Tuesday, March 19, 2013



Read Psalm 2
Psalm 2 is known as a Messianic Psalm. Not only does it introduce us to the Messiah - Jesus Christ, but we are given direction on how we can live LIKE HIM and FOR HIM.  David, the author of this psalm was a new king, with his own kingdom. Like the threats against his kingdom, there would be opposition to Christ's Kingdom.

But there was a promise to those who submit to the Messiah and like David endeavour to live a life that honours the Lord; not wanting to live their own selfish way.

In the last part of this psalm we are given counsel on how we can serve our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, and how this service, chosen by Him, can lead to a real, true blessing.

Read Psalm 2:1-3; Read 2 Samuel 1.

When Saul and Jonathon died, David knew it was time for him to become king. As he grieved for his friend and the king he once loved and served, it was probably a little overwhelming. He knew one thing though, with all the wars, plotting and rebellion against his kingdom, he knew it was time he `grew up'. 

1.a) When you look around our country, what are some of the things that worry you? Why?

b) Are we a Christian nation, or are we becoming a people rebelling against the Lord, wanting to do things OUR way, rather than GOD'S? Give some examples.

David had once been an impetuous young man who made quick decisions, thinking little of the consequences or people his actions may have affected. Now he was king and he knew things would have to be done differently. David had a devout, generous and humble heart.  It was time he stopped, enquired of the Lord and waited on God's strength. 

2. Is their a situation in your life at the moment, in which you know you have to enquire and wait on the Lord?


Read 2 Samuel 2 &3

The first 7 years of David's reign were spent in Hebron, as King of Judah. He had delegated the soldiering to Joab and was waiting patiently for peace and the fulfillment of God's purposes.  He watched as the war went on between those who had been loyal to Saul and those who were loyal to him.

Some writers believe this period in David's life was one of real growth spiritually.  Others believe, like we sometimes think of our leaders, that he was so busy leading that he was unaware of what was really happening among his people.  He only got involved when Joab, his military leader killed his son, Abner, in revenge for his brother's death. 

3. What about the leaders in our country? Are they truly aware of the needs of the people, or do they simply have their own agendas?  Give some examples.

Read Psalm 2:4-6; 1 Samuel 16:1-3, 2 Samuel 5:1-3; 6-12.

God had a plan, right from the beginning. He had already chosen who would be King of Israel in this earthly realm, and through David, we now know came our Lord and Messiah - Jesus Christ.

4.a) Why had God rejected Saul?

b) Why did he look beyond the charisma, good looks and physical stature of his brothers, to choose a young, shepherd boy?

Saul acted like a King, but he lacked the character of a true king.  Then of course, he had been chosen by the people, not by God. David, as a shepherd boy had learnt to depend on God. He spent quiet times with the Lord and had learnt to trust him in times of difficulty - fighting lions and bears, and later giants.

5.a) What kind of leader does God expect you to be? Think about this in the context of your work, home and church. Give some examples.

b) What are some things we can do to strengthen the inner qualities that are important in serving the Lord?


Read 2 Samuel 6:1-14; 2 Samuel 7:1-17

After defeating the Philistines, David could have become self absorbed and `big headed'. He did have plans - bring the `Ark of the Covenant' to Jerusalem, and then building a temple for the `Ark'.  Along the way he continually sought the Lord's guidance.  There were times, God said `NO'; for he had other, better plans that would ultimately lead to the coming of His son Jesus Christ.

David could have bullied his way forward and built the temple, but he chose this day to listen and obey. Instead of getting grumpy and despondent because he wasn't getting his way, David accepted God's words, and decided instead, to celebrate all God had done for him.

6.a) Describe a time when you have got ahead of God. What were the consequences?

b) When God interrupts your plans, how do you respond?

c) How can you let your `BUT GOD' moments become `YET GOD' moments?

d) Is there something you want to do for God? Is there any reason God might be saying `NO'?

Read Psalm 2:10-12; 1 Chronicles 17:1-27

It is believed that this psalm of David - this Messianic prophecy - was written during this time. For after hearing God's promise, including the prophecy of a coming Messiah, David was filled with a new hope and a new faith.  He knew that he could truly rule as King over God's people - one fully reliant on God, one who would be the descendant of God's ultimate CHOSEN ONE - the Messiah who would be the salvation for His people. 

7. What verses in these passages speak clearly of a coming Messiah?

8. What do they say we need to do as `leaders' and followers of the Lord?

"To fear God and stand in awe of Him. To welcome Jesus Christ and submit to Him.  These are the great duties of religious faith.  We must serve God in every duty of worship, with holy fear.  We must rejoice in God with holy trembling.  Our salvation must be worked out with fear and trembling...... enter into a covenant of friendship with Him and let Him be very dear and precious to you.  Love Him above all others, love Him sincerely, love Him very much."   Matthew Henry.

9. What are some ways you can show your love and loyalty to Jesus Christ?


Read Philippians 2:12-16; Luke 7:36-50; Luke 10:25-29.

We may not literally pour expensive ointment on Jesus' feet, we may not be called away from a life we are living into a strange culture, we may not be asked to give up everything; though it probably wouldn't hurt. We may never be a great leader or king, but the best way we can show our love for God is by LOVING OTHERS and being a SHINING LIGHT in the world God has placed us in.  If we live LIKE Christ and FOR Him, we, like David can be filled with a new HOPE and great FAITH, and others will come to know Him too. 

10. Give a specific example of how you can show LOVE to someone or be a SHINING LIGHT of Christ to them. 


Read Psalm 2 again. 

* Thank the Lord Jesus Christ,  for accepting you into His family;   that you have been chosen to live `LIKE  HIM and FOR HIM'. 

* Pray for the leaders of your country.  Pray for the leaders of your Church.  Let's hope that by working together, we can bring Christ - the Messiah,  to all people.

* Seek the Lord's guidance in ways you can be a leader -  `children of God shining like bright lights in a crooked and perverse generation'. 

1. "The Life of David as Reflected in His Psalms": Alexander McClaren, B&R Samisdat Express.

2. "The New Matthew Henry Commentary" Edited by Martin H Manser,  Zondervan.

3. "Facing the Giants"(2006) Max Lucado, Thomas Nelson Publishers

4. "Holy Bible", New Living Translation (1996) Tyndale Publishers (NLT)

5."Daily Devotional Bible", New International Version (1988) Zondervan. (NIV)

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