `a man after his own heart'. God chose David, and we can see this in these few chapters in 1 Chronicles (also summarized in 2 Samuel 5&6) that David did indeed seek to honour God in humble worship and prayer throughout many areas of his life.


"So David asked God `Should I go out and fight the Philistines? Will you hand them over to me?'  The Lord replied.  "Yes, Go ahead, I will hand them over to you........ `God did it', David exlaimed........ Once again David asked God what to do."  1 Chronicles 14:10,11 &14 (NLT)

I like the way that God gave David specific instructions for the battle, and that David acknowledged God as the VICTOR. God may not give us the directions we want and we may not feel see God as our victor in the midst of our battles, but if we seek Him,  we can be assured of  His peace.


David sought to honour God by bringing the `Ark of the Covenant' to Jerusalem - so the people could share in God's presence. Things didn't go too well at first, as David did things his way. He learnt his lesson though. The second time around he dressed for the occasion and made sure he followed God's instructions for carrying the ark.  He continued to dance and enjoy his worship.

"On that day David gave Asaph and his fellow Levites this song of thanksgiving to the Lord:
`Give thanks to the Lord and proclaim His greatness.
Let the whole world know what He has done.
Sing to Him, yes sing His praises.
Tell everyone about His wonderful deeds.
Exult His holy name, you who worship the Lord.
Search for the Lord and for his strength; continually seek Him."  1 Chronicles 16:7-11 (NLT)

We too can be encouraged by David's words to the Levites, for we now have the honour of being in the Lord's presence always. We are `priests' who can worship with other believers, then go into the world and tell other believers.

When David's wife saw him laughing and enjoying his worship she was not happy.  People will not always be happy when we share with them about God's wonderful deeds. But God will be happy if we are obedient to Him and are honouring Him by `continually seeking His presence'.


"When King David was settled in His palace and the Lord had given Him rest from His enemies, the King summoned Nathan the prophet. `Look, David said, 'I am living in this beautiful cedar palace, but the ark of the God is out there in a tent'.   Nathan replied, `Go ahead and do whatever you have in mind, for the Lord is with you." 2 Samuel 7:1-3  (NLT)

Things had quietened down a bit. David spent this time with Nathan, his spiritual advisor and mentor, for His heart was still on God.  More important to him than his own well being, was making sure that God had a`real' place to dwell. God spoke to Nathan, and Nathan later put David's mind at rest.

God was happy, as long as He was dwelling with His people. He wanted to remind David that more important than a `house' was a dwelling place in his heart. One day there would be a temple where God's people would come and worship Him, but this was not for David to worry about. At the moment David was to concern himself with following God's will in his everyday life.  It may not always be easy, and there may be a little bit of disciplining along the way, but if David continued to trust God, David's throne would be `secure forever'.

I encourage you, if you haven't already to find yourself a mentor. someone who can help, encourage you, and to whom you can be accountable to.  Are you struggling in your faith? Has the Lord given you rest from your battles? Acknowledge this, and use this time wisely by getting into the Word and reaching out and finding someone who can help you in your spiritual development.


This passage in 2 Samuel 7, continues with David's prayer of thanks. David often sought these times alone with the Lord. Through this prayer we see that David truly believes in God promises, that what He says will come to pass. He again acknowledges Him as the Saviour and Redeemer of His people, and His faithful, OMNIPRESENT LORD.


This time in the Lord's presence was where he gained strength to fight those `battles' at home, for we know that David's wife wasn't always happy with everything he did. His children were likely a bit of a handful too.
We also know he had a darker side to his personality - an `adulterous and rebellious nature' - we can't take these lightly, but we do know David sought forgiveness.

"Blessed is the person whose disobedience is forgiven and whose sin is pardoned. I made my sins known to you and did not cover my guilt. I decided to confess to you, O Lord. Then you forgave all my sins." Psalm 32:1&5  (GWT)

David endeavoured to show his family that he was a man of God who never denied that God was His Saviour and His omnipresent Lord, and His faith was always SECURE in this.

"Then all the people went home, and David went home to bless His family." 1 Chronicles 16:43 (GWT)

2. Where do you need to seek God presence most? 


Read Psalm 16: 8-11;  Acts 2:14-38

Some writers see this Psalm of  David's as a prophecy of the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ.

Peter used these words in his first sermon, after Jesus' death and resurrection, to show the people of Israel that even their great hero David knew that Jesus would rise from dead.   With great enthusiasm and conviction he tells the people that Jesus is this omnipresent Lord whom David said is `before me always', `close by my side'.

This is the same Lord that gives us assurance in our faith. As `death could not hold Him down', we can be assured that our LIVING, OMNIPRESENT GOD will bless us, encourage us and give us peace.

 David also said, `I am glad and I will rejoice'.  I have to honestly say, I haven't always felt this gladness, but I am still able to rest in the other promise of this psalm, which I think the King James Version actually puts it best:

"Thou wilt not leave my soul in hell"...... "Thou wilt show me the path of life". Psalm 16:10&11 (KJV)

I don't think it can be anymore simpler. When I gave my life to Christ 42 years ago, He said to me `Come child, into my eternal presence. I will be with you forever on your journey in the world, where, as my seed planter you may not always find it easy. But in those times, rest in me, and remember, I have a home for you in Heaven.

"For God so loved the world He gave His only Son, that whoever believes in Him will never die, but will have eternal life."  (NIV)

"Don't be troubled. Believe in God, and believe in Me.  My Father's house as many rooms. If that were not true would I have not told you that I am going to prepare a place for you? If I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again. Then I will bring you again into His presence so that you will be where I am. You know the place where I am going."  John 14:1-3 (NLT)

God has a home for you too. He wants to be with you on your earthly journey as he was with David.  He wants you to have the joy that David had when he thought about the path of life that lay ahead for him.  Why? Because of his unwavering TRUST IN HIS OMNIPRESENT LORD.

"The Bible", New Living Translation (NLT), 1996, Tyndale Publishers
"God's Word Translations (GWT), 2003, Green Key Publishers

New International Version (NIV)
King James Version (KJV)

New Matthew Henry Commentary, Edited by Martin H Manser